I Am God!

Chapter 472: nihilium

In the temple.

Sally then asked Shen Yin: "God, but after deducing the future forms of these lives, what's the use?"

Yin Shen said: "Wait until the next era, it will belong to the era of life."

"All the perfect things in your eyes may be born in that era."

Sally looked expectantly: "The next era!"


Sally, the master of life, picked up her own glass jar.

She stuck her eyeballs to the glass jar, and heard the voices of those void bacteria.

"We should follow the laws of the world and the laws of nature."

"We are the law, the theorem, and the cycle."

"We are one of the rules of the world. As a rule, we must abide by the rules and not do whatever we want."

"What is that lizard man? He disintegrated him."

"The living cannot be broken down, this is the law."

"The law of fart, we are the law, Ruh is the world."

The Void Bacteria are still in a meeting, and it doesn't look like it's over.

Sally was very dissatisfied: "You useless guys are still arguing."

The nihility bacteria inside all changed under her eyes, and the voices of the nihil bacteria who were conducting a century conference also began to become silent.

Sally looked at these nihilistic germs who knew how to quarrel all day long and didn't know how to do business.

If every question kept them in this endless debate, there would never be a conclusion or an answer.

Sally, the master of life, decides, perfects and opens up her previous thoughts.

"Void Bacteria!"

"You should have a collective consciousness, the strongest consciousness born from the fusion of all consciousnesses, a consciousness that controls all simulated worlds."

She followed suit and made a selection.

"My glass jar, you are the carrier of the nihility bacteria, I make you the king of the nihility bacteria, and the mother who will give birth to all other nihility bacteria in the future."

"You are the unified consciousness of the bacteria of nothingness."

Sally held the glass jar with her hand, and a powerful force poured into it.

The glass jar changed immediately.

Clouds of foam eroded the glass tank, and white foam gnawed at the glass wall.

Gradually, the glass jar was also decomposed, and the power of the nihilistic bacteria began to simulate this glass jar.

The glass jar has become foamy, and it keeps expanding, getting bigger and bigger.

Immediately afterwards, the foam under the glass jar continued to spread, as if forming a base to support the glass jar.

Or a living body born to carry the glass tank.

It is constantly changing various forms, but everything is satisfied with the glass jar above the head, with the mimic world.

Because it is very clear.

It was born because of that glass tank, and it is a sand table world dominated by life.

It first turned into a huge white horseshoe crab that occupied half of the temple, but the carapace on the back of the horseshoe crab turned into the huge glass jar containing the mimic world.

The white horseshoe crab flies and swims in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into foam and dissipated.

It turned into a huge tree this time. There was a tree hole in the tree's belly, and the World Island floated in the tree hole.

One after another shape transformation.

In the end, the Void Bacteria appeared in front of Sally, and it was a huge solitary bacterium.

The fungus solitary simulates the shape of a human, but it has something like a bamboo hat on its head, and the semicircular cover contains a mimetic world, a small giant island of Ruhe.

It faces the mimic world and kneels in front of the master of life.

Its shape was very tall, and when it was standing, it almost reached the top of the temple, but it crawled under the feet of the little girl in front of it, but it didn't even dare to move.

"My master!"

"The supreme master of life, your servant greets you."

The voice of the Null Mother doesn't sound like a human voice at all. The voice seems to come from the echo in the glass cylinder.

The shocks overlap and are illusory.

Like echoes in empty valleys, like tides in the depths of the sea.

Sally looked at the mimic world on top of its head, and nodded very satisfied, because in this way, she would not even have to carry the glass jar, because the other party would follow her.

Sally stretched out her hand to touch the sterile solitary, thought for a while and said.

"In this way, the name Void Bacteria no longer suits you, because you are not an ordinary Void Bacteria."

"Called the King of Void Bacteria?"

Sally shook her head, feeling that it was not suitable.

"Nihility Bacteria!"

Soon, Sally gave each other a name.

With the finalization of the name of the nihilium mother, Sally completely settled the power of the tenth Luhe seal, as well as the responsibilities of the nihility mother.

"Nihility Bacteria."

"You perceive the world, you simulate everything, and you evolve life."

"You are a whole made up of countless individuals, and you are the cycle of the world, so your life and death and reincarnation are also different from those of other Ruhes."

Sally touched the other party, stroking Ruhe who was lying on the ground.

"So, I now give you the power to evolve life."

"Every time you evolve life and deduce the origin and annihilation of a race, it is a cycle of mimicry, a cycle of life and death."

"When you reincarnate enough times, you will enter the real myth."

Of course, not every deduced life will be manufactured in the end, because not every deduced to the final answer is correct.

