I Am God!

Chapter 109: A deal with weirdness

Helfas made another crystal head.

There is a hollow mezzanine inside the skull, and a barrier is also set up.

Find another strange thing in the sky path, inject the mist-like strange thing into it, and then set the servant law in the crystal head.

The Sealed Book shouted from the side: "The First Servant's Law..."

This plan, which may have seemed very complicated or even heavy at first, turned out to be quite simple in the end, just creating a special crystal head.

However, the goal you want to achieve is not simple at all.

Helfas plans to use this plan to explore the extraordinary career path of Sky Path, complete the Sky Ladder passage plan, and also wants to further transform the Kingdom of Clouds to weaken or eliminate the influence of the mythical weirdness.

Perhaps because his life span has become longer, the problems he has to plan and consider have also begun to take longer. In this era when even the Kingdom of Rain seems empty, he has planned problems that may be encountered in hundreds or thousands of years. .

While the Sealed Book was busy, Helfas leaned against the wall and took a breath.

He crossed his arms and thought further.

"If it can really affect the Kingdom of Clouds and turn that barren land into a fertile land, does that mean that it can actually affect the climate on a large scale in the future?"

If possible, he hopes to be able to control the sky, rain, and even the climate through this profession. If he can control the climate, he can freely transform the environment on the earth. This is a very incredible power, and it is also the authority to control the living conditions of all things. .

"At least, you can predict changes in the sky!"

"Looking at it this way, there are quite a lot of benefits from finding a sky path professional."

The book of seals is finished: "The Servant Laws have been inscribed."

He immediately stepped forward and injected several images of birdmen into it.

"Illusion simulation."

The surface of the crystal continued to squirm out various colors, and finally a flesh-and-blood face gradually appeared in front of him. At least, it looked flesh-and-blood.

It can simulate different appearances, different genders, and even different races.

Helfas watched the other party's changes: "It's like creating a human being. Being able to create intelligent life is the authority that only the Creator should have!"

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "If creating such a being is considered a creator, then there are too many creators in this world."

Helfas: "Are you saying this too tactfully?"

Then the messenger of the Sealed Book said: "Great Black King, of course I still respect you, but while respecting you, it is also my duty to tell the truth."

"Not deceiving you is a sign of respect."

Helfas: "I mean you can speak more tactfully, forget it... That's fine."

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "The production has been completed. Do you want to inject memory into it, and then put it into the human world according to the plan?"

Helfas said: "I'll think about it again."

the next day.

Helfas looked at the crystal head placed on the stone platform and frowned.

After thinking for a long time, he did not completely follow the Black Pen Messenger's suggestion. He deleted the figure in the crystal skull, leaving only a blank inside.

The original plan formulated by the Black Pen Messengers was to inject the memory of a dead person into the crystal skull, causing it to wake up without knowing anything, and then push its weird desires forward step by step, monitoring and controlling it to complete its mission. .

After finally completing the plan, erase all of its past.

He manipulates the opponent from above, like a puppet on strings.

Its story is written in the book, and its fate is destined in the pen. Facing a character and power like Helfas, it has absolutely no ability to resist.

The envoy of the Sealed Book also saw Helfas's movements, and he asked.


"Did you abandon your plans?"

"That's such a perfect plan, the one we think has the highest probability of success."

Helfas asked him: "Why do you think this plan has the highest success rate? Why don't you tell it openly and honestly who it is and what we are going to do?"

The messenger of the Sealed Book replied: "Because this way, the probability is greater that it will know more. The greater the amount of information it has, the more unpredictable its behavior will be, even beyond our expectations; if it knows nothing, it can do whatever it wants. It’s up to us to control it and achieve what we want.”

Helfas: "I have a bad feeling that playing with other people's fate may have the most terrible consequences if it backfires; you are playing with fate, and fate is playing with you."

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "If people don't play with fate, then fate won't play with people. Everything is just a matter of probability."

Helfas: "There are many things in the world that cannot be controlled. For example, an earthquake occurred just after mortals built a city. For example, wandering traders were lying on the ground and the clouds and mountains in the sky collapsed; but the relationship between people Relationships must follow certain causes and effects. The causes you plant in others will become the effects returned to you in the future.”

