I Am God!

Chapter 471: Sally, you are the master of life!

Moonlight City.

Anu walked quickly in the governor's mansion, walking in a hurry.

It can be seen that everyone in the Governor's Mansion is busy, and no one stops.

The entire Moonlight City was completely blocked, and the plague was spreading continuously in the city. There were more and more patients in the medical fort day by day, but the cause and solution have not been found yet.

The people in the city were panicked, and everyone was extremely afraid and fearful.

Anu, the Governor of Moonlight Province, travels around the city from morning to night, solving endless problems, trying his best to maintain the order in the city, and mobilizing resources and manpower to prevent and control the plague.

No, just after he came back, he saw an official from the governor's mansion approaching him.

It was clear at a glance that he was going to report the situation to him.

Anu raised his head, and seeing the other person's expression, he knew it must be something bad, but these days there are too many bad news, it seems that one more bad news is not worth making Anu's heart so much.

Anu sat down first, and then asked, "Tell me, what happened again?"

The official stood in front of the table and told Anu: "Your Excellency, the plague has spread outside the city."

"Now plagues have also broken out in many towns outside the city. Terrible black poisonous spots grow on their bodies, followed by coma."

"It's certain that it came from within the city."

Anu stood up immediately after hearing this. Although he expected the bad news, the bad news still shocked Anu, and then his shock turned into anger.

"what happened?"

"Didn't I already give an order, no one is allowed to enter or leave without my order, and all patients and corpses must be dealt with centrally."

"How did the plague spread?"

The official replied in a low voice: "I heard from below that some nobles and businessmen have sneaked out recently, and it may be because of them that they have spread outside."

Anumeng slammed the table and roared angrily.

"Damn it!"

"These guys are damned."

"Every time these guys are doing bad things, famine, war, and plague are all inseparable from them."

"The demons in the abyss are inferior to them. They are the real cancer and the real plague in this world."

As soon as Anu heard it, he knew that there was a problem below, not only those nobles, but also other people in the city were disobeying his orders.

But it's too late to solve it now.

Even if all the relevant personnel are arrested and disposed of, it is impossible to put the plague back into the cage.

He felt overwhelmed.

Anu couldn't sit still anymore, after he issued a few orders in the governor's mansion, he immediately came to the medical fort.

Anu changed into the clothes in the medical fort, and put on that unique mask. He saw the doctor of the medical fort who was busy: "How many people died today?"

The great doctor told Anu: "My lord, twenty-one people died in the medical fort, but dozens of corpses were sent from outside, and they haven't had time to count and deal with them. The manpower in the medical fort is insufficient."

Anu told the other party another bad news: "Plague has also appeared outside the city, and we must send people to deal with it. At least teach them how to prevent plague and how to dispose of corpses."

After listening, the doctor sighed.

"The number of deaths is increasing, and there may be more to come."

Anu asked, "Have you found a solution to the problem?"

The great doctor shook his head: "At present, we only know that this plague can be transmitted through water and body fluids, so now the drinking water in the city must be treated to check whether it is polluted, and everyone must prevent it."

Anu nodded: "I have issued the order before, but it seems that the effect is not very good so far."

The great doctor nodded: "So what I want to tell the governor now is the discovery we just made today. We found that after the death of the infected person, some strange things grew on the body."

"These weird things will emit some dust, spread in the air, and infect others with the plague."

Anu immediately said: "Shouldn't all the corpses born in the plague be burned together?"

"As long as it is burned, there should be no problem, right?"

The great doctor stopped immediately: "Absolutely not. This is one of the reasons why the plague has been spreading recently. After the corpses were burned, a lot of dust floated out and infected more people."

"I also judged this through the area where the plague outbreak was most severe recently."

"So today, just now, I have asked people to ban the burning of corpses."

Anu was stunned. He never thought of burning the corpse as a preventive method, but it became the reason for the spread of the plague.

Afterwards, Anu's face became even uglier.


"But if the corpses are not burned, if these plague-infected corpses turn into ghouls, then the situation will really get out of hand."

This is not an ordinary world, this is an extraordinary world, those dead corpses may turn into monsters at any time, crawling out of the grave again.

Anu didn't know how to describe the situation, making it worse would be an understatement.

For monsters, Anu can fight them without fear.

