I Am God!

Chapter 508: The first divine art born in ancient t

[I am God! 】【】

In the sea of ​​clouds, a book flies as if it has grown wings.

The book is divided into two halves, opened and closed, soaring under the blue sky, looking extraordinarily free, just like a real bird.

Book ghosts showed power beyond ordinary ghosts as soon as they were born, because it was created by a powerful second-order peak power, and its power dissipated after death naturally surpassed ordinary people.

It has just been born, and there is chaos in my mind.

The image of myself being read over and over in the hands of an old man keeps appearing in my memory, and sometimes I see the old man standing for a long time holding a letter, with a nostalgic and sad expression.

It can clearly feel the memory of the old man, the sadness of the old man, and all the emotions of the other party.

Because it was born out of these emotions and memories.

When it flew to a certain height, it recited the name of a certain **** without a teacher, even though it had never met the other person, but the name was imprinted in its mind from the moment it was born.

"The lord of gods and forms above the astral world, the **** of creation who is the spirit of old things, and the ancient mythical witch doctor who was born from the power of creation."

"The door to the country of witch doctors, please open it for me."

The voice repeated several times, and the power of the **** name was connected to the distance.

In the sea of ​​clouds, an invisible door slowly opened.

A passage leads to the floating island above the sky, the kingdom of witch doctors.

The entrance to the dream world of the witch doctor country was activated instantly, and it was summoned to the country through the power of the dream world.

However, this method is different from the portal of transmission. It can only be used when the gods summon their own servants, and the ones summoned must be powerful and extraordinary, and they cannot carry ordinary things.

For example, those gods summoned their subordinates, such as servants who died and took their spirits back to the kingdom of God.

That's all.

In the kingdom of mythical witch doctors standing in the star world, in the jungle world covered by glass, a towering giant tree radiates light.


The door inlaid in the tree hole opened, and the book ghost just flew out of it.

It didn't roll down in embarrassment like other ghosts, but flew down from a high place gracefully, hovering over this mini city.

In this city, Book Ghost can be considered a big man.

The residents of the Ghost City poked their heads out of their houses one by one, looking at the Book Ghost.

"Here comes a very powerful guy." The ghosts looked curiously at the guy flying in the sky.

"It's a strange guy. It's square and divided into many layers." It was the first time for many ghosts to see their kind in the form of books.

"It's a book." Some ghost spirits found records about books from the pictures in their memories.

"Why doesn't it grow anything?" Ghost spirits will basically grow their own organs, some with an eye, some with a mouth and tongue, some with feet, some with ears or hands.

But in general, a special organ will basically grow out.

As soon as the words fell, a light suddenly appeared on the two cover pages of the book ghost, and two small white wings stretched out.

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[I am God! 】【】

The arrival of book ghosts also changed the mythical altar and the city of ghosts.

A new house was automatically generated in the city, and it looked like it was prepared for it. It was a house like a bookshelf.

The book ghost immediately fell into it, leaning quietly in the corner.

On weekdays, it sleeps peacefully in the bookshelf house when it is resting, and sometimes it will fly up and talk over the city.

Its memory is only Uth's memories of the book "Theory of the Circle of the Earth". It watched an old man flip through what he marked day after day, and there was a sphere beside him.

When it flies, it will imitate the old man and speak loudly.

Although the voice is a bit vicissitudes, but full of energy, like a vigorous old general.

"We can fail, but we can't be cowardly."

"We can be weak, but we must have courage."

"To be a firm and persistent person is like the thunder that pierces the sky on a rainy night."

Gui Lingjing looked at this strange guy, pointed to the sky and talked about it.

It lived in the city of ghosts and spirits for a period of time, and its chaotic memories and emotions were finally sorted out, and it also began to learn to communicate with other ghosts and spirits.

"This is where?"

"This is the city of ghosts and spirits."

"Why are we here?"

"God has called us here:"

It asked again, "What did God call us here for?"

Cup Ghost: "Why did God call us here?"

Perfume Bottle Ghost: "I don't know."

An elongated and widened face is reflected in the gleaming concave surface of the spoon sprite: "Because God willing."

Of course God is willing, but what it asks is why God is willing.

The other ghost spirits had never thought so much before, and they discussed it for a long time, but there was no result at all.

The book ghost seems to be smarter than them, although he still feels dumb: "But, I want to return to the human world."

The other ghost spirits immediately said: "I have never seen anyone go back."

