Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 346: Hell train

  Chapter 346 Hell Train

As long as Severus releases the news that Albus Dumbledore likes the same sex, and that his lover is Gellert Grindelwald, all of Albus’s deeds will be given a question mark. Muggles have a large population and are gay. The tolerance is limited, not to mention the sparsely populated wizards.

  Wizards value their children far more than Muggles. In the fifth grade, Harry and the others successfully defeated the Ministry of Magic represented by Umbridge because they took advantage of the parents’ psychology.

  Preferring the same **** will not give birth to children. If someone’s family has such a "prodigal son", the furious parents will definitely blame Dumbledore, saying that he has taught his children.

   Fortunately, Slytherin did not fight back the scandals that maliciously slandered them. The White Wizard's reputation is still innocent.

  Pomona sympathized with Wu Zetian's encounter. At first, she paid attention to her because Wu Zetian was as fierce as Lu Zhi. After the investigation, she discovered that Wu Zetian might have suffered all the blows that a woman could suffer.

  After her step-husband and sister, niece cheated, father and brother died, and eldest son died early, her second son, Prince Zhanghuai, was actually a homosexual.

  Li Zhi suffers from a serious headache. After searching all the ways, he could not find a cure. At that time, there was a man named Ming Chongyan who claimed to be able to use spells, but he really cured Li Zhi’s headache.

  Ming Chongyan, if given time, is estimated to be like Rasputin in the upper class, but later this person was assassinated by a criminal who committed crimes.

  The emperor had no doctor to treat the illness, and Wu Zetian went crazy, and later discovered that the assassin, Zhao Daosheng, was actually his son’s homosexual.

  After the bloodbath of the East Palace, Wu Zetian exiled Prince Zhang Huai to a place in the Tang Empire. Before Li Zhi, Tian Khan actually had a prince Li Chengqian. Unfortunately, Li Chengqian was also a homosexual. For the heir to the throne, this was a "disability" that was even more intolerable than his leg problems. It can be said that Wu Zetian was walking on countless people. Skeleton, the queen who stood up from blood and conspiracy.

   But she is a woman after all. If she is a woman, she can't help but rely on men. When she was old, she fell in love with a pair of young Zhang brothers. They manipulated politics by manipulating the empress, and the Tang Empire was almost collapsed by them.

Her most trusted minister, Di Renjie, intends to overthrow her. Even her daughter, Princess Taiping, is also on the side of the Li family. No one can be trusted. Pomona can't imagine how Wu Zetian could still be after so many experiences. If the spirit is normal, ordinary people only need to experience one thing to go crazy.

  Being tolerant also depends on the situation. Dumbledore taught her to be tolerant before. Pomona was very tolerant to her love rival Lily, and Narcissa Malfoy said she was abnormal. Hell, she is not the Virgin Mary, why should she be tolerant to rivals? A man cannot tolerate his wife having two husbands. Why should a woman tolerate his husband having two wives?

  Slytherin is very realistic. Narcissa and Severus signed an unbreakable vow to save her son. She was driven to a dead end. Only Draco's godfather could help him. But the stupid kid branded the Death Eater's Dark Mark on his arm at a young age. Now this mark has become a stain that hinders Draco's life. The handsome and rich Master Malfoy was discriminated against. Severus can’t help, but Pomona Sprout, the dean of Hefpaff College, can help. That beautiful snake made Draco recognize her as a godmother, and she also gave it a gift. News-Wormtail opened the door for Narcissa Malfoy in the house in Spider's End.

  Why? Why didn't Severus kill the traitor who killed his beloved woman?

  In his original words, "The taste of revenge is so wonderful", why not kill Wormtail?

  If he is a man who can't kill people like Draco, a coward, then he can understand that he dare not do it.

  Pomona couldn’t figure out what he was thinking about, whether he had really put down his love for Lily or put down his personal grievances for the sake of the overall situation. Sometimes for the greater good, men can let go of past grievances and shake hands.

  He is a master of Occlumency, his thinking is as complicated as a maze, he is a difficult puzzle for her, and she is controlled by him like a stupid woman.

  Now her head is firmly affixed with the Slytherin label. Whoever asked her to attend the Halloween party, I am afraid that only Harry and Neville would look at her without prejudice.

  The so-called savior does not necessarily need to sacrifice himself to be an example for the world like Dumbledore, but to mobilize more people to do the right thing at the right time.

Forbidden forests are too dangerous for students. It is too risky for students to enter the forest to eliminate swarms of eight-eyed spiders. For some parents, it is almost the same as sending a plate of meat to the spider’s mouth, wanting to get theirs. Permission is difficult, it is not as simple as getting a signature to Hogsmeade.

  Da members have Auror experience. They have grown up, and they have also experienced wars and various adventures. They are different from the children who grew up in honeypots.

  Slytherin also has a special skill, that is, summoning a basilisk. Spiders are most afraid of it, and there is also the spider expelling spell invented by Voldemort, and they have a great chance of winning.

  Without a good leader, the other three houses are just a mass of scattered sand, and the coalition forces of the three houses are not necessarily Slytherin’s opponents if they lose their numerical superiority. What's more, many da members got married and started families after leaving school. God knows how many people are willing to follow them to "prank".

  The original version of the fake gold can only change the serial number on the gold coin, and the number on the fake gold coin will show the date and time of the next meeting. After they joined the Ministry of Magic as Aurors, Jin Jialong had a little bit of change, and he could send some short messages. It was really not as convenient as a Muggle phone.

  Muggle electronic devices will be broken when they are brought into Hogwarts. Magic and electricity cannot coexist. The poor Minister of Magic Kingsley is dealing with the night call to destroy the Muggle power grid.

It is almost impossible for a Muggle without electricity to adapt to the life before the industrial revolution. It is almost impossible for a Muggle to adapt to the hustle and bustle of the city. The nature of wearing the cloak of civilization will be exposed.

  There is a roaring beast in everyone's heart. It is noisy and wants to be free, but it can't get it because of the heavy chains. Therefore, it feels extremely painful.

  The ultimate decision of our destiny is not ability, but our own choice.

  Being dragged into the arena to face a desperate fight is not the same as walking in with your head high.

   "What are you looking at? Professor?"

  The children in the greenhouse were arguing, and Hagrid couldn't put his mouth in at all. He walked up to Pomona and looked into the distance with her.

  "Do you think the Hogwarts Express looks like a red python." She whispered, "Everyone who rides on it seems to have been swallowed."

   "Why do you think that?" Hagrid said in surprise.

"Dumbledore said that expressing our true self is more important than what we have. This is what I think." She said with a smirk. "At Hogwarts, those who ask for help always get help. But if Hogwarts asks for help, who will help us?"

  When you are alone and helpless, you can only rely on yourself.

  It is difficult to push those children to the battlefield, but besides them, who cares about this school?

Girls are always attracted to bad boys when they are young. They only understand when they grow up that kind and pure talents such as Sirius and Harry are more worthy of love. It’s easy to be with them. You don’t need to guess the complicated thoughts in his heart. It's a pity that Pomona knew it was too late.

  The truth is this beautiful and terrifying thing. The white wizard fell in love with the black wizard. This is probably the most ridiculous joke in the world.

  (End of this chapter)