Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1353: Voters and outcasts

   Chapter 1353 Voters and Abandoned People

  Georgiana ordered the Recamir chair to be placed in the church library. She felt that only by lying here could she think about the answers to certain questions.

  However, after lying down here, she didn't think about anything, her mind was blank, except for the thought of repentance.

  So she sent someone to find Capra La, and while waiting, she looked at the mural on the ceiling in a daze.

Leon asked her to find other women to be her role models. She thought about it, even if she did not find a good role model, she should not follow the bad role models. The previous ones such as Madame Dubali and Madame Pompidou are examples. .

  In ancient China, there was also a precedent of "Muji Sichen". Maybe she interfered too much in the political affairs.

  Compared to Josephine, Georgiana felt that she should know Mrs. Starr better. She asked Sophie to find the work written by that woman and start analyzing and reading. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win all battles:

When the laws of society can neither punish parents who abuse their authority nor punish husbands or wives for misbehaving, but only prohibit divorce, then the laws are only strict on the victims, but only shackles the victims. This kind of society seems Saying "I can't guarantee your happiness, but I can at least make your misfortune last."

  It seems that Mrs. Starr, like Georgiana, is also a woman who opposes the current divorce law.

  I don’t know if she thought that Napoleon Bonaparte, who enacted this law, was also a victim of marriage.

  Mrs. Starr's understanding of the pressure of public opinion is also different from what Georgiana understands.

Delphine fell in love with the aristocratic young Levons, but the latter had already felt that Delphine's cousin Matilda was engaged first. After the two attracted each other, Levons regretted the marriage, and Delphine also asked Mattie. Erda's mother, the farmer, confided in her true feelings and asked for it to be fulfilled.

However, when the matter was unsuccessful, Mrs. El Wan had a peachy incident in her home. Public opinion was in an uproar. Many people who didn't know the truth pointed the finger at Delfina. Delphine’s cousin became his wife, and although the misunderstanding was resolved afterwards, due to the law prohibiting divorce, the two could only look at each other in love and politeness.

   After reading this story, Georgian can only describe it as absurd. Delfina is like Lewinsky without a blue dress, telling the secret to the wrong person, and finally she became a target of public criticism. Mrs. Starr’s focus is on the issue of not being able to divorce. Delfina is like an extramarital lover who pesters a man to divorce and then marries herself. Only Levons knew that those rumors were misunderstandings. Delphine's reputation had been ruined. No other man would marry her. She had no other choice, didn't she?

  Why did she ask Matilda's mother to "make perfect"? Matilda, who was robbed of her husband, would definitely resent Delfina. After Matilda's mother's forgiveness, could they continue to be sisters?

  Napolioni is now a target. Everyone hates him, hoping that he will die soon, so that even a little bit of concern about his life and death can be regarded as love by Giorgio Anna.

  She hopes to introduce people with character and ability into the court, but Mr. Martin is not who she thinks. Bonafo has already occupied Lyon. Martin seems to want to swallow up the trade routes of Strasbourg. See how capable he is. First, he exempted France’s tax on German raw silk. Now he wants to The Jews were driven out of Alsace. Fortunately, Napoleon was not a Louis XV. Women do what they say, but this kind of person is really tiring to use.

  She wants to trust someone so that she will not be so tired. However, it is written in the theory of monarchy that if the monarch completely trusts people and lacks other preparations, he will perish.

  Women’s nature is to find someone to rely on. Today, I finally managed to go smoothly, and the trouble immediately appeared.

She cried sadly, not for the **** and unreasonable story written by Mrs. Starr, but for an increasingly hopeless future. Napolioni used to say that the priest is better than the dreamer. She still did not agree with it. Now she Began to agree.

  Mrs. Starr is an idealist. The marriage that Georgiana understands is to find a man who does not forget his old love and will not abandon his wife just because he becomes great, and supports him in fulfilling his dream.

  But there are fewer and fewer men of this kind.

  What else to marry? There is no problem of divorce without getting married, and there is no need for a woman like Mrs. Starr who doesn't understand her own position to protest.

  Her husband is Swedish, and French law does not control Swedes.

  She wants to get a divorce at any time, and Georgiana wishes her family break up soon.

  Wait later, she wants to learn about Mrs. Starr’s life in Paris, and then write to Starr Hussein to describe it so that he can write a divorce statement.

  No *** will endure a place like a salon, especially if it is hosted by his own wife, and there is no need for the police to arrest and hang her.

  By the way, Georgianna can also clear Leon’s political opponent, Bonjaman Gonse.

  This person is also Swiss, and Napoleone’s instincts are still there.

  She sorted out her thoughts, and just called Sophie to let Godan, who loves to write scripts, handle the matter, and Caprala came.

  This is the advantage of the court confessor. Even if the church is closed, she can find the priest.

   "May the Lord bless you." Capra La drew a cross at Georgiana, and she subconsciously avoided it.

   "I have a question to ask you, father." Georgiana asked calmly, "What do you think of the Jews?"