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "So in the end it is enough to erase everything about it."

Helfas: "But after you start this way, you can't stop it. Your state of mind will involuntarily change into a lofty and string-raising posture, and you will manipulate all living beings like puppets. One day, someone among these living beings will treat you. Respond."

And he felt that if he could do it openly and openly, why should he hide in a dark corner and play the role of the mastermind behind the scenes?

If the weird one doesn't want it, then I'll change it.

If it promises to bite back in the future, then I will get rid of it.

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "This does not conform to the probability we calculated."

But Helfas said: "If you can predict destiny and cause and effect with the little information and ability you have, I might as well believe in the results of tossing a coin to determine heads and tails."

Ever since he created the crystal skulls, Helfas has always relied on their power, so he hesitated before, but he instinctively felt that the "optimal plan" calculated by these black pens would always be there. Something isn't quite right.

After figuring out the joints, he seemed to have further figured out how to use these crystal skulls.

No matter what, he should be the one to control these crystal skulls, not be controlled by them.


He re-modified and reshaped the memory in the crystal head, and adjusted the relevant permissions.

The original crystal head was controlled by its self-awareness. The weird consciousness and instinct in those sealed objects could see the outside scene, but it was just a look. But with this crystal head, everything was almost left to the weirdness. leading.

The head on the stone platform slowly opened its eyes and the eyeballs started to move.

The envoy of the Sealed Book on the side immediately shouted: "It's awake!"

It saw its head placed on a stone platform and could not feel its body, and immediately shouted in horror.

"What's going on? Why am I like this? Where is my body?"


"I remember I was dead, why am I here?"

"Where is this?"

At this time, the man standing in front of him sat down and said to it.

"Do you forget it?"

"You don't have a body at all. This is the first time you see the world from this perspective."

The man told it that it was originally a weirdo.

For thousands of years, it has been wandering in this world relying on instinct. The other party put it into this head and then injected a memory.

It stayed blank for a long time, as if trying to remember something: "So, I am not this Lando, I am a weirdo?"

Black-haired man: "Yes, but in order for you to understand the situation more easily and to be able to talk and think with me from a human perspective, I still gave you Lando's memory."

Lando was a child who was only thirteen or fourteen years old. He came from a family of so-called bird people "scholars". He was very smart and good at learning, but he died of a serious illness not long ago.

He is at an age where he has mastered knowledge and can communicate, but his worldview and outlook on life are not yet fully formed, which is exactly what Herfas needs.

It said: "But, I feel like I am Lando."

Helfas: "How you think that's your choice; I'm telling you what it's like, that's my honesty."

It: "I understand."

Although it felt like it was Lando, some weird things about it were still revealed on its body. It also noticed this awkward feeling and reluctantly accepted Helfas's statement.

At this time, it looked at the memory in its mind again. Although it was still very clear, it felt like something was missing.


There is less emotion and less personal experience.

Helfas then explained why he created it, his purpose, and the tasks it would perform next.

"So I need you to do two things. One is what kind of race and individual is suitable to become a sky path professional, and the other is to find a complete method to transfer to a sky path professional."

"After everything succeeds, I will give you real wisdom and body based on your performance and achievements, and unlock your shackles."

"It's a deal."

"You can agree or refuse."

Helfas looked at the other party, waiting for its answer.

It asks, "When do I leave here on my mission?"

Helfas turned around and walked to the side, sat down in the study, then lowered his head and started doing other things.

"It's up to you. You can set off whenever you decide."

What it likes most is the sea of ​​clouds outside the window of this mountaintop mansion.

Especially when the sun rises, golden light fills the entire sea of ​​clouds, and the whole world is so bright that only white remains.

It can just look out the window day after day without doing anything, and even feels that it will never get tired of watching.

"How can this world be so beautiful?"

"The light shines in from the window. It is hot and warm. It is so warm that it makes people feel happy."

"What is happiness, and why do I think light, warmth and the word happiness are related?"

