Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 574: Intermission

  Chapter 574 Intermission

  Scarlett returned to Tyra from Atlanta after all the hardships, but she was not greeted with a golden worry-free life like when she was a girl with parental protection. Her father was unconscious, her mother was sick because he took care of the white man who had malaria, and her sisters were very ignorant. There were only two or three servants who worked at home, and there were only carrots in the field...

   Pomona shuddered suddenly. Hogwarts was a mess when she ran away desperately. People from the International Wizarding Federation would come to monitor it in June. It seems that it is not when she is watching a movie.

She looked at Lin Yan. The acting skills at the end of the 1930s were a bit exaggerated, and I am afraid it was not suitable for this young man’s aesthetics. He did not watch this classic movie seriously, and the mobile phone he played was also the same as what she saw on the street. The difference is that there is no number key for dialing, and his fingers are constantly sliding around on it, which looks very interesting.

   "This phone seems to be different from what I usually see." She had nothing to say.

  "This is a concept machine, have you heard of Apple?" Lin Yan asked.

   "Apple? The kind of apple you eat?"

  Lin Yan sighed like a discouraged: "In which century are you living in?"

   "Have you seen Gone with the Wind?" Pomona continued to ask.

   "Yes, I have seen it." Lin Yan put down the phone, folded her hands on her abdomen, and talked with her sideways.

  He is obviously the kind of Chinese born abroad, and he does not have the temperament of the older generation. Zhang Tao is still living in Xi, and he is almost as old as Antique.

  "Which female character do you like? Melanie or Scarlett?"

  Lin Yan smiled and shook his head.

   "You don't like either of them?"

   "That's just characters in movies and novels, not real."

   "You saw just now that Atlanta was burned down, and now you have 1,000 dollars, which is equivalent to 10,000 dollars. You have to take that money to make a living in Atlanta after the Civil War. Tell me, what are you going to do?"

  "Why can't I go to New York?" Lin Yan asked rhetorically.

"Because shortly after the North-South Civil War, the United States began to abolish the use of green banknotes and replaced the silver standard with the gold standard. There will be a major turmoil in the stock market. You may lose nothing. What is your monthly allowance? How many?"

"Why should I tell you?"

   "I heard someone spends 2,000 pounds a night in a nightclub. According to this method, 10,000 dollars can only be used for five days at most. Are you this kind of person?"

   "No." Lin Yan immediately shook his head.

   "Then how do you plan to use this money?"

  Lin Yan thought about it.

  "I will use this money to take a loan." Lin Yan said, "Buy a house so that I can use him as a mortgage and have more start-up funds."

   "Oh, my goodness." Pomona shook her head in disappointment.

"Any questions?"

"Have you forgotten the homestead law promulgated by Abraham Lincoln? From January 1, 1863, all U.S. citizens who are 21 years of age or older, or foreigners who meet the naturalization requirements and apply for citizenship in the United States, will be free or paid for living and farming. With a registration fee of US$10, you can receive no more than 160 acres of state-owned land in the west as part of the land. After 5 years of cultivation, or within 5 years, if you live on the homestead for half a year and pay the fee at US$1.25 per acre, the land received will be returned. All of it, besides, Atlanta has just been burned down, and there is no house to sell to you." Pomona squinted at Lin Yan, "Think about it, sir, why does Scarlett want to do a timber business?"

  Lin Yan suddenly realized.

   "She was forced to desperate for 300 dollars. Do you know where the money came from?"

  "Land tax...no, let me think about..."

"It's a cotton tax. In order to make up for the losses in the Civil War and to retaliate against the South, in 1865, just after the Civil War, Congress decided to levy a cotton tax instead of levying price by weight, and levying a tax of 2.5 US dollars per pound of cotton. In 1866, it was raised to 3 cents per pound. Remember Scarlett’s words? Next year’s cotton will grow as high as the sky. The better their harvest, the more taxes they pay. 300 US dollars is 10,000 pounds. Cotton, cotton tax is levied to delay the economic recovery in the South. It is well known that Georgia has the lowest fairness and integrity, and New York State has the heaviest tax. Do you want to be a good citizen who pays taxes according to the law?"

  Pomona's words made Lin Yan amused.

  "I remember the plot. Scarlett’s second husband was her sister’s fiancé. He saved a sum of money to start a family with her, which seemed to have 1,000 dollars."

"He wants to buy a house in Atlanta so that it can be used as a new house. Do you know how Scarlett did it? She used the money to do the timber business. When it was rebuilt after the war, building materials were the most profitable. Thank God. Fortunately, Scarlett is in charge of the housekeeping. If she is replaced by her younger sister, she may have a lovely home on her own, but Tyra Manor cannot keep it."

