Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1352: Forgotten Dahlia

   Chapter 1352 The Forgotten Dahlia

  In the old system, hunting was the prerogative of kings and nobles, and even the merciful Louis XVI had to hunt. According to statistics, in 1775 he killed 8,424 animals, an average of 23 animals were hunted every day, and an average of 52 animals were killed every day in December. He is so "professional" that hunting is his most important thing every day, in fact, he has other purposes. At that time, for finances, the title of nobility was opened to the bourgeoisie, and you could get the title of nobility by spending money.

  Louis XVI needs to give those hereditary nobles something that cannot be bought with money: ritual privileges.

  There are two important points in the hunting ceremony: the uniform of the social novice and the ceremony of taking off the boots.

  Napoleon’s gray coat is actually a regular dress, which is part of the uniform of the social novice at hunting ceremonies. The full set of dresses also includes a red vest, breeches, lace top and high boots.

  After dismounting, the nobles must take off their boots and return to stockings. This process represents "triumph and favor."

After the Great Revolution, this privilege was cancelled, but the forest was still closed. Winter is the hunting season. At this time, the fur of the animals is the thickest. The generals who don’t have to worry about food don’t greet the meat of the prey. They want It's animal fur, and some other things.

  According to legend, Louis XVI once regretted the loss of a stag for a long time.

  It is recorded in ancient Chinese classics that Qin lost his deer, and flocked to each other.

  Chasing is a game that makes countless men dream of. Napoleon’s shooting skills are indeed terrible, not just because the Prussian gun has no sight, he is a warrior with partial literature.

  But if these battles are always invited, he will also be in the mood to attend.

  The prey will not stand there waiting to die. They will run and jump. The Royal Council once judged that if the prey ran out of the royal hunting area and destroyed the surrounding farmland, then the peasants could ask the king for compensation.

  The kind but unfortunate king said to his courtiers, "Look, I am also doing my duty."

  It is his own decision whether Napoleoni will go to the hunt or not. Giorgioanna is now more worried about the problem mentioned by Mr. Martin.

  Regardless of whether the country grants agricultural loans or not, there will always be other people who take advantage of the famine to lend usury. Some Jews in Alsace and Lorraine are lending money for the purpose of plundering the land of local farmers.

  They not only borrow from farmers, but also from women, soldiers and miners. In addition to military service and loyalty to the king, usury was also an incentive for farmers to move abroad. So many countries in Europe do not grant citizenship to Jews, and France gave them citizenship. If the country-wide agricultural loans are handed over to the Jews, riots in Alsace and Lorraine may spread throughout France.

  Georgina needs the brotherhood of the Rothschild family to contact the British prince.

The Alsace region is close to Strasbourg. This is a mid-point of trade. It’s a great advantage to drive the Jews away. Georgian doesn’t even dare to think about it. Anyway, the British goods in Frankfurt have been sold by the Jews. Monopoly.

  The Alsace region is close to Switzerland. When you mention Switzerland, you have to mention a celebrity, Mrs. Starr who loves to say, "If you don’t love you, you won’t get married."

She had a suitor who admired her very much, named Bangjaman Constant. He was a member of the Legislative Yuan and was Napoleon’s opposition. After the Wuyue Coup, Napoleon had legislative power, but the Legislative Yuan could oppose his legislation. , The Jewish problem is not as simple as women forbidden to wear pants.

  On April 29, Napoleon signed the "Conciliation Ordinance" in Malmaison. Federalism is deeply entrenched in Switzerland. Napoleon gave a large part of the sovereignty of the 17 Swiss cantons, including drafting the constitution and organizing the Senate.

  He did this to split Switzerland and prevent a unified Switzerland from becoming stronger. At this time, he withdrew again and made Switzerland “neutral” to gain benefits.

  In fact, the Swiss refused to implement the Malmaison pardon and passed a new constitution to openly confront Bonaparte.

  Mrs. Starr’s father is Louis XVI’s Finance Minister Jacques Necker. The Swiss constitution is messy, not to mention other laws. She will definitely not be able to return to Paris unless Napoleon falls.

According to European custom, when you start eating, you must follow the instructions of the hostess. Georgiana has become accustomed to the announcement of the meal by men. In the past, Albus gave a short speech at school, and everyone started eating. She did not think that by Napoleon. Ni announced what was wrong with the meal.

  Mrs. Starr returned to Switzerland, still keen on socializing, mingling with Swiss politicians, and continuing the Parisian lifestyle.

  Leoncourt was not going well in the west. After accepting sanctions, the Americans began to secretly support the Shuan elements. The rural areas of Brittany were often robbed.

Under the old system, there was a very special trial system, the "general police court", which simplified the trial process. The Western Legion, Provence, and Rhine Region have already set up such courts. Rolande’s assassination has at least undergone trial and vote. The police court "is immediately hanged when seized."

   Bonaparte has always been soft-hearted to women, and Georgiana now wants to persuade him to let the gendarmerie court arrest Mrs. Starr, and that kind of woman can’t ruin her face.

   "Why are you still unhappy?" Bonaparte drank orange juice and was in a good mood to talk to Georgiana standing by the window.

  She didn't want to give him a good face, but it was rare for him that everything went smoothly, so she changed the subject.

"I heard that dahlia was the favorite of a nobleman named Josephine. Every time it bloomed, many people were invited to appreciate it. But then a celebrity colluded with the gardener and stole the bulb. After the incident was revealed, Josephine was very angry. I'm not interested in taking care of dahlias, am I always picking up what no one wants?"

   "Do you think nobody wants me?"

  Who dares to say that no one wants France's first ruling? Many women want to get close to him.

   "What did Martin just say?" He said coldly.

   "I don't want to disappoint you."

   "I choose the truth, you tell me."

   "I don't know how to start." She replied, "America, Lorraine and Switzerland, which one do you want to hear?"

   "Switzerland." He directly called the name, then waved to Massena, and the tall and mighty general came over immediately.

  "He used to be the commander of the Swiss Army." Bonaparte pointed to Massena.

   "I heard that you signed a mediation ordinance in April?"

  Napoleon glanced at Mr. Martin's back, then nodded.

  "Mrs. Starr is now in Switzerland. Do you think the Swiss will accept your pardon."

  The face of Bonaparte, who is always gentle to women, like all their lovers, suddenly turned ugly.

   "Do you still want to take a vacation?" Bonaparte asked Massena.

"There is also the thing about loan sharks. Some Jews in Lorraine and Alsace are lending usury to peasants and soldiers to take away their properties." She gently patted the lion in the wilderness on the shoulder. "I will go back to work first. I won't play with you anymore."

  "Do you need help?" he asked hypocritically.

   "Wait until I come up with an idea." She said wearily, and then left the officers' club.

  (End of this chapter)