Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2864: unforgivable secret (1)

  Chapter 2864 The Unforgivable Secret (1)

  Around the same period when Henrietta was studying at Harvard, there was another woman named Helen Keller who lost her vision and hearing when she was 1 and a half years old because of scarlet fever.

  A person who loses his vision can still make up for it with hearing. Henrietta lost her hearing, then her vision became sharper. At the same time, she lost her vision and hearing, and she was still young, which meant that even if Helen Keller was not dumb, she would not be able to speak like a normal person.

  If it is a wolf child, a bear child, etc., although all their senses are normal, they cannot communicate like normal humans due to lack of training. Fortunately, Helen Keller received patient training from a teacher. Not only could she communicate with people using sign language, but she also learned to read, recognized many characters, and let her know love.

She once said that her childhood was like being shrouded in a golden mist. Whenever she tried to dig out her childhood memories, she would find that she often could not distinguish between fact and imagination. After all, after so many years, When people sketch their childhood, it is inevitable that they will bring some wild fantasies.

This may be a description of those feelings that Pomona has recently experienced. She was originally a blind person who perceives the needs of plants through hearing and touch, but now she has recovered some "light sense" and can see things. But it was as invisible as a golden mist.

  She actually didn't like this feeling, because her original sensitivity to "hearing" was also weakened.

  There is a waterfall in the south of Hogsmeade Valley, and the river will flow into the swamp after flowing through here. In midsummer, a pink water plant will grow on the river bed, dancing like a dancer in the rushing water.

  In order to stick to the stones at the bottom of the river bed and not be washed away by the water flow, the aquatic plants will form a strong glue at the root, and this glue is the material for making magic tape.

  Magic tape can be used to repair some things that cannot be repaired by spells, or things that are not suitable for repair by magic. In short, many people come from afar every year to collect this kind of aquatic plants in the swamp.

Human activities have interfered with the natural changes in the water body. Originally, the dead branches and leaves of the dead plants would accumulate on the bottom of the water and gradually raise the water surface. However, in order to maintain the living environment of this algae, humans have treated the swamp. The cost comes from Nearby bazaars, they are formed because of these algae.

The largest of these bazaars is at Ken Bridge, which adjoins a large lake and is said to have once had a gigantic magical bridge where anyone who brought a loved one to the bridge would be blessed, but there is no such bridge in the area, instead It is a castle with a stone building.

When the witch hunting movement was rampant, people regarded Hogwarts as a place of refuge. There were many houses for people to live in in valleys and swamps. Some of them developed into large villages like Hogsmeade today, and some were Abandoned, turned into ruins and collapsed, and some became like Kenbridge Town.

  Charlie "discovered" the place while riding a broomstick looking for a hippogriff, and he invited the others to join him for the midsummer carnival.

There are not only explorers collecting glue, but also businessmen and artists from all over the world. They form bands in groups of three or four, or use magic alone. The pink water plants themselves can also be made into paints, and painters also Will paint for people on the spot.

  Drinking cold beer and blowing the wind by the river in summer is quite relaxing and comfortable. The setting sun relieved the heat and dyed the sky into magnificent colors. The bartender will add **** juice to the drink, which can reduce the feeling of vomiting. They also offer a variety of algae-based snacks, and Pomona's personal favorite is the algae salad with vinaigrette.

   "Do you have to wear that thick even in summer?" Pomona asked Snape as he munched on his salad.

  He was dressed in black, with a gloomy expression, which was incompatible with the lively and joyful atmosphere.

  Pomona continued to eat the algae salad on the plate, not knowing how it was processed, it was very crisp to chew, as if there were ice beads in his mouth.

   "Aren't you tired?" Snape asked.

  She looked at him inexplicably.

   "You went shopping all day today," he said darkly.

  He almost said why women like shopping so much.

   "Thank you for shopping with me all day." Pomona smirked and said, "And you seem to have bought a lot of things."

  Those traveling merchants who came from afar brought a lot of "good stuff", and it can be expected that Snape's personal collection will add new ones.

  He smiled falsely at her too, and took a sip of his wine.

  She knew that he had learned a lot from Lucius Malfoy, at least he had learned that kind of style. Although they were in a roadside bar, he seemed to be drinking in a high-end hotel.

  If it was another person, she would say that he was hypocritical.

   "What are you doing?" He noticed her gaze and asked expressionlessly.

   "Nothing." Pomona lowered her head and continued to "study" the salad.

  Even if Snape washed his hair, it wouldn't look flowing in the river wind, let alone he didn't wash it.


   Charlie shouted, holding a stuffed bird in his hand.

   Behind him followed the Weasleys, serious Percy, Ron and Ginny who were curious about everything, and Molly and Arthur, but Bill and the twins went nowhere.

   "Hi." Pomona waved to him.

  Charlie ran over naturally and joined them at the table.

   "Here you are." Charlie said, giving the doll in his hand to Pomona.

   "Why me?" Pomona asked.

   "This is the 'big prize' he won in a shooting competition, but my daughter doesn't like it." Arthur took a seat at the table next to them.

   "Why do girls have to like stuffed animals?" Ginny said to Arthur.

  Pomona wanted to ask that too, but she still took Charlie's "trophy" and planned to put it in the Hufflepuff lounge.

   "Just the two of you?" Molly's eyes flicked between Pomona and Snape.

   "How many more students, Bill and Fred and George?" asked Pomona.

   "They were shopping by themselves, do you like that dress I made?" Molly asked.

   "Good fit, thanks," Pomona said.

   "What clothes?" Snape asked.

   Arthur also looked at them curiously.

   "Go and order something to eat." Molly smiled at Arthur and said, "Everyone is hungry."

   "I don't eat that kind of grass on her plate." Ron said to Arthur "It's disgusting."

   "Watch your manners, Ronald Wesley." Molly said seriously to Ron, then looked at Pomona with a smile. "By the way, the man who provided you with the 'cloth'..."

   "She'll be here in a minute," Pomona said. "You talk to her directly."

   "Okay." Molly said happily, "I hope you don't mind, I made a table runner with the leftover 'fabric', Daisy likes it very much."

   Ginny made no secret of her dislike.

   Daisy, one of Ginny's many aunts, was at war the last time Pomona saw her.

   "Of course not." Pomona smiled, although she thought the material of her pajamas and doily was odd.

  Using the Levitation Charm, Arthur brought a pile of food over. Although Ron gobbled it up, he looked so hungry that he could eat a hippogriff. He was only that small, and a hamburger was enough.

   Ginny prefers french fries with ketchup, a dish she eats so much that Molly wants to warn her to eat vegetables and meat.

  Charlie has been talking about what he has seen and heard during this time. He has traveled to many places on a broom and met many new friends. They also want to participate in the capture of hippogriffs.

  Even if the wild Hippogriff cannot be domesticated, it can be handed over to the Ministry of Magic in exchange for a small reward as their contribution to "supporting the International Statute of Secrecy".

   In fact, the children of the Weasley family had good table manners, but it could be seen that Snape was not very patient, and he and Arthur did not communicate.

  Someone might recognize them in the middle, after all, the red-haired Weasley is very eye-catching everywhere, and Snape is also eye-catching.

   In order to avoid accidents, although Pomona wanted to stay in the bar for a while, he had to leave.

   "Your doll," said Snape before leaving, and he "thoughtfully" gave it to Pomona.

   "Thank you." Pomona gritted his teeth and took the doll. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but there was thunder in the distance, and the frogs in the grass began to cry.

   "I'm right," Molly said to Charlie solemnly.

   "Not just the divination bird, but also the frogs when it's about to rain," Pomona said, correcting the set of wizarding superstitions Molly had instilled in the children.

   But before Molly could reply, Snape dragged her away, as if he didn't want to stay in this place at all.

   "Don't forget what I told you about the 'cloth'." Molly yelled behind her.

   "Your son knows her!" Pomona yelled at Molly as well.

   Then she was pulled again, almost making her stagger.

  She didn't like this, but she looked at the eyes of the guests around her, and didn't want to make a fool of herself in public, so she left the lively market with him.

   Along the way, the frogs kept croaking, and the bats and swallows also flew very low, as if it was really going to rain.

  Although there is no legendary magic bridge, there is a wooden bridge over the river outside the town, and the waterfall is not far away. This place is often used as a viewing platform. Standing on the bridge, you can see the pink algae in the river.

  The bridge has a roof, which can also shelter from the wind and rain, but now as the sky is getting darker, there are no people on the bridge. It seems that everyone is attracted by the carnival in the town.

   He didn't let go of her hand until there was no one there.

  She looked into his eyes, but she couldn't see anything, it was still so dim.

   "If you don't like crowded places, just don't come next time." Pomona said, "Why are you losing your temper?"

   "Albus said I should talk to you, there's something I forgot," Snape said.

  Pomona didn't want to mention the dragon dung fertilizer anymore. She figured out a way to improve the formula by herself, so that Barber's tubers could grow quickly, and she had already supplied the forest trolls in batches.

  Priyamore also used magic to open up a new water source, keeping the trolls away from the lake in the Forbidden Forest, and they can live in peace with the centaur for a while.

   An American poetess wrote: If I had never seen the light, I could have endured the darkness.

  If you don't have hope at the beginning, you won't feel so uncomfortable when you are disappointed.

   "It's nothing." She said lightly, but the result seemed to provoke him to lose his temper.

It was hard for her to believe that Snape was only one year away from Puglia, and Pulia played with the children as if she were an older child, and Bill and Charlie, who didn't want to play with their brothers, were willing to play with her. together.

   "Tell me what you think?" he asked "patiently".

   "Have you checked into Barkarta?" Pomona asked.

   Even without broomsticks and Fantastic Beasts, Snape could still fly through those windows with Death Eater Fly.

   "No." He said coldly.

   "You didn't?" She was surprised because he was a curious person.

   "Do you remember that pearl necklace? I thought it was the same as Ravenclaw or Queen Maeve's tiara."

   "What's it for?" Pomona asked.

  He sneered, "We always ask what is the use of a thing, but maybe it is useless in the first place. Instead, we spend our energy analyzing what is the use of a useless thing?"

  She probably understood what was going on.

   "You thought you'd be smarter if you put on that necklace?" Pomona said.

   Then she seemed amused by the sight of greasy-haired Snape wearing a wreath of pearls.

  He didn't smile.

   "It's useless for me to hold that thing, you hold it..."

   "I don't want it." She said immediately.

   "Where's the doll?" He pointed to the Bu bird doll in Pomona's arms.

   "It's just a doll." She said wearily. "That necklace is a very expensive thing."

   "Are you trying to make yourself look noble?" He said indiscriminately, "You also gave the found ring to others."

   She felt that she should keep calm, because Snape was very emotional now.

   "I don't need it." She said calmly "Give it to someone who needs it."

   "Every woman wants to be beautiful, why don't you?"

   "Albus hopes I don't waste my talent," she said softly.

   "What about you? What did you see in the Mirror of Erised?" He asked pressingly.

  She subconsciously used Occlumency.

  He moved closer, his hands almost touching her face.

   "You are beautiful, why hide it?"

   "Don't waste your talent." She hardened her heart.

  Snape shook his head, as if hearing something funny.

   "You're wasting your talent by listening to him."

  She didn't want to continue the topic "We should get the students back to school."

   Then there was thunder, and a few seconds later it rained.

  She looked back at him, almost suspecting that he was responsible for the rain.

   "Albus said I should talk to you, and we'll do as he said now." He folded his arms around his chest, standing in front of her majestically.

  At this moment she really hoped that the wooden bridge would be washed away by the flood, even though they would all fall into the river.

   "Don't do this." She begged.

  He was unimpressed.

   "Do you want me to accept that necklace? Well, give it to me," she compromised.

   He shook his head.

   "What on earth do you want!" she said angrily.

   It made him laugh instead "You know how I felt now?"

  She intends to leave in the heavy rain.

   "Is it that difficult to accept who you really are?" He said behind her, "What's wrong with pursuing what you want?"

   She looked back at him.

   "What if what you want is to hurt someone else?"

   He didn't say it, but Pomona "read" it.

   "You don't care, I do." She said softly, "I know, we people are different from the people you met before."

   "You think I'm like you?"

   "What determines who we become is not what we have, but what we choose." Pomona said, "What kind of person you want to be is up to you."

   "You didn't chase the dragonfly at first, why did you chase it later?" He asked back, "Is it because you saw me chasing it?"

   "That's right," she said aloud.

  He watched her grit her teeth, the bridge was silent, only the sound of the rain and the waterfall was heard.

  The pink aquatic plants are emitting fluorescence, presenting a different scene from the daytime, and appearing more magical.

  (end of this chapter)