I Am God!

Chapter 110: civilized machine

Latest website: Kingdom of the Gods.

A light door opened, revealing the human scene.

Then, a figure arrived here through the light door.

There are metal bookshelves in the dark space, which are somewhat similar to the bookshelves in the Central Library of Helfas City, but there is only a row of lonely bookshelves and nothing.

On the bookshelf, there are sealed books one after another, and each sealed book has a dazzling array of names recorded on it.

After so many years of self-reincarnation and the increasing number of Black Iron Dragon dependents, the Sealed Book has now transformed into this appearance, filling up the space on the bookshelf.

As the main volume, the Sealed Book is kept here most of the time. As for its three supplementary volumes, it is currently in the Full Moon Land in the Dragon World, and one is in the Kingdom of Rain in the Bird World.

The envoy of the Sealed Book that Helfas had carried with him for a long time also came here with Helfas at this moment.

Helfas looked at the row of bookshelves and counted the list of the true names of the sealed objects.

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "Master, you should almost prepare to create the divine realm."

Becoming a reincarnation, even if there is still a long way to go before becoming a myth, as a being who has embarked on the road to becoming a god, it is indeed time to consider the future of the Kingdom of God.

It is impossible to wait until the moment before becoming a **** to do this.

He nodded.

Helfas's entire power system now consists of the crystal skull embedded in the sealed object - the Black Pen Messenger - and the Sealed Book Messenger.

The Crystal Skull controls and guides individual sealed objects and divine shepherds, the Black Pen Messenger monitors and controls the sealed objects and divine shepherds in a region, and the Sealed Book Messenger connects with all the Black Pen Messengers to supervise and process them. The message they conveyed.

To build the prototype of the Kingdom of God is almost to build a hub that integrates these three things, integrating the original scattered parts into a huge machine.

Helfas looked into the darkness and finally made up his mind.

"Unlike other gods who first build the prototype of the Kingdom of God in the human world, I have some conveniences, so I might as well build my prototype of the Kingdom of God here in one step!"


Helfas began to build the divine domain here and mobilized a large amount of resources.

Day after day, you can see that the original metal bookshelf gradually changes and turns into a strange-looking metal creation.

Helfas does not look like he is building a kingdom of God, but rather like he is building a machine with precise structure.

The base of the machine looks like a huge metal piano.

But above the base is a huge metal frame. Inside the frame are a large number of rotatable cylinders. They are squeezed and inlaid with each other like gears. Rotating one of them can drive the other.

There are many grids inside each cylinder, and a sealed book can be inserted into the grids. The axis of the cylinder is made of image crystals.

The axes of these shadow crystals are connected to each other like pipes, and finally entangled and connected to a huge crystal skull on the top, like decorative sculptures inlaid on it, such as the horns on the ship and the beast on the roof.

On the day its construction was completed, Herfas came to this huge "piano".

He stretched out his right hand, and a huge phantom appeared behind him.


Press lightly on the "key" above.


It is obviously a clear and pleasant sound, but if it is too loud, it will make people feel frightened. The sound cannot be heard by the ears, but it is like a river rushing into the heart.

At the same time, along with the sound, this huge machine was also started.

The pillars on the base rotated, which also caused the envoys of the Book of Sealings embedded in them to be activated. Each envoy of the Book of Sealings manages the sealed object information in a region, which is also equivalent to recording and transmitting. It contains information about a bird country or a local civilization.

And every time these pillars rotate, the information transmitted through the human world will be transmitted and sorted. The information from one region after another is gradually gathered on the top of the head through the huge crystal-textured columns.

The countless messages were gathered together, and finally the picture was projected above the machine through the open eyes of the huge decorative head sculpture.


You can see the Birdman World appearing in front of you.

There are farmlands covered with breadfruit trees, there are spiral roads that keep turning, there are deep jungles with cocoon trees, and there are also crowded towns.

Through here, you can see every move of the entire birdman world and see the changes that are taking place in them.

When the sealed objects, a large number of black pen messengers and the sealed books are integrated together, and when this huge structure is running, the melody of the civilization machine seems to be heard in the ears.


In fact, the head embedded at the top of the machine is the real core of the Kingdom of Helfas. It is stored in the mind, and then the phantom projected through the eyes may be the true Kingdom of God of Helfas.

The envoy of the Sealed Book who followed beside him said: "Master, why don't you build an ordinary Kingdom of God? The chance of success in becoming a **** by following other people's paths should be higher."

