Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 548: Unfinished words

  Chapter 548 Unfinished Words

  There is such a story in Greek mythology. Daedalus was a skilled craftsman. He went to an island to help the king build a maze in which the king’s minotaur lived. After the repair was completed, the king would not let him go. He collected a lot of feathers and glued them into two wings with wax, one for his own use, and one for his son Icarus. The two plan to fly out of the island from the sky. Knowing that the wings were made of wax, he warned his son not to fly too high, because it would cause accidents if he was too close to the sun. But Icarus was young and playful. After he flew up, he felt very irritating and slammed his wings. As a result, he flew too high. The sun melted the wax and all his wings fell apart. The child fell and drowned in the sea. Up.

This story teaches the world not to be too arrogant, but in fact there is still an unfinished part of this story. In addition to admonishing his son not to fly too high, Daedalus also tells him not to fly too low, because if he flies too low, his wings will be Will get wet, so he won't be able to fly.

The things taught in public schools were set up by capitalists and industrialists to train workers. They deleted the second half of the story about wings made of wax, because this can teach people to be humble, but it will not set a bottom line. They can more easily find obedient workers and ignore them. In this kind of school, you won’t learn anything to change your destiny. If Severus and Lily stay in the public school in Cokworth, then they will become two ordinary people. You can watch it when you go home from get off work every day. Watching TV, being attracted by a certain product in the advertisement, and then buying it back with the money earned by selling labor and time.

As Han Fei said, carmakers want people to be rich not because he really wants others to have a good life, but because someone can buy the cars he makes. Ford and General Motors are not the ones who give higher salaries to workers. It’s really kind, but hope that people have money to buy the cars they sell. This system has been running for more than 100 years. Those public schools were founded by factory owners. They definitely don’t want workers to strike. Generally speaking, they Will be wrapped in a coat of charity, how can people who donate to school be bad guys.

There are many books on how to quickly become a millionaire in Muggle bookstores. They will teach people about investment, financial management and real estate speculation, but if you practice these books, you will find that they won’t work, so they will be given to Ron. Harry's book about how to chase a girl was the same, but it seemed to make sense.

There is also the concept that buying a certain special product can make someone’s lifeless life better. The lipstick you use is the same as a celebrity, and the watch you wear represents your gentleman’s demeanor. It is easy to attract women's attention, but the combination of the two does not work, but your time and energy have been wasted, and you are far from "success".

This kind of misleading and inducement will cause information gaps and make the defending party pay attention to the wrong direction. The theoretical basis of information gaps is shared knowledge and public knowledge. The earth is round, which is shared knowledge, but everyone does not necessarily know the others. Do people also know this? If everyone knows that the earth is round, and also knows that everyone knows this, then the earth is round is everyone’s "public knowledge".

Shared knowledge can be transformed into public knowledge through popularization, shouting, public discussion, etc., such as Copernicus defended the heliocentric theory that the information gap is to create asymmetry. Both the rich and the people know that the earth is round. Yes, but those with power know that Spanish-controlled South America does not allow British merchant ships to do business. People in the South China Sea Company don’t know that they think they have a monopoly on South American trading rights. Even if the interest rate of the national debt is reduced from 9% to 6%, they can still make money. After the people from Nanhai Company found out that they had been fooled, they used the same method to deceive shareholders. They had reached an agreement with Spain to do business freely in South America. This is certainly a scam, but because there is information between the public, Nanhai Company and the British government. It was caused by the difference.

  A housewife receives the least amount of information. If even she knows how to make money, then this is a kind of public knowledge. Can the knowledge that the earth is round can create wealth for people? At least there is no navigation route that can create wealth. There is also a position of navigator on the ship, which can be used by men to support their families.

  Even ordinary people know that education determines the future of the country and the nation, but these poor families often involve the interests of people in the upper class.

  Chinese people love to read and learn. This is a good habit in China. Knowledge changes destiny. However, this is not the case in the West. These courses instilled in the minds of public school children prevent them from having the ability to change their destiny. So there was such a strange phenomenon that Chinese domestic parents did everything possible to send their children abroad to study, but after returning home, they couldn't keep up with the domestic children. He was used to foreign liberal education and the domestic stress education law. He can't stand it.

