Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1875: giantslayer (nineteen)

  Chapter 1875 giantslayer (19)

Like many magical animals, cats can bring good luck and bad luck. There is an animal named matagot in French folktales. It is said that it can make its owner rich, but I think The animals of the French Ministry of Magic, also named Martagott, do not bring wealth to their owners, but the Sphinx and Helicopter that protect wealth.

  Nick LeMay wrote in his notes.

   Speaking of Scorpion, today I met an interesting person who actually said he was about the same age as me. I think he wouldn't say such a thing if he knew how old I was. While waiting for François, I chatted with him for a while. He asked me if I had been to Egypt. I recalled it. About a hundred years ago, when my bones weren’t that fragile, I did go out. once.

  If people live for too long, memories will sometimes become confused, which makes me keep the habit of keeping a diary. Then he asked me if I knew a place called gebelbarkal. I honestly told him that I didn’t know and didn’t pretend to be omniscient like some old people. Then he told me , There is considered to be the "land mound of creation", it was the homeland of the **** Thebes Amon at the beginning of the famine, and there are scorpions guarding around that pure land.

  This gentleman believes that the scorpion does not represent evil, on the contrary it is richness, just like the cobra represents the sacredness in Egypt. It is precisely because of the power of the Scorpion King that the upper and lower Egypt are unified and the land is guaranteed to be harvested. The Nile is not an obedient river. It has been diverted, sometimes flooded, and sometimes dried up. During the reign of King Scorpion, he presided over a ceremony leading the excavation of the canal. Although it was a small canal system, the Nile was introduced. Fields allow more land around to be irrigated and can feed more people.

He shocked me. Unfortunately, François finished the business. I should leave with him. I thought that after so many years, people should forget my appearance, but some people still recognize me. I don’t want to cause too much trouble. commotion.

  If I’m young enough, I think I’ll go to see that hill. The Egyptians may build pyramids to imitate the land of creation, but if I die one day, I don’t want to mummy like the Pharaoh.

  And please find me a place that is peaceful enough, and don’t let the tomb thief disturb my cleanliness.

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   "What do you think?" Crimean asked.

  Severus stared at the notebook for a long time, then asked Crimean, "How did you know it was him?"

   "I heard that the high priest is hundreds of years old, and you seem to have destroyed their nest." Crimean stared at Severus and said, "You set the fire in the Alps?"

   "It's not us." Severus denied it.

  Crimian sneered, “When the teacher stopped taking the anti-aging medicine, he passed away not long after, I think the high priest should be very anxious now.”

   "Nick LeMay suspects that the pyramid is a fake Creation Hill?" Severus asked.

"It's more credible than an alien man-made base." Crimean said. "The first pyramid was created by Immerton. It was the third dynasty of Egypt. Before that, the pharaoh’s tomb was not a pyramid. To be precise, it was. The first pharaoh of the third dynasty, Djoser, demolished the tomb wall of his father Kasekemwe, and used those bricks to build the first pyramids. During the time of Kasekemwe, he worshipped neither Ra nor Ah. Mongolia, but Seth, the **** of the Gentiles and the desert, and Immerton is the **** of the sun. As you may know, the **** of the sun in the Egyptian creation myth was born from the water of Nunn, in order to have a place for himself. Standing, the first piece of land was created, and there is the hill of creation, Bakar."

  Severus thoughtfully.

"What are you thinking?"

   "A bald head." Severus whispered, "I knew I shouldn't go to the movie with her."

   "What?" Crimean said in confusion.

  "How did an ancient Egyptian city reach Gaza?" Severus asked.

   "What did you get from that place?" Crimean asked.


  Crimian stared at Severus.

  Severus was so unhappy that he took out a stone and a bow and placed them on Nick Lemay’s laboratory table.

  Crimian stared at the stone "Do you know what it is for?"

   "No." Severus said, "It originally belonged to someone else, but it was given to me later."

"Djoser demolished buildings built by other pharaohs and built mausoleums for himself. Maybe someone transferred the stones from the creation hill to that city and built temples and other buildings. At the beginning, the pyramids were not slopes. It was stepped. Later, someone flattened the steps with a small piece of stone and mortar, and then there was the current pyramid. Later people also used the stones on the pyramid to build their own buildings. The first person who discovered Bakar was Tut Moses King Si, he is considered to be the first Egyptian king to travel south to Tombos, but in fact, the Scorpion King has also been there, and he also wore the white crown of the south." Crimei settled down and said.

   "You are really familiar with Egyptian history." Severus sneered, "I'm almost the same as the Egyptian expert I hired."

"It's not me." Crimean took out another old book. "This is François' investigation and study. I just follow the script. In the time of the Scorpion King, I worshipped the **** Min, and the sun **** was still a local belief. , And Minshen is only the protector of desert travelers, and there is no creation myth. There were no pyramids in that era, and the tribute people gave him was lettuce."

   "I know that Ramses II and Nefertari also enshrine the **** Min, but I believe it is because Amon's sacrificial power is too great." Severus said.

