I Am God!

Chapter 473: The clock of time being torn

When the lizard man Anu reached an agreement with the nihility mother, there were also two wills in the abyss watching Anu.

Dark Hell Abyss.

On the burning throne, a scorched corpse is observing all the things that happen to Anu through the sword carried by Anu the lizard man, even things that happen in Anu's consciousness.

He saw the lizardman Anu was devastated by a plague, but in such a disaster, he met the tenth Ruhe again.

And Ruhe, named nothingness, decided to make a deal with Anu after seeing through Anu's sophistry.

Conduct an experiment on the stage of civilization and race.

Dark Moon sat on the throne, watching the lizard man Anu couldn't help but speak.

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other."

"When luck reaches its peak, disaster will come; when disaster follows, luck will follow."

"Is spiritual authority really related to luck?"

An Yue suddenly remembered Xiao, the evil **** of original sin. When he reversed the years and time and came to this era, when he ascended to the throne of God, disasters followed.

If he had survived that disaster at that time, maybe fate would completely favor him.

At that time, no one can stop him from pursuing everything he wants.

Before An Yue could think about the result, the nihilistic mother on the other side had already activated her own power.

The figure of the lizard man Anu kept shrinking, heading towards the nihilistic mother.

The figure of the nihilistic mother gradually became unbelievably large, and the sealed thing on the "brim" of her head was gradually revealed.

Not only Anu, but Darkmoon also saw what was above the Mother of Nothing's head.

For a moment, the king of rage was dumbfounded.

He stood up violently: "What is that?"

An Yue was speechless for a long while, and finally asked a question in disbelief.

"He... has a world on his head?"

Dark Moon knew that Ruhe could be turned into the earth, into the desert, into the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, and into a huge mountain that could move.

But it was the first time he saw this kind of Ruhe with a world on his head.

And in the black mud abyss on the other side.

Melder, the king of lust, is also watching the lizard man Anu. After discovering that Dark Moon bet on this lizard man, she also began to pay attention to this lizard man.

Gradually, she discovered many things and understood An Yue's plan.

"It turns out that the ghoul's method of becoming a **** came from the feathered snake."

Now that she knew Dark Moon's plan, Melder would naturally not let go. Once she had the chance, she was going to **** it directly from Dark Moon, and at least get a share.

These two people have always been paying attention to Anu, the lizard man. It can be said that they have malicious intentions, and they are both coveting the way to become a god.

After the nihilistic mother pulled the lizardman into the world of mimicry, she raised her huge head and looked into the abyss.

Its sight seems to have penetrated the barrier between the world and the dream world, and saw the two people in the abyss.

The tidal wave-like sound flowed from a distance, echoing in the abyss.

"Do you want to see it too, then come in together!"

Lu Heyin activated, and the authority given to it by the master of life overrides the two of them.

The two who hadn't even set foot on the road to mythology felt their consciousness pulled out in an instant and fell into the world of mimicry.

It was a force launched from the root, and there was no way to resist it.

Dark Moon wasn't too surprised that an existence like the Null Mother had already discovered them, but he didn't make much preparations either.

The same is true for Melde, who seems to be in a hurry.

In the eyes of the two, the abyss disappeared.

I only saw that huge white life body gradually enlarged to the point of being invisible, and they themselves fell into the strange world above each other's head.

The white limbs of the sterile mother softened like noodles, floating in the void, appearing extremely light.

It radiates light light all over its body, slowly turning in circles.

The mimetic world carried above the head began to change, and all the nihilistic bacteria were in motion.

"All the germs of nothingness."

"Really become a part of the cycle of the world, forget everything, and join the cycle of life!"

The voice of the nihilistic mother spread into the consciousness of all the nihilistic bacteria, and the supreme unified consciousness of the mimic world issued an order.

"From now on, you are not bacteria of nothingness."

"You will forget everything and become a real member of the mimic world."

"You imitate all things, you are the cycle of the world, you are the cycle of life."

"This is also the path and mission of our evolution."

All the nihilistic bacteria began to adjust, and began to reconstruct the mimic world.

They have forgotten everything, like blank souls, participating in this reincarnation drama with race and civilization as the stage.

Anu, Dark Moon, and Meld descended on this mimic land at the same time, and the white mimic world also became colored.

