Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2556: Smoke and Mirror (22)

   Chapter 2556 Smoke and Mirror (twenty-two)

   In the 19th century, there was a Muggle psychologist named Jung. In the sense of his analytical psychology, personality was seen as the manifestation of Psyche in the external world.

His teacher Freud put forward the iceberg theory, the mind is divided into three levels, consciousness, personal unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness. What can be seen on the water is consciousness, but it is only a small part of the iceberg. Part of what's underwater is subconscious, and people often don't see them easily.

  In the Freudian system, the most common defense system is repression. People will suppress themselves for various reasons. In addition to human instinctive needs and desires, self-esteem, love, friendship and good interpersonal relationships are also needed. When a person's id and superego are in conflict, the ego has to make a choice between accepting or not accepting social constraints in order to meet personal needs.

Jung put forward the theory of the persona, which is the dividing point between the inner world and the outer world. The outermost mask of the personality conceals the true self, making the personality an illusion, acting according to the expectations of others, our body language, clothing, Decoration, etc., determines what kind of image a person will appear in the society. People can coordinate the relationship between people and society through the personality mask, thus forming a defense mechanism, covering up the real personality, and using the personality mask to reflect idealized me.

  Rohart is the most classic case. His mask was layered with layers, and his true colors were not revealed until finally Harry asked him to really challenge the Basilisk.

   is quite disappointing, the brave wizard written in the book is so far from the real him, and he is still a story stolen from others, the only thing he is good at is oblivion spell.

After wearing the mask for a long time, you will think that the person represented by the mask is the real self. Rohart treated Harry's broken hand from playing Quidditch, and as a result, his bones disappeared. In order to grow bones, ha Not only did Li have to drink the bitter Bone Spirit, but he also had to suffer pain. What was worse was that Snape deliberately boiled the bitter Bone Spirit in order to impress him, so that Harry drank it and spit it out. .

Remus' evaluation is that the bitterness of the Bone Spirit is not comparable to the bitterness of the wolf venom potion, and he cannot eat sugar to neutralize this bitterness, otherwise the medicine will fail, even if it is like this every full moon night. He was about to start drinking the wolf's poison potion the other day, and where was he going to get that potion after he left Hogwarts?

   "Why didn't you invite me?"

  Pomona was reading and drinking cereal. She looked up at Snape, who had just washed his hair and had aftershave on his face, looking like he was going out.

   "I thought you were busy with your own business." Pomona said, "If you're not in school, even if I invite you to enjoy the flowers, can you come?"

   Then she took another mouthful of cereal.

   She thought he was going to say something, but he just left and continued his business outside of his school.

Pomona was so angry that she stared at his back for a while before turning her eyes to the book, but she couldn't read a word of the explanation about the anima and the animus, so she put the book "Bang" to close.

   "He went to see the president of the Potions Association today." Minerva, who was a few positions away from Pomona, whispered.

   "What does that have to do with me?" Pomona said angrily.

   But after a third of a second, she woke up, and she hurriedly chased out.

   Snape's steps were always so big and hasty that she had to run to catch up, and even so, she had already left the hall when she saw him.

   "Severus!" she shouted.

   He turned and looked at her impatiently.

   "I heard that you are going to meet the president of the Potions Association?" Pomona hesitated for a moment. "Is he the inventor of the wolf poison potion?"

   He kept staring at her.

   "Don't you want to go?" Pomona asked.

   "I have to go," Snape said, then turned and walked forward until he got to where he could Apparate.

Aconitum was once smeared on arrows when Muggles hunted werewolves in the Middle Ages. It would indeed work. It is also the main material of the potion invented by Damocles Belby. If its content is precisely controlled, it will not only prevent Will kill werewolves and stop them from transforming.

   This complex, expensive, and dangerous potion has little value to society. Werewolves can't afford it or drink it, but it's a glorified chatter at a cocktail party.

   "Do you want to help him?" Albus asked as he approached her.

   She looked at the old wizard with white hair and beard.

   "Is it only Remus who came forward to testify?" Pomona asked.

   "I have to tell you with regret, yes." Albus said, "Do you want to convince him?"

  Pomona was so sad, she didn't want to, and she didn't want to…

   "The school has guests tomorrow. If you can help me entertain them, I think I can help you." Albus said.

   "Guest? Malfoy coming again?"

   "It's Mrs. Greta Kakilov, I heard she wants to invest more in education," Albus said.

Greta Kakilov was in a class with Sirius, she was beautiful, and her father was a shareholder in the Chocolate Doll Company, when she read she felt that she was the only one worthy of Sirius Black people.

But Sirius "has no interest" in girls, after graduation she became an actress, but not as famous as Cedina Warbeck, but that still doesn't change that she is, apart from Lucius Malfoy, Hogg The fact that the Watts School Board is the second largest shareholder.

   In order to "thank her for her generosity and dedication to education", her portrait was hung on the wall of the grand staircase, and every day Minerva passed by when she returned to the office, she would be seen scratching her head there.

   This is a complete revenge. When Minerva was a teacher, she criticized Ms. Kakilov when she was still a student. I hope she can spend some time on her studies...

   "Minerva won't help me, will she?" Pomona asked with a sullen face.

   "Your choice." Albus said with a smile, then turned and left.

   "Oh~" She couldn't help stamping her feet and wailing.

===================================================== =========

   "Margaret!" cried Georgiana.

   Margaret, who was talking to the lawyer, immediately left him and came to Georgiana's side.

   "What's the matter, ma'am?"

   "It's time for us to entertain the guests," said Georgiana. "Don't forget our duty."

   Then they went back to the castle.

   She once bought a mask in Venice, and she seemed to wear it when she smiled at everyone.

   Epiphyllum spent a year trying to make Wei Tuo stay by her side for a while, but her efforts were not as good as the dew on other ordinary petals, which was more attractive to Wei Tuo.

Jung believed that insanity, in addition to repression, also includes "lostness of the soul". Content that cannot be absorbed by consciousness will be absorbed by the subconscious. This content has a splitting effect on consciousness. When some unconscious content is seized by consciousness, it will cause People enter a state of "enchantment".



  Plato said that love is a psychosis, a story that ends with death or the highest achievement of mankind.

  No one will see death in the Mirror of Erised, because it shows human desires, the most primitive, biological impulse part of the personality.

  If the horse pulling the carriage dies, can the carriage still move?

  The carriages at Hogwarts are drawn by Thestrals. Although they cannot be seen, they exist. Just like the boats that new babies ride, they are also dragged by mermaids. There is no magic to make them move by themselves.

   It’s not that you can’t see and don’t exist, but isn’t it crazy to believe that you can’t see and have no evidence to prove it exists?

She remembered that there was a movie called "The Seven Deadly Sins", in which there was an actress whose beautiful face was ruined by the murderer. He asked her to choose whether to call for help or choose to kill herself. She chose the latter. , while the murderer considered the crime she committed "pride".

  Since she committed a "sin", she has never been close to a unicorn again, after all, unicorns are only close to girls and people with pure hearts.

  Why is there no spring water, like the water that Hera bathed in, to wash away the traces of time left on the body?

   (end of this chapter)