"Tear down the temple of your predecessor and use it on the buildings designed by your own generation. The owner of your dagger, the mother of King Camos I, has done similar things, but she is not directly facing the **** Sobek. Temple, the city of Avalis was occupied by the Sissokos at that time. After the Egyptians' total victory, the Sissokos were allowed to leave Egypt on their own. Some of them went to Jerusalem. I think normal people would choose to take the gold. Silver jewelry, no one would think of taking the stone away..."

"Wait, I remember that Thutmose I was the grandson-in-law of Yahemoth. If it was the Bakar he found, how could the Sissokos take the stone?" Severus interrupted Crimean. .

"It was written in the previous teacher’s notes that it was precisely because of the power of the Scorpion King that brought unity and harvest to Egypt. After the Sissokos were driven away, Yahmos I began to deal with the Nubians. He was an excellent archer and slinger. During the southward campaign, Egypt not only expanded its territory, but also became more stable. If the Egyptians controlled advanced technology so that the Sissokos could not obtain tin, this was used to make As the raw material for bronze weapons, the Sissokos mastered the resin, which prevented the Egyptians from making mummies. They had to replace them with suet. The symbol of Thebes was once a goat."

   "I know this." Severus picked up the bow on the table. "Later, the symbol of Thebes is the warrior with a bow and arrow."

"At that time, almost everyone in Thebes had a bow. What's interesting is that when Thutmose I reached the first waterfall, the riverbed was blocked by rubble and there was no channel for warships to pass. He also ordered the dredging of the canal. Later, he found the Bakar hills, and then he went to the Euphrates River. The Egyptians thought that the river was flowing backwards. The Nile was from south to north, and the Euphrates was from north to south. I think it was for this reason. , But at least it proves that the Egyptians had been to Syria. Later, King Thutmose I also took the queen and their daughter Hatshepsut to the'Pure Mountain'. In ancient times, the royal family and the ministers would communicate with each other. Intermarriage, in the era of Hatshepsut, she was going to marry her half-brother. Inbreeding is not a good thing." Crimean sighed, "Through the intervention of the gods to maintain the flood and let the land It is the pharaohs’ belief and way of rule to be watered. Every year when Sirius rises, there will be a grand sacrificial ceremony, and the gods who control the flood are constantly exchanged, but where water passes by, the desert will change. To become an oasis, this would violate the power of the **** of the desert."

"I remember that Princess Jachhotep's scepter had Seth's head on it." Severus said. "Bonaparte encountered a mirage on the way back to Cairo from Jaffa. The camel they rode on the scepter died of salt water. ."

   "Set and Seth, who do you think wants to kill him?" Crimean asked.

   "I don't know who wants to kill him." Severus smiled treacherously. "But I know Hathor wants his soul."

  Crimian was motionless as if it had been petrified.

   "A true goddess likes him, why doesn't he submit?" Severus whispered.

"He ran, and went back to the foggy moon coup in France." Crimean closed the book. "You were at the Louvre that day and saw the military camp in the fog. I have been wondering why Sobek wanted to help him, the enemy. Their enemies are friends. If King Camos I and they want you to deal with Bonaparte, then stopping you would be bad for their'good deeds'."

  Severus was dumbfounded.

“It’s not just Sobek who controls the'water', but Nass, the goddess of creation. Narmai was the first ruler of the first dynasty of Egypt. It is believed that he unified the upper and lower Egypt, and his wife is Nesholt. Pu, means someone who pleases Goddess Nes."

   "Isn't it the Scorpion King?" Severus asked.

"When she worshipped the **** of the Nile, she would use bows and arrows, which are said to be the enemy of the king. They built a temple on the Colosseum Island in Nubia because they believed that the source of the Nile was just below the temple." Crimean said, "The high priest may want to be reborn from the waters of Nunn like the sun god, but to achieve this, you need to find Bakar."

   "That dwarf found this place?" Severus frowned in disbelief.

   "His body did not rot, because he was embalmed after death?" Crimean asked.

   "Why are you asking me?"

  "The British doctor who performed the autopsy at the end was the same as making the mummies," Crimean said.

   "Mummy needs to be soaked or oiled..." Severus paused in the middle of speaking.

   "I would rather believe that his body was embalmed." Crimean looked out the window, "Did you hear thunder?"

   "Who don't you want to come back?" Severus asked.


  No one answered.

   "Whoever it is." Crimean looked out the window and said, "It is unlucky to return the dead to the world of the living, including you, Severus Snape."

  As soon as his voice fell, the direction of Vincent Forest flashed again, as if there was a light show over there?

  There is too much nightlife in Paris, who knows? A lot of people don't care if they take a look. They have to go to work tomorrow, so it's better to take a shower and go to bed earlier.

   Immerton and Anna Sui are all in my mind, I really can’t think of a little old man like the high priest of Amon

     About the demolition of his father’s cemetery by his own son and the construction of a pyramid tomb for himself...



  (End of this chapter)