Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 572: "The Tiger Goes Down"

  Chapter 572 "The Tiger Goes Down the Mountain"

Although the   screening hall is Victorian, the painting on the ceiling is the flying sky in the Dunhuang murals. They drag long ribbons to fly in the sky. They are beautiful and vulgar at the same time.

  In fact, the ancient Roman sculptures were also colored at first, but the color looked too tacky and was artificially washed away, revealing the white marble material, which was put in the museum as a work of art.

Rich people are like this. They want to wash away the copper odor and deliberately arty. The bourgeoisie of the Renaissance is essentially the same as Mr. Wen. They don’t understand art, but both paint and sculpture stone need money. Buying, the artist has to eat as much, if the artist continues to shake his cheesy grandma Liu like Miaoyu in the Dream of Red Mansions, who will give him money to eat?

  Sun Yixian thought very well at the beginning, as long as the army of the Qing Dynasty was moved by him, then they would fall to him. Later, he knew that no one would follow him if he had no money. From the conspiracy to launch the Chongyang Uprising in Guangzhou in 1895, Sun Yat-sen had gone through 28 years of arduous revolutionary activities until 1923. During this period, he led the anti-Qing, anti-Yuan, protection of the law, as well as the Northern Expedition again and again, and continued to engage in armed struggle, but he never mastered an army armed with his own ideological and political ideas.

  After the round of fraud by Kang Youwei, it was not so easy for Sun Yat-sen to find overseas Chinese to raise money for revolution. The shortage of funds was the primary difficulty Sun Yat-sen encountered. He could only rely on Zhang Jingjiang, who reselled cultural relics.

  Although both the Zhang family and the Lin family are overseas Chinese, the relationship between the two is not close. The Zhang family is a "scientific family", and the Lin family is a typical businessman.

Quantum Fund is a world-renowned large-scale hedge fund. It is one of the five hedge funds operated by George Soros. Tiger Fund was once the second largest hedge fund company in the world. Its founder was Julian Robertson. In the summer, its total assets reached a peak of 23 billion U.S. dollars and once became the largest hedge fund in the United States. But on March 31, 2000, Robertson announced that he would end all the businesses of his six hedge funds when the Tiger Fund fell from a peak of 23 billion US dollars to 6.5 billion US dollars. This hedge fund was once a "big market maker" that joined forces with hedge funds such as Soros to attack the Hong Kong foreign exchange market. Now it has been liquidated and bankrupt. After the Tiger Fund went bankrupt, it liquidated US$6.5 billion in assets, 80% of which was returned to investors, Julian. Robertson personally left 1.5 billion US dollars to continue investing.

  The times have changed. Julian missed the opportunity to catch the high-tech express and lost a lot of outstanding traders with unique vision and potential. Investment is a regrettable art. Where there is a survival, there is a fittest. There is a profit and there is a risk. There is a loss and a profit. When Soros sniped the Thai baht, he sacrificed the profit of the stock market and exchanged for the foreign exchange market. Regarding expenditure, the basic principle of hedge funds is to make full use of the leverage effect of various financial derivatives.

  The organizational structure of hedge funds is generally a partnership system. Fund investors enter the partnership with capital and provide most of the funds but do not participate in investment activities; fund managers enter the partnership with capital and skills, and are responsible for the investment decisions of the fund. Because hedge funds require a high degree of concealment and flexibility in operation, the number of partners in hedge funds in the United States is generally controlled below 100, and each partner's capital contribution is more than 1 million US dollars.

  Private equity circumvents the strict requirements of U.S. law on the information disclosure of public equity funds, but it is not a person in the circle of friends, and the partners of hedge funds will never find you. In addition to the inaccuracy of the Tiger Fund's vision, it is also one of the reasons for its failure that its size is too large, and the situation that too many investors causes the ship to turn around is also one of the reasons for the failure.

  Titanic is very big, a dream ship, but because it is too big, even when it turns at full speed when encountering an iceberg, it still crashed under the action of inertia.

Many people do not necessarily win. In history, there are many examples of winning with less. The replacement in modern times is the performance of the Red Army in the face of Chiang Kai-shek’s encirclement and suppression. The flexible and mobile Red Army circulates in the gap between the various factions of the Kuomintang army. Interspersed, Guang Chishui has only passed four times, and finally escaped from the heavy siege by them, and later became bigger and stronger and even defeated the Kuomintang. This in itself is already a miracle.

