Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 445: Runaway tap dance

  Chapter 445 Out of Control Tap Dance

  The Victorian era was the golden age of men, because they knew that no matter what they did, their wives had almost no chance to divorce him.

  She does not have the right to vote, sue, or property rights. His children must respect and obey him. If the children are too noisy, he can leave home at any time and go to the club to kill time.

Victorian women wore long mopping skirts, surrounded by steel skirts, as if they were birds in a cage. Inconvenience in daily movement is one aspect. What's more, petticoats are made of combustible materials and are often placed on banquet tables. There are candles, if they are lit, they will be life-threatening.

At that time, the aesthetics believed that women should have slender waists. In order to cater to the aesthetics of the time, many girls began to wear corsets since they were young. This kind of clothing is similar to the Chinese small feet. They are all designed to look slender and beautiful without giving themselves enough body Room for growth.

  They became "exquisite slaves", showing their elegance and beauty through gorgeous clothes, in order to attract more attention of the opposite sex, and pursue freedom through love.

  Gorgeous clothes are their tickets to enter public places, even if they will harm their bodies.

  Any woman has the right to love beauty, but love beauty is not to please others.

  Nassissa Malfoy grew up in London. Pomona is a Scottish woman. She will not be kept as a caged bird.

  Rose also wears a corset. When her mother learned that she had been dating Jack, the old woman personally dressed Rose in the same clothes as the torture device.

That kind of clothes made her feel suffocated. Now Pomona doesn’t wear that kind of clothes, but she still feels that she is almost out of breath. She follows the indoor stairs to the rooftop, where there is a garden, around the baroque pavilion. There are many rose bushes, which should be very beautiful in the flowering season.

  The weather in London is warmer than Scotland, and there is only a thin layer of snow. She swept away the snow from the rattan chair and sat on it. The cloudy sky all year round looked very pleasing to the eye.

  Compared to the social life of moving from one living room to another, she would rather farm in the country.

Pomona likes Jane Austen. Although she is not the kind of woman who can read the monarchy, she is fresh and natural, just like an idyllic. The muddy paths, the green water plants, and the quiet house, everything is So peaceful.

In   Jane’s era, women wore imperial high-waisted skirts, everything was loose, because there were no skirts, they could run freely.

She likes the children to call their father "Dad" instead of "Mr.", and the sound of piano music flows in the air instead of the man's self-proclaimed speech. Draco is very much like Lucius in this respect, but he is not like his father. Hard and cold, he is just a spoiled boy who should not be held responsible for his father's mistakes.

  Lucius should have a lot to do. Whether it’s the Ministry of Magic or business, he ignored his family, so Naxisha gave all his love to Draco.

Now, her lovely son is going to marry another woman. She would be so lonely without her son at home. If Lucius wants to save her marriage, she should stay at home more instead of running around like in the past. Albino Snake actually planned to steal the time converter on her wedding night.

  She likes the magical fireworks at the Weasley’s house. She prefers to watch Neville and Hannah dance with the third-class passengers in the dance music full of joyous tunes. Why doesn’t Lucius invite Naxisha to dance?

  He is the kind of man who is still alive in the Victorian era. His wife and children must obey his orders. It is great for Draco to resist him for Astonia!

  Pomona used a magic wand to build a snowman from the snow, which looked very much like a platinum nobleman.

   "Fuck you, Lucius Malfoy!" Pomona cursed with no education, and gave him a middle finger. She felt much better all of a sudden.

She waved her magic wand to gather the snow on the roof and turned into a bigger snowman, and then made him tap dance. It looked so funny, but it was a pity that she was the only one who saw it, Lucius. So hateful. He is a complex of **** and arrogance. He has a handsome face. No wonder someone writes scripts to vilify him.

In 1836, a wizard performer named Xavier Lastrick mysteriously disappeared during a tap dance performed by 300 audiences in Payneswickville. His whereabouts have been unknown since then. A chocolate frog picture appeared on his deeds. After he disappeared No one has ever seen or heard of him again. Some people speculate that he may be one of the victims of the time chaos, because the Ministry of Magic conducted a time travel experiment in 1899, and at least 25 people who should have been changed. Become "never born."

If Lucius Malfoy had obtained the time converter, he might not go to resurrect Voldemort, but he might return to the battle of the Ministry of Magic and dedicate the prophecy to Voldemort so that Draco would not be punished. He doesn't have to accept the trial. In the eyes of Naxisha, he is still that handsome and capable husband. As for what the future will become, he won't care about it. Lucius is just that kind of person.

  If a man cares about what a woman thinks of him, at least it proves that he has a good impression of her. Even Severus once rode a broomstick for Lily.

  Lucius also likes Naxisha. This is the only merit of his countless shortcomings, which is worthy of recognition. Moreover, he is still a wasteful person who can't handle the pressure. No wonder he finally derailed like those men who encountered middle-age crisis.

  Man needs the sight of women’s appreciation and admiration. Just like the fountain of the Ministry of Magic brothers, the wizard walks in the forefront, followed by witches, horsemen, fairies and house elves. Lucius messed up one thing after another. First he was fired by the school manager, and then Dobby ran away. In order to get rid of the Tom’s diary, Draco was killed by Buckbeak in order to get rid of that Tom’s diary. Scratched, coupled with the fact that Voldemort's power became stronger day by day, and his sensitivity to death made him need to find a place to escape. As a result, he made his life worse.

   "Why would he listen to the advice of a fool!" Pomona couldn't help complaining, how could her husband suddenly become so "smart".

   "Why do you always think I am a loser?" Severus's voice sounded behind her, and he looked bad, like a bottle of bad milk.

   "Do you want me to ask you for an autograph?" Pomona sneered, and then said in a sweet voice, "Oh, Professor Snape, I admire you, you are such a great hero."

  "Do you think what I have done is not praiseworthy?"

   "You and Albus together induced Harry to die. He is Lily's son. She took her own life to protect him!"

   "Dumbledore said he was the last Horcrux and must be destroyed by Voldemort himself. I have no other choice!"

  "Have you never thought that he might have made a mistake?"

   "When did he miss it!"

   "Albus is also a person, he is not a god, he will not always be right!"

   "Pomona, none of the ‘evidence’ you mentioned can overrule Dumbledore’s conclusion."

   "Just like you thought the potion Kreacher drank was a semi-finished product of the Sage’s Stone, right? Now I question your inference that the cave stone basin is filled with poisonous pansy, not the "tonic" you said."

   Severus glared at her gritted teeth, looking like he was going to strangle her to death.

  Pomona pointed her magic wand at the ground and threw the snowball at him.

  He blocked the snowball with his armor body, and there was no snow on his body.

   "You are in a big trouble for yourself." He pursed his upper lip and said angrily as if swearing.

   "What do you want? Do you use violence?" She waved her fist at him, "I won't swallow like Irene!"

  He Apparated.

   Then she felt that she was pushed behind her back, her body could not move, it was obviously petrified.

  Before her face hit the ground, she was caught.

  She thought she could see a violent face. In fact, Severus didn't have the slightest expression on his face, but it was more terrifying than showing emotion.

   "Afraid?" He said calmly, dragging a slow tone, as if singing.

  At this moment, she wished that he was using a coma spell instead of a petrification spell.

  "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He squeezed her chin and said patiently, "It's just that some people really need a lesson. You don't think the previous gameplay is too addictive, do you want to have some excitement?"

  Never forget that Severus Snape is Hogwarts’ most terrifying teacher.

  If Pomona could move at the moment, she would have cried out "wow".

Mistakes are inevitable, but it’s not good to find death. No matter how bad Severus’s teaching method is, he can’t doubt it, but Harry always forgets this. He has to fight him every time, which is annoying. The old bat used his identity to suppress the voice of justice every time.

  Previously, Pomona always thought Harry was stupid, but now she found out that she was not much smarter than him. What was wrong with her, which annoyed this guy.

  I regret now, it seems it is too late.

  The snowman in the shape of Lucius Malfoy is still tap dancing at the moment. It looks like he is cheering, which is really annoying.

  (End of this chapter)