For the rebellion, Anu could suppress it, at least using means and tactics.

If there is a famine, he can dispatch supplies for relief.

But when the plague happened, Anu felt that he had become powerless. This invisible but deadly thing made all his strength fall into nothingness.

Anu suddenly looked at the great doctor and had an association.

"You said, is this plague related to those ghouls?"

"Is it related to the scum of the Silver Church?"

The great doctor didn't know how to judge: "This disease is too strange, I don't know how it came from, and it doesn't look like it was man-made, but it can't just appear out of thin air?"

"I don't know the answer, maybe only you can find the answer?"

In the end, the great doctor had to take Anu to the back of the medical fort, where the group of doctors conducted research on the plague.

Here, the corpse of the first infected person is still placed.

Anu, dressed in black and wearing a mask, entered a dark and closed underground room. It was bitingly cold here. In order to preserve the corpse, the doctors arranged a special ritual array here.

The moment Anu came in, he looked at the corpse on the table. Through the white coarse cloth covering it, he could see that the corpse had scales and had human-like limbs but a tail.

Yes, the first person to die from the plague was a lizardman.

And in the corner was the corpse of a monster, also covered with a layer of white cloth, which also looked lifeless.

The moment the lizard man died, the wind lizard dragon he owned also died.

The wise and powerful have powerful power, but their bodies are still fragile, and sometimes diseases can also take their lives, especially this weird and unprecedented plague.

Anu stepped forward and lifted the white cloth, and you can see that many scales on the lizardman's body have rotted and fallen off, and black things grow out one after another, and some black spots are even squeezed out from the gaps between the scales, like Some kind of plant grew on the corpse.

The doctor immediately stood up to Anu: "My lord governor, don't touch that black thing."

"Once it breaks, it will turn into countless dust and float into the air. Some doctors were infected because of this reason."

Anu nodded, and waved for the doctors to leave.

He is a Tier 3 power user, so as long as he prevents it in advance, he can naturally use his strength to isolate these things from entering his body.

Anu looked at the lizard man corpse, with various emotions in his eyes.

"What is the reason that made you infected with this plague?"

"Is it man-made, or just an accident?"

Anu put his hand on the opponent's head, and the light of divine art surged at his fingertips.

"My countrymen."

"If your death was man-made, please tell me who the culprit is."

"If this is a natural disaster, please also tell me why everything was born."

Anu was about to read the memory from the corpse's brain.

He has used this power before, but even reading memories is sometimes not what you want to see.

The high probability that you read is a part of incomplete and useless fragments. This kind of luck can see what you want, and the probability can be imagined.

And the other party has been dead for so long, not to mention the things that can be read.

Anu put his hands on it and used the magic spells many times in a row, but he still didn't see what he wanted, and even several of the magic spells failed directly.

But for the last time, Anu saw a picture of the life of the lizard. He entered the warehouse of the Governor's Mansion, sorting and tidying up the things in the warehouse.

For example, horned fossils that need to be preserved in water, various ambers and the like.

And those things were the gifts that the Evelians gave Anu before.

"Ever people?"

Confusion appeared on Anu's face, and countless thoughts flooded his mind for a moment, but he shook his head immediately.

"No, there is no reason."

"They don't have any reason to do that."

Just when Anu was in doubt, he suddenly found a white spot on the lizard man's body.

After being infected with the plague, the lizardman turned black as a whole, covered with black spots, and weird black lumps grew on the flesh and blood.

Therefore, this point of white is particularly conspicuous, causing Anu to make a voice of doubt.


"What's this?"

If you look closely, it looks like foam, and it looks like spores of some kind of plant.

If you look at it carefully, it looks like a piece of smooth white meat.

Anu didn't touch it directly, but prepared to peel it off with mental power to take a look.

But before Anu's mental power could touch the other party, the white thing actually moved.

The white foam multiplied rapidly, spreading along the scales of the corpse, as if it wanted to completely engulf the corpse.

Anu's expression changed immediately, and his vigilance instantly increased.

He looked at the "white foam" on the corpse with great readiness.

"what happened?"

But it's not enough to watch the foam swallow the corpse. He still wants to find the source of the plague through the corpse.

Anu immediately cast a divine spell, specifically targeting the things on the corpse.

He wanted to clear that "white foam" out, then close it up.