  The mode of modern warfare is very different from the cold weapon era. In the cold weapon era, armor can block bows and swords. In the hot weapon era, it cannot block bullets. Instead, it will become a burden and affect action.

  At the time of the Ikedaya incident, although Shinsengumi was also a Ronin, he took refuge in Soyo Kyoto and was able to perform tasks in armor. In order to conceal their whereabouts, the reformers could not act grandiosely on the street wearing such conspicuous armor.

  In close combat in such a narrow space indoors, long weapons cannot play its role, but short weapons are more likely to cause damage.

   However, when it comes to field combat, the melee weapon loses its advantage. Whoever has a longer range has the advantage. During the war against the curtain, the United States had ended the Civil War. Just as the Turkmen said, the militant Meiji government bought a large number of Armstrong guns and other armaments, despite the fact that they won the war, but owed a lot of them. In the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, if they lose, they will be helpless. The 200 million taels of silver in the Shimonoseki Treaty is their life-saving straw. As stated in a documentary, a woman in a poor mountain village sent her son to work in a shipyard. Said to the general who built the ship with him that if he did not work hard, Japan would be over. Under the tremendous pressure of survival, Japan grew rapidly after the Manchu self-improvement movement. When the Manchu Dynasty was overwhelmed by domestic and foreign issues, Japan replaced China and became the exporter of Eastern culture.

On the streets of Paris, London and other big cities, you can often see Japanese women wearing kimonos. Their skirts are tightly closed, so they can only take small elegant steps. Many people think this is a manifestation of civilization. 1910 A Hobble skirt was once popular, and its design inspiration is said to come from the kimono.

That kind of skirt is much better than Victorian clothes. At least it has a loose waist. Women have a kind of obsession with fluffy skirts. In the film Piao, women before the Civil War wore typical Victorian styles. Yes, in order to make her figure slim and slender, women put on tights like torture, which hurts the body even more than foot binding.

After the Civil War, women’s skirts were not as gorgeous as skirts. As the ladies’ long skirts gradually increased, they became more and more exaggerated, causing more and more accidents. People were blindly wearing skirts with skirts. In the past ten years, in Britain alone, more than 3,000 people died of skirt fires. A report in 1864 claimed that in the past fourteen years, at least 40,000 women had died of such conditions worldwide.

  She may really be a weird person, but in the eyes of others, the beautiful and flowing skirt is a beautifully decorated instrument of torture.

  She would rather not be beautiful than to lose the right to run freely and to ride a horse with her legs apart.

  Scarlett is actually very much like Lotus. She makes no secret of her beauty and is confident to enjoy the attention of others, which is what Pomona lacks.

  She wanted to dance with the "Prince" under the eyes of everyone, just like Fleur. In fact, she was very happy at the party at Malfoy Manor that day. The dress she wore was her own favorite, just like moonlight.

Her dancing partner is not handsome, but he is a reformer of wolf poison potion. It took him more than 20 years to turn a poison into a real antidote. He became a nominee for the Prince Prize, even if She is just his foil, and she feels very happy too.

  Hey, women are really complicated, changeable, and difficult to understand.

  If you think this way, a man is actually quite pitiful. What should he do to please a woman?

  Anyway, it’s not like the kid at the beginning of the movie who thinks Tisgari feels extremely honored when he takes desserts.

  "Don't learn from him!" Pomona pointed to the screen and said to Lin Yan who was sitting next to her watching a movie. Lin Yan was looking at her phone and was completely stunned when she heard Pomona's words.

   "What?" he asked inexplicably.

  "Have you ever had a fight with anyone?" Pomona asked.

   "Why should I fight with people?" Lin Yan was even more puzzled.

   "If you fight with someone, you have to find a way to return it if you lose. Don't complain to the teacher. The ‘informer’ is the most annoying."

   "What?" Lin Yan asked with a distorted expression as if drinking bitter gourd juice.

  Pomona ignored him.

  She can be so popular even after watching a movie. Could it be that her menopause has arrived?

  (End of this chapter)