The trees turned green, the sea water turned blue, and the whole world seemed to come alive in an instant.

When the three of them landed on the ground, everything was ready.

Among them, Anu arrived first.

He entered the body of a lizard, but immediately the lizard was constantly changing because of his entry.

The lizard crawled forward, and after less than a dozen steps, it turned into a lizardman. A gorgeous robe appeared on his body, and a saber was worn around his waist, as if everything on his body had been worn before. coming.

More precisely, it was simulated by the bacteria of nothingness.

Anu walked in a trance, looking around in shock.

He raised his head and looked at the surrounding sea of ​​trees and forest in surprise, at the sea of ​​trees and the blue sky above the leaves.

"This is where?"

Anu didn't feel at all that this was a world used for experiments, he felt that this world was real.

He can feel the wind, the aroma of trees, the cries of beasts and insects, and he can even control them through the power of his mind.

He can even hear the inner voices of those beasts, which are primitive emotions and desires.

Anu walked towards the outside, and it wasn't long before he saw another being.

A swamp lizard was lying on the tree, and it was talking to him, calling Anu's name.



Anu raised his head and asked the other party, "Who are you?"

The other party replied: "I am your Warcraft partner, didn't you bring me in?"

Anu looked at the other party in surprise, with some doubts: "You also followed me here?"

Wind Lizard Dragon said: "Of course, aren't we one?"

Anu said: "Why can't I feel the connection between me and you."

Wind Lizard Dragon said: "I don't know either."

Anu thought for a while: "It may be because what we come in is only consciousness, not the body. Our bodies are all outside, and this induction is naturally cut off."

Next, Anu asked some scenes and things that only he and his Warcraft partners knew.

For example, some habits and habits of the wind lizard dragon, these things are known only by Anu and his monster partner, and the other party can answer them fluently.

at last.

Anu looked at the other party, and seemed to believe it.

"Is it really you?"

At this time, the lizard began to change continuously, and finally turned into a wind lizard.

The huge wind lizard dragon soared above the sea of ​​trees, neighing.

That familiar gesture made Anu feel very at ease in this strange world.

On the other side of the continent.

In a swamp, you can see many strange insects with tentacles lying on the rotten logs.

At this moment, dense black spots flew out from the bodies of these strange insects, and finally gathered together to form a female figure.

It was in the shape of a god, but there were pairs of wide black wings behind it.

Although he has the shape of a god, he can't feel the slightest sacredness in the opponent's body, only evil and depravity.

It seems to be the embodiment of plague and death, the embodiment of disaster.

Fallen Angel Meld.

Since then, the lizardmen, wind lizard dragons, and dead demons have all been in place.


The Continent of Nothingness.

This world is very similar to Ruhe Giant Island, but much smaller.

There are all kinds of animals and plants on the mainland, but there is no Ruhe giant, and there are no snake people.

But Anu walked out of the jungle, and saw a group of familiar figures outside among the hills.

He saw a group of lizardmen.

Anu hurriedly walked to the top of the mountain, looking at the foot of the mountain.

"lizard Man?"

"So many lizardmen?"

These lizardmen inhabit this land like wild beasts. They dig holes at the foot of the mountain and live in caves.

They have not yet been born with civilization, let alone understand the language.

They only know simple cooperation and use the simplest weapons. They are completely different from the lizardmen transformed from snakemen like Anu, completely revealing the charm of the beginning of life and wildness.

Anu was a little excited.

He seemed to want to go down and meet those lizardmen, but before he could move, the words of the nihilium mother appeared in his mind.

This is just a simulation of the evolution of life race, none of this is real.

Anu immediately dispelled those thoughts, because he knew that these were not real lizardmen.

No matter how much they look alike, they are not real.

The first night of coming to the void continent.

By the campfire outside the jungle.

Anu sat with his partner, the wind lizard dragon, and he was holding a branch to write and draw on the ground while roasting the fire.

Even if he didn't have a notebook, he didn't change his habit of keeping a practice diary.

"First, I want to collect all the information about the Death Demon Disease. This should not be difficult, and it is also the simplest item."

But Anu also knew that Ruhe the Void didn't throw him here to collect information, nor could he leave after collecting information.

Only when he completes the other party's experiments and completes the other party's goals can he leave.

