Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 401: dadmobile

  Chapter 401 dadmobile

   "What are they doing?"

  Ron rode a broomstick to the ambush with Seamus, only to see a group of people grilling meat at such a nervous time.

   "Bait." Simon said listlessly, then patted Ron on the shoulder. "Hey, look over there."

  Ron looked in the direction Simon was pointing, and saw a group of people using wands and potions to give birth to a black devil net.

   "The Battle of Hogwarts is useful. You and Harry Potter were busy looking for Horcruxes at that time. Didn't you notice."

"Damn it." Ron was shocked. Under the teamwork, the devil nets almost covered the entire forest. They looked densely packed, and there was no place to go. "I thought this battle was to prevent the forest from being burned by the fire. ."

"There are no magic wand trees in this area, just ordinary plane trees. They block the sun. If you don't fall down other plants, there will be no room for survival. That's what those Hefpaff said." Seamus floated to one. Sit down on the branch of a tree, and Ron sat with him on the branch.

"Lightning always hits the tallest tree, just like that one." Simon pointed to a tree struck by lightning not far away from the middle and said, "My mother said it was God's choice, and she also likes Trelaw. Nei’s set."

  Ron took out the light extinguisher at this time and put a small ball of light. The devil nets that had been entangled along the tree body were shrunk back by the light.

   "This is Dumbledore's legacy to you?" Simon looked at the light extinguisher and said, "What is it for?"

   "A weird person told me just now that it is related to everyone." Ron looked at the light extinguisher in his hand, it looked like a lighter.

   "Weirdo?" Simon asked.

"He said that the usual things will become very precious when they are scarce. Just now you said that the big tree blocks the light, and it is scarce for the plants on the ground." Ron looked down at his feet, "No wonder the Forbidden Forest and Dean Forest is so much worse."

  In ordinary forests, there are shrubs on the ground. In the forbidden forest, there are only the roots of big trees, with few dead branches and leaves.

  "What circumstances make light precious?"

   "I don't know, eclipse?" Simon Hu guessed.

   "He asked me to ask the tree, can this thing speak?" Ron looked at the tree weirdly, as if for fear of a human face growing on its bark.

  "You can ask Longbottom, he seems to be able to talk to plants." Simon said, "This is his talent."

   "What's that?" Ron asked again.

   "I don't know much. The main information is in the hands of Dumbledore and Snape. They are all dead."

   "Snape, why is he dead and still lingering." Ron said in disgust.

   "He and Sirius Black had a duel at Black House. Your father and George also knew about it, and Fred, if he were alive, would be an insider."


   "For a woman." West Mongolia said with a strange smile.

   "You are talking nonsense, Snape likes Harry's mother."

"I don't know this. I'm just a member of the bottom, and I don't know anything about the top." Simon did not matter. "Snape is the second seat of the Order of the Phoenix, behind the Mad Eye. He is a powerful man. Wu, Sirius Black is only the bottom, it is really unfair for him to do this."

  Ron was silent for a moment, and said slowly, "Snape is not good-looking, not as handsome as Sirius."

"and so?"

"If they are really dueling for women's issues, then it's easy to understand. You know how women like long and nice little white faces. Even Draco Malfoy's kind of scum, let alone Sirius Black. Ron looked at the light ball in front of him. "Siris is as dazzling as it shines."

   "Does he remind you of Victor Krum?"

   "No." Ron said nonsense.

  "They are all'stars'. Victor has withdrawn from the Bulgarian national team. Do you know where he works now?"

   "I don't want to know." Ron pursed his lips and shook his head.

   "You were his fan before."

   "Not anymore!" Ron gasped and said, "He is a student of Durmstrang, he must be a dark wizard!"

   "Snape is also a dark wizard."

   "Go away, Simon!"

   "Admit it, Ron, you are jealous of Victor, and Snape is jealous of Sirius. You two are actually alike."

   "Why do you have such a strange idea, who is like an old bat." Ron said like Bibi Duo with the smell of earwax.

   "If Hermione and Victor were together, would you kill him?" Simon asked.

  Ron collected the light, then rode on the broomstick and flew to another tree.

  He stood on the branch and took out the sailing coin that Arthur had just given him from his pocket. This silver coin is rare and valuable, but it is fake.

"I must be crazy." Ron put the coin back in his pocket and looked up at the sky full of stars. He watched the Titanic movie with Hermione, when Jack sank in the cold water. Hermione was crying when he went to the bottom of the sea, and he rarely felt disgusted with that handsome actor.