"It turns out that this is the human perspective."

"Hey, why do you say human? Do I already regard myself as a human?"

"It's great to be a human being, and I want to keep being one."

Even just the changes in the scenery outside the window and the scattered lights and shadows shining on the floor can bring it one fresh and incomparable experience after another, which it once could not experience as a weirdo, and which the cold memories cannot. conveyed.

When the light shone on it for the first time, it even felt like it was about to faint with happiness, and it couldn't help laughing.

But after looking at the scenery outside the sky window for countless times, it finally got tired of it.

It looked at the person in the room. The other person would appear in the room on time every morning, check the messages from everywhere through the book at a fixed time and then process them. In the afternoon, he would check his schedule. progress or make new plans.

Unlike the leisurely one, the other person seemed very busy, as if the world would stop running without him.

It is even tired of looking at the scenery outside the window, but the other person does the same job day after day, but it seems that he will never get tired of it.

It thought: "This is probably a very poor guy who is forced to work so hard every day but doesn't know how to appreciate the beautiful scenery outside the window."

It tried to find a topic: "Why are your feet like this?"

The man responded to it while busy: "That's what the feet of the **** are like."

It was startled: "What does the shape of God mean?"

The other person: "It's a posture possessed by gods."

Its voice became timid: "So... you are a god?"

It turns out that the mysterious-looking guy in front of me, who is busy every day, is actually the legendary **** who brings good news to all bird people. In surprise, his name was changed from "you" to "you".

Helfas replied: "If it is the **** in the memories you obtained, it should be me."

It: "Why are you like this?"

The other person: “You don’t think I’m like God?”

It said: "There is no trace of majesty, and you don't even have a servant to serve you. You live alone in this empty house."

"They all say that God lives in an incredible kingdom, with countless servants surrounding you, and you can have whatever you want, and enjoy the greatest happiness in the world."

The other party: "I can also be very majestic. I once lived in the most magnificent city and was served by countless monks, but it's not necessary now."

It: "Why is it not necessary?"

The other party: "If you don't have majesty, you need countless servants to set off your majesty. Because you are weak, you have to pretend to be strong. I can show infinite majesty to you in an instant, and I can also display what is completely unbelievable to you at any time. Strength, this makes it meaningless for me to show my majesty and strength in front of you."

It seemed that it didn't listen at all, and only thought that the person with such feet looked like a god: "If I want feet like yours, can I?"

The other party: "You can transform into various forms through the crystal skull, or you can transform into me."

While it was excited, it suddenly became frightened: "Would this be a little offensive?"

The other party: "You are not the first person to have this idea. In fact, many people have begun to imitate the form of gods a long time ago. They started as gods and apostles of gods, and now even ordinary professionals will become The form of God.”

It suddenly felt a little lost: "It turns out that many people have this form!"

It ran away.

The study door closed immediately, and the man looked down at the table.

From this day on, it no longer stared blankly out of the window, but changed into a different appearance every day and walked around the mansion.

It began to walk outside the mansion to bask in the sun. When it looked at the world from different angles, everything became wonderful again.

It experiences various emotions and begins to have various demands.

When I see the light, I want warmth.

When I feel the warmth, I think of happiness.

Leaving the window, you can see the palace and other "people". When you have ideas, you will think of more.

On this day, it asked the black-haired man: "I want a name."

Apart from giving it a memory, the black-haired man didn't even design an appearance for it.

Black-haired man: "Lando."

It: "So perfunctory, not special at all."

Helfas: "It's better to keep it simple. The name is already a code name. You can also choose a new one yourself."

It asked again: "So God, what is your name?"

The other person: "My name is the black-haired man."

It wanted to laugh, but it didn't dare to laugh when it thought that the other person was a god.

In the end, it could only suppress a smile and said: "It seems more perfunctory than mine."

The other party: "But in the eyes of many people, this name has long become sacred, making people revere and fear it. People dare not pronounce it."

It: “So how does my name make people feel?”

The other person: "That depends on what you do and what kind of person you become in the future."

It: "I also want a look that belongs to me."