So during this period, he can still do some things he wants to do.

So he went on to write: "Second, I want to perfect the power of the magic knight in the power of the deduction of the **** of Ruhe, and find the apostolic road of the magic knight, or even a higher road; we simulated The spirit of the holy beast totem is even higher."

After hesitating for a long time, he wrote down the third goal: "Third, the dimension of this experiment is very long, I must find a way to maintain my will, so that I will not let myself be in the experiment lost."

On the other side of the campfire, the wind lizard was taking a nap.

But not long after, the wind lizard dragon woke up again, and he looked at the lizardman gathering place on the other side.

"Anu, is what you said true?"

"This world is all fake, so are those lizardmen?"

"But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a fake?"

"That's the real world."

Anu said, "If this is true, aren't those memories before our coming here false?"

"Instead of believing that this world is real, I prefer to believe in my memories before I came here."

Wind Lizard Dragon asked: "What if our memories before we came here are really fake?"

Anu said: "Never have this kind of thinking. When we have this kind of thinking, it means that we have completely lost ourselves in this false world."

Anu reminded the wind lizard dragon, or he was warning himself.

"Tell yourself every moment that we don't belong here, we're going to leave."

The wind lizard dragon's eyes changed a little. After looking at Anu for a long time, he turned his head away, as if lying down next to the campfire and fell asleep completely.

Anu made several plans and immediately began to implement them.

The first plan is to collect all the clues about the death demon disease.

Wind Lizard Dragon: "What should I do about this?"

Anu said: "Don't worry about it. Before I came, the nihilistic mother once said that the death demon disease is also a part of evolution. I think it will come soon."

"We just need to collect data when it comes."

"We can accomplish our goal just by waiting quietly."

Wind Lizard Dragon asked: "Aren't these lizard people going to die? Are they your kind?"

Anu was stunned, and after a while he said, "Have you forgotten again?"

Anu looked at the wind lizard dragon and emphasized it again.

"Everything here is fake, it's just a fake experiment."

"Everything here doesn't exist except you and me."

Wind Lizard nodded: "In this case, we can directly start the last two goals."

"But there are no potion seeds, no magic beasts, and no magic knights. How can we deduce the path of the magic knight?"

Anu said: "Aren't you the magic beast, and I am the magic knight."

"We are the fire, the origin."

Anu rode the wind lizard dragon and flew towards the distance.

He is going to recreate the ancestor totem pole in this world. He has already had refining experience once, so as long as he finds enough materials this time, it is not a big problem for him.

over the next few decades.

Anu walked in this world, hunting monsters and accumulating extraordinary materials, and finally re-forged a third-order totem pole.

This continent has much less transcendent materials than Ruhe Giant Island, but at least there are still some.

All these years, his Warcraft partner Wind Lizard has been by his side.

Anu looked at the totem pole he had built, lacking resources and assistants to help him, the hardships were unimaginable.

He looked at the new totem pole, which looked extremely rough compared to the original one, and still smiled.

"Although there is only one kind of totem spirit, the wind lizard dragon."

"But with it, new monsters can be created next."

The spirit of the totem fell, and Anu transformed the power through the ancestor totem pole, endowing another swamp flying lizard with power, and thus the first monster on this void continent was born.

However, this wind lizard dragon was extremely crazy and tyrannical as soon as it was born, it was not under Anu's control at all, and flew away directly.

The wind lizard dragon seemed to despise the newly born wind lizard dragon very much, and said.

"What's the use of such a person, or the kind of idiot who can't conclude a contract?"

"And the power of our Warcraft family cannot be inherited. It flew away like this, and it disappeared completely after dozens of hundred years."

The wind lizard seemed to be instigating Anu, but he didn't say it directly.

Anu told the Wind Lizard Dragon: "Only the power of mythical props can be transmitted to any place regardless of distance. At that time, monsters may really have inheritance."

Wind Lizard Dragon: "Mythological props? Can the ancestor totem pole be used?"

Anu shook his head: "I don't have the method of refining mythical props, but I have seen Mr. Kurmis embark on the road to becoming a god, and I have witnessed Mr. Kurmis refining the seed pot."

"But it's just that I've seen it, and what I know is limited."

Wind Lizard Dragon encouraged: "That's a lot to know, we have enough time in this world, we can try slowly."

