Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1876: giantslayer (twenty)

  Chapter 1876 Giantslayer (20)

  Alessandro placed the incense burner at the top of the "pyramid".

  This made him miss the best time to evacuate, and the two Durahams stared at each other. They followed every step he moved, and they were almost inexorable.

  He took out the phone to find someone to support, and then he was stunned.

  Gianluca is now in Venice. Alessandro can't let Monica go to such a dangerous place. The soldiers have already started attacking the giant with grenades.

  The giant is not unarmed. In fact, even a street lamp in his hand is almost like a crowbar, and there are large groups of crows around interfering with the soldiers shooting.

  The shock of this kind of scene far exceeds the actual damage. I am afraid that many people take the fairy tales and myths they heard when they were young.

Wizards and black cats are not all good things. Every year during the witch hunting movement, cats were burned to death for no reason. There was a destitute young man who wanted to catch a cat and hang it for people, so that he would make a little money. , But when he was about to pounce on a cat, the black cat said, "What a fool, he still wants to catch me. If you don't want to have nothing, you can go home and have a look."

  The young man rushed back home as the cat said, and put out the fire that might burn the whole house in time. Afterwards, the young farmer couldn't help sighing: "The only talking guess turned out to be a wizard. I really owe him favor."

  After speaking, a voice sounded from behind: "You might as well repeat this again."

  It turned out that the cat appeared, licking its beard.

   "Go away, **** thing," the farmer said while drawing a cross on his chest, "or I will pour holy water on you."

"It doesn't matter whether it is sacred or not, but I don’t like water," the cat continued. Eat bread. But there is a small corner that can make you rich. You go to that place every day, but you never pay attention. Think about it carefully and look for it."

  At first, the farmer didn’t believe what the cat said, because he ploughed his land several times and found nothing. Later, he suddenly realized that the place the cat was pointing to might be the toilet. Although he was suspicious, the cat might be teasing himself, but in order to get rich, he dug up the toilet and found a box full of treasures in it.

  As long as it is not too dirty, the dung hills outside of Paris can also be turned into money. Napoleon forced the local to pay the toll tax to buy "fertilizer". The fertility of this fertilizer is doubtful, because the French gunpowder is extracted from the feces.

  The British strictly controlled the export of saltpeter. For some special reasons, the Americans could obtain a certain amount of saltpeter. Later, they had to learn from the French and collect feces and urine to make gunpowder.

Alessandro has poor academic performance, but he probably knows that the chemical composition of gunpowder is the same as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are the growth elements required by plants. These are also contained in the organic matter of soil fertilization, so that the chemical elements for making gunpowder can also be extracted from the soil. .

Linda dug a "golden mountain" for Bonaparte, and at the same time offended many people. There are many small oligarchs in French cities, as described in Stendhal's novel Red and Black, even if they are not intelligent, But because he was a nobleman, he married the richest and beautiful woman and became the mayor.

  During the Great Revolution, the peasants took sticks and pitchforks to the door of the aristocratic house, demanding that the aristocrat be exempted from land rent, but the aristocrat did not agree, so the peasant killed the aristocratic family.

  Napoleon threatened to send gendarmes to hang two of the money before he received the money. Fortunately, there were fertilizers that could be sold to the farmers. The money was finally shared by the bottom people.

It is not easy for these people to use it to repair bridges and pave roads. It is not easy to maintain the roads. The "railway" from Orleans to Paris established a company, and the railway transporting coal to Lyon also established an Ohno company. A company must be established to build a section of railway?

  This invisible barrier has not been completely eliminated. The farmers are still trapped on their own land. Their main social life is to go to the market and go to church. The priest still has a strong appeal in the countryside.

  This is not building roads, but clearing customs. Bonaparte’s game is even more difficult than that of Sandro at the moment.

  The former perfume maker of Marie Antoinete was re-discovered. He and Republican MPs opened an essential oil factory to supply perfumes and moisturizers to the royal family. Originally, the British found out the perfumer in order to weaken Napoleon and let him kneel under the British Cleopatra skirt like Anthony.

  India is rich in spices. If the Suez Canal is opened, it can save a lot of freight, but in this way, all the West African bases built by the British after bypassing the Cape of Good Hope will be abandoned.

Bonaparte was using Linda, and Alessandro thought he would regret it in the future. Napoleon took Linda around Belgium and went to Compiègne. Someone saw it, and Georgiana laughed loudly at his student days. thing.

When he arrived at the palace, Bonaparte held a reception at the head teacher of the Brienne Military Academy, Mr. Leton. He later became the principal of the Compiègne School of Technology and Technology. He took the students in three rows to greet him. .

He was impatient when he listened to Ledon. After the lecture, he almost hurried away. Later, people learned that Bonaparte played tricks with his classmates when he was studying, and sang and arranged his songs under Ledon’s window. , Bonaparte was caught once, and he was imprisoned for three days.

Bonaparte’s singing voice... I really can’t flatter him. The street where he lived before he made his fortune was called "Frog Croak" Street, which was later renamed Desheng Street, but Linda asked him to sing the song that she sang at the time. I also sang songs that I heard in the school before, arranged by the students, and satirized each other.

  Many people think Bonaparte will be angry, but he cannot tolerate others to laugh at him.

  He did not sing, but he was not angry. Later, he and Mr. Ledon took a walk in the forest. No one knew what they had talked about. Mr. Ledon was still the principal of Compiègne Technical School, and his students became high-ranking officials.

  Some games will be taken seriously if you play, Joan of Arc was captured in the Forest of Compiègne.

  I was killed in a dream, can I die in reality?

  Alessandro put away the phone, he looked at the "pyramid" around, all are straight roads, they are originally lanes, of course there is no problem with horses running on them. If he just buries his head and runs wildly, he will definitely not be able to beat those headless monsters and their mounts, so he needs a plan.

  "Why am I not a wizard?" Alessandro muttered unwillingly, but still thought hard.

  Complaining will only increase negative emotions and will not solve any problems.

Alessandro can’t know for sure whether he will die in his dream or not in reality. He should be dead. Linda is not suitable for playing such a dangerous game of power. Just leave them alone. There is still life. People need her.

  Mr. Smith now dared to venture into the underworld and wanted to win her back.

   has done this, what else does she want?

  Sometimes he really doesn’t...


Alessandro was thinking, he suddenly heard a shout, and he found that Monica appeared on a small motorcycle, and there was a very ugly cat sitting on the front of the car, it was Filch’s Luo. Mrs. Reese.

   "What are you doing!" Alessandro shouted.

   "I'm here to save you!" Monica yelled, stepped on the accelerator and speeded up. One of Durahan turned his horse's head and ran towards her.

   "Stupid lady." Alessandro cursed in a low voice, rubbed his nose, and glared at the monster below.

   Then he climbed back to the top and took off the flagpole with the French flag, grabbed it and jumped off, using his own weight, like a medieval knight, he used the flagpole to hit the "person" on the horseback to the ground.

At the moment he landed, he squatted down, then rolled in a circle to relieve his strength, and Durahan also struggled to get up, he waved the meteor hammer in his hand, deliberately let it make a whirring sound, listening Extraordinarily frightening.

  Alessandro held the flagpole, recalling the training he received during the months in his dream, and slowly walked over.

   "It's time to end, you foolish fool." Alessandro said to Durahan, while on the other side Monica was taking another Durahan around, which was also dangerous.

  It's a pity that everyone in the barracks was dispatched. No one can help them, so they can only rely on themselves.

  (End of this chapter)