Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 67: inheritor

Hermione and Ron also had a tough time, they weren't as tough as Harry, because they weren't as famous as Harry, but nobody wanted to talk to them anymore, except for Ron's brothers - mainly George Weiss Lay and Fred Weasley, the troublesome twins, celebrate that Ron has finally dared to break school rules.

But Ron's other brother, Percy Weasley, severely criticized the three troublesome brothers and threatened to write to Mrs Weasley.

This made Ron's head droop.

Hermione also stopped showing up in class, and was even a little absent-minded when she was studying.

The only person who was not affected in this matter seemed to be Tiera.

Tiera was still as busy as usual. The dormitory, classroom, and study room were three o'clock and one line.

This kind of collective honor was thrown into the sewer as early as Tierra High School met a class teacher who forced the whole class to stay in school to practice gymnastics on the eve of the monthly exam because of his bonus.

Even if he heard bad words from Gryffindor classmates, or met Malfoy's face-to-face mockery, he turned a blind eye...

No, to be precise, it is not completely blind.

At this time, he will firmly remember these memories of being ridiculed, discriminated against, and isolated, and then after a certain degree of artistic processing, he will feed back to Tom Riddle in the diary at the right time.

Let Tom Riddle always think that Tiera is living in dire straits.

So when Tiera asked Tom Riddle for some black magic questions, Tom Riddle answered them one by one - such as the black death spell, the curse of decay in "The Plague", and the greeting in "Necronomicon" The spell of the desert **** of death, or the spell to summon the evil spirit of fire, and the magic of flesh and blood recorded in the Book of Unnamed Sacrifice and the Book of Dokian.

Of course, these magics are relatively basic applications, but they are still not something that a young wizard of his age should learn.

So Tiera deliberately showed Voldemort the plot of himself accidentally breaking into the Room of Requirement, and then finding an old magic book.

Based on the House of Requirement Treasure Hunt on Christmas Day.

At the first moment of getting the "book", Tiera shared the knowledge with Tom Riddle like a child who just got a new toy.

While enjoying Tom Riddle's teaching, he continued to pretend to be a poor child who turned to black magic because he was bullied.

With Tom Riddle's counseling and Tiera's strong foundation, Tiera has made rapid progress in the study of black magic.

Tiera started making her first black magic item.

Tiera opened the "Laleye's Textbook" and saw a black magic item called "Inheritor" from inside.

It is an extreme, extremely evil black magic item.

It can be any form of item, but most of the time it's a book.

After Tierra learned to brew the fresh white potion, it was only about two weeks after Christmas that she started to make this magic item.

Because one of the raw materials of this book is one's own skin.

Tiera peeled off nearly a third of the skin on her back, and then made a book that was sixty centimeters long and thirty centimeters wide, with only a few pages and no cover...

Or... this "Inheritance" can't be considered a book right now, because it has only a pitiful twelve pages - from Tierra, who kept peeling the skin on her back after being cured with the fresh white potion. twelve pages.

But even if it is a semi-finished product, it shows its brutal nature - just a few pages of soft, white leaves, it begins to think about depriving the skin and flesh and blood of the surrounding life except Tiera.

This forced Tiera to carry it with her.

It's like a crazy wolf dog, it obeys its owner in front of its owner. Once it encounters an object that can be attacked, it immediately wants to pounce on it and bite it.

With Tom Riddle's teaching, and the pain of being skinned many times.

Tiera is now able to take the first step - combine pain and other emotions with her spiritual dimension, and use some simple black magic.

For example, perhaps because of Tiera's knowledge of biology in her previous life, or because of her frequent skinning, Tiera first learned the magic of flesh and blood growth recorded in the Book of Unknown Sacrifice.

It is a primary manifestation of profound flesh and blood magic.

Tiera can only speed up the recovery of her injuries with the help of the fresh white potion, or eat a lot of meat to speed up the recovery of her injuries.

Tiera can also consciously control some plants - but only limited to ordinary small flowers and grasses, to control their opening, growth or morphological adaptation.

Making "Heirs" is crucial to Tiera.

It's not just because you can study emotions such as pain and the use of black magic in the process of making "Inheritors".

More because he needs a book that carries forbidden knowledge.

Those magics that can cross the universe are very rare even in Cthulhu's worldview~lightnovelpub.net~ Almost all such magics will have a direct connection with the great Key of Ten Thousand Doors.

But in the face of the Key of Ten Thousand Doors, mortals will simply lose their reason.

Even if Tiera had another blessing "time", it would not work well when facing the Three Pillars of God.

"Inheritors" are the way to preserve sanity in the event of an accident.

The principle of "Inheritor" is similar to that of Horcrux, except that "Inheritor" does not need to cut the soul, but uses a special black magic container to back up his personality, memory and three views. When things go crazy, or mutate.

The "Inheritor" will automatically initiate emergency measures, and all the memories, cognitions and backed up personalities, memories and three views in the "Inheritor" of the spiritual dimension of the ontology will be exchanged.

Due to the law of spiritual immortality, when one sees the truth of the universe, a person's spiritual dimension is only broken, not annihilated.

So after inputting a complete, normal cognition and memory, these broken pieces of spiritual existence will slowly reunite.

At this time, the "heirs" will accept these taboo knowledge and ultimate truth on their behalf - becoming a real taboo book.

No matter how powerful a wizard is, he can only have one successor in his life.

And most of the books in this library - "Book of Unknown Sacrifice", "Book of Necronomicon"... Of course, there is also the "Secret Book of Xuanjun Seven Chapters" that made Tiera lose a finger The original books were actually the "inheritors" of certain great wizards.

Including the book called "Camelot Codex" that was put on the shelf by Merlin, it is the only original book among all the books that recorded forbidden knowledge——

Merlin's own "inheritor".