"After a long time, you can always find a way, right?"

Anu didn't answer, it seems that he doesn't want to discuss this issue, or it's too early to discuss this issue now.

He just said: "First think of a way to turn the ancestor totem pole into a fourth-order."

"Only when the ancestral totem pole reaches the fourth level, can it have a mimetic spiritual force field."

"After that you are qualified to talk about other things."

the other side.

Melde has also walked in various places in this void continent in the past few decades.

Since the Abyss was banished to darkness, it seemed that she had never walked the earth like this.

Apart from the fact that there isn't even a wingman on this land, only some ugly lizardmen, Melder still feels very comfortable.

Melde is the king of original sin of lust, and he masters the law of **** in the abyss.

The Law of Abyss Lust: Abyssal monsters have strong and irrepressible desires. The queen of the abyss, Melder, bestows on them the power to reproduce. They can use the abyss to give birth to new abyssal monsters.

And here is where her law can be used.

Her body is made up of death demon disease, which can control all infected people through death demon disease. In this world, there is nothing that has a stronger breeding power than plague.

Melder walked barefoot on the big river, looking at the endless plain from a distance, and a group of lizardmen who had just migrated from this plain.

Melder's face showed a strong longing, she wanted to embrace this world and leave everything behind completely.

"I want... to occupy this world."

After finishing speaking, her figure spread out and turned into invisible black smoke flowing across the ground.

Ordinary people can't see the black smoke at all, and can only notice them in the microscopic world.

Melder walked on this world, spreading the plague, and eroding the world through the plague.

at the very beginning.

This plague can only be transmitted among lizards, and gradually began to break out on lizardmen.

On this day, Anu and the wind lizard dragon passed by the plain and happened to see the outbreak of the plague.

Anu immediately flew down: "It's the death demon disease!"

Anu looked outside the lizardman's cave of the barbaric tribe, where corpses had fallen all over the ground.

Black patches grew out of each corpse, and the horrible swelling squeezed out from under the scales, emitting a foul smell.

He recognized it at a glance, it was the death demon disease.

The wind lizard dragon looked at the dead people in the wild tribe, but there should be more lizard people farther away who were suffering from the plague and were powerless to resist.

"Don't you want to save me?"

Anu watched all this, his eyes slowly changed.

He suddenly remembered something.

He gradually remembered what happened decades ago, and he suddenly realized that he had been in this void continent for decades.

Decades are long, but short.

Because this length of time is just the beginning for his mission, not even the beginning.

He has been immersed in making the ancestor totem pole all these years, and even began to forget some things, forgetting the purpose of coming here.

Suddenly, a strong sense of panic arose in his heart.

"I have changed, I am being changed."

"This change goes deep into the bottom of my heart and bone marrow, and it is gradually changing my will and thinking."

"Even if this is a false world, for me who fell into this place, this place is no different from the real one."

Anu looked at the lizard man who died in the plague, and said something.

"I can't save them."

But then, he said again.

"However, I can still save the people outside."

After Anu finished speaking, he still walked down. He wanted to collect information about the deadly demon disease from the dead lizardmen, and to find out how to fight and eliminate this plague.

He entered the cave, dragged out all the infected people, and isolated all the lizardmen who were not infected.

He spoke to these lizardmen by means of telepathic communication, letting them know what to do.

"Don't touch those corpses."

"Stay away from these corpses."

"Don't drink water with dead bodies nearby."


He said that he couldn't save him, but he still started to move with all his strength.

And all the lizardmen heard Anu's voice, looked at the huge monster wind lizard dragon, lay on the ground one by one at a loss, and whimpered in fear.

Anu knew that they were submitting to a powerful existence, similar to wild beasts.

And at this time, Wind Lizard Dragon suddenly said.

"The bodies of these lizardmen, don't waste them."

"If it is included in the totem pole, can the ancestor totem pole enter the fourth level in advance?"

Anu froze for a moment: "Use their corpses?"

Wind Lizard: "This is just a simulation, these people are fake, aren't they?"

Anu looked at the living lizardmen, looking at their faces, and their eyes exuding fear and bewilderment.

Those lizardmen children hid behind their mothers and looked at Anu and his wind lizard dragon tremblingly, their eyes filled with fear of death, awe of power, and longing for power.

