Hero of the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 79: Farewell

Chapter 79 Farewell

Chen Yingxiong's holiday lasted until January 15th. He spent a New Year's Day with his parents at home, but he had no chance to spend the Spring Festival together, the most important holiday for the Chinese.

A few days before the 15th, my mother had not gone to the store to help, but was busy in the kitchen. She was seizing the time to prepare things for Chen Yingxiong to take away—sausages and bacon, which are traditional Sichuan cuisines. He packed a large box for Chen Yingxiong. Although football players should eat less of these things, Chen Yingxiong He loves to eat, so he didn't refuse.

In addition to these things, Chen Yingxiong also prepared bean curd, pickles, chili sauce, bean paste, fermented bean curd... these side dishes to accompany the meal.

My mother always thinks that her son will not eat well there, because these foods are filled with a big box. Before Chen Yingxiong went to Russia to play football last time, she didn't know anything, so she didn't have any preparations. In the past six months, she has been blaming herself for this, feeling that she has not entered the responsibility of being a mother, and many things have not been prepared for her son... This time, she wants to make up for her last regret.

Mothers are always reluctant to let their son travel far, but sons think it’s no big deal, and it’s not a goodbye.

On the day they left, both parents sent Chen Yingxiong and Dracula to Shuangliu Airport.

After checking in, they bid farewell in the lobby.

"Go there and continue to play well, but don't be proud, have you heard?" Chen Tao exhorted his son.

Hero Chen nodded: "I see!"

"Also, remember to control your temper and stop being impulsive."

"I have a better temper now, Dad." Chen Yingxiong said with a smile.

Mother Li Yun came up and said, "Is it cold in Russia? Don't go out too often. When you go out, remember to dress thicker. Be careful not to catch a cold."

Chen Yingxiong nodded repeatedly.

It is indeed cold in Russia, but Chen Yingxiong feels that he can adapt, and his adaptability is still good.

"Call home when you have finished eating, and I'll send it to you. When you go out alone, be careful not to make trouble everywhere. Your agent is a good guy. Listen to him. Did you hear that? After the family’s foreign debt is paid off, don’t send the money back. We have the money. Keep your money for your own use. It’s definitely expensive to entertain teammates in the team. Don’t forget to give it to your grandparents during the Spring Festival. , Grandpa and grandma, they called..." Mom said babblingly.

What my father told was all about work, and what my mother cared about was the life of the child.

It was Chen Tao who interrupted his wife's continued nagging. He pointed to his watch and said to his wife: "Let my son go to the security check. I'm afraid it will be too late..."

"Oh oh." Mom reacted. "You go quickly, hero. Don't miss the plane."

Chen Yingxiong did not wave goodbye, but took a step forward and hugged his mother first.

Li Yun was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that her son would express his emotions in this way. After being in the public for a while, she suddenly felt embarrassed to write...

"Mom, read the newspaper when you miss me. There will definitely be a lot of news about me. Maybe there are still photos." Chen Yingxiong said in his mother's ear.

Mother only felt that her nose was sore, and her eyes were blurred. She did not dare to say, for fear of crying and embarrassing in front of her son. Can only nodded.

Chen Yingxiong released his mother and hugged his father again.

"Dad, don't do business then, I can make money now, and you can all take care of your retirement!"

Chen Tao slapped Chen Yingxiong and slapped him on the back: "What did you let me do at home so early? I don't play mahjong! Don't worry about our affairs, take care of yourself, there are so many temptations outside. Very, you are not allowed to play well like the Chinese players mentioned in the newspaper, don't do things for me!"

Dad knew that this opportunity was not easy to come by, so he let it go because he was afraid that his son would not take it seriously.

"I know, Dad. Then you will be watching the news. As long as I'm scoring goals, does that mean I'm serious?"

Chen Yingxiong let go of his father, and then waved to the two elders: "Goodbye dad, goodbye mom! Take care of yourself at home, I will call you often!"

"Come on, I won't catch the plane for a while!" Dad was looking at his watch.

"Be careful over there. Remember to call home when it's cold. Don't forget to add clothes when it's cold. Call home when you have finished eating. I'll send it to you again..." Mom kept waving. Let Chen Yingxiong leave as soon as he kept admonishing.

After bidding farewell to his parents, Chen Yingxiong pulled up two suitcases, turned around and walked towards the security passage with Dracula.

Saying goodbye to his family, he can't wait to return to St. Petersburg now, can't wait to see the new season as soon as possible. Because he has gone up two levels this holiday! He filled up his "heavy artillery" talent. He can't wait to let the Russian Super League teams in the new season see how good he is.

This is his first complete season, and he wants to write his own chapter in this season.

The eighteen-year-old boy is full of wonderful longings for his future, looking forward to the coming of the future with all his heart. His parents with white temples stood in the hall, looking forward to the security gate, watching his back disappear into the crowd.

"Go back," Chen Tao said.

There was a sob from his side.

He turned his head to see his wife was wiping her eyes with her hand.

"Reluctant?" Chen Tao asked.

Li Yun nodded: "Yes." The answer was still crying.

Chen Tao thought of what he said to himself when his son went to visit the cruiser Aurora after signing with Zenit St. Petersburg.

I still can't see the news of my son even when I turn on the TV, but at least I can see it when I open the newspaper. This winter, many media came to the door to interview their son, which let Chen Tao know how famous his son is now.

"If you miss him, just read the newspaper. There must be news about him in the newspaper. After a while, maybe you can see him on TV?"

Li Yun nodded, but the tears still persisted.

Chen Tao looked at his wife and said in his heart: For your mother, you have to give me something to do, hero!

