Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 402: Lost young man

  Chapter 402 The Lost Young Man

  There is a Muggle town Trilltown near Hogwarts.

  The founder of the school, Godlik Gryffindor, claimed to be from a desolate swamp, but he actually came from Gryffindor Manor in Birmingham. The Muggles in the village of Hogsmeade were scared away by the strange things that happened one after another. Sir Gryffindor allocated hundreds of hectares of land to these farmers for farming and exempted them from three years of taxation.

  This is a very generous thing. In the Middle Ages, there were aristocratic lords who were searching for the people, conscripting and fighting. Who has seen rent-free?

Farmers who didn’t want to continue serving as soldiers for the lords, or suffered double taxation from the church and lords, heard about this, and many fled to Scotland to find this paradise. However, when they arrived, they only saw a ruin, as the legend says. The place was ruined by dragons and black magic. The reluctant people built villages near the forest and made a lot of money from logging, but because of the remote location and the mountains everywhere, for a thousand years It has always been the size of a small town.

  The town has only one elementary school, one middle school and one high school, but no university. Some children left the village where their ancestors have lived after graduation. Some did not. They married people they had known since childhood and rarely had contact with outsiders. Therefore, a transfer student from London caused a problem in high school. Not a small commotion.

  He is so different. He is not as strong as the football players on the school team. He looks pale and handsome. He exudes a rebellious temperament and disdains the girls, which makes them even more accelerating to fall for him.

From high school to middle school, and even elementary school girls are talking about the newly moved Ernest house, but the middle school and high school girls hope they can date Dylan Ernest, while the elementary school girls are discussing their family. So pale, could it be a vampire from London?

Whoever can date Dylan Ernest is the "prom queen". The girls tried their best to attract his attention, but he was lack of interest in those sweet smirks. Instead, he was wearing a leather jacket like him. Everyone is known to be interested in the bad girl Anna Wood.

  Thumbow Town was originally called Giant Monster Town, because there are often giant monsters nearby.

   Come on, it's the 21st century, who still believes in the existence of giant monsters? So the "o" in Troll Town became "i", and it became a quaver town.

The London Police Department also has a name called Scotland Yard, but the police in Scotland are the police. The only sheriff in the town, Mr. David Cleveland, received an alarm from Anna Wood’s mother, and her daughter disappeared with Dylan Ernest. At last, the road maintenance worker who witnessed the two of them said that the two of them went to the depths of the forest, and the frustrated sheriff immediately contacted the forest police, ready to search the mountain for the two stupid adolescents.

  For those who love trouble and restless, rest days are completely redundant. To make matters worse, there are two days off in school, so the trouble is doubled.

No one wants to go into the Black Forest, only adventurers who don’t know the heights of the earth. David Cleveland kept praying that the two of them were not in danger. Last summer, two tourists disappeared here and their tents were destroyed. , The property inside was looted, blood stains everywhere, he didn't want to watch the horrible scene a second time.

David took his own gun, thought about it, and went back to his desk. He put the Bible in his jacket pocket. It made him feel better in the face of endless cold and darkness, even if that The book was taken away from the hotel accidentally on a trip.

The police car issued by the government was driven away by another colleague, Daniel. He had to drive his own car modified police car to the forest farm. The blue police lights made this quiet night jump, like a wolf's aconitum blooming. Flowers.

The forensic doctors of "Scotland Yard" would not believe that werewolves really existed in this forest. They even believed that there were people in the town who were misbehaving and inconsistent who committed the **** and terrifying murder. The Middle Ages when the whole village held a torch and burned to death the witch with a hand axe and a grass rake.

  Those people in the city have never heard the howling of a wolf, maybe they regard it as the barking of wild dogs or domestic dogs.

"Yes, you are right." When people from "Scotland Yard" asked him for his opinions, David was always so perfunctory. The superintendent must think his attitude was very bad, and the cooperation was extremely unpleasant. Yes, the disappearance case ended hastily after two months of intermittent investigation.

  David turned on the walkie-talkie. The signal in the mountains has not been very good. The radio often fails. Donald’s voice came after a short “rusting” sound.

   "What's the matter, head?"

  "Two teenagers are missing, Anna Wood and Dylan Ernest, Anna’s mother reported the case. Old Hansen said they might have gone into the forest."

   "It's that punk boy again." Donald cursed disdainfully, "I said long ago that he shouldn't go to school, he should be sent to the correctional facility."

"There are always people like that who cause trouble in places with a lot of people, and go to the countryside where there are few people." Mrs. Kamodi said on the public channel. "It is more than modern cities in the 1980s than the town of Tremor. My nephew said that I should hang out with which old antiques, hoping to sell it at a high price because it is old enough."

   "Speaking of old age, do you remember the person who came to our police station last time?" Donald said, "He still wears a bowler hat. I guess he must be from Polo's time."

   "I think he is more gentlemanly demeanor than you, that is what a real gentleman should look like." Mrs. Camodi said.

   "I almost forgot that you were also from Polo's time, Mrs. Carmody." Donald said impatiently.

   "Oh, I won't forget the way you played rock and roll when you were young, Donnie, how long your hair was at that time, it was about the same as your current wife, right?"

   "Enough, two, we have work to do." David reminded the two of them, "Contact that person, Mrs. Carmody, I remember he left contact information."

   "That's the phone number in London."

  "You just need to contact him." David said impatiently, "Donald, tell Bob, Doman, and Tereza to meet at the low-calorie beer billboard."

   "Understood." Donald said listlessly, then switched the radio, and then David turned the radio off as well, at which time he had reached the edge of the densely foggy forest.

After parking the car, he opened the door and came out of the suffocated car. The cold, slightly humid air made his sleepy mind sober, and even the sound of his own pounding heart was in the silence. Noisy, he looked up at the tall trees. They were much older than him, and he saw and heard more land than him. You can't know what terrible things are lurking behind the trees.

  He avoids going to the forest as much as possible. This place makes him tremble with fear. He doesn't want to make a sharp tremor like the heroine of a horror movie.

  Suddenly, a long honking of a horn came from the fork in the road. Judging from the model and the spray paint, it should be the forest policeman Brandon Baker. After all, the words "beware of fire" were written on the hood.

   "How bad is it?" Brandon asked after getting off the pickup truck.

  "They have been missing for at least a day. In such a cold day, maybe we can only find their frozen corpses back."

   "Or they managed to set up a fire on their own, and they are eating roast rabbit meat in a cave while laughing at how stupid our faces look now." Brandon shrugged, "You have to understand, teenager."

  "A boy in a city knows how to hunt?" David smiled and shook his head. "They can't even hold credit cards."

"Anna is a good hunter. She has been hunting with her father since she was 11 years old. If it weren't for the sudden disappearance of Old Wood, she wouldn't be what she is now." Brandon said, "I think you must think I'm crazy. But do you believe that there are werewolves in this world?"

  David did not answer.

   "Do you know how to track? Brandon?"

   "Of course." Brandon held up his shotgun. "This is what I learned at the police school."

"Then wait for my men to come, let's go together." David said with an uneasy expression, and the blue police lights left a changing shadow on his face, which looked like a constantly distorted face. .

  (End of this chapter)