The book ghost thought of something, and immediately wanted to do it.

It flew towards the sky, and it remembered that it flew here from the door on the towering tree.

It fluttered its wings, rushed up quickly, and then slammed into the closed door.


Then slipped down.


In the city of the Kingdom of God.

The six mythical witch doctors walked by while discussing something.

Although the ghost spirit was born, how to establish a professional system belonging to the witch doctor on top of this new extraordinary group has become a new problem.

The right-hand witch doctor mentioned the ghosts and elves, and felt that the group they created was successful.

"Ghosts and spirits are natural witch doctors. They have inherited our power. They are artificial life, and they are born to know some of the secrets of life."

"At the first level, they can learn and use their left hand and the power I bestow on them to create medicines for the secrets of life they know, to treat diseases of the eyes, ears, hands and feet, and even internal organs. disease."

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[I am God! 】【】

"When they reach the second level, they should be able to display the talents bestowed on them by their left and right legs."

"Through learning and inheritance, you can learn more mysteries of life, grow more organs, and at the same time expand the limit of your witch doctor's magic."

As soon as the right-handed witch doctor opened his mouth, he told about their observations and information collection on the ghosts and spirits during this period of time.

Although there are no second-level ghost spirits yet, the witch doctors have roughly deduced their second-level abilities.

The left-handed witch doctor was a little worried, and said something that he had been thinking about recently.

"But precisely because they are artificial life forms, although they are born as extraordinary beings, they are far less perfect than the life forms created by the Supreme God in one aspect."

"Although they are on the road of continuous improvement, at least from the beginning, they still have some flaws in their intelligence."

"From this point of view, are they really suitable to be witch doctors?"

The head witch doctor stood up at this time, looked at the other witch doctors and said.

"I think Ghost should be looking for a partner, like the six of us together."

"Ghost Lingjing and his companions are the new witch doctor."

The other witch doctors nodded, affirming the head witch doctor's judgment.

The left-handed witch doctor: "Then how to choose those who can make a contract with ghost spirits?"

The right-leg witch doctor believes: "Only those who have suffered from diseases can feel the pain of illness, understand the preciousness of life, and understand the true way of witch doctors."

"When those who are seriously ill and long for salvation are saved, they will really use our power and become a real witch doctor."

The left leg witch doctor agrees with the right leg witch doctor very much, and thinks that the new witch doctor should be chosen from among those who have felt the pain of the disease.

"It just so happens that if the ghost spirit makes a contract with it, it can also become a part of its body and become an organ that supports its life."

"Ghost spirits saved their lives, and they brought ghost spirits together to become a new witch doctor."

The witch doctors have a good idea, but in this case, they will face another problem.

It's okay if the ghost spirit is just a simple contract, if you want to connect your own power with the other party as a whole, and promote together.

Even, wanting to turn an ordinary person into a powerful person.

That's not an easy thing to do.

The thinking of the witch doctors is somewhat similar to the extraordinary profession of the magic knight, but the magic knight chooses those ordinary beasts to sign contracts and share divine blood as partners, which is completely different.

Ordinary beasts don't have wisdom blood, so naturally there will be no conflict between the two.

But the ones that the ghost spirits wanted to conclude a contract were all intelligent species.

Even if it is an ordinary person without talent, just because the divine blood has no obvious power, it does not mean that there is no divine blood in his body.

All the witch doctors were silent, this was a very big problem.

this day.

The left-handed witch doctor was flipping through the books in the library, looking at the records of the previous era and this era, trying to find the answer they wanted from the vast sea of ​​divine knowledge.

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[I am God! 】【】

But among the latest magical knowledge and classics, the left-handed witch doctor didn't find what he wanted to find.

So the left-handed witch doctor began to look through those ancient records, all the way up, and found the records from the beginning of the ancient times.

In the library, the left-handed witch doctor suddenly shouted.

"found it!"

The left-handed witch doctor hurried out of the library and went to the botanical garden to look for other witch doctors.

The witch doctors also received the news and gathered together.

"Did you find the left hand?"

"What method?"

"How did you find it?"

The left-handed witch doctor didn't say it directly, but asked other witch doctors.

"Remember the oldest magic?"

"The first divine art born in the ancient times."

"The divine magic bestowed by the Creator on the King of Wisdom!"

The series of titles that the left-handed witch doctor uttered were really too big, which surprised the witch doctors present.

The head witch doctor suddenly remembered something and asked softly.

"Is it a gift of power?"

