Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 549: Middleman

  Chapter 549 Player in the game

There must be a bottom line for interpersonal communication. Severus and Albus Dumbledore did not explicitly set it up when they were interacting. When Albus "begged" Severus to kill him, Severus Without holding the bottom line, he agreed to Albus, and when he wanted to regret later, Albus refused to agree.

At that time, he was completely passive. What's worse was that he didn't know how to resist. Snape, who looked fierce, was a weak person in front of Albus Dumbledore. He just didn't know what to do, and it happened. He can't tell others that his clumsiness is reflected in this aspect.

  When China is accelerating industrialization, Europe and the United States are pursuing de-industrialization. The core values ​​of the United States are freedom and democracy. Although the existence of labor unions protects the rights and interests of workers to a certain extent, it has seriously harmed production efficiency.

  In short, trade unions will drag down companies. Although the United States is a superpower and the world’s largest developed country, it does not mean that the United States does not have poor people and bottom-ups. The manufacturing industry could have provided a stable job and income for thousands of people at the bottom.

  But companies are not charities. Their purpose of existence is to make a profit. Their original intention was to protect laborers from being exploited by sweatshops. Workers who have joined a union will fight for higher wages for their members. Workers who do not belong to a union are hired "arbitrarily", while union workers can only be dismissed when they are unable to do the job. There is no doubt about the strength of the American trade unions. At least so far, they are still the object of the American election, including their votes and funds.

  Joining a trade union is not free. They not only charge workers dues, but also sign agreements with enterprises to manage the welfare of their members in a unified manner.

However, unions in the United States are degrading. On the one hand, because unions no longer fully protect the rights and interests of workers, many senior union leaders regard unions as their own political capital, and they have gradually become new capitalists. On the other hand, unions are actively promoting enterprise innovation. The role is fading, and the negative role that hinders companies from making profits in accordance with market legal person status is on the rise.

  In 1886, Chicago workers organized a strike under the leadership of the AFL department of labor unions to win the 8-hour work system. This is the origin of the "May 1st" International Labor Day. However, the struggle program of the American trade unions unambiguously reads "exclude all foreign workers" and even lists "Chinese workers" as a single item.

  Should not labor on Labor Day? Why are you still on holiday?

  Japanese people like to work overtime, and it is unpaid, this situation is against labor laws in Europe and the United States. Truck drivers often work overtime. They are an indispensable part of the "transport capacity", but because the price of crude oil fluctuates too much, their rights and interests are often not guaranteed.

There is a huge difference between the fuel consumption of family cars and the cost of large commercial trucks. Those trucks that look cheap are even more expensive than luxury cars that represent aristocrats in the eyes of ordinary people. Cars mainly focus on comfort, while trucks are. Pay attention to the power of the engine, and the fuel consumption will be different. For ordinary people, fluctuations in fuel prices will cause a certain amount of trouble but they will not be unbearable. Truck drivers are different. They operate "commercial" and often these truck drivers have no culture. With no survival skills other than driving, Silicon Valley geniuses developing driverless technology will affect their work.

Silicon Valley has not yet developed it. If they develop it, they will grab the job of the truck driver. At that time, the truck union will appear to fight for the rights of "people". The driverless technology that has invested so much in the early stage has not been brought. Earnings, the money is burned in vain, so shareholders and venture capital companies who buy stocks because of their optimistic about driverless technology will suffer heavy losses. Using poor information to create a "working class" education system hinders social development, but allowing the bottom to receive too much education will prevent the top from continuing to "ignore" them. They will know how to defend their rights, such as resisting overtime, Increase income, so that capitalists who drink human blood will bleed.

  Education without setting a bottom line is to train the working class so that they don’t know how to resist when they face oppression, and are finally stepped into the mud, just like being buried in the soil after death.

Humans are not machines and need to rest. Overtime work needs to be resisted. However, the chance of not working overtime will increase in value and raise your salary. It has nothing to do with you, or even fire you for no reason. The 8-hour work system is contended. You can spend more time resting and learning knowledge. You won’t be caught in the trap of consumerism by brainwashing advertisements on TV.

  The purpose of advertising is to get people to buy things produced in factories. Most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, and they are not as good as the broad "leeks" class.

If people stop buying, there will be slow sales. At this time, a weird phenomenon appears. People can make the product of good quality, but deliberately make it easy to break. For example, light bulbs must be replaced frequently if they are often broken. If you don’t want to buy it, you must buy it. There are even regulations in the industry that anyone who makes a light bulb must squeeze it out if the quality is too good.

  Oh, a light bulb that was just changed broke again. Consumers couldn’t help complaining, and negative emotions increased. This is consistent with the union’s purpose of protecting workers’ rights and interests, but in the end they had an affair with politicians.

Human greed is infinite, and time is limited. Everyone is 24 hours a day. If he spends his limited time in pursuing infinite greed, he will miss many beautiful things in life. When he is dying, he regrets that he didn’t have it. Staying with your family, or pursuing dreams when you were young.