The evolution of life is accompanied by countless forks, and there may be a lot of deduction, but only a few useful answers can be found in the end.

The sterile mother nodded: "Thank you for your gift, my master."

Originally Void Bacteria They are invisible, they are scattered throughout the world, they are nothingness trolls.

But Sally's glass jar allowed their wills to gather here, allowing them to have a conceptual ontology, although in fact they were just a pedestal that carried the mimic world.

But the nihilistic mother doesn't care, it is also a great honor to be the base of the life master glass jar.

After Sally gave her power, she told the Mother of Null Bacteria.

"Give me a serious deduction and leave more life templates in my mother nut of all things."

"I will use it in the future."

As a high-ranking master, she only needs to set goals and expectations, and the rest will naturally be done by her servants on her behalf.

"Your will is all I have, and I will spare no effort to fulfill the duties and missions you entrusted to me."

The sterile mother got up and dissipated into foam little by little.

It reverted to nothingness and entered the backstage of the world.

But in that microcosmic world, the microbes made waves like waves.

On the top of the countless microorganisms, there appeared an existence scattered between the heaven and the earth, with a mimic world on top of its head.

The other party walks in every corner of the world, it collects all the data of the world all the time, simulates the world and all life, and deduces the future of life at the same time.


Just a call from Sally.

It will hold the god's glass jar on its head and reappear in front of her.


Moonlight City.

In the past few days, Anu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at night, and there were no good dreams in his dreams, only nightmares.

He would always dream of the dead lizard man: "Chief Anu, you shouldn't have asked me to clean up the warehouse."

He saw countless dead snake people pointing at him and speaking words he couldn't understand.

The plague intensified.

Bad news continued to come from all over the Moonlight Province, and it seemed that it was out of control.

This plague also has a whole new name.

It is believed to be the curse of death and demons, so it is called death demon disease.

In the streets and alleys, rumors of everyone's panic about this plague can be heard everywhere.

"This is the curse of death, a disease in which even death is inevitable." Everyone knows that the dead body will become a source of infection, and even burning can't stop it from infecting others, which makes this plague infected. A more terrifying layer of color.

"This is the evil power from the evil gods, and it is the invasion of the human world by the evil spirits." No one knows where this plague comes from, and they can only blame it on the evil spirits.

"Great god, please save us." Facing the plague and death, mortals once again gathered in front of the hall of gods.

This morning.

Anu set off from the governor's mansion, watching the chaotic scene along the way.

There are teams collecting corpses everywhere, as well as patients wailing everywhere.

He came to the Medical Fort again, outside the Medical Fort there were a large number of sick people, there was no way for these people to be treated, they could only wait here to die.

The people waiting to die nearby saw Anu's frame, and they got up and surrounded them one by one. Some of them couldn't even get up, but came over lying on the ground.

"Your Excellency!"

"Your Excellency!"

"Save us, save us!"

"Aren't you the spokesperson of God? Please save us!"

"We don't want to die."

These people were covered with black spots, smelled bad, and looked terrible.

Among them were the elderly, the prime of life, women, and children, Anu watched through the crack of the window.

One of the figures chasing the carriage was smaller than when Anu became a servant of Kurmis, skinny, with a large black patch on his neck, which was still dripping with vicious pus.

He chased Anu's frame, shouting in his mouth: "My lord governor, please help me clear the curse of the demon!"

"I am a believer in the Lord of Harvest and the Feathered Serpent God."

But people around immediately stopped them, people still looked at Anu's frame and shouted: "Your Excellency..."

Anu lowered the curtain, not daring to look at these people.

Because he has nothing to do now.

He could only go straight into the medical fort and asked about the recent situation of the doctor in the medical fort.

Not surprisingly, things got worse.

The great doctor asked Anu: "My lord governor, do you know where this disease comes from?"

"Have you found the answer from the first infected corpse?"

"Could it be those demons who did it? Could there be evildoers in the city, can you think of a way to catch them?"

The first lizardman infected with the plague, and recently Anu came to inspect the corpse of that lizardman almost every day, which made the doctor couldn't help asking questions. He could vaguely see that the other party seemed to know something.

Anu didn't know how to answer, he did get the answer.

But the answer is that the disease was due to changes in the lizard people, and eventually evolved into the plague of the dead devil.

Anu was a man of integrity who always hated lies and deceit.

But at this moment, he absolutely cannot open his mouth to say this answer, it is impossible to tell everyone.

"It has nothing to do with demons, but we caused this plague."

"Although this is not what we want."

This doesn't solve the problem, it just makes it worse.

Anu could only lower his head and patted the opponent's shoulder, trying to reassure him.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to solve this plague."