The left-handed witch doctor nodded affirmatively, and said to all the witch doctors.

"That's right, it's the gift of power."

The gift of power was born in the age of the king of wisdom in the ancient era. It originated from the king of wisdom, Ledliki, who wanted to distribute his power to the sons, so he prayed to the creator for a way.

God Insai bestowed the magic of the gift of power on Ledliki, the king of wisdom, and he gave the power and the mark of Ruhe given to her by the gods to the sons.

This scene was engraved on the slate of royal blood that the gods robbed before.

Each person can basically only use the gift of power once. This kind of magic can transfer one's talent to others, so that those without talent can also awaken the power of power.

It's just that ordinary people in this era no longer use this magical technique.

But it can be seen in almost all extraordinary professions.

When each new servant of God is born, it actually contains a part of the power of the gift of power. In this way, the gods will give their power seeds to mortals.

The left-handed witch doctor spoke his mind, and his eyes seemed to be shining.

"It should be possible to change the gift of power a little bit, and use our mythical altar as the contract hub, and let ghost spirits and intelligent species share blood like a demon knight."

"As long as there is no lunatic thinking about it, and signing contracts with multiple ghosts and spirits at the same time to share power, there will be no problems."

The witch doctors looked at each other and thought for a long time.

Then they all nodded, thinking that this method is okay.


At this time, a book with white wings flew out of the small city in the city of ghosts and spirits, and flew towards the high tree crown.

The pages of the book turned and made a sound.

It flew around the crown of the tree, looked left and right in front of the door, and seemed to be trying to open the double door.

The other witch doctors seemed to have noticed this strange ghost for a long time, and told the left-handed witch doctor who had been looking up magic books in the library recently.

"Recently, a ghost spirit with great potential came."

"It's a book that becomes a ghost."

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[I am God! 】【】

"It seems to want to fly out and return to the human world."

The left-handed witch doctor stretched out his hand, and the book slowly floated over, flying in front of the left-handed witch doctor.

The book has three big characters "Theory of the Circle of the Earth". The characters are printed by printing, and the ink exudes a fragrance. This kind of ink and brand-new printing technology have only gradually spread in the Land of Light in recent years.

The book was opened, and the left-handed witch doctor just glanced at the content inside, and probably finished it.

"Well written!" The left-handed witch doctor was very surprised.

"Someone has already discovered that the world is spherical, and they also know about gravity." The word "gravity" is known from the Creator Insay, and witch doctors prefer to call it gravity before.

"There are still many wise men in the world." Other witch doctors had seen it before and agreed.

The left-handed witch doctor wanted to see the author of this book, but when he turned to the front, he found that the name on it was very familiar.

It was clearly a handwritten name, or a single character.


The left-handed witch doctor immediately remembered that it was the guy who owed them a debt.

When the witch doctor walked the world before, he had his own business, and he didn't meet that guy on the road.

But the witch doctors are not in a hurry, anyway, that guy will fly to the astral world one day, and it will not be too late to ask him.

The left-handed witch doctor asked Book Ghost: "Why do you want to return to the human world?"

Book Ghost: "I feel that there are a lot of things I haven't done, and I feel a lot of regrets. I can't stay here. This is a waste of life. I don't have much time left."

The left-handed witch doctor said, "It's not your regret, it's the person you have shared memories with."

The book ghost remembered the old man, who used the power of his mind to make a sound, and said in the voice of the other party.

"Even if it is his regret, I want to complete and make up for him."

The witch doctors looked at each other, and then the leading witch doctor said.

"Or start with it?"

Meaning is to use it as a goal and start choosing the first person to become a witch doctor profession.

The witch doctors nodded: "Let's see who it wants to choose to be its partner!"

The right leg witch doctor said: "If you want to become a witch doctor, if you want to make a contract with ghosts, you must pass the test!"

The torso witch doctor thinks this is good: "What kind of test should we set up, how about a saint-like test?"

The torso witch doctor felt that both generations of saints had passed the test well, whether it was the first generation or the second generation.

He first imitated the first generation of saints: "Fate is in our hands."

Immediately afterwards, he uttered the words of the second generation of saints at the last moment: "This moment is the eternity of my life."

The tall body of the torso witch doctor seemed to have transformed into a saint at this moment.

The other witch doctors looked at each other.

They think this is too difficult, use the saint's template to choose a witch doctor, what a dream.

The other five voted together to reject the torso witch doctor proposal.