Helfas: "I don't have any citizens of the Kingdom of God, so I don't need to create a kingdom like other gods of wisdom and power. The Kingdom of God is also built based on needs, not just to look good."

His divine kingdom is just a huge machine and carrier that records civilization.

But Herfas was right about one thing. The machine he built was extremely beautiful.

At least.

It far exceeds the concept of good-looking in his mouth.

It took years.

After completing the construction of the prototype of the Kingdom of God, Helfas did not stop and immediately launched another plan that had been prepared for a long time.

The envoy of the Sealed Book reported the situation on the side, and Helfas stood under the "machine" and listened quietly.

"The number of black pen messengers has increased a lot recently. As an information transfer station, adding a few more should be almost enough. At least it can cover the areas where the main pastors of gods in the Kingdom of Rain are currently active. "

"And the construction of the Divine Realm also announced that the connection between the sealed crystal head, the black pen messenger and this place has been completely opened, so that the entire system is complete."

"So I think."

"Our ultra-long-distance information transmission capabilities can already be partially opened to the human world."

"At that time, all the Shepherds of God within the range of the Black Pen Messenger can pass the information to another crystal skull through their companion crystal skull."

The messenger of the Sealed Book finished his report and quietly waited for Helfas's decree.

According to this conversation, it can also be known that although the black pen messenger told the weird before that it could transmit information through the crystal skull, in fact, the system at that time had not been fully established and only existed in form.

However, after the divine domain, that is, the prototype of the divine kingdom, is completely established, and the number of black pen envoys is replenished, the system can indeed be truly connected.

Helfas said nothing, but just approached the machine.

The shadow of a huge puppet appeared behind him again, and he stretched out his hand and the puppet's movements were synchronized. Just like when Helfas started the machine before, he pressed the "key".

However, compared with the last time it was activated, Helfas had more actions and steps this time, and it was also more complicated.


Finally, Helfas looked at the long fluorescent crystal strips and finally pressed the last one.

"that's it."

"Turn on!"

As he pressed the spar bar, rays of light were transmitted upward along the axis of the pipe and metal column, and finally reached the skull sculpture.

Commands and messages were fed back from high places again, and then distributed to all the Black Pen Messengers and Crystal Head Skulls through the Sealed Book Messenger, officially announcing the opening of this function.

Seeing this scene, Helfas sighed and felt a little regretful.

"In the last era, even ordinary people could teleport items over long distances. Those mythical civilizations even sent goods, trains, and airships through teleportation gates into the starry sky."

"But now it's so difficult for me to just build a regional information transmission network. As for what kind of items can be transmitted over long distances, I don't even dare to think about it."


"Even if it can only convey some images, it's still a good start."

"I heard that people in the previous era, even in the age of mythical civilization, mostly just wrote letters. Maybe they were not as good as me in some places."

Just finished.

A glowing phantom letter fell from a high place and landed in front of Helfas.

Helfas looked around and at the envoy of the Book of Sealing, and the other party spoke.

"It's your letter."

Helfas did not expect that he would receive the first letter just after he activated the information transmission function of this civilization machine.

Helfas took the letter, and the first question was not who sent the letter, but blurted out.

“Why write a letter instead of conveying an image?”

He just said big words, and the way the mythical civilization communicates in space may not be as good as his.

Soon, the messenger of the Sealed Book gave the answer: "The information channel is crowded, so we need to save some money. Ordinary people can write as many letters as they can to deliver information."

Helfas smiled helplessly: "You are diligent and thrifty."

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "Because your current strength is not enough, please become stronger as soon as possible!"

Helfas said nothing more and read the letter.

the letter read.

God Helfas, I wish you holy peace. I am the weird one without a name. I don’t know how you are doing recently.

But I think you must still appear in the study on time every morning, and you are still busy every afternoon. You don't even have time to take a closer look at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

As someone who accepted your mission, I feel it is necessary to report to you my recent situation. I went to Lando’s hometown of Wa City. It is very beautiful. Even though I have seen it once in Lando’s memory, I walked into it in person. I still feel that it is so beautiful here.

Wa City is located next to a forest. The wooden houses exude the aroma of wood. The roofs are covered with layers of tiles that look like fish scales. But what is even more beautiful is that it is always drizzling here, and the rainwater falls from the eaves of the tiles. The dripping sound on the stone slab seemed to be playing music. The wetness of the stone slab seemed to imbue the air with the smell of the stone.

