Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2863: Hagrid's Holiday (13)

  Chapter 2863 Hagrid's Holiday (13)

  Hagrid raised some chickens in the orchard of the Forbidden Forest, and Gropp put the wood next to the experimental field in order to prevent them from leaving feces in the field and affecting the experimental data.

   "I found it." Bill put a book on the table of the three broomsticks. "I remember seeing this name somewhere."

  Everyone gathered around.

This book is called "The Famous Beast Wisperer in History", and it includes Parseltongues like Salazar Slytherin. Known for whispering animals, he was a Yemeni-born Muggle-born wizard who studied at Slytherin before becoming Professor of Beastry at Hogwarts.

   "This must be a joke." Barnaby said bluntly.

  Ben Cooper was drinking butterbeer and nearly choked to death after hearing Bill's introduction.

   "There is no Muggle Seed on it." Liz Stewart looked carefully at the contents of the book and said, "He just left his Muggle family."

   "How do you feel?" Pomona stood by the bar and asked the head Slytherin beside him.

   "A Slytherin became the head of Hufflepuff, how do you feel?" The old bat sarcastically.

   "It only says he's a professor of zoology, not Dean Hufflepuff," Pomona said.

   "Miss Stewart also said that he just left the Muggle family, how do you know he is not a half-breed?"

  Pomona didn't bother to argue with him and continued to eavesdrop on the students' findings.

"The headmaster at the time was named Niam Fitzgerald, she was from Ravenclaw College, and the professor of divination was Percival Lachman, from Hufflepuff." Liz read the contents of the book in disbelief "Is this world crazy?"

   "The four of them are good friends, wait a minute." Charlie counted his fingers, "Why do I only see the names of three people?"

   "I know the name," Bill said again.

   "Who?" asked Barnaby.

   "Percival Lachman, he participated in the negotiations with the goblins and participated in the formation of Gringotts." Bill said.

   "It seems that your academy has quite a few famous people." Severus teased.

   "If Bill really becomes a spellbreaker, are there any other candidates for the Potion Contest?" Pomona asked.

  The old bat stopped laughing now.

Pomona took a sip of the canyon water, and now she also remembered why Severus would remember Priya Moore. She scored 12 o's like Bill, but this result is not too prominent in Ravencrow , because there are many people with 10 o's.

  At this time, she thought of Hufflepuff's "average grade" again, and she couldn't laugh anymore.

   "Why is he building a tower outside the school?" Liz asked confused.

   "The professor said he was there to observe the stars," said Barnaby.

   "Shall we go and see?" Charlie asked.

   "I don't think those two hippogriffs are going back," Bill said.

   "You followed those dragonflies, what did you find?" Liz asked.

   "I found the Quidditch armor, which is just right for next semester." Charlie said.

   "I can't find anything," said Ben Cooper grimly.

  Everyone is used to his bad luck, so they don't care about it.

   "I found a book on how to take care of a pack beast." Liz said "And you, Barnaby."

  Barnaby didn't answer, he fumbled for the ring on his hand.

   "So, where do we go next, back to school or to the swamp?" Charlie asked.

   "Wait until I finish my beer, it's too hot today," Bill said.

   "What did you find?" Pomona asked Severus.

  He produced a pearl necklace from his pocket.

   "This is what Principal Fitzgerald wears on his head." Severus said, "I saw her wearing it like that in the portrait in the headmaster's office."

   "Where did you find it?" Pomona asked.

   "The alchemy room." Severus said, "You want to visit?"

  Pomona shook her head. She was still thinking about how to arrange the summer vacation for these students.

   "Let's go to Bakarta," he said, "and see what we find."

   "These little guys want to go," Pomona said.

   "They can get on with the centaurs and trolls," Severus said.

  Pomona felt that it was a miraculous coincidence that they and the descendants of the former headmaster became acquainted with each other because of the key, so he nodded in agreement.

   Then he looked at Barnaby.

   "Let's go to Hagrid." Barnaby said suddenly, "It's time to deal with the centaurs and trolls."

  Pomona looked at Severus.

   "Let's go." He pretended to be calm and drank the last bit of wine.

  By the time they were about to leave, the children had already left. Pomona paid attention to Ben Cooper, his expression was a little strange.

   "What's wrong?" Severus asked her.

   "Do you know what a guilty conscience looks like?" Pomona asked.

   "Of course I know." The old bat who often caught students who violated school rules said grimly.

  Pomona often sees children telling lies. After all, they are not as skilled as adults.

  But Ben Cooper is unwilling to lie, saying that he was almost sent to the madhouse by his parents when he said that he could not see the ghost. Why would he lie?

   Suddenly there was a sound behind her, like coins spinning on a wooden table.

   When she turned her head, she found that a drinker was paying.

   "Let's go," Pomona said to Severus, and the two left the Three Broomsticks together.

  It was some distance from Hogsmeade to Barkarta, and using the Death Eater fly spell during the day was too conspicuous, but Pomona couldn't imagine Snape riding a broom either.

   While she was holding back her laughter and waiting for the show, Severus went to the Hog's Head.

   Aberforth hadn't had a visitor for a long time. His fireplace was full of ashes, and when Pomona came out of the fireplace, he was covered in ashes.

   "It was left by poachers in the past." Severus said, "That's the day I thought it would come."

  Pomona didn't understand what he said. When they walked out of the wooden house, the towering Bakar Tower was in front of them.

  It is located on the edge of a cliff, with the same blue roof as Hogwarts Castle, as if a piece of the castle flew here.

   "This tower has only windows and no entrance," Severus said. "Poachers are going to fly in on hippogriffs."

   "Where's the broomstick?" Pomona asked.

   "Like Nurmengard, no broomstick can fly."

   After he finished speaking, he left and walked towards Barkarta first.

  Pomona had just taken two steps forward when another vision appeared.

   It was a stone wall, which looked a lot like ordinary rock, or rather it looked like the dancing bricks at the entrance of Diagon Alley.

  After hitting the rocks with the magic wand in a certain order, after the rocks that make up the stone wall recede, a door is exposed, and there is a lock on the door that needs to be opened with a key.

  She had a hunch that today they would leave empty-handed.

  Then she glanced at the tower again. Is it really for observing the starry sky as Albus said?

   "What are you doing?" Severus asked.

  She followed without saying anything, wondering where the key to unlock the lock was hidden in her mind?

  (end of this chapter)