Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 444: Silent contest

  Chapter 444 Silent Contest

The Victorian period was the heyday of the United Kingdom. During her reign, the British economy grew rapidly and continued to prosper and become strong. People of that era enjoyed the convenience of life brought about by technological progress. The sewage system and the incandescent lamps on the streets of London were all used by Queen Victoria. Realized when it's a bit.

  Make money, of course everyone likes it. No one wants to lose money. In ancient Rome, there was an eloquence because of the problem of silk. That silky fabric was raised to a moral issue.

  The mistress will uncontrollably spend the money of the man who supports her. The Victorian courtesans are always more gorgeous and fashionable than their wives, following the Parisian fashion.

  Wives know the income and expenditure of the family, they will not be so unrestrained to dress themselves, not to mention that they have to observe etiquette and education, and live like a "decent person".

  Usually, mistresses will end up miserably. When they are young and beautiful, they will be in the arms of one man after another. When they are old, no one will marry her, and old-age care is a problem.

  If unfortunately contracted tuberculosis or other diseases, then she will be abandoned directly, those dudes will only associate with healthy women.

  These men are often friends. Even if the woman they know together dies, at most everyone will discuss the romantic anecdotes related to her together, without even shed tears, and then continue to live their own lives.

Until one day, the same disease was transmitted to himself, and no one shed a tear for him except his parents. The so-called "friends" were even more nervous about whether he had the same disease. People in their circle are like that. , Full of decadence and indulgence, looks languid at a young age.

  The hollowed out look is very similar to the mental state of the werewolf after transforming. There are always some hopeless people and things in this world.

  The large amount of silver collected from the Manchu Qing Dynasty achieved the glory of the Victorian era. Also in the Middle Ages, the Middle East took advantage of the geographical advantages of East-West trade to make money, and finally created the glory of the Middle East.

Easterners are familiar with the Silk Road, Westerners are familiar with the Silk War. Due to the Eastern blockade of silk weaving technology, Europe was unable to weave silk by itself until the Justinian period, when China was in the Great Division and Chaos. During the Chinese period, the secret of silk was obtained by two Indians. They dedicated silkworm eggs to Justinian. The Eastern Roman Empire began to plant silk in Syria, and the price of silk was reduced to one pound and twelve gold coins.

There is a hostile relationship between the Eastern Romans and the Persians. If Eastern Roman merchants buy silk from Persian merchants, they will use their own money to raise other people’s troops. Justinian’s ideal model is to change Persian merchants into Ethiopian merchants and create a new one. Trade route, but things did not go as smoothly as Justinian thought. As Persian merchants stopped supplying silk to the Eastern Roman Empire, domestic handicraft workshops surrounding silk could not be started due to lack of raw materials. The silk economy was paralyzed, and the people went on strike. Indians came and rescued Justinian during internal and external troubles. , So Voltaire referred to silk, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing as the three technologies to save Europe.

Get rid of dependence to be independent, otherwise you will never grow up. When Voldemort was in the orphanage, he learned not to rely on people. Hogwarts has a scholarship to buy school gowns and wands for students who don’t have the money to go to school. Just put the money in the right place, did not go to the Honey Duke of Hogsmeade to buy sweets like everyone else, nor did he go to Joko to buy joke materials, because of the usual frugality, he would not be penniless during summer vacation. He can still find a place to live after leaving the school.

  Pomona also wanted to wear beautiful new clothes, but she would not wear them except for Dumbledore’s funeral and very important occasions. This habit has been cultivated for more than 30 years.

  Peacock Malfoy and Dumbledore are two completely different people. The White Wizard only makes the right choice, even if that choice makes him feel painful.

  These black wizards will not be as self-denying as he is. They trample on and enslaved Muggles and do not feel uneasy at all. In their eyes, Muggles are not only ants, but also worker ants. They provide services for the comfortable life of wizards.

  Oh, do you think it’s over if you don’t buy clothes to wear? Not only owls will provide mail order services, Muggles will also provide door-to-door delivery. The empty cloakroom is quickly filled with all kinds of clothes delivered. If you want to return the goods, Pomona has to go there in person.

  Oh, do you think you don’t like to dress up? Sometimes you don’t need to go to the salon to get your hair done. Professional hairdresser technicians will come to provide services. Pomona’s hands were originally rough due to labor, but now they are wrapped in white and tender again, and they have also done diamond manicures. , It starts to shine from the tip of the nail.

  Oh, do you want to do housework? That’s impossible. Although Robbie and Honey will stay at Malfoy’s and Draco’s side to work, Kreacher is free. He did not stay in the Black’s old mansion, but was sent to this one by Nasisha. The apartment, it was very happy, because it could discuss with Pomona how to save Master Regulus. It worked very hard and didn't complain at all.

   Even if she doesn’t even need to go out to buy groceries, Alfonso will deliver everything she needs.

Severus turned a blind eye to everything that happened in this house. It took a lot of silver to make a silver bullet that could kill the werewolves. A Muggle who was afraid of death would have to make a doorway to buy that kind of really effective aconitum soaked in wolf poison. Silver bullets, these people who came to visit carried suitcases and handed the whole piece of silver ingot directly to him.

  In history, both silver and gold used to circulate as currency for a long time, but now silver and gold are in an auxiliary position, and futures prices are not as expensive as gold. For those who are rich, this amount of money is not money at all, and because the night of the full moon is approaching, they are rushing to rush the goods and even willing to increase the price to work. Pomona has seen something on TV with her own eyes. The big man was so apprehensive and respectful to the former Death Eater that he even kissed Severus' ring.

  What kind of person is a successful person in the eyes of ordinary people?

  Unspent money, leisurely life, living in a luxurious house.

Moreover, the money Severus made had no wrong way at all. Just like the Chinese people’s technical blockade of silk, they made a thousand years of huge profits. The technology of making wolf poison silver bullets was blocked by wizards. Muggles did not have that technology. If you want to buy it, you can only pay a high price. This is the so-called knowledge is power.

  Wake up early in the morning, and after a day of turmoil, Pomona finally understands what Lucius Malfoy is thinking.

  These two Slytherins were teaching her to learn badly, just like teaching bady Crouch. She didn't even need to do the work of a real maid. She just needed to wear a maid costume and wait for the master to "spoil".

According to legends, even if the wand of a crime is covered with Malfoy’s fingerprints, you will never see Malfoy at the scene of the crime. This is the case now. The man behind Lucius Malfoy did not show up. Fleurs remained the same as usual, as if everything was business as usual, nothing great.

   "Aren't Kreacher's dishes delicious? Why don't you eat it?" Severus said with a smirk, possibly a real smile, because his face was full of complacency.

  Pomona looked at Kreacher, who was anxious at the table, and looked at her husband with a smirk.

   "Everyone knows that Kreacher's dishes are the best." She was like a grudge against that steak, and she cut her with a knife.

  The Hefpuff girl and the Slytherin girl had a war, and Pomona never thought that one day she would start a war with a Slytherin man.

  You started first, Lucius Malfoy!

   While thinking about hatred, she put the beef in her mouth and chewed it. Its taste tasted the same as that of platinum aristocratic meat.

  (End of this chapter)