  Homework is the public enemy of all students. Hogwarts students are lazy enough, and public schools are even lazier. If Pomona’s students can be as diligent as the Chinese school children. Human knowledge has been accumulated by countless smart people for thousands of years and has been as broad as the sea. If you blindly pursue it, it is easy to get lost and need someone to lead. The teacher should be a person like a navigator. Wrong leadership will make children stray into it. Astray.

A person will not be curious and hateful when dealing with the same thing. Voldemort deliberately maintains that sense of mystery to allow people to maintain the kind of curiosity that people have about him. Once they really understand his person, normal people will want it. Stay away from him.

If the same person hates learning, then he doesn’t want to read books at all. Not only is he dealing with exams or homework, but curiosity keeps him to study. Hermione is such a person. The biggest difference between a student and a student is not Intellect, Hermione taught that paper on werewolf identification alone, and the others were happy when they heard that Remus said that they didn’t need to hand it over. Only Severus, a self-seeking person like Severus, would suddenly discover it with his conscience. Patiently read the kind of papers that deal with things.

  Mystery can arouse people's curiosity, and both the mysterious person and Severus deliberately maintain that sense of mystery.

  Some people are obsessed with things that celebrities have used. For example, Harry Potter’s broken broomstick can no longer be repaired, whether it’s Light Wheel 2000 or Firebolt, but people are still willing to pay a lot of money to buy it back.

  The mysterious man used Ravenclaw’s crown, Hefpaff’s golden cup, Gunter’s ring, diary and Slytherin’s locket as Horcruxes because they were once used by celebrities.

  It's not that items make people valuable, but people make items valuable. There are many magic items with magical functions in the world, but not everything is as famous as the founders use.

Da Vinci’s manuscripts are also bought now, but it is estimated that no one is interested in a child’s diary. People do not like things but their own desires. Voldemort is such a person who likes fame, and he also likes others to fear him. .

  His desire is power, and women are not his favorite. This is not the same as Severus who wants a woman to love him.

He likes to watch others kneel and kiss his robe. This is not a humiliation, but a gift of dignity. He doesn't need a fairy to kneel down and call his master. As for the house elves, they are experimental objects. Werewolves wear food. The clothes of the dead have no qualifications.

  Only people he thinks useful can join his "family" and become his "servant".

Lucius, Bella, and Severus kept some things for him. One of them is good at financial management, the other is absolutely loyal, and the other is talented in potions and dark magic. What other people have "useful abilities" for him. What?

  Severus is a thief, he is extremely curious, and even does some immoral things for the sake of knowledge.

  But he is essentially a man who desires power.

  He, the Dean of Slytherin, is different from Slughorn, he is made entirely on strength.

  He is also a gambler, who would pay his life for a job, but he actually thought of using explosive fluid to fight Slughorn.

  She is lost in the complicated world of this person. Sometimes she feels that she understands him, but more often she doesn’t. For example, at this moment, he actually wants to make love to her.

  He preferred her to wear Hogwarts school uniforms to those explicit underwear designs, and he burned like combustible ice that had been ignited again.

There are still a few desks and chairs in the abandoned classroom. The gloomy light shines through the dusty window. The cigarette **** he has just stepped on is still there. The dust floating in the air rotates slowly, looking like it is Same as silver powder.

  There are also information gaps between teachers and students, but she can’t figure out who is the teacher and who is the student now.

   "Are we... in role playing?" She asked shyly. Wearing this school uniform gave her a sense of anti-ethics, as if she was in a teacher-student relationship.

   "Quiet." He warned with that majestic appearance in front of the students, as if he was still a teacher.

   "Leave him alone." She gave up resisting, as if she was going out, hooked his neck, entangled with the Slytherin chief who is not allowed to enter.

  If keeping secrets hinders the development of the times like abstinence, then stop keeping them.

Some people don’t want to change, but some people want to change. The change will make people feel uncomfortable and they will be eliminated if they can’t adapt. This is the social Darwinism that some people believe in. It’s definitely a bad feeling to be eliminated when it’s their turn. But who Before I told him to stand and talk, my back hurts.

  (End of this chapter)