The left-handed witch doctor said at this time: "Let the ghosts choose their own, and let them test their own partners."

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[I am God! 】【】

The left-handed witch doctor looked at the ghosts and elves in the mini city: "After all, it is not us who will spend the rest of our lives with our partners, but them."


The mechanical fish and airship traveled across the sky, flying over the Principality of Matalie, the Kingdom of Jiayin and several small countries.

Finally arrived at the kingdom of the oracle.

However, the **** the airship gradually became tired from the freshness at the beginning, and she kept looking forward to the mechanical fish airship landing so that she could go down for some activities.

After that, it turned into looking forward to going home earlier.

The airship finally landed at a docking station in a city in the Kingdom of Oracle. This is a docking station built on a square halfway up the mountain, and people come and go.

The family of three walked down and flew towards the home on the floor below.

Little Matafus couldn't fly yet, so she was carried by her father and flew in the sky.

"How does it feel to be in an empty boat?" asked her mother.

Little Matafus said softly, "I feel so tired."

Her father told her: "I heard that there is a teleportation gate in the city of magic equipment. As long as the gate is opened, you can go wherever you want."

"There is also a teleportation gate in that magical equipment city, which was established by your great-grandfather's friend."

Little Matafus immediately raised her head: "I know, that demon spirit named Lei."

Little Matafus thought of her great-grandfather. Although he was no longer there, the legend of his life had been engraved in the girl's mind thousands of times.

The girl is a little sad for the passing of her great-grandfather, but she is full of longing for the story of her life.

"Great-grandfather is amazing!"

"I will also go to Guangming Holy Mountain like him in the future."

"I still have to pass the selection to become a beautiful and holy sky angel."

The parents laughed and said to Matafus.

"Of course, because our Matafus is as cute as a celestial angel."

The two didn't say how powerful a talent is needed to become a sky envoy.

Even someone like her great-grandfather was defeated, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Little Matafus suddenly remembered something, and whispered sadly: "Unfortunately, I lost my great-grandfather's book."

Father hugged her tightly, comforted her and said, "It went to find your great-grandfather."

After returning home.

Another two months passed.

Matafus was taken by her parents to a prestigious medical fort and asked the doctors in the medical fort.

Little Matafus didn't know what happened yet, but she was a little scared, because she knew that only sick people would come here, and it was a terrible place.

Matafus's father whispered to Dr. Yiren in front, "She is already four years old, but her wings are still so small that she can't even learn to fly."

The doctor looked at the little girl: "At this age, the wings are indeed too small."

The doctor checked Matafus's wings, then asked the mother to take the child out, and said to her father.

"Unfortunately, it is born deformed."

"I've seen her bones, there's no cure for this kind of birth deformity."

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[I am God! 】【】

Little Matafus's father suddenly showed an unacceptable expression, because for the Yiren, if they can't fly, it means they can't walk.

Father quickly said: "If it is the glorious divine art of the sky envoy, it can..."

Finding a Sky Envoy to perform magic is very expensive, but Matafus's father is still willing to pay for it. No Wingman parent is willing to see their child born unable to fly~lightnovelpub.net~Doctor Shake Shaking his head, he told Matafus's father.

"Sky Envoy's brilliant divine art is best at serious injuries."

"But this kind of problem is difficult for even the sky angels to solve."

Celestials can heal injuries, which is what they do best.

Even if it is a dying person, the Sky Angel can create the effect of bringing the dead back to life.

But the treatment of the sky angel is to restore your injury to the previous state.

But if you have a congenital problem, or if you are infected with some incurable disease, the celestial angel's radiant magic will have no effect.

The father walked out in a daze, but when he came in front of little Matafuss, he immediately became as if nothing had happened.

He tidied up his daughter's clothes, as if he could sense little Matafus' fear.

Father: "Are you scared?"

Little Matafus was obviously very scared, but said: "I'm not afraid, my great-grandfather said, I want to be brave."

The father laughed, got up and took little Matafus by the hand: "Okay, let's go."

Little Matafus asked in surprise, "Are you all right?"

Father nodded: "It's okay, let's go home."

Little Mataves was overjoyed, because the atmosphere here was really terrible.

"Let's go home."

The father took little Matafus for a few steps, then picked her up and said happily, "Come on, let's go home and have barbecue today."

Little Matafus uttered happily: "Wow!"

But she didn't see that the mother behind her was crying continuously, and she couldn't wipe it off.