  After graduation, diplomas are constantly devalued. What is left is whether you have the desire to continue to learn new knowledge, the perseverance to accept failure and start again, and the ability to resist pressure calmly in the face of pressure. Entrepreneurship is often not successful at once. The Weasley brothers were deceived of all their savings. Although 37 Jin Jialongs are not many, they are the only ones they have. Many people will be devastated after losing everything. Weasley doubles The birth of a child tried to stand up again. They even skipped classes like candy. Of course it’s not good to skip classes, but Umbridge’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a waste of time, rather than accepting the class she took for political purposes. Better to sleep.

  Don’t the Ministry of Magic realize how ridiculous he is? The life of a little wizard was threatened, and he still couldn't use magic to resist, so Harry and Dudley should stand there waiting to die, because if Harry used magic, they would violate their supreme law.

The bottom line should be flexible, but it cannot be without a bottom line. Just like the Stars and Stripes Law of the United States, the national flag is a "solemn" thing. Burning and trampling of the flag is not allowed. The elites manipulate public opinion for their own "freedom of speech" to control public opinion and direct national interests. Disregarded, and twisted the link between patriotism and Hitler and Japanese ****. They are the representatives of egoists. The harm caused by these people's power is extremely serious. There is a loophole in the US Constitution that "protects minorities". The elite controls the Congress. Even if the people all over the country agree to the flag protection law, the Congress cannot pass the constitution or amend the constitution. This kind of freedom of speech with no bottom line and no borders, just like the American founding father Franklin said, the heart of a fool is in the mouth, and the mouth of a wise man is in the heart. Little Henry Shaw just can't control his own mouth, and finally got into the murderer. Worse, he is a typical American with "free speech", and he doesn't know when to "shut up".

In ancient China, the Silk Road trade was dominated by the Sogdians. Because of the huge information gap, the price of raw silk has doubled hundreds of times from the place of origin. One pound of silk 12 taels of gold. This news was unknown to the Chinese. Its unique geographical location monopolized the trade of Chinese silk, which was sold to Rome by Persian merchants. Justinian wanted to break this trade mode and buy cheaper silk, so he united with Ethiopians, planned to bypass the high-priced monopoly of Persia, and went to India to buy Chinese silk from the sea, and then shipped Rome east, so the silk war Erupted.

After the first Opium War, the Chinese bourgeoisie began to do business with foreign countries, but the Chinese as raw silk producers had to be restricted by foreign businessmen. If Hu Xueyan wanted to break the foreign monopoly, he first had to form a strength in his own country that could compete with foreign countries. So he bought raw silk for a monopoly.

However, it is not understood that he did this. The domestic businessmen first set him down. Sheng Xuanhuai was in the vortex of power struggle between Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang. Others may not be all for him. The only way to run on face is to prevent Hu Xueyan from being monopolized. The "game" seen by them and Li Hongzhang is different from what Zuo Zongtang and Hu Xueyan saw.

During the Tang Dynasty, there was no seclusion. Xuanzang brought back not only the scriptures from the Western Heavens, but also the Book of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty. However, when facing the Eastern Roman envoys for help, the Tang Dynasty officials showed their problems in the "Envoy Picture". The arrogant attitude is so different from the manner in which the officials of the Qing dynasty bend their knees.

  The Ming and Qing dynasties closed the country and caused a serious information gap, and coupled with the illiteracy rate, it is too difficult for ordinary people to understand the relationship between inflation, the rate of food commodities and national security.

It is very simple for people to control sheep. The hard part is for people to control people. Common people know what is the right choice and what is wrong. They see that the officials of the Qing Dynasty abuse their money and power, but fail to fulfill their obligation to defend the country. The bourgeoisie, Even the proletariat behind them united and overthrew the feudal bureaucracy.

  Shang Yang was the one who brought the Qin Dynasty unified. His technique for the weak is that the people are weak and the country is strong, and the country is strong and the people are weak.

  To want the weak is to let them tame. If violence cannot be used, use other methods. Education can also achieve the purpose of the weak.

What makes people feel happy is not what you bought, but the "sense of control". You can freely control it when you have money. You can use dollars to light cigarettes or use it as an "education". It's what ordinary people think of as charity.

But in fact, it’s useless if you just donate your money to build the “architecture” of the school. The important thing is the teachers who teach and the textbooks in the children’s hands. At least before she met Zhang Tao, Pomona didn’t talk about the French Revolution and Laki volcano eruption linked together.

  Hogwarts is far away from the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city, and people have to have fun on their own.

  Some people love to read books, while others like others. When a man and a woman are together, they will find things to pass the time when they are bored to the point of having nothing to do, and then the child will be born.

  In remote and backward places, more newborns are born. If children represent hope, then there is more hope in those places.

  Franklin also said that despair ruined a group of people, and pride ruined many more.

  Living in a city, she didn't think she was in heaven. The buildings in the city are like steel forests, similar to the forests in the countryside. They look beautiful from a distance, but they lose that beauty when they walk in.

  Like the Jews, they gained freedom with the help of divine power and left Egypt, but they wandered in the wilderness for a long time and wanted to go back. Unfortunately, it was too late. They crossed the bottom line of the Egyptians and could not go back to the past.

  (End of this chapter)