I Am God!

Chapter 509: A preparatory witch doctor who went to

[I am God! 】【】

, I am God!

Oracle Academy, the full name is Oracle Kingdom Theological Academy.

In the Land of Light and the Kingdom of the Winged People, a college is a very rare thing, and it is not something that a certain family or place can afford.

Even the aristocrats in various Yiren countries mostly hire tutors.

The Divine Art Academy of the Oracle Kingdom was jointly established by the royal family and the temple. It was initially an academy for cultivating the servants of the Temple of Radiance. It was established by a group of powerful people who were selected to become sky angels and failed. It did not recruit ordinary people.

But later, a certain king of the oracle kingdom needed talents and officials to help collect taxes, so this magic academy also began to teach courses such as literature, law, and history, and many noble children enrolled in the academy.

However, the Academy of Divinity is completely separate from these academies that teach general knowledge. The entire academy is mosaiced together by three huge round towers of different heights, the tallest of which is the academy that teaches knowledge of divinity and trains divine servants.

"Puff puff puff!"

"Hoo hoo!"

There was the sound of flapping wings densely in the sky, and when one looked up, one could see winged men falling from a height one after another.

The winged people landed on the top of the three round towers respectively, and then walked down the wide steps; among them, those who could land on the tallest round tower naturally received the envious eyes of others . @重量\/书阁无证发布~~

After a while, the bell rang, and the bustling sound gradually subsided.

In the classroom of the college, the voice of the teacher teaching was heard.

"The history of the Wingman is divided into the era of barrenness, the era of great migration in the era of disasters in the abyss, the era of pioneering, and the current era of the kingdom according to the division of Ruhr, the author of "The Chronicle of the Wingman."

"There are no historical records of the Yiren in the barren era, and many things are passed down by word of mouth..."

"The most important historical times in the era of the abyss disaster are the arrival of the snake man, the fall of the abyss, and the battle of the abyss. The king of the sky made a big battle with the most evil existence, and the hero of the snake man, Yafuan, was successfully sealed. into the abyss."

"And we are currently..."

Looking inside through the window, you can see that the Yi people who are studying are about to grow up, and there are also eight or nine-year-old children.

At this time, a small figure appeared behind the crack of the door,

One eye was exposed and looked inside.

Little Matafus has not yet entered the age of study, she secretly watched her father teach outside, and listened to his father telling the history of Yiren, her eyes showed longing.

The heroic stories in those stories and those ancient myths made her feel that this world is really wonderful.

After a class was finished, my father came out of it.

"Matafus, wait for me, I'm going to get something." Little Matafus nodded and stood outside obediently.

The students walked out of the classroom one by one, and then walked up the passage, preparing to fly away from the high platform.

At this time, several children who were only a few years older than little Matafus came out and recognized Matafus as the teacher's child.

"It's the child from the Matalie family!"

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[I am God! 】【】

"A flightless monstrosity."

"Look, her wings."

"It's so small!"

A strict teacher will always cause unanimous dissatisfaction among the children, but there is a high probability that such dissatisfaction is not dared to tell the teacher face to face.

Little Matafus stood against the wall, her wings and shoulders shrunk, as if she wanted to hide her wings, and she didn't want the other party to see her much smaller wings than ordinary people.

"Look, she looks like she's going to cry."

"Ugly wings."

"She must be sick. We need to stay away from her. It won't be good to be infected by her."

Remembering what her great-grandfather said, little Matafus suddenly raised her head and stared at them.

She wanted to say something, but was too frightened to say a word.

She only dared to say in her heart: "I'm not afraid!"

"I want to be brave!"

In fact, little Mataves was terribly frightened, for she was not a very courageous child.

Sometimes it is quite obvious to outsiders that such things are harsh and lenient.

The courage of little Mataves.

Chapter 509: The Preparatory Witch Doctor Going to the Kingdom of Heaven to Accept the Test

Instead of frightening the children who bullied her, it made them happier.

"Don't talk nonsense, the Matalie family should not be insulted, they are the former family of sky angels." At this time, an older child came out of the classroom and said to several children who bullied little Matafus, the older ones The children of children are more realistic and pay more attention to the interests behind them.

"What are you afraid of? This is the Kingdom of the Oracle. The Principality of Matalie is just