When Chen Yingxiong was still in China, he received a call from the club. Tell him that after the holiday is over, he doesn't need to go back to the dormitory anymore. The house given to him by the club is ready. It is not a new house, but a second-hand house with decoration, furniture, and home appliances. He can move in with a bag.

This house is not too big, it's only a split level with four bedrooms and three halls of 170 square meters. But it was the real estate that really belonged to Chen Yingxiong's name, not the assets of some club, and then it was free to live in Chen Yingxiong.

Both this house and that car were bought by Yesenin—it should be called Dracula now—for him.

It can also be seen from this that Zenit St. Petersburg has made a lot of effort and shown enough sincerity in order to keep the hero of Chen.

Chen Yingxiong's idea is very simple-you respect me, show enough sincerity and respect, I also respect you, and I must die desperately in return. How high you pay me, I will give you the number of goals worthy of this salary.

Some people like to use "the world slander me, deceive me, humiliate me, laugh at me, despise me, deceive me, hate me, deceive me. Just bear with him, let him, let him, avoid him, be patient, respect him, ignore him He, stay with him for a few more years and watch him." Come as your own life creed, and express your calm and calm mentality.

But this is not Chen Yingxiong's principle.

If the world dare to slander me, deceive me, humiliate me, laugh at me, belittle me, deceive me, hate me, and lie to me, I will scold him, beat him, **** him, punish him, smoke him, humiliate him, and trample on him again. he. Waiting a few years to see him again, Chen Yingxiong couldn't wait.

If you don't respect me and play with me and mess with me, then I will kick you and kick you and spit on your face.

Zenit St. Petersburg has worked so hard to make Chen Yingxiong very satisfied. His goal in the new season is very simple-scoring goals.

As a striker, the job is too simple. As long as a goal is scored, everyone's expectations can be met, as long as a goal is scored, the bosses can be satisfied, as long as a goal is scored.

Now that Chen Yingxiong has his own house, he certainly can't go to the dormitory.

And... it's impossible for Dracula to live with him anymore.

I lived together because I was a translator and a language teacher. Now Chen Yingxiong's Russian has been a teacher, so I don't need a translator and a Russian teacher. Therefore, his "Yesenin" identity is not necessary to continue to exist. As an agent, how can it be possible to live with the players? In that case, even if two people are both innocent, I am afraid they will be misunderstood as a **** couple...

In Chen Yingxiong's new home, Dracula made a dinner for Chen Yingxiong. After the two had eaten, they officially bid farewell.

"Well, from today, you will have to take care of many things yourself, hero." Dracula stood at the door, with his suitcase under his feet.

Chen Yingxiong stood in the door, looking at him. In a trance, it was as if Ye Saining knocked on the door of his dormitory.

At that time, he was just an ordinary translator and Russian teacher, and he was still annoyed that it wasn't a beautiful blonde girl standing in front of him.

How can I think that this person has changed his future destiny. What can he rely on today? It is of course to rely on your own efforts. But if he had nothing to do with the person in front of him, Chen Yingxiong would not admit it no matter how arrogant he was.

"If you have anything to call me, I will also call you if I have anything. But you can't find me most of the time. You also need to have your life, a hero."

"Are you going back to the North Pole?" Chen Yingxiong asked half-jokingly.

Dracula laughed and did not answer the question. In the image of a vampire agent, he smiles not as peaceful and warm as Yesenin, which can only make people feel colder.

"Anyway, you are very proficient in how to enter the dungeon training. You will know what to do with the upgrade. The new contract is signed, and there is nothing to do with you. The reporter interviews you can handle it yourself, your personality It is liked by reporters, and I believe it will be liked by fans. Just keep it like this. I will help you with other things. Just play football."

Seeing Dracula confessing to Chen Yingxiong like a funeral, he suddenly felt a little reluctant to bear this person.

"Hey, Mr. Aurora...Look, now I am a big house with four separate bedrooms. Even if you live here, you won't be disturbed. You won't disturb me..." he thought To keep Dracula. After getting along with him for almost half a year, he felt that he had become accustomed to the days when the omnipotent Mr. Aurora was next to him. If he had left... he might not be used to it yet.

Dracula smiled again. He is indeed more like a human now than when Chen Yingxiong first saw him.

"You will regret it in three minutes, hero."

In fact, Chen Yingxiong just said that he felt a little regretful in his heart-he lived alone in the bustling urban area and had no problem with language communication. There was also a group of "fox friends and dog friends". There is really one person living in the house. To be honest, it is still inconvenient...

Hearing Dracula say this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Well, it's okay to come out for a meal or something in the future, right?" he asked.

"Didn't I tell you? If you have anything, please call me. I promise to be in front of you at any time." Dracula made a call. "Of course it's something to eat."

Chen Yingxiong also smiled. He was laughing at this "anytime", he thought that Mr. Aurora is light, is there anything in this world that can be faster than light? It's really anytime...

"Okay." He stretched out his hand to Deku, "I won't ask where you live or where you are. Call if you have any problems."

"Call if you have something." Dracula shook hands with Chen Yingxiong, bent over to lift the box, and turned to leave.

Chen Yingxiong shouted from behind: "That...thank you."

Dracula heard this somewhat twisted thank you, and smiled back and said to him: "Didn't you say that you deserve it?"

Chen Yingxiong also laughed: "Yes! I deserve it, but my dad told me to be polite, so I only thank you this time! Goodbye, Mr. Aurora!"

"Goodbye, hero." Dracula waved, turned and left along the corridor.

Chen Yingxiong watched him disappear at the corner of the stairwell before closing the door.

Turning around, tilted his head and looked at the empty big house.

The winter night in Russia is a bit cold... I have to find someone to warm the bed!