   "In order to save costs, she also hired prisoners, because slavery has been abolished." Lin Yan rubbed her nose "She is really a cold-blooded woman."

   "But very smart, cute and beautiful, would you marry such a woman?"

  Lin Yan shook his head, "I have no plans to get married now."

  "If you have a lot of wealth, there will definitely be people watching. The tax on Terra Manor has been reported high. Do you know why?

   "Because someone wants to force them to sell land."

"That's right, 300 dollars is not a small amount. Even if Frank lent her, the Yankee who spied on Terra Manor would definitely come again. Scarlett needed a new stable income, not from cotton, but not from cotton. Yes, this is the reason why she desperately seduce Frank, Scarlett’s sister is as selfish as her, she thinks Scarlett is abusing them by letting them work as young ladies. She hates living in Tyra and just wants to escape. , I guess she won’t save Tyra with a son when she and Frank get married."

  "Do you like Scarlett?"

   "I like her smart and strong, but I don't like her attitude towards love. That's too stupid." Pomona looked at the sunset on the silver screen. "What's wrong with the captain?"

   "He said he is a man who does not marry."

   "But he and Scarlett are married..."

"That's because he knows that she loves Ashley, and what she doesn't get is always the best. If he knows that Scarlett is in love with herself, he will soon find her boring. He is the kind of professional A broken woman's bastard, unlike a gentleman like Ashley, Ashley is really a gentleman who has been pestered by such a beautiful and passionate woman for so many years. If it weren't for his unsatisfactory life, I think he might I won’t really have an affair with Scarlett."

   "What!" Pomona screamed.

  "Melanie is very good, but she doesn't have the enthusiasm of Scarlett. A woman's enthusiasm can ignite the fire of love for a man. It is easier to get along with her."

   "You can relax with Melanie..."

   "I respect Melanie very much, but Brad did not think too much of her. She turned a speculative hooligan into a gentleman. Don't you think she is terrible?"


"Scarlett killed one person, but she said, "You did a good job." Do you think there are such people in reality? I think even if there are, the people around her will become abnormal. Scarlett killed one person, because Melanie urged her to have no guilt, so she was busy counting the money in his wallet. The only rational explanation was that the war made everyone crazy." Lin Yan also Watching the sunset on the silver screen, "People who are looking for realism in the virtual world must have a problem with their brains. It's just a movie. Don't take it too seriously. Miss, I won't be interested in either Melanie or Scarlett. ."

   "Do you think you should feel guilty for killing a robber who broke into your home?" Pomona asked.

  Lin Yan was silent.

"Under British and American laws, illegally forcibly breaking into other people’s houses and being killed by the owner does not have to bear any responsibility. The reason Scarlett and Melanie are so scared is because the war was not over at that time, and Scarlett It was a Yankee who was killed. God knows what those victors will do to them and may confiscate their property." Pomona said angrily, "It's been an hour, how long will they talk about?"

  "Do you know what other women will talk to me after watching that movie?" Lin Yan said blankly, "They will guess, will Rhett and Scarlett reunite in the end?"

   "Oh." Pomona was shocked.

   "Now I find myself living in a world that is more painful than death, a world where there is no place for me. This is what Xuesui learned from the book of Gone. Have you seen Keigo Higashino's White Night Walk?"

  Pomona shook her head.

"It was a Japanese mystery novel. After reading that book, Xueho gradually grew from a weak woman to a woman who was competitive, greedy, cold, and unscrupulous to achieve her goals, but she was not happy at all, she changed I have become a "ghost" like a snow girl. I really don’t understand her. Why is she so eager to join the upper class society? There is a famous saying in Piaoli, “You give up your happiness and pursue something that won’t make you happy at all. Something', how many people in this world can give without regrets like Ryoji, why can't she see it?"

   "That's just a novel." Pomona said.

Lin Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head. "I hope it is really a novel. Every time I have a party, I see too many people who make themselves elegant and noble like her. Sometimes I don't know if I am really alive or In someone’s script."

At this moment, the midfield is over. The beginning of the chapter is a full screen of flames. The characters introduce the battle situation. The northern army is like a broken bamboo, destroying the remnant southern forces. Then the camera turns, in the cotton field, two old men The noble lady is working.

   "Look at my hand." A girl said, "Mom said that a woman's hand can tell where she came from."

   "I guess the relationship between women and hands is not as close as it used to be." Another girl said.

  "Be an ordinary woman." Lin Yan stood up, "so that each of us can live well."

   Then, he left the screening room, just like Brad did not look back when he left Scarlett, except that Rhett disappeared in the thick fog of Tyra, and he disappeared behind the door.

  (End of this chapter)