The big doctor has also been extremely tired recently, watching thousands of people die in front of him but doing nothing, this is an unimaginable blow to a proud doctor.

He looked at each other in disbelief: "Really?"

Anu nodded: "I will do my best!"

The great doctor shook his head: "This is a natural disaster, and we can only do our best."

In order to face the plague, Anu has tried all means.

He even tried to get the solution to the plague from the tenth Ruhe through sophistry.

Anu came to the place where the corpse was placed again, and touched the white foam with his consciousness, wanting to get a response.

Different from the previous two days, this time the white foam immediately multiplied along the ground, and then enveloped him.

Anu's eyes were blank, and he suddenly felt dizzy.

Before regaining consciousness, he heard a hollow voice.

"You came!"

This time the sound was made by a person, but it carried an echo like an empty valley, echoing like the waves and tides.

Anu did not see the white world before.

He raised his head and saw a white life form, a huge existence in the shape of a human standing in the void.

It is tall and slender, but it gives people a graceful feeling, with a huge bamboo hat or something like a hat on its head.

The diameter of the "hat" was almost the same as this white life form, and it was translucent.

Anu looked around, and faintly saw something sealed inside.

Anu couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

The lizard man sensed his surroundings, but he never saw the shadow of the mimetic things: "Why are you the only one?"

In front of Anu is the nihilium mother. The meeting has ended, and the nihility mother has become a unified consciousness. Naturally, there is no need to argue about some issues.

"I'm a nihilistic mother!"

"Anu the Lizardman."

"After death, life will rot, decompose, and return to nature."

"This is the law of nature, the law of the world, and no one can escape."

"It doesn't matter whether you want it or not, whether you give it or not."

"But if you want to prevent the natural order from decomposing this corpse, we will not punish you, because you are also a part of the natural cycle, a part of the order and theorem."

"On condition that you have the power to stop the natural order forever, the power that is doomed to perish and disintegrate."

"However, this is just an ordinary corpse, and you are not a myth, you can't do it."

In the void, the huge white thing twisted its lithe body, overlooking the lizard man Anu.


"Your request is denied."

Anu knew that a little fluke in his heart and an attempt failed.

Anu sighed: "Is it really not possible?"

But at this time, the nihilistic mother started talking about another thing.

"The dead will eventually be decomposed and will return to nature. This is an unchangeable law."

"But you are still alive, you can exchange your living self and your own things with me."

Anu raised his head, his eyes revealing consternation.

"What do you mean by...?"

The Null Mother told Anu: "I need to conduct an experiment to find out the possibility of biological evolution."

"I want to know whether the evolution of disordered nature is more perfect, or the life evolved under the influence of artificial will is more perfect."

The white God of Ruhe's preparation stretched out his hand, as if inviting the lizard man Anu.

"You are the lizardman, you are the servant and heir of Kurmis, you hold the map of life evolution, and you are the creator of the devil knight and many monsters."

"You are a very suitable candidate."

The Null Mother seems to know all of Anu's secrets.

It is not surprising that the Null Mother is in charge of the authority of microorganisms, and most of the secrets in this world are not secrets to it.

Anu asked the nihilistic mother, "What do you need from me?"

Null Mother: "Lizardman, don't you want to find a solution to the plague of the dead demon?"

"I can show you all the secrets of the death demon disease in the process of life evolution."

"You just need to participate in this process of life evolution and help us promote a story of life race from origin to end."

Anu felt that this was not safe enough, what if he didn't find it in the process?

Even if he knows all the secrets, he still has no way to solve the plague. Sometimes knowing the secret of a thing does not mean that he can solve it and clear it.

It's as if you have the blueprint of the demon flying machine, but you may not be able to manufacture it like a demon, because you don't have the miracle ritual of the demon.

He asked the nihilistic mother: "Can't the plague be eliminated directly?"

Null Mother: "We can do it, but we are unwilling to take the initiative to destroy part of the natural cycle, because we are the natural cycle."

Not willing, not impossible.

It's just a mere lizardman Anu, not worth the Void Fungus.

Anu asked: "What exactly is the life evolution experiment you mentioned?"

The Null Mother told the Lizardman: "We will deduce the future of a race, its origin, rise and fall, and final demise."

Anu was dumbfounded: "A race, how long is the time span?"

Null Bacteria: "Millions of years, or tens of millions of years."

"Even longer."

Without that or even longer, the first two units were enough to scare Anu into petrification.

"A million years?"

"Thousands of years?"

Anu suddenly remembered the picture of life evolution and the gods in the world.

The gods have crossed the distance of the era and arrived at this era. They have spanned more than 200 million years and reincarnated millions of times.

And can he really survive such a terrible length of time?

The nihilistic mother seemed to see Anu's hesitation, and continued to speak.

