Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 68: confinement

Due to the rigorous attitude of the great Yith race towards knowledge, these reprinted books have been made in exactly the same style and text as the first editions.

Although this advantage can preserve the knowledge of the original book to the greatest extent, it is also very easy for the reader to have a direct connection with the unknown existence behind the knowledge.

Because writing is also magic, the simplest one is ancient rune.

The older the writing, the closer to the pictographic writing, the stronger the magic power it can carry.

That is to say, in terms of the carrying capacity of magic power, among all the human languages ​​known to Tierra, ancient Egyptian script equals cuneiform script equals Shuishu script equals Naxi script, and has the strongest magic power.

This is followed by Chinese oracle bone script and Mayan script.

Seal script is slightly larger than Latin, ancient rune, Tibetan and Sanskrit.

And then there's almost no magic English, Old English and some other modern scripts.

This is the risk that the blessing of "knowledge" can avoid for the reader.

Can bypass dangerous words and face knowledge directly.

But when this text is of the same origin and lineage as your native language, the blessing of "knowledge" may instead directly build a spiritual passage for you to the outer gods.

Especially when you get the knowledge from a copy of the "Inheritor".

This is also why Tiera is fine when she reads "The Necronomicon", "Lalaye Text" is fine, and she is fine when she reads "The Book of Anonymous Sacrifice", but as soon as her finger touches the "Secret Book of Xuanjun Seven Chapters", she immediately interacts with Deep Space. The Lord of Star Sea got in touch and died on the spot.

But fortunately, Tiera only unintentionally communicated with the king in yellow that time, and was not directly watched by the king in yellow.

Otherwise, the blessing of "time" would not save him.

Nothing Tierra knew could save the direct interference and gaze from the outer gods.

The time soon came, and it was time for Tierra, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Malfoy to be locked up.

A small note appeared on the head of each of their beds that morning, which read:

He pulled a Jupiter astronomical map in front of him and began to review the names of Jupiter's moons. The next morning, Harry, Hermione and Malfoy all received notes at the breakfast table. The three slips of paper are identical:

"Your confinement starts at eleven tonight. Find Mr. Filch in the hall."

At eleven o'clock that night, they set off from the Gryffindor common room and went downstairs to the foyer together. Filch was already waiting there.

And, of course, Malfoy.

Malfoy looked at the four of them triumphantly, but when Malfoy's eyes swept over Tiera, he showed a little doubt.

[Why doesn't he have anything yet? Dad promised me to embarrass him! 】

Tiera could hear Malfoy thinking.

This is the magic from "Lalaiye Text": Spy.

Similar to Legilimency, but far less complicated.

You can only "hear" what the other party is thinking, and cannot dig deeper memories.

Even some wizards who are proficient in Occlumency, such as Dumbledore, Snape, and himself, can easily resist or deceive Tiera.

Sure enough, the early appearance of the diary had something to do with Draco.

Tiera smiled kindly at Malfoy, only to startle Malfoy.

She looked at Tiera in disbelief.

Tiera really thanked Malfoy.

Although the diary is dangerous, it is still within his control.

Contrary to the danger, the diary has brought him a huge help.

Whether it was the great help that Tom Riddle brought him, or the accelerated growth of his spiritual existence due to Tierra's constant spying on Voldemort Legilimency, and the increasingly familiar spiritual magic.

Tiera pinched the diary in her arms.

The biggest danger of tonight's trip to the Forbidden Forest is the Lord Voldemort parasitic on Professor Quirrell, so Tiera didn't hide it from Tom Riddle.

At least even if Tiera really bumped into Voldemort's body, since he was a first-year little Mudblood controlled by Horcrux, Voldemort probably wouldn't kill him.

In addition to the diary, there was a dozen soft pages stacked in another pocket of Tierra's wizard's robe.

It is Tierra's "inheritance".

Tonight, if it is convenient, he has another thing to do.

"Follow me," Feige said, lighting a lamp and leading them out. "I think you should think twice about breaking school rules in the future, don't you, eh?"

He squinted at them and continued, "Oh yeah...if you ask me I'd say work and hardship are the best teachers...it's a shame they abolished the old-fashioned way of punishment...hanging you all Your wrists, hang you from the ceiling for days at a time. I still have those chains in my office, and I often oil them, maybe one day it will come in handy... Okay, let's go, Don't think about running away. If you dare to run away..."

"Maybe it will be turned into a book, a chair or a fish by Professor McGonagall." Feige smiled sullenly, "Unfortunately, it will change back quickly every time, and prohibiting the use of Transfiguration to punish students is also It's written into the school rules."

Now Harry and Ron finally knew how close they were to being a pocket watch.

They strode through the pitch-dark field, the moonlight was very bright, but clouds kept drifting over and covering the moon, causing them to fall into darkness.

Then they heard a cry from a distance:

"Is that you, Fitch? Come on, I'm leaving."

[It wouldn't be too bad if we could work with Hagrid. 】

Tiera heard Harry think next to him.

This magic of spying is a kind of continuous skill magic. At this stage, Tiera must be close and concentrate, so that her knowledge eyes can "hear" her heart.

Or like now, Harry held his hand tightly, the two were in direct physical contact, and Tiera could also "hear" Harry's heart.

Seeing the happy look on Harry's face, Fitch poured cold water and said, "Don't you think you'll have a good time with that idiot? Think again, kid, you're going to the Forbidden Forest! If you can stay safe and sound Come out, even if my guess is wrong."

Ron, Hermione and Malfoy all turned pale.

Harry seemed to hold Tiera tighter.

[I must protect Tiera. 】

Tiera heard Harry's inner thoughts again.

I don't know who protects who...

But if he really met Voldemort, Tiera would definitely push Harry out first.

In case Voldemort accidentally bumps into Harry... this semester might end early.