  Caprara raised her eyebrows "Can I ask why?"

  "I want to do the right thing to help people who need help regain their normal lives." Georgiana said anxiously, "but some people fall into trouble when others need help and use usury to take away other people’s property..."

   "The Jews are very different from us." Caplara said, "Have you read their Talmud?"

   "I know Kabbalah." Georgiana said.

   "That's a very profound knowledge."

"It's not as difficult as you think." She said indifferently. "Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden are like pets. As long as they listen to their master's orders, they can be carefree. They become stray dogs in the world outside the Garden of Eden. To find food and build a house on your own can no longer be carefree."

   "What is your choice?"

   "The truth." She said coldly, "Even if it is cruel."

   "I thought you chose family, and I saw the temperament of a mother in you."

   "Don't say I am Mary." She said annoyedly, "Have you seen a Virgin like me?"

   "The loan shark did not harm your interests, why are you so angry?"

   "They are preventing me from doing things!"

"The kingdom of heaven is like a net cast in the sea, gathering all kinds of aquatic people. When the net is full, people will pull ashore, collect the good ones in utensils, and discard the bad ones. The same will happen at the end of the world. Angels want Come out, separate the wicked from the righteous, and throw them into the furnace..."

   "I don't want to hear the New Testament." Georgiana interrupted Caprala directly.

   "But you told me that you like the story of the prodigal son turning back. That is also in the New Testament." Caprala said, "You just want to hear what you want to hear?"

  Georgiana calmed down.

"Calvin believes that God divides people into the elect and the castaway. The voter gets rich and everything goes smoothly and enters heaven after death. The castaway is the opposite. The famine is God's for those who do not rely on character, but can only get rich by hard work. Gift, how can you just look at the Jews and not think of the Protestants?"

"I did not expect."

   "If the Protestants were also involved in loan sharking, what would you do?"

   "I don't know..." she said irritably.

"The Jews clearly distinguish between natives and Gentiles. They refuse to integrate into a society. They will not lend usury to natives. Before leaving Rome, I once hesitated whether to go to London or Paris first, and then I would come. Here, I feel the atmosphere of integration in France. A nation that refuses to integrate is destined to be excluded when it comes to a country that wants to integrate. The power of love is the key to open the door of God’s paradise, and persuade good to reduce evil. Close the distance between you and God, you don’t need to wait until the Judgment Day angels come to choose you and take you to heaven.

   "How do you know I will go to heaven."

   "You showed me heaven, and Madame Starr showed me hell." Caprara looked at the books scattered on the ground and said, "The day the citizens of Paris poured into Versailles, she was also in the palace."

   "What is she doing there?"

"She is the wife of the Swedish ambassador to France and the daughter of the chief financial officer." Caprala said calmly. "The king was relieved to see Lafayette. There was a chaos in the palace. Some people suggested to run away, and some suggested to the king. Going to Paris, the Duke of Leoncourt assisted Necker to regain power. They planned to send the king from Versailles to Paris, but they were blocked by the crowd. At that time, if the Duke of Orléans disperse the crowd, the king would not lose everything, but La A soldier under Fayette said that he saw the Duke of Orleans standing on the throne of the Regent, almost within reach of the ground."

  "How do you know?"

"That person, like you, came to confess." Caprala said. "After the National Guard arrived, his chance was gone forever, and Lafayette could not prove that the Duke planned to usurp the throne that day. What happened later. You know too."

  Georgiana nodded.

"Mrs. Starr once attended a dinner with Mrs. Recamille. A young man was sitting between the two of them. The young man said proudly,'I am between wisdom and beauty.' If it were you, What would you say."

   "I can't say anything."

  "Mrs. Starr said, ‘It’s really good, but you can’t touch it either.’"

   "My God." Georgiana exclaimed, "It's terrible."

  Caprara smiled weirdly, without making any comments.

   "Suddenly I think it's not that difficult to persuade usury to be good." Georgiana murmured, "I can't believe it."

   "I can help you." Caprara said with a smile, "just like the first ruling in Italy, first persuade, then use force."

   "It's the law."

   "The Jews signing a contract will not be easily torn. This is part of the doctrine." Caprala looked at the book on the shelf. "They can put their morals aside in order to fulfill the contract."

   "Then how do you make them give up the contract?" Georgiana asked.

  "Breaching the date and being retaliated against, only those who fulfill the agreement can live a happy life, and we must make them feel that breaching the contract can lead a happy life."

"how can that be?"

   "There is no impossibility in Napoleon's dictionary." Caplara picked a book and turned it over. "Everything can be changed. It can't be only in a mediocre dictionary."

  "Are you starting to talk like him?"

   "Hurry up, daughter." Caprala said relaxedly, "Happiness is the greatest display of personal value. Isn't that the reason why you are nostalgic for this land?"

  "How do you know?"

  Caprara did not answer her, so Georgiana went to find the book by herself.

  (End of this chapter)