"It's just the time of consciousness simulation, not the real time."

"You won't die, it's just an illusory experience, like a dream."

"And in the process of life evolution, you can not only get the treatment method of death demon disease."

"Perhaps you can also get information about the future path of your magic knight power."

It seems very beautiful, very safe.

But Anu felt something was wrong, and he didn't speak for a long time.


Anu walked out of the medical fort, looking in a daze.

In the past, the Void Bacteria needed a meeting to discuss, but now he needs to hold a meeting for himself to discuss.

At this moment, there seemed to be many consciousnesses arguing and arguing in his mind.

"Are you kidding me, a million years?"

"A million years, tens of millions of years, or even longer."

"Anu, can you bear it?"

"The nihilistic mother said, she won't die, it's just a dream."

"How long have these gods of Ruhe existed, and their ideas are completely different from ordinary people, so they cannot be judged by common sense."

"Anu, you are a third-order magic knight, you have a bright future, why pay such a price for a group of ordinary people."

Anu felt a headache, the side effects of the stress of this period and the inability to sleep day and night began to appear in his body.

He walked out of the medical fort, and was going to sit in his carriage to find a place to clean up.

But before he boarded the carriage, he saw masked corpse transporters approaching the street corner carrying corpses.

"Throw it up!" Several corpse transporters who wrapped the body tightly lifted the corpse up.

"It will be shipped out in the afternoon." A doctor beside him issued an order.

"Cover it with a cloth, wrap it up, and be careful." The doctor took out a piece of cloth, covered it on one of the carts, and then repeated to the next one.

Anu's sharp eyes just happened to see this scene.

One of the corpses was placed on it, looking at the sky with hollow eyes; it was the child who had seen it on the side of the road this morning and yelled at him on the side of the road.

The abscess on his neck was scratched, and he was gone.

After death, it was thrown on a cart like a mass of rotten meat, squeezed together with other corpses, and prepared to be transported to a place outside the city where the corpses are concentrated.

And the people nearby seemed to have been numb for a long time. Facing the piled up corpses, they showed no emotion at all. It seemed that what was being transported was not snake people, but livestock.

The voice in Anu's mind at this moment began to change again.

"Anu, you should do this, because this plague was caused by the lizard people, and it broke out from the Governor's Mansion."

"Anu, you are responsible, because you are the governor of Moonlight Province."

"You can give it a try, the deduction of life, isn't this just in line with your ancestor's totem pole plan?"

"I'm not for power, I'm for everyone."

"Anu... Anu... Anu... Anu..."

Anu stood at the gate of the medical fort, he suddenly understood.

I don't have much time to hesitate anymore, because every moment of time wasted is the loss of a life.

He doesn't care, he can turn a blind eye, because no matter how big the plague spreads, it is impossible to spread to him. He has a beautiful and bright future, as long as he is ruthless, these are not problems for him.

But the point is, Anu is not that kind of person.

If he was such a person, Kurmis would not have chosen him back then, and he would not have achieved what he is today.

"If Master Kurmis is here, he will definitely not hesitate."

Anu turned around and came to the front of the nihilium mother again.

"I promise, I can be your test subject."

Anu made a request: "But I don't want to evolve."

The huge white thing asked him, "Then what do you want?"

Anu told the nihilistic mother: "I want to go back in time and reach the beginning of life."

"I want to retrieve the various abilities that have been lost, the ancient power hidden in our blood."

Nihility Mother: "You are not qualified to decide how to start and how to end."

"But your will will determine the direction of your evolution. If you decide that the direction of evolution is to regain your former abilities, I will not hinder your success."

Anu nodded and agreed to the condition of the nihilistic mother, which also represented the conclusion of this deal.

In a world of nothingness.

The body of the nihilistic bacteria exudes a clear light, and its body unfolds gently, releasing infinite suction.

Anu was attracted, and went towards the nihilistic mother.

The nihil mother in front of her eyes was getting bigger and bigger until it was unbelievably big, and Anu couldn't see the whole picture of the other party clearly.

Anu couldn't tell whether the other party was getting bigger, or he was shrinking.

Finally ~lightnovelpub.net~ he fell into the bamboo hat or the translucent white hat on the head of the sterile mother, he fell down like a grain of dust, passed through the clouds, and saw the strange world of mimicry.

This time, he finally saw what was sealed inside the hat.

There is a continent sealed inside.

At this moment, Anu felt fear in his heart, but he said it to himself.

"It doesn't matter!"

"The gods of the past can survive, and I can also bear it."

And the voice of the nihilistic mother came from above.

"Evolution begins."

"Specimen: lizard man, wind lizard dragon, dead demon disease!"


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