Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 668: Apparatus

Since Harry had failed to ask Horace Slughorn to teach him Occlumency, he still had to endure the cynicism and harassment from Snape every Saturday night.

What made Harry even more frustrating was that even under Snape's sneer and sarcasm, his own level of brain defense still didn't improve.

Harry couldn't even conjure up an extremely simple picture in his head.

Soon, when February came, the snow and ice around Hogwarts began to melt, replaced by cold and dreary rainy days.

Leaden gray clouds hung low on the castle, and the cold rain kept falling, making the lawn muddy and slippery.

This led to the cancellation of the first Apparition class of the sixth grade, which was originally scheduled for Saturday morning, and instead, the class was held in the hall.

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrived at the hall, they found that the tables in the auditorium hall were gone, and the violent raindrops hit the tall glass violently, pressing the enchanted ceiling to be black, and smashing out Clanking dull knocking.

Professor McGonagall, Snape, Frake, Tierra, Spotter and a small disapparating wizard professor Harry had seen in the former Ministry of Magic stood at the front of the Great Hall—

He looked rather odd, with transparent eyelashes, wispy hair, and a frail body that seemed capable of blowing him away.

Harry wondered if disappearing and then reappearing had reduced his physical mass, or if this fragile frame was ideal for disappearing.

"Good morning!" The wizard from the government greeted the little wizards gathered in the hall of the auditorium, and all the students fell silent for a moment.

"Hi everyone, my name is Tao Keluosi, and I will be teaching you Apparition for the next twelve weeks. I hope you can pass the apparition test this time—"

"Students, please be quiet and concentrate!" Professor McGonagall scolded.

After being scolded by Professor McGonagall, the little wizard who was still whispering in the hall fell silent instantly.

"I hope you all do well in the exams that are coming soon," continued Docrose, as if she had never been interrupted.

"I think you all know that normally you can't Apparate at Hogwarts. But the Headmaster made an exception today - confined to this Great Hall...you'll have an hour, for you Practice Apparating. Should I emphasize that it would be absolutely unwise for you to Apparate outside of Hogwarts?"

"I want each of you to immediately adjust your position to make sure you have 5 feet of space in front of you."

People are starting to act. Of course, stumbling and bickering with each other is inevitable, and everyone wants to stand at the front. This made the four deans busy.

"Thank you," said Docrose, "and now..."

He flicked his wand, and an old-fashioned wooden ring immediately appeared in front of each student.

"It's very important, remember, to count the destination three times—" said Tao Corus! "Destination, destination, destination!"

"Step 1: Focus your thoughts on where you are going," said Docrose. "Like, in your wooden ring, now gently focus on the destination."

Everyone was surreptitiously looking around to see the others staring at their rings, and hastily doing so.

Harry looked at the ring on the dusty floor and tried not to think about anything, but it turned out to be in vain. He always felt that some thoughts and pictures would pop up in his mind suddenly and inexplicably.

"The second step..." Tao Keluosi said again, "Concentrate your attention and occupy the space! Every cell in your body must think about entering!"

Harry secretly glanced around, not far to his left, Enol was staring at his ring so hard that his face was blushing, it looked like a magnified and deformed egg,

Harry smiled furtively, then turned back to look at his ring.

"Third step," said Taokoros, "stand at that point when I command, and feel yourself start to move. Listen to my command, and now... a..."

Harry peeked around again, most of them nervously preparing to Apparate immediately.

Harry focused his attention on his ring again, he had forgotten why it was the destination three times


Harry started spinning at that point, and he lost his balance and almost fell over. But he wasn't the only one who lost his balance and fell—

The whole hall was suddenly full of staggering people, and Neville fell on his back; on the other side, Enol seemed to be twirling on his toes in his ring, until he found Dan laughing at him.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Tao Kerousi said lightly, "No accident at all, please go back to the original position and adjust your rings."

The second time wasn't any better than the first...the third time seemed to be worse...the fourth time nothing exciting happened either.

The hall was filled with screams of pain, everyone looked terrified, Susan from Hufflepuff College screamed most violently—

While her own body was shaking violently and painfully in the ring, her left leg remained five feet away from where she had started.

Tierra was the first to react, raised her hand, and waved at Susan—

Susan was frozen in mid-air like a mosquito in amber.

Tierra stretched out his hand, as if pulling it backwards.

Susan's limbs and legs began to fall backwards, back before Susan Apparated—

While she was whole ~lightnovelpub.net~ Thank you, Professor Tierra. "Tao Kerousi said without emotion, "Any part of the body is separated because your will is not firm enough. You have to keep your mind focused on your destination and move without hesitation, but deliberately... for it to work. "

Tao Keluosi took two steps forward, turned around gracefully and stretched out her arms, disappeared into the slight vortex brought by the robe, and appeared at the back of the auditorium—

"Remember the three d's! Purpose, determination, and deliberation!"

— but an hour later, Susan's accident is still one of the funniest that has ever happened.

Tao Corus didn't look too discouraged, obviously he didn't expect anyone to master Apparation on the first try. He fastened his cloak and said simply, "See you next Saturday, please don't lose sight of purpose, determination, deliberation."


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