But the moment the magic and spirit touched the "white foam", he himself fell into the sea like a drop of water.

"Winter Weng!"

Anu felt as if his head had been hit hard by a sledgehammer, and his whole body was in a whirl.

He tried to restrain it with magic, but he was swallowed by the sea; he was like a worm trying to stop the rolling wheel, and finally swallowed the bitter fruit.

The white bubble itself is an existence whose personality far surpasses that of Anu, so it cannot be shaken by him.

for a moment.

His consciousness was pulled into an unknown world.

This is a pure white world, in which densely packed white mythical fungi form various shapes and look at Anu, making various sounds.

Those white bubbles imitate everything in the world, watching the lizard man Anu from above.


"lizard Man!"

"A living lizardman."

"The living cannot be broken down."

"This is a law of nature."

"How did he get in here?"

"He touched a lizardman specimen that was decomposing and analyzing the mimicry."

What Anu saw was the fungus of nothingness, which was decomposing the dead lizardman's body, to understand the life form of the lizardman, their blood and the secret of reproduction.

It's as if they decomposed the carcass of the horseshoe crab to get the mimicry of the horseshoe crab.

Anu felt that he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and it took him a long time to recover.

His consciousness was bound in the void, unable to move at all.

He used his own consciousness to perceive the surroundings, and his perception swept to the surroundings and above, and saw the imitation Ruhe of all things aloft.

He saw the snake man, the wing man, the big tree, all kinds of animals and even bugs.

They're all built out of that white thing.

Anu immediately understood something, and he probably encountered something extraordinary, but he searched the memory in his mind, and there was no description of this kind of existence.

He asked blankly, "Who are you?"

For a moment, it seemed that many people were responding to him at the same time, telling him their names.

The voice was as loud as a river rushing across mountains and seas, and it exploded in Anu's mind, making him want to cover his ears, and only then did he realize that he was just a conscious body.

"I am nothingness."

"I am nothingness..."


Everyone is calling themselves nothingness, as if they all share the same name.

They are using different organs to produce sounds, and some even use the vibration of insect wings and skin membranes to produce tones similar to speaking.

Anu was shaken by the sound, but still shouted to the sky: "You caused the plague?"

The Void Bacteria replied: "It is not us who caused the plague, but something else."

One of the white foam-like creatures landed in front of Anu, and instantly formed a strange insect with tentacles sticking to the lake.

"This is it."

Looking at the worm with tentacles, Anu suddenly recalled something.

The people of Evil gave him many gifts, among which was something that looked like a long "stone horn".

He asked the people of Evil at that time: "What is this?"

The other party told Anu: "This is not a stone, but the shell of a bug in the sea a long time ago. It should not be found now. You can see that its long horn is like a weapon."

The shell was placed in water, which the Evelians said was the only way to keep it shiny.

When Anu took the gift with his hands, he lowered his head and saw a worm with two tentacles that looked sticky in the bucket.

"I've seen it."

Anu never thought that it was such an insignificant bug that caused the plague.

"It turned out that something like this caused the plague."

Anu asked the shadows made of white foam, imitating the existence of all things in the world.

"The people from Aiweier brought it here, why don't they have anything to do?"

The Void Bacteria said, "There's something inside this worm, something you can't see."

"That thing is not harmful to itself, and it was not harmful to the snake man."

"But after this lizard man was infected, this thing changed in his body, and finally became the plague you are talking about now."

Anu finally understood the reason for the birth of the plague, but this kind of secret involving the bottom-level mysteries and operation of the world probably made him think about it and search for it all his life, and he might not be able to find the real answer.

But at this moment, the existences in front of him seemed to have directly seen how the invisible things at the bottom of the world were working, and completely explained the changes to him.

Anu was extremely puzzled, what were these white foams in front of him, and why did they imitate the shapes of everything in the world.

"who are you?"

"How do you know so clearly?"

All the nihilistic bacteria looked at Anu, making sounds with thousands of organs, and described their identities to him again.

"We are the tenth Ruhe created by the master of life, named nothingness."

"We decompose everything, we simulate everything."

"We are nature's reincarnation and cycle."

Speaking of this, the voices of all the nihilistic bacteria gathered together and rushed towards Anu.

"Lizardman, you interrupted our process of decomposing life."