For the first time ever, he began to waver: "Are they...really fake?"

The wind lizard dragon reminded Anu: "Anu, have you forgotten what you said?"

"You said we should never have this kind of thinking, because when we have this kind of thinking, it means that we have completely lost ourselves in this false world."

The wind lizard dragon propped its paws on the ground, holding its head high.

"And we don't do anything with living people. These people are already dead, just a pile of rotten meat."

"Why can't it be used?"

"And after you have more power, can't you do more things?"

In fact, Wind Lizard Dragon originally wanted to say, don't ignore the goal you want to achieve for a little bit of false justice in your heart, that is not real justice, but just weakness.

But suddenly stopped, this is not what he should say.

Anu didn't speak for a long time, which seemed to represent the answer.


One hundred and thirteen years after coming to the void continent.

The initial civilization has already begun to appear on this plain. Even though Anu did not take the initiative to promote the civilization of the lizardmen, his existence has already invisibly affected everything here.

Villages and cities have begun to appear on the plain, people who use tools, slaves and slave owners have appeared.

Every once in a while, a terrible plague will come to this world, harvesting the lives of countless people, and this plague seems to be constantly multiplying and changing during this harvest.

And in this year.

Anu and his partner Wind Lizard finally built the fourth-order ancestor totem pole.

In the forest where Anu and the wind lizard first descended, he has lived in seclusion all these years.

It's just that Anu, the once vigorous young lizard man, has now turned into an old man.

Anu looked up at the finally completed fourth-order ancestor totem pole, watching it exudes a mimetic spiritual force field, and his eyes showed a look of satisfaction.

"It finally worked."

Anu stooped, stroked the pillar, and looked at the totem on it.

Wind Lizard Dragon: "Do you want to try to imitate, and then create the first spirit of the holy beast totem?"

"At that time, you can try to become a fourth-order apostle."

Anu shook his head: "No, it's too late, this body is about to decay."

"Before I came, I made an agreement with the nihilistic mother that we will not really die."

"Our death here is just the beginning of the next time, we will just become another life form, and we will start a new life again."

"There are still many opportunities for me to create the spirit of the holy beast totem and become an apostle."

"But now we have to start preparing for other things."

Wind Lizard: "What are you going to do?"

Anu told the Wind Lizard Dragon: "We have been in this world for more than a hundred years. We have been here for so long that we have even forgotten that world."

"It's only a hundred years. We may spend a hundred years here, a thousand or ten thousand years."

"When the time comes, we will still remember who we were back then."

"We will still remember, we want to go back to our own world and find the past?"

Wind Lizard Dragon said: "Then what are you going to do?"

Anu said: "I heard Lord Kurmis say that everything in the Wisdom Seed consists of four parts."

"Spirituality, Wisdom, Desire, Knowledge."

"The four parts are the root of wisdom and the greatest secret of wisdom."

"Where desire is personality, knowledge is memory."

The wind lizard dragon raised its head, its eyes looked very serious, this is already a secret related to the myth.

Anu went on to say: "I am going to preserve my current personality and memory, so that even if I stay here for an unimaginable number of years, I can wake up the current me when I wake up."

"Remember why I'm here, and what I'm supposed to do."

Wind Lizard Dragon looked at Anu with a hint of shock in his eyes.

"You can think of such a way."

"But have you ever thought about it, this may lead to two you."

"Are you sure that you who only have a memory of more than a hundred years can deal with you who have memories of thousands of reincarnations?"

Anu said: "Why deal with it, we are all ourselves."

"He's just me in the future, and I'm just him in the past."

"My partner, there are no two me at all, there is only one future me, and another me who doesn't know the future."

"We are one consciousness, just in different stages of time."

The wind lizard dragon looked at Anu, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and he murmured in his heart.

"Spirituality, wisdom..."


"The Way of Wisdom!"

He looked at Anu and said it out loud.

"Isn't this the way to become a god, have you found it?"

More than a hundred years have passed, and Anu seems to have finally found some key clues from the memory of Kurmis.

Anu nodded: "I also suddenly wanted to understand some knowledge and problems not long ago. If you haven't made it to that point, you can't figure it out anyway."

"Just a while ago, I finally understood why Mr. Kurmis split his own power before making the seed jar."