  In that boat, Jack met a beautiful woman who could only look up and could not touch all his life. He could do anything for her, even sacrificing his own life.

Rose is different from ordinary girls. She doesn’t value Jack’s money or status. His looks may be confusing, but that didn’t play a decisive role. She made the whole story poetic and unrealistic, just like a scene. Dream, like the name of the Titanic, the ship of dreams.

Ron looked at the stars in the sky, they became Hermione’s shape, so he took out da’s fake Jin Jialong, and sent her a message. He thought she would not return. After all, she was so busy. Thinking of the fake Jin Jialong soon starting to get fever, a line appeared on the coin: "You make me angry, Ron Weasley!"

  Ron smiled triumphantly. No matter how good Victor is, he is the only one who can get Hermione out of control.

   "Barbo tubers remind me of slugs and spiders. You were petrified in the second grade. Harry and I ran like giant monsters without your help."

  Coins can’t deliver a longer message. After sending this message, he wrote on the coin again.

   "We can't live without you, Hermione. Be safe."

  "Where are you?" Coin quickly replied to the message.

   "Somewhere in the Forbidden Forest."

   "Leave there, it is not safe there now!"

   Ron ignored her and put the coin back in his pocket.

  After setting up the devil net, Hefpaff’s people rode away on broomsticks, and only Ron and Simon were left here.

  When you want to detonate something, of course, the fewer people, the better, but the more decoys, the easier it is for the enemy to be fooled. Ron faced the cold Scottish wind, took off his pants and soaked in urine. He had just drunk a lot of whiskey.

  The smell of urine conveys a lot of information to animals, and the smell is strong. Ron's face is full of confidence just like participating in a Quidditch competition.

   "Come on, **** spider, you can't pass me." He said cheerfully.

When Harry’s seventeenth birthday, he got a donkey skin pocket from Hagrid. It can hold as many things as Hermione’s embroidered bead bag. Only he doesn’t have this kind of equipment. It’s because of that. To save everyone's burden, it would be nice if he could also have a magical equipment that can hold a lot of things.

   "Boom Rumble"

  About an hour later, there was a roar of a behemoth in the distance, a strong light passed through it, and then there was silence.

   "What is that?" Simon asked.

   "I don't know." Ron flew over on a broomstick, and the light immediately disappeared.

   Then there was the sound of stumbling and turning, and the red taillights were very eye-catching in the dark.

   "That's my dad's car." Ron whispered incredulously, "Why is it still alive?"

  "How can a car be alive?" Simon snorted.

  "This is the magical world. This forest has turned it into the wild." Ron looked around at a dark forest. "This forest has magical powers. Do you believe it, Simon?"

   "Of course, everyone knows this." Simon said impatiently.

  Ron just wanted to say something more, there was an explosion and the rustling of spider crawling in the distance. It was the person who was the first to be the bait.

  Some of them rode broomsticks, some rode night qi, and kept a short distance from the densely packed spiders on the ground, flying while igniting the Balbo tubers exposed on the ground, looking like a desperate struggle.

Chonghai encountered the devil's web trap. The plants disguised as crayon claws continued to stretch out snake-like vines to secure the spiders, but the spiders still came in like a tide. Even those who are not afraid of spiders felt that the scene nausea.

  Looking at the upside-down scene, Ron started to be scared again.

   "Let's go, Ron, here I can deal with it alone." Simon flew over on a broomstick, holding a magic wand in his hand.

  At this moment, the feeling of chills became more obvious. It was not Ron’s illusion caused by fear, but the dementor appeared.

"Damn it." Ron drew out his wand, used the Hushen guard, and summoned his patron saint, a Jack Russel Hound, to meet the cloak monsters that came over the sky and do it for Simon, who was responsible for igniting explosives. cover.

  The puppy rushed towards them like Yaya, and because he knew that the outnumbered people ran away with their tails between them, he was really a vicious-looking coward.

Seeing that the devil’s web entangled a considerable number of spiders, and the people who acted as the bait had already evacuated, Simon threw an explosive spell at an oak barrel, which exploded, and a wooden barrel next door exploded. In a chain reaction, the barrels containing potions for treating acne exploded.

   There was a "boom", they sent out a blazing flame, not only smashed the spiders, the shock wave from the explosion also blew Ron and Simon into the air.

   Simon Apparated at the very moment of the shot, but Ron didn't.

  Oh, compared to talking about other people’s love affairs, what they were talking about just now should actually be this, but who knows.

  Before he passed out, Ron’s face was full of annoyance. If he was eaten by a spider, there would be no bones left. He really hated spiders the most!

  (End of this chapter)