Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 550: "income"

  Chapter 550 "Earnings"

  If someone makes a self-improvement exercise into a movie or a series, Pomona will definitely watch it.

  Hu Xueyan’s purchase of raw silk can be said to be to break the monopoly of foreign merchants, or it can be said to be to form a monopoly in the country.

  Li Hongzhang's goal of controlling the self-improvement movement is also half for public benefit and half for private benefit.

  It is very time-consuming and labor-intensive to consolidate basic industries from scratch. It is not easy to find so many self-reliant “people” first.

Ten years of trees and 100 years of trees, Zhan Tianyou is still a minority. The first batch of children studying in the United Kingdom and the United States was 120, and only 90 returned to China. There are egoists everywhere, and they have learned knowledge for their own profit. It’s definitely more comfortable material life than a person who is committed to the public. There are many people, but talents are rare. It is very difficult to become a talent. There are no eleven people in 1.2 billion Muggles who can play football. If you don’t have the right people, it’s better to imitate, or to buy, it’s not wrong. Anyway, the funds for those people will eventually be wasted.

  Li Hongzhang deposited millions of taels of silver in the Chashan Coal Mine Company of Japan. Although the East India Company stole the cultivation method of black tea, the tea produced in India did not meet the taste of the Japanese. The tea and coal exported to Japan are important domestic revenues.

Li Fengbao is another matter. There is a rebate for buying warships. This was a common practice in the business community at the time. Armstrong generally gave 5%. Some people impeached him for not customizing abroad and resorting to prostitutes. Some people said that the warships he ordered were of poor quality. Inferior, even from "the expenditure of millions of huge sums of money for one person, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no disadvantages such as receiving bonuses", it has developed to "buy two iron-clad boats at a price of three million taels, with a discount of 20%, embezzling six hundred thousand Gold is fattening one's own pockets.

  Those things made out of nothing Li Fengbao didn't do anything. The thick files are kept in the British Library. Anyone who makes a false report on the purchase price will know it.

Nash Equilibrium is talking about a non-cooperative game. The procurement of warships is like the most beautiful girl. If all the men attending the prom go after her, then her female friends will turn around and leave. Military procurement is not just warships, but also machine tools, Steel, equipment, Lanzhou’s first bridge on the Yellow River was built with all steel transported from Europe. These people gave up the most beautiful girl and pursued her female companions, so that everyone would benefit.

  The situation of trapping the enemy is not to fight, and to lose the strength and the soft. This is the thirty-six plan to wait for work, let the enemy's internal friction, resulting in a situation where the enemy is going from prosperity to decline, from strong to weak. Although it was the people of Qin that unified the world, it was the people of Chu who overthrew Qin's world.

Although Chu has three households, Qin must be destroyed by Chu. In Zizhi Tongjian, Wang Jian used the method of waiting for work with ease in the process of regaining Chu Kingdom.

  The people of Chu heard that Wang Jianyi's army came, and they learned that the soldiers of the country were used to defend them, and Wang Jian was firm against fighting. Chu's number challenged, but he couldn't make it out. Wang Jian stayed off and washed the baths every day, but was good at eating and caressing him; he and the soldiers ate together.

The topography of Chu is complicated and it is difficult to transport food. Qin uses the Yangtze River and water transportation. Qin advocates water morality and is especially good at water conservancy projects. With a stable food supply, he can experience the bitter battles of conquering Han, Zhao, and Wei. After recuperation.

  Chu’s monarchs would work together in the face of a great war. If the time was too long, they would argue over their own interests. After waiting for nearly a year, Wang Jian would not have trouble sending troops to attack Chu.

What changed European civilization was silk, gunpowder, and printing. Not only the Chinese were translating Western works, but the West was also translating Eastern works. In Hu Xueyan’s monopoly of the market, foreign businessmen didn’t need to do anything at all. They looked at the Chinese people with ease. Fighting is enough. This kind of Chu-style thinking has troubled Chinese people for two thousand years, especially the merchant class.

  The West also has competition and infighting, but the "guild" can eliminate these contradictions, it can regulate internal disputes, and formulate rules. Audi used to be four car companies, and later merged into one, reducing competition. In the past, Chinese guild halls had a similar function. After the comprehensive western learning, guild halls and regulations have disappeared. Everyone has their own abilities, and there are many strange businessmen, but more people have been eliminated. National capitalism plays a role in feudal bureaucrats and foreign capitalists. It is difficult to survive under squeeze, and it has not become the dominant force in the social economy.

  The first group of people in China who became rich have a common feature. Although they don’t read much, they have worked hard from the bottom. They are very familiar with the world and can think about problems from the perspective of others. Some people will become obsessed with getting rich. Some will clearly realize the importance of reading and send their children to prestigious schools to take courses that they simply do not understand.

The Nash Equilibrium is actually left over from the Chinese playing two thousand years ago. If you don’t understand the loss, the gain, the gain, and the softness, you can put it in another way. Satisfaction, to achieve the goal of retreat as progress.

People who are eager for quick success are often easy to be fooled, or do reckless, or even insidious things. Li Fengbao takes up a good job, so many people fight with him, and there are too many framing him in the memorial. Unfortunately, there was no crime of slander at that time, and he did not To sue those who slandered him, in the end he had to leave his job and go home to translate books.

  In the herd effect, people will imitate the choices of others, and Nash equilibrium is that no matter how others choose, they make themselves the best choice in the overall form that they can do.

  People are imperfect. Everyone has shortcomings, large and small. Tolerate those shortcomings, achieve harmony without difference, and cooperate for a common goal. This is the real gentleman.

  The kind of man who says that a woman is not chaste is guilty is a hypocrite. Standing on the moral high ground and attacking everyone is the 21st century, is it necessary for women to establish a chastity archway to commend them?

The **** of love in the sky is only in imagination, and the **** of love on the earth is very secular. Even Furong has to eat and go to the bathroom. Everyone wants to make no mistakes and makes the right choice every time, but sometimes women will choose the wrong person. It is unfair to raise all the wrongs on a woman.

  She was deceived, or she was silly on impulse, who didn’t have a young age.

  After it was over, Severus cried with her in his arms. He cried so hard that he didn't have the majestic and cruel look before.

  Pomona said nothing, holding the Death Eater quietly.

  In the 1970s, Voldemort was surrounded by elites, either heirs to a large family or capable people. People who wanted to manage "connections" would find ways to get in.

  No one thought that the handsome Dark Lord was a lunatic.

  A madman often does not feel that he is mad, he has his own set of logic, and Nash is a madman.

Geniuses and lunatics are often only one step away. It is not easy to find someone who fully understands themselves. This may be the reason why the old fool has always been obsessed with the old madman, but he dare not move forward, because the old fool wants to be in a group too much, and The old lunatic prophet who is ahead of the times is not a person of the world.

  (End of this chapter)