"It never occurred to me that what Lord Kurmis said was secretly related to becoming a god."

Anu didn't understand it before, but when the ancestor totem pole became the fourth order, he figured it out.

"Because only in this way can the eternity of consciousness be maintained."

"I have seen how Master Kurmis split this power, and I also understand how to integrate this power into props."

"Now, my life is coming to an end, and yours is almost at the end."

"Now there are two plans. One is that I merge into the totem pole and become the consciousness of the totem pole, and you enter reincarnation to complete the next plan."

"One is the consciousness that you become a totem pole, and I complete the plan in reincarnation."

The Wind Lizard Dragon didn't seem to think much about it: "You made the plan, and you should complete it."

"I will become the spirit of the totem pole, sleep in this pillar, anyway, I usually like to sleep!"

Anu patted his old buddy and said.

"Then it's settled."

The two came under the ancestor totem pole and began to activate the power of the ancestor totem pole.

This is a Tier 4 item, and it already possesses the power to perform the four-point secret technique of Divine Grace.

Anu recalled the past, recalling the moment when Kurmis embarked on the road of mythology.

At that time, he was standing at the nearest place to Kurmis, guarding his master.

The wind lizard dragon and Anu were pulled out of all the power in their bodies under the totem pole in this way, turning into an illusory shadow.

Behind the illusory shadow, there is an extremely complicated ritual array.

One of the shadows was pulled out completely and then swallowed by the totem pole.

The personality and memory of the other body were extracted and sealed.

The wind lizard dragon's body fell down completely, and everything about him seemed to be completely integrated into the totem pole. Although this is a simulated world, everything is almost the same as the real one.

At this moment, there was a voice in the totem pole, and he expressed his feelings.

"My spirituality, wisdom, desires and memories are all fixed in the totem pole, but the consciousness seems to dissipate, and I am about to fall asleep."

Anu said: "This is normal, because only the real mythical props can keep awake and maintain eternal consciousness."

The other party asked: "Then I have been sleeping like this?"

Anu said: "When you are stimulated, you will wake up, and expend strength to maintain the awake state temporarily; but if you want to fully possess wisdom and spiritual wisdom, you have to wait until you become a myth."

Wind Lizard Dragon said: "How can it become a myth?"

Anu said: "Consciousness has been preserved, let's conduct experiments next!"

Anu remembered the way Kurmis gained power by sacrificing potions and magic crystals, and seemed to see the next step of becoming a god, but how to operate it still needs to be tested.

After all, it took them more than a hundred years to figure out how to use it when they had a direction and experience with just a four-point secret technique.

The next road to imitate becoming a **** is still a long way for them.

The wind lizard dragon turned into a totem pole, and gradually fell into a deep sleep. His consciousness sensed that Anu's body was exhausted little by little, and gradually died.

And a force from the world surrounds Anu, waiting for his death and arranging his next life.


"What will it look like next time you appear?"

Anu said, "Maybe it's a lizardman, maybe it's something else, maybe it's a wind lizard?"

The old lizardman leaned against the totem pole, took off the long sword at his waist, and inserted it under the pole.

"Keep my sword, I will be back soon."

The consciousness inside the totem pole suddenly said: "Thank you!"

Anu laughed: "You are welcome, my partner."

After speaking, the jungle was completely quiet, and no sound could be heard anymore.

One of them entered reincarnation, and the other fell into an eternal deep sleep.

On the other side, Melde, the fallen angel who controlled the death demon disease, is now also starting to transfer the plague.

Being able to infect the plague and lizardmen is not enough for her.

She transferred the plague to another creature.

She transformed into another form ~lightnovelpub.net~ attached to this creature.

It's as if she too has become this creature and has taken over this race.

She seems to want to make the whole world sick, let everyone be infected with the disease of desire, and be completely occupied by her.

On the continent of nothingness.

There seems to be a clock of time turning rapidly above the endless sky, and the pointer rotates afterimages.

It was as if an invisible force was moving it rapidly.

This is the endless cycle of three people, from the beginning to the end of a race.

Just like Xiao, the former traitor from the Temple of Truth, they have sunk into the endless years, into the change and evolution of species.

And it just so happens that the three of them have more or less relationships with each other.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :