Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 345: scandal

  Chapter 345 Scandal

The path through the forbidden forest from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts is the dividing line of this "match" field. Ernie and his old professor followed it back to Hogwarts without fear. Hereby.

   "I was shocked when I heard that you went to Malfoy Manor last Halloween. A decent wizard shouldn't be with those dark wizards." Ernie chose a bad topic, and Pomona didn't want to discuss it at all.

"When you were in the sixth grade, you were the only one chosen by Hefpaff in Slughorn's advanced potions class. You always sit next to Hermione, right?" Pomona said with a smirk. She is already married to Ron Weasley, Ernie."

  "Who told you?" Ernie said anxiously, "Don't listen to that person's nonsense."

   Pomona sneered.

  Ernie, like Severus, never forgets his first love, even if the first love is married.

  A man’s first love is a woman’s eternal love rival. When he was young, he broke up for stupid reasons, and when he grew up, he desperately wanted to save him, so he was the easiest to revive his old love.

   "Don't cause a scandal, Ernie, a Zacharys Smith is enough."

  There are many smart people in this world. McCaw McLagan stayed on for a year without a reason. She should have thought that at the Battle of Hogwarts, he became a member of the reorganized Dumbledore Army.

  Gryffindor was the biggest winner, and Zacharys Smith became the laughing stock. He was the kind of coward who would squeeze women and children aside when the ship wrecked, and stubbornly survived.

  Pomona understands his feelings, but can't forgive him, the scene is more disgusting than Ron Weasley's slug.

   "He regrets it, Professor, he was terrified at the time." Ernie said after a minute or two of silence, "Now he is at the forefront of the battle..."

  "Don’t think that his reputation will be washed away if you get rid of one or two ghouls. Now the werewolf office is about to start busy again. Will he dare to go?"

   "You are not calm now."

"I think you have also heard that the werewolves tried to rob the prison on Christmas Eve last year and rescued their king Fenrir Greyback. At that time, the people in Slytherin and the Auror office repelled them. Don't use it. Decent is used to describe a person, Ernie McMillan. Even the Fire Dragon was sent out at the time, ordinary people don't know, don't you know in the Auror office?"

  Before the Tang Dynasty, China had experienced a very chaotic period, which was called Wu Hu Luanhua in history.

  Compared with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Tian Khan Li Shimin, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian did not make outstanding achievements, but his reputation in Europe is much higher than the previous two.

  After the split of the Roman Empire, many emperors tried to unite East and West Rome again, but they all failed.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty not only reunified China, but also created a three-province and six-department political system that lasted for a thousand years. Whether in the East or the West, such an emperor with lasting influence is very rare.

He is a truly wise man, but unfortunately he was killed by his own son. During the reign of Charlie the barbarian, he continued to wage wars. Although he once unified Europe, it was divided again. There will be no era after him. .

  Albus did not get along well with the residents of the Forbidden Forest when he was alive, at least in peace, and now Hagrid was about to be driven away.

  Ron screwed up something, at most he almost lost his life, and Severus was going to screw up something that was a big deal. Didn't Harry hate the Potions Professor who was against him in everything? Snape let him do anything wrong, and he also helped Harry Potter get into the Ministry of Magic, allowing Harry to enter the Mystery Department to save Sirius Black as he pleased. A group of children could easily get into the Ministry of Magic. The defenses of the Ministry were all in white, not to mention there are so many Aurors, but who told them to deal with the murder of Emily Vance.

  Can come up with such a plan in such a short time, he played everyone in his palm, and the one who was tricked the most was Harry Potter.

  At that time, he was as reckless as James Potter and insisted on going his own way. He was injured and didn't tell anyone about it. He thought he had grown up.

Now he returned to Hogwarts to be a substitute teacher for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Calvin would not let his mascot charge when facing a werewolf. Harry wouldn’t be able to play politics. It’s better. Go back to school to teach, train a few wizards who can use the gods to defend against the dementors, and support Kingsley to cancel the dementors' policy of continuing to be the guards of Azkaban.

   "Why do you guys become a guardian of the gods only by you?" Pomona asked softly.

"Hannah was very emotionally broken down in the fifth grade. Susan was always upset after hearing that Azkaban had escaped from prison. Among those prisoners, there might be the murderer of her uncle, Zacharias and Jia. I don’t know why Sting is."

  The children of the wealthy family are not happy to see all of them. At least, when Pomona took Cedric to Zacharias’ birthday party, she was not thinking about celebrating him, but thinking about how to introduce her lover to the social world.

   "I heard something recently. The mysterious man seems to have an heir. The child was born in Malfoy Manor." Ernie looked at the snow under her feet and said, "Did you hear that? Dean?"

   "I have never heard of a word." She said coldly, "Don't forget that we won this time and Slytherin made a contribution."

   "Why are you helping Slytherin, you are already with them now?"

  "I’m just talking about things, Ernie McMillan, if Severus Snape didn’t hand over the Gryffindor Sword to Harry Potter, the mysterious man would not be destroyed so easily..."

"It's a Horcrux, you don't need to hide it. The Slytherin locket hung around the neck of the old house elf who was sent to the kitchen by Harry Potter." Ernie tremblingly said, "I I heard that his scar is starting to hurt again. Is the mysterious person coming back again?"

   "This is why you quit the Auror?" Pomona stopped and looked at Ernie. "Are you scared?"

   "I don't think Calvin is worth following." Ernie said with a sullen face, "I believe in Harry Potter."

  "Do you believe him to compete with him again?"

  "This does not hinder anything. Some people say that he is the savior, but I think he is an ordinary person. Of course I can compete with him."

  Pomona glared at him.

  "Don't mess with Ron Weasley!" She warned her prefect, "Spiders are the thing he fears the most. You must not make fun of him!"

   "I can't do this." Ernie smiled and said, "I really look forward to another joke after the slug."

   "No..." In the forest, a woman whispered.

   "No one will see." A man said vaguely.

   "I said, no, not in broad daylight..."

   "Cough cough." Ernie coughed awkwardly, and a rustling voice came from the forest, as if the man and woman had gone far away.

   "I thought there was a no-passing sign at the intersection." Pomona felt like a thunderstorm.

  It was embarrassing to encounter this scene with her students, and to make matters worse, she had done similar things herself.

  "It's winter vacation now. Besides, the forbidden forest only prohibits students from entering." Ernie said with a grin.

   "There are werewolves in this forest. We ran into one in Hogsmeade just now." Pomona said distraughtly.

  "They suffered heavy losses in the Battle of the North Sea, and they may want to develop members again." Ernie said blankly, "It's time to find a rope and tie their mouths."

   "The school must strengthen its defenses." Pomona looked at Hogwarts Castle in the distance and said, "Especially now that Dumbledore is gone."

  Do the right thing, because it is right, we must first understand what is right.

Dumbledore believed that Harry Potter was Voldemort’s Horcrux. It stands to reason that after Voldemort “killed” Harry the soul ceased to exist, and his scar would not hurt anymore, but it still hurts now. Does it mean that Neville has to kill Harry again with the sword of Gryffindor like Nagini?

  Harry’s son James Siris Potter will definitely avenge Neville.

  Two can only live one, this prediction is really cruel.

  (End of this chapter)