Ordinary people can't see the bacteria of nothingness, and they can't touch the bacteria of nothingness.

Although the nihilistic bacteria are everywhere, only their tentacles, those ordinary microorganisms, are exposed to people.

It's just that this lizardman was the first lizardman to die after the birth of the nihilistic fungus, so the nihilistic fungus came here to decompose his corpse, obtain the mystery of his life, and at the same time imitate its complete form.

And Anu interrupted the process of the bacteria of nothingness decomposing the lizardman, so he was pulled here by it.


Anu understood the other party's words, and the other party turned out to be the tenth **** of Luhe created by the master of life.

Maybe the other party has not really become a god, but the other party already has the authority of a god.

Anu was a little apprehensive and uneasy, he didn't expect that he would encounter such an existence, but then the lizardman changed his mind, and this is not a turning point and an opportunity.

"Please excuse my intrusion."

"But I didn't do it on purpose, but because we are facing the plague and disaster you said, we have to find the reason."

"Since you know the real cause of the plague, do you know how to solve this plague?"

"Servant of the master of life, the great nothingness Ruhe, I pray to you!"

"Pray for the great you to help mortals."

Void Bacteria: "Of course I can solve this plague, but why should I help you?"

Anu tried to impress the other party: "Because this can save countless people, countless people will appreciate your greatness and even become your believers."

It's a pity that the bacteria of nothingness can't understand the meaning of salvation in Anu's mouth.

"Save countless people?"

"Why save them?"


"What is a believer?"

"Why believers?"

"Because they didn't deserve to die like this, they can live better, their families don't deserve to suffer like this, they can be reunited with their wives, children and parents," Anu said.

"Great Void Ruhe, please have mercy on these mortals, please save them!"

"The believers are your servants in the world. They will follow your will and will serve you for a lifetime."

If Anu didn't understand those human gods, it was even more difficult to understand the existence of Ruhe.

Those human gods were once mortals, and most of them still have the shadows of their past.

Ruhe is different.

They are the sea of ​​clouds and the sky, the vast land, the ocean and the desert.

Anu's statement may be able to convince the gods in the world, but it has no meaning to Ruhe.

In the empty world, the white mythical fungus mimicking everything told Anu with thousands of voices.

"Birth and death are the law of life, the cycle of the world, and part of nature."

"Green plants will rot and turn to ashes, winged insects will fall to the ground in the cold of winter, and animals will die in the soil at the end of their lifespan."

"Growth grows out of the dead ashes, bugs fly again in spring, animals give birth to a new generation before they grow old."

"Death is an eternal theorem, why save them from death?"

As for the believer's question, the other party didn't pay any attention to it, and seemed to bother answering it.

Anu also tried to explain something: "But, the great nothingness Ruh."

"They haven't reached the end of their lifespan, they shouldn't have died at this time, it's an unnatural catastrophe."

Fungi of Nothingness: "Floods will destroy land, fires will destroy forests, and life will disappear in various disasters."

"All of this is still a natural cycle."

The fungus of nothingness was unmoved at all, and even felt that what Anu said was inexplicable.

Anu also suddenly understood something.

He remembered what the Scarlet Goddess had told him, that gods also had positions.

If he represents a mortal, the gods represent their respective positions.

Then, the nihilistic Ruhe in front of him represents natural reincarnation.

It is impossible for him to extend his hand out of pity for mortals.

Because in Ruhe's view, maybe the entire snake people, wing people and lizard people all disappeared, and that was just a natural choice.

It is the doomed ending of life and race, and there will naturally be new lives and races to replace them in the future.

Anu was a little anxious, because he felt that if he missed this opportunity, it might be difficult to find a solution to this plague.

Now that the plague has spread, it has only spread to two or three cities and a dozen villages and towns on the surface, who knows what is going on behind the scenes.

He suddenly changed his mind, raised his head and shouted at the figures that mimicked everything.

"Ruhe the Void!"

"I see."

"Please forgive my unreasonable request, I shouldn't speculate on the great you as a mortal."

But when he said this, Anu's voice changed.

"But this corpse belongs to the Lizardmen, my compatriots, our family."

"You can't just take him away like this, it doesn't make sense."

The Void Bacteria fell silent, and after a long time the Void Bacteria told the lizardman Anu.

"About your question."

"We have decided to hold a meeting to discuss it, and your questions will be answered after the meeting."

