Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1354: "Father of the Motherland"

  Chapter 1354 "Father of the Motherland"

  In the eyes of ordinary people, Switzerland is a beautiful place. Victor Hugo once said that the rocks there are letters, the lakes are sentences, and the villages are like accents.

  But Georgiana remembers the hill named Grindelwald and the various wars that took place in the Alps.

  A lion monument was erected on the shore of Lake Lucerne, where 786 Swiss mercenaries were buried to protect the Bourbon royal family.

  In addition, Swiss mercenaries have also been in Rome, showing their lives to protect the Pope.

  After World War II, the seemingly neutral Swiss bank embezzled a lot of Jewish gold.

  Georgiana’s impression of Switzerland is actually not good, although it looks very beautiful.

  Her only good memory of that place is the cabin in the Alps. No matter how heavy the snow is outside, the tents are always warm. It was also the same in Tibet before, because they couldn't make a fire and they could only rely on hugs to keep warm.

  Napolioni started to light a fire very early, while Giorgioanna likes to hold the short-legged cat named Lulande. It is reasonable to say that ghosts have no temperature, and cold is the characteristic of the underworld, but Napoleone said that they are "alive". She shouldn't have any doubts about it, so she felt that the cat in her arms was emitting heat.

  Now her suite is full of dahlias, and they are rare varieties. This kind of flower became widely cultivated in Europe following the French Revolution.

  Napolioni likes Racine and Gao Nai. She talked about it with Capra La while looking for books, and then Capra found Cicero's orator from the church books. Gao Naiyi loved Cicero very much when he was studying, and he is widely regarded as the best orator in ancient Rome.

  The book in the church’s collection is the original Latin, not a translated version of later generations. Giorgioanna decided to translate it and give it to Napoleon as a Christmas gift.

  If Harry and Ron received a book as a Christmas gift, they would not be very happy. They are also a "lion". Napolioni likes to read books. This is what she finds interesting about him.

  She didn't use a typewriter this time, and the characters typed out by the typewriter did not have the temperature of handwriting.

  Being in this suite surrounded by flowers, translating Cicero’s speech made her feel very peaceful and happy.

  Talmud said: Greed is the only passion that never ages.

  Mr. Martin is a bit old, and he is also very kind to young girls, but this is just like Bonaparte's gentleness in front of women, just his side. Mr. Martin is an old businessman who is greedy and longing for the respect of others. These two qualities are inherently contradictory. At least they are not as adored as simple people who serve the people.

   For a long time, Giorgioanna didn't know much about French history, and Madame Starr also knew about it through Napolioni.

  It is reasonable to say that the chief financial officer during the French Revolution should be a big man who is more famous than the writer.

Jacques Necker used his reputation as a banker to borrow money everywhere and successfully raised a few large sums of money and stabilized his position when he first took office. However, in 1781 he announced the king’s budget and his reward to the minister. The huge amount made the royal family and the dignitaries who received a large number of pensions intolerable.

  A person’s finances are also his privacy. This life that is completely exposed to the public’s sight is like walking on the street without clothes. Jacques Necker is the "Savior of France" in the hearts of the people, but this is not the case in the eyes of the ruling class.

  Tamudri said: If you really provide convenience to others, you will also benefit from it.

  The brothers of the Rothschild family provided convenience to the British crown prince and the French ministers. It is no wonder that the Rothschild family became so prominent later.

The Jews in Alsace and Lorraine were also "unpopular" and to be deported. The feeling of being chased by people was very miserable. But since the Jews are so smart, why don't they want to Think why?

  As long as the Rothschild brothers get things done, she will ask Napolioni to reward them with a castle. Anyway, there are so many old noble properties confiscated by the Revolution that have not been auctioned.

  Talmud again said that being unable to live in harmony with others, unable to accommodate others’ shortcomings and shortcomings, is the root of a person’s failure.

  Credit business is a must, and the interest rate cannot be too low. The Fed’s low-interest mortgages made real estate the same as the grain of the 18th century as the target of speculators.

  Those French bankers who refused to leave Paris until they died were stimulated by agricultural borrowing, and followed by setting up branches in uninhabited provinces.

  Lending people are most worried about collecting money. The government and the police come forward to collect the money, and they almost make a profit without losing money. If the harvest will continue next year, then the rich will have to worry about whether the peasants will take risks and cause peasant uprisings due to the double pressure of famine and borrowing.

In the "Agricultural Loan Law" written by Carnot, no interest will be charged next year or the same as this year's harvest. Interest will only be paid if the harvest is good, just like the "Civil Code" was based on the "Civil Code" during the supervising period It was also based on other people's laws and made adjustments and amendments to write a code so quickly.

  Farmers are like this, they want to save their money after a good harvest, so as to avoid using it for other urgent matters. France has minted so many coins, and there are still not many coins circulating on the market because of this reason.

  The vast majority of French peasants can still hand it in. The conclusion of a contract means a promise. If you do not accept this condition, you will not conclude the contract, and you will not abide by the promise. At this time, only violent execution will be the only option.

  God belongs to God, and Caesar belongs to Caesar. Human life is composed of spirit and body, and the state is responsible for the secular happiness of people. The name of "citizen" is because it accepts the constraints of national laws. Before opposing the "king", should we understand what a "citizen" does?

  Georgina touched her belly.

  Can she really have children in this world? What was born?

  A woman’s comparability is like a tree root growing in the ground. She feels that she can definitely raise a better child than that Polish woman.

   Then she laughed again.

  How can a spring dream be taken seriously?

  This is just a world made up of desires.

   "Miss." Sophie called.

  Georgiana looked up.

   "Here you." Sophie handed her a handkerchief.

   "What is this for?"

   "The first ruling wants you to leave a lip print on it." Sophie said with an ambiguous smile.

   "Take it away!" she said angrily.

   "He still has something to bring to you."

   "I don't want to listen." She blushed and said, probably kissing or something. How could he be embarrassed to let a girl bring such words.

   "He said, ‘I once possessed you, it was like a beautiful dream, and I was king in the dream, and waking up is nothing but nothing.’" Sophie said, "Is this a Shakespeare poem, right?"

  Good-bye, you are too precious, I cannot climb high;

  Obviously you also know your worth;

  Your worth of securities redeem you,

  I have to give up all of your bonds.

  Because, without your approval, how can I possess you?

  How can I be blessed to receive such a treasure?

  Since this Meihui has no basis for me,

  I had to cancel my patent license.

  You promised me because you underestimated yourself,

  Otherwise, you will misunderstand me, your giver;

  So your generous gift, that is out of a misunderstanding, will be returned to you and a better judgment will be passed.

  In this way, I once possessed you, like a sweet dream.

  To be king in a dream, waking up is nothing but nothing.

   "He really likes this kind of negative emotions." Georgiana shook her head. Both Racine and Gao Nai are good at tragedies, so how can you read books full of tragedies under such a great pressure.

   "Then how do you encourage him?" Sophie said cheerfully.

  She took the handkerchief in Sophie's hand and left pink lip prints on the snow-white handkerchief.

  Although this is her own lip print, she still thinks it is too fragrant.

  So she took a page and started writing again.

I read the Talmud, and the book states that you must be kind to yourself at all times. If people are created in the way of God, then everyone is a copy of God. Being kind to others and yourself is a manifestation of being kind to God. .

  She folded it up after she had written it, and gave it to Sophie along with the handkerchief.

   "Can I see it?" Sophie said curiously.

   "Let's see." Georgiana said calmly, she didn't write anything shameful anyway.

  Sophie opened the letter.

  "Don't you think it's too selfish just to treat yourself well?" Sophie asked.

   "What I am afraid of is that I forgot to treat myself kindly. Like the merchant of Venice, I am not willing to eat." Giorgioanna sneered, "As long as I have more money, I feel that I have a lofty status."

  "Then why don't you treat yourself more?" Sophie asked, "What do you want?"

  "As long as he doesn't get sick, I will take care of him if he catches a cold. How do you think the Prince of Wales likes her Catholic widow?" She began to figure out, "What gift should I give her?"

  "Do you want revenge?" Sophie asked.

  "This is an exchange of courtesy." Giorgioanna smiled sweetly, "I remember that the princess is in Italy, right? Let's send two Italian oil paintings to the crown prince. Anyway, there are too many paintings in it."

    Merry Christmas~



  (End of this chapter)