I never realized that rain was such a beautiful thing. I even thought it was no worse than the sea of ​​clouds on the golden mountain you have. I ran wildly in the rain for a long time. Many people looked at me strangely. I also I feel strange, don’t they think the rain is beautiful?

I think.

I have my dream home.

Next, I originally wanted to experience more beauty in this home from a human perspective and identity, and I was ready to return to the family as Lando.

Unfortunately, Lando had already died and was buried in the cemetery.

I wishfully wanted to live here with Lando's appearance and identity, but as a result, I made a lot of noise.

Everyone thought I was a monster and chased and beat me, or screamed in fear of me, scaring me so much that I ran away in panic.

People are so terrible, they actually wanted to kill me, but I obviously didn't do anything.

But at this time I met someone on the road, a female birdman, who was staring at me from a window on the wall.

It's strange, I don't know why I noticed her immediately.

She seemed to see those people chasing me just now, so she asked me: "Are you a monster?"

I said, "I am a talking and intelligent weirdo, not a monster."

Her: "Can you fly?"

Me: "I can turn into a cloud. The cloud will float up to the sky, but I don't know how to fall down. I can only turn into my own body and fall heavily from the sky."

She said: "That's really great, I really envy you."

Me: "Birds can also fly. This is not a strange ability that only one person has."

She whispered: "Can you take me to the sky? I have a strong umbrella, and then I will hold on to the umbrella and fall down. You can try this method in the future."

Me: "Is this okay?"

She said, "You can try."

Me: "I'll try, but why do you want to fly into the sky?"

She said: "I am a bird person. I am a bird but can't fly. Is it really uncomfortable?"

What she said made sense, but it wasn't this that really moved me.

Please forgive me for being presumptuous, but I decided to tell the truth. What I thought at that time was that I shouldn't be as stingy as you, who refused to even give me a name.

So I agreed to her request and fulfilled her wish to fly.

I released a part of my body and turned it into a cloud, then held up a wooden board and floated into the sky with her. But every time I would only take her to the building where she lived, which is the tallest building in Wa City. sitting on the roof of that building.

Because even though she brought an umbrella, I was still worried that she would fall.

She was very happy at the time, looking into the distance on the roof, and telling me about distant things. It was also the first time I heard these stories.

I think.

I probably have friends, which is a new experience that only humans can have.

Once, I took her to the roof again.

She asked me: "You haven't told me your name yet?"

I said, "I don't have a name."

She said: "Then are you a boy or a girl."

I said, "I don't have a gender either."

She asked me again: "No matter who you are, please take me to the sky, fly to a place far away from this city."

Me: "I can't take you to the sky because you might fall from the sky. Don't talk about that umbrella. Your umbrella can't bear yours. I don't want to leave here either. I like it here."

She said: "Aren't you my friend?"

Me: "Just because I am your friend, I can't take you away."

She looked at me with a strange look. I didn't know what that look meant, but it made me feel a little uncomfortable.

And the next time I took her flying, she suddenly jumped off the roof.

I froze, and then tried my best to catch up with her, but she still fell to the ground.

She had lost a lot of blood, and from what I remembered about Lando, I knew that she would die soon.

Oh my God!

I was really at a loss and didn't understand why a person would give up his life.

This world is so beautiful, I can't see enough of it. Why did she give up so easily? Doesn't she know how terrifying it is in the endless silence and darkness?

How dare she give up such a beautiful perspective to experience the endless sinking.

Did I do something wrong, or is there something wrong?

In panic, I saw someone coming.

Maybe it was her family. Her family was about to see her dying. What kind of scene and picture would that be like?

I became even more anxious.

But at this moment, looking at her lying on the ground about to die, I suddenly had a strange feeling.

I can graft myself onto her body and live on her behalf. Maybe this can make up for my mistakes.

Great God!

Please forgive me, I really didn’t mean it, and UU Reading www.uuknshu.com didn’t have any bad intentions.

But it is undeniable that I have gained a human identity and can live in this world with a real human feeling.

Finally, I can live in this dream home.

When I merged with her, many memories of the crystal skull deployment ceremony to protect her flooded into my mind, just like Lando's.

I'm a weirdo with no name.

I'm Lando!

I am her too!

Helfas finished reading this strange letter from a strange person and fell into thinking.

But I didn’t expect that there would be letters after letters after them.

The illusory chapter of the letter kept popping out, falling from a height like a piece of music, surrounding Helfas. (End of chapter)