Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 669: Ron's birthday present

"How are you doing?" Ron asked Harry hastily after class was over, "I feel like I felt something for the last time... um... I feel a little tingling in my foot. "

"I think your sneakers are too small, umm, hahaha." A voice came from behind them, Hermione walked over with her head held high, and said happily.

"I don't feel anything," said Harry, ignoring Hermione's sneer, "but I don't care about that right now..."

"What do you mean, you don't care... you don't want to pass the Apparation exam?" Ron said puzzled.

"I don't really care much, I'd rather fly," said Harry, "I... well... I'm still worrying about the Occlumency thing..."

"Don't worry, Harry," Hermione reassured, "You'll definitely learn."

"Yeah, Harry, don't worry, Tierra will protect you even if you can't learn it." Ron comforted.

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed dissatisfied, "You can't always make Harry think like this! Harry has to learn to be independent!"

"Hmm..." Harry replied listlessly.

"Hoping to find Professor Dumbledore now... see if he's free to teach me Occlumency..." said Harry.

Although Harry said so, he didn't hold out much hope.

Dumbledore hadn't made much public appearances at Hogwarts all January since his appearance at Christmas dinner.

Whether it was the dinner after returning from Christmas or other important occasions, Professor McGonagall or Tiera would always attend instead of Dumbledore.

This made Harry, Hermione, and Ron almost wonder if Dumbledore was dying of illness, or was under house arrest by Tierra.

However, this conjecture was quickly disproved, because several times, Harry came out of Snape's Occlumency class on Saturday night, or Hermione stayed in the library until late before returning to the dormitory. Every now and then, Dumbledore would come out of the kitchen, or the house elf would bring desserts to Dumbledore's principal's office.

Apparently, Dumbledore was still alive and well, in what Hermione called an early retirement.

From February to March the weather doesn't change much, except for the wet and gloomy clouds replaced by fierce, cold winds.

A message posted on the bulletin boards in all the lounges caused everyone's displeasure—

The trip to Hogsmeade next week has been cancelled.

This sudden news made Ron very irritable.

"It's my birthday that day!" Ron said in great disappointment. "I, I've been looking forward to that day. Mom and Dad said they would come back to Hogsmeade to celebrate my birthday with me!"

"That's something that can't be helped." Harry shrugged helplessly and said, "I don't know why, the situation suddenly became tense again."

To be precise, since Voldemort escaped from prison last summer, and the International Magic Alliance attacked the British Federation of Magic, the entire magic world has declared that it has entered a state of war.

However, this so-called wartime state only made everyone nervous for a while, and then the sense of crisis was diluted to nothing under the various favorable policies introduced by Tierra.

But now curfews, Auror inspections, non-essential outing of stalls, cancellation of all concerts and tours and other policies have been reintroduced and strictly enforced, giving people a feeling of dark clouds and imminent danger.

"The general election of the International Federation of Magic is going to be held recently." Hermione was well-informed as always, "I heard that the three candidates for this year are all clamoring to organize a huge magic ceremony again to resist Tierra's tyranny."

"Hey—" Hermione sneered, "It's just useless work."

"Looks like Apparation is all we can look forward to now!" said Ron grumpily. "Big birthday celebration..."

Three times into the class, Apparition proved to be harder than any of the previous ones, although a few more people managed to separate parts of their bodies from themselves. Frustration mounts, and a considerable portion of the population begins to hate Docrose and his three d's, and they come up with a pair of nicknames for him, the most polite of which is dog-breathanddung-head ).

"Happy birthday, Ron!" when they woke up on the first morning of March—

When Simon and Dean went to have breakfast noisily, Harry said, "Here! Your birthday present."

He left the parcel in the little pile of presents on Ron's bed, which Harry guessed had been delivered by house-elves in the night.

"Thank you!" Ron said lazily.

"Brilliant, Harry!" said Ron excitedly, waving a new pair of Quidditch gloves Harry had given him.

"You're welcome." Harry smiled.

Ron didn't answer. He was busy unwrapping presents, and from time to time let out a cheer of joy.

"Seriously, this year has been really good!" Ron announced, holding a heavy gold watch, the dial is a circle of odd number symbols, and the hands are small moving stars—

"Look, Harry, look at what Mom and Dad gave me? Ah, I think I'll be old next year." Ron roared happily.

"Cool." Harry also became interested, and began to stare at Ron's strange watch.

"Want one?" said Ron, holding a box of Chocolate Frogs.

"No," Harry refused, "we're going to have breakfast soon...I don't want to eat too much and spit it out in class."

Their first class this morning was still Apparating, and in the previous Apparating class, there had been incidents where people ate too much and threw it up.

"Are you ready?" Harry said to Ron after packing up, but it wasn't until he was halfway there that Ron was still on the bed, clutching the bedpost and staring at him with strange, unfocused eyes. Windows washed by rain.

"Ron? Breakfast!" Harry continued.

"I'm not hungry......"

"Ah..." Harry stared at Ron strangely, "I think you just said—?"

"Okay, I'll go down with you," said Ron, "but I don't want to eat...I don't want to eat anything..."

Harry looked at him suspiciously.

"Because you just ate half a box of Chocolate Frogs?"

"Not this, you... you won't understand."

"Perfect," said Harry, and opened the door doubtfully.

"Harry!" said Ron suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

"I can not stand it any more!"

"What can't you stand?" Harry asked, beginning to feel terrified—

Ron's face was pale ~lightnovelpub.net~ as if he was about to vomit at any time.

"I can't stop thinking about her!" said Ron harshly.

Harry yawned. He hadn't expected this or heard this.

They were friends, but if Ron started to change his name to Lavender, "Laven-Laven", he would have to firmly oppose it and put a Silencing Charm on him.

"Why didn't you have breakfast because of that?" Harry asked, trying to normalize the conversation.

"I don't think she knows I exist." Ron said desperately.

"I want him to know that you've been hugging and kissing for three months." Harry began to grow impatient.

Ron blinked and said suspiciously, "Who are you talking about?"


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