Black-haired man: "After you go to the human world, you can customize your appearance at will."

It said: "Why can't you give me nothing?"

Black-haired man: "I have already given it to you. It is the most precious thing in the world, called the right to choose."

It said: "But if my name and appearance were specially chosen for me by God, I would be different from others and a very special existence."

Black-haired man: "I don't want to choose."

It wondered: "Why?"

The black-haired man: "I don't want to interfere too much with your destiny. I just made a deal with you, and being able to choose your own life is the most special existence. There is nothing special about being chosen by others, even the so-called God.”

It seemed to understand and nodded: "Oh!"

Stayed too long.

The beautiful golden mountain tops, the beautiful and majestic mansion buildings, the blue sky and the wandering sea of ​​clouds seem not to be so strange anymore.

It stood on the edge of the cliff on the sea of ​​clouds, looking at the world.


It remembered its mission and decided to leave.

It ran to Helfas: "I suddenly remembered that I still have a mission."

The man sat behind the desk, facing the light, and kept writing with his pen: "I understand, I will arrange for the black pen messenger to send you down."

It was looking forward to it: "I'm going to take a look at Lando's hometown. It seems very interesting there."

There was no response from the other party.

It seemed like I heard what it said, but it seemed like I didn't.

It didn't stop, and after hesitating for a while, it asked the other party a question while leaving.

"I heard from the envoys of the Sealed Book that they were actually not prepared to tell me all this. They were planning to throw me directly into the human world and control me to carry out my mission."

"Why did you decide to tell me everything and not force me to go on a mission?"

"Is it because you don't think it's necessary?"

The man behind the desk raised his head and looked at the human form it had transformed into today.

"Because it is manipulating your destiny. When you wake up one day, you will resent me, and what I did was not upright, and your heart will become dark because of this."

"I'll tell you clearly why I created you, what you should do and what you shouldn't do, and what you will get if you succeed."

"In this way, if you disobey my will in the end, I will punish you mercilessly."

"I don't have much guilt, and you don't have much resentment."

It says, “What if I still feel resentful?”

The eyes of the man behind the desk finally showed a trace of god-like indifference. The light extended from behind him to his body, making him suddenly feel a little scared.

"At least, I don't feel guilty."

It looked at the man behind the desk. Perhaps he still didn't look like a god, but something made him look taller.

It said: "Suddenly I feel that you are so harsh that you look like a god!"

Helfas: "Do you think gods must be harsh?"

It: "Kind and harsh, just as you are now."

Finally, it thanked the figure behind the desk.

"But thank you for giving me a choice."

The day I left.

Helfas did not come to give it away. He seemed to be very busy today, unlike it that took so long to think of what to do.

Although it doesn’t know what the other person is busy with, since they are gods, shouldn’t they just accept offerings from believers?

It was a black pen messenger who sent it away, and it asked the other party.

"If I complete the task or discover something, how should I report it?"

The black pen messenger swayed and told it.

"You can pass the message to the nearest Black Pen Messenger through the Crystal Skull, and then the Black Pen Messenger will upload the information to the Sealed Book Messenger, and finally he will deliver it here."

"However, each Black Pen Messenger has many responsibilities and a large amount of messages to process and deliver."

“Too much information may interfere with the work of other black pens, so it’s best to write without transmitting images.”

It turns out that UU reading www.uukanshu.com information is the same as water flow. Too much will block the water pipes.

The Black Pen Messenger opens the barrier.

It goes to the world.

When it fell into the sea of ​​clouds, it looked back at the residence of the gods on the top of the sea of ​​clouds, and seemed to vaguely see the figure sitting behind the desk through a window high up.

Although the strange **** who is always busy rarely talks to it, he also teaches it a lot of things.

Even if the other party talks about "destiny" and "choice" and other topics that it doesn't understand at all, at least it will let it know that gods are probably the kind of people who talk nonsense and talk about things that ordinary people can't understand. Bar.

It's as if the worlds of the two people are different by one dimension.

It opens up wisdom here and experiences many emotions that only humans can have.

So what can it gain in the wider human world? (End of chapter)