Anu froze for a moment, what does it mean to have a meeting?

Afterwards, his consciousness was expelled from this white world and returned to his body.

And the Void Bacteria started a new round of quarrels.

"Decomposition is the vocation of microorganisms, part of natural reincarnation and circulation, and our duty. Any dead body belongs to us."

"That's right, when we decomposed other corpses, why didn't anyone from those races give us an opinion?"

"We don't have to ask anyone's opinion."

"It's different before. Those are all not intelligent species. How can you make an opinion without wisdom."

"As for the snake people, they didn't make any comments either!"

"Because the snake people do not have a unified king, nor a unified god."

"This Anu seems to be the king of the lizardmen, and he is qualified to make the request."

"We don't care..."

"We should solicit..."

The nihilistic bacteria in the glass tank quarreled again, and this was another meeting where it was difficult to see an answer.


Under the lava volcano.

The Temple of Glass in Black Rock City.

Under the altar, Sally was squatting and looking down at her glass jar, holding her small face in her hands.



She thought about it for a long time, but she still didn't think of other functions of the Void Bacteria.

It seems that it can only be used as a sand table, like Sheila's mirror, but Sally hopes that it can have some other stronger functions.

Under the statue is still the remains of King Radliki. At this moment, one of them is kneeling and the other is squatting.

Sally turned her head and saw the stone statue-like remains, feeling a little unwilling.

She was a little frustrated, and suddenly pouted her lips and turned her head.

Said to the figure standing in the center of the temple.


"If you had chosen me as wisdom, I must be smarter than him."

The **** in white in the temple spoke and told her.

"Then you are no longer Sally."

"You are life, so you are Sally."

Sally seemed to understand and understood something, but she was still a little frustrated.

At this time, God spoke again: "The crown of wisdom is the source of wisdom, the beginning of all wisdom."

"It's like your mother nut of all things, can you create all the life you want to create with it?"

"These two artifacts represent the beginning and origin, the cornerstone of wisdom and life, without them everything will collapse."

"The life and wisdom you brought will be lost."

"But that does not represent the limit of life and wisdom. It is unknown how tall towers and temples can be built on it."

Sally also thought of her own mother nut of all things, and the matter of making a winged man by herself.

She ran to Insain and told her.

"I wanted to create a race with wings like the one in God's dream, but in the end I created a group of weird-looking winged people."

"But in the end, those winged people turned into what I wanted to create through the power of wisdom."

"really weird!"

God Yin Sai told Sally: "So you are the cornerstone of life and wisdom, but life and wisdom are still exploring their limits and creating their own miracles."

The **** in white robe led the girl to the glass jar. Sally picked up the glass jar from the ground, put it on the altar, and looked at it with the god.

Yin Shen told Sally: "The future is unpredictable, but there are some things that can be deduced."

Sally knew the answer God was going to tell her, and asked impatiently, "God, what is it?"

In her eyes, God knows the answer to everything in the world, as long as she wants to tell you.

Yin Shen: "For example, the evolution of life."

God Yin pointed to the outside world, to the whole earth.

"You cannot control the future of this world, but you can control the evolution of life, because you know the mysteries of all life."

"Sally, you are the master of life."

"Billions of lives were born because of your authority, and evolved because of your power."

The Creator took the little girl by the hand and showed her the world to be possible.

At the same time, told her the true power of the authority she inherited from herself.

The two seem to be standing in the temple, but a scene of the whole world appears in front of them, and the world and all things are under them.

The voice of God entered Sally's ears, as if a door had been opened for her.


"You can know the future of life in advance!"

One sentence falls, and the process of the world is promoted accordingly.

Sally looked at her own glass jar, at the giant island of Luhe and all mimicry in the glass jar.

A smile appeared on her face~lightnovelpub.net~ said happily.


"I see."

The nihilistic bacteria can imitate the world, the environment and nature.

By decomposing the corpse of a species, you can know all the secrets of this species, and can completely mimic the life form of the other party.

If in this glass jar, she concentrates on deducing the evolution of a certain species and chooses it as the protagonist.

Is it possible to see what a species will become in the future?

Is it possible to see the limit of what a species can reach?

At least, she could see one possibility.

Sally found the true power of the Void Bacteria, or she knew how to use her power.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :