Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2555: Smoke and Mirror (21)

   Chapter 2555 Smoke and Mirror (21)

  In many books in the East, similar words have been said: close to worthy ministers, far away villains. The so-called worthy ministers are those honest and honest officials who can advise the emperor in front of him.

  When others are having a good time, if the "good minister" suddenly mentions this, everyone will be unhappy. After "borrowing" Neville, Pomona didn't deal with those joking seniors, like nothing happened, which was her way of life.

   Even a game that can be played seriously can be recorded in history. The organizer needs to ensure the fairness of the game. Secrecy is a must. The Ministry of Magic asked them to sign a non-disclosure agreement not just for the convenience of using magic for their summer vacation.

The advantage of using a hedge is that you can make it grow a section at any time, or prune the excess branches. After she cut the whole maze into many pieces, she broke up the order and divided it into many small pieces and gave them to them, so that they would not have to use the hedge. I'm worried that someone will leak the secret because they know too much.

   The children who got the drawings didn’t understand what was drawn on the drawings, which was somewhat boring, but the people who stayed obeyed. They had already completed the grouping a few days ago, and the next step was the field survey.

   After the survey was completed, Pomona divided the site into several small pieces, which were divided by white lines on the ground, so that each group could complete their own piece in it.

   She does not stipulate what means the children must use to solve the problem, and she arranges the most critical areas by herself.

   It was so busy all afternoon, and she went back in the evening. She did not go to Hogsmeade with the children for dinner, but she did not go back to the castle, but went to the greenhouse.

Fei Liwei was busy writing the music to be played at the Christmas ball. He didn't have time to read the letters from parents complaining about werewolves entering the school. Snape burned it directly. Minerva was busy with communication inside and outside the school. Pomona also She wanted to do that, but her sense of responsibility told her to reply.

  After struggling for a while, she simply didn't go back to the castle. Although the greenhouse was a little warmer, it was very quiet, and she was able to see the plants that were active at night.

   A pot of Epiphyllum is about to bloom, and she didn't want to miss it, so she placed her office there.

   There is an idiom called a flash in the pan, which is a metaphor for the short-lived, and the story of a flash in the pan. Legend has it that Epiphyllum flowers bloomed in four seasons like Chinese roses. Later, the Flower God fell in love with the young man who weeds for her every day. When the Jade Emperor found out, he was furious and demoted the Flower God to a flower that can only bloom for a moment in his life, and sent the young man to him. He became a monk, named Wei Tuo, and made him forget his past.

   But the flower **** remembered him. She knew that every year Wei Tuo would go up the mountain to collect dew and make tea for the Buddha, so she opened the most beautiful, fragrant and pure flowers, hoping to attract Wei Tuo's attention.

  The beauty of ephemera, I believe that if people can see it, they will express their heartfelt admiration. When it blooms, the petals are layered, and it looks beautiful and beautiful, and its color is like white jade. Although it is beautiful, it is extremely delicate. One day, a skinny man noticed the lonely Epiphyllum and asked her "Why are you so sad?"

   Epiphyllum was surprised, because it was a mortal man, but she saw her real body, but Epiphyllum told him, "You are just a mortal, you can't help me."

   Then she continued to wait for Wei Tuo.

  Forty years later, the thin young man came to Epiphyllum again. At this time, he was already old. He asked the same question 40 years ago, and Epiphyllum told him the same answer 40 years ago.

   After another 40 years, the man came again, and Epiphyllum thanked him, because as a mortal, he could only ask her this question three times. But the man told her, "I am Yu Ming, and I came to break the fate that had no fruit 80 years ago.

   After saying that, the old man closed his eyes, "It's a flash in the pan, just for Wei Tuo."

After the old man died, the soul seized the flower **** and went to the Buddha country to find Wei Tuo. Wei Tuo saw the flower **** and remembered the memory of the past. After the Buddha knew it, he allowed Wei Tuo to leave the world, but Yu Ming's life was lost because of the leak. Wandering, cannot enter Buddhaland, nor enter samsara.

   This is a beautiful story, Pomona threw it aside after brewing the tea and started drinking tea while reading.

In the earliest Christian theology, the soul is divided into Pneuma and Psyche. Pneuma is a mixture of fire and gas, which is closer to gas. People always breathe when they are alive, and provide the oxygen and energy needed for life activities like eating. Seck, Aristotle described it as a butterfly. Butterflies will metamorphose from caterpillars, just like breaking away from their original shells, showing extraordinary beauty. Pomona saw Sirius's Soul Light that night, and it looked beautiful, emitting a faint blue.

There is a human king's daughter Psyche, her beauty attracted the jealousy of Venus, she cursed Psyche to fall in love with the beast, Cupid fell in love with Psyche when he went on a mission, and sent the mortal Psyche to him. took her to his palace and took her as his wife.

There is a sculpture in the Louvre called "The Kiss of an Angel" which tells this story. The pictures of that group of sculptures are easy to find, but it is too beautiful and fragile. In comparison, she prefers Michelangelo. A sculpture full of muscular lines.

   Just as she was drinking tea, she heard a faint sigh, and then the tea fragrance dissipated, and she smelled the unique fragrance of Epiphyllum.

   She put down the teacup, walked over to the ephemeral lace, and checked the four flower buds, one of which had a crack, and she should be able to enjoy the ephemeral flower tonight.

   She wanted to invite Albus, Minerva, Feiliwei, Graplan and others to watch it together, but found that someone was walking slowly in the shadows formed by the plants.

   "Who?" Pomona asked.

   But the man turned around immediately after hearing her words and fled the greenhouse.

The    blame is in this place. When she chased out, the door of the greenhouse was closed. Even if the glass was transparent, it was impossible to pass through unless it was broken.

   Later, she saw a young man flying on a broom in the moonlight outside, thinking that it might be their shadow just now, so she didn't care.

   She folded the invitation letter into the shape of a bird, and let them fly to find the person to notify, then flipped through the calendar, intending to make a record, and then found an interesting thing.

The Quidditch World Cup final was held on August 22. The day before this day, that is, August 21, happened to be the night of the full moon, and it was also the Mid-Year Festival commonly known as the Ghost Festival. "It happened.

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Because time has passed, she can't remember what she read in the book on the soul. A kind of heat does not come from hot things, and cold does not come from cold things. She said Understand that people judge cold and hot according to their own feelings and use themselves as a standard. When the soul imagines a shadow, and this shadow becomes stronger in the soul, the element that the body accepts immediately accepts a related to a form or a nature.

The "heat flow" that Pomona felt in Remus' memory was not real. When the soul accepted the "shadow", the original changed. These changes in the original made people's soul relationship detached from the original. The entity, which is closer to another entity, the wolf, undergoes local alterations, becomes warmer, and penetrates into the limbs and stretches the parenchyma.

Animagus is activated by imagination. First of all, imagine that she is some kind of animal. The werewolf will involuntarily imagine a shadow, but this is only her inference, because she is not a werewolf, but only received a little memory of Remus. , that's enough.

   If it wasn't for later events, she might be as afraid of moonlight as Remus.

   She was so happy at the time, ignoring a lot of things, including the fact that the ball was at Malfoy Manor, and Remus' pain in front of so many people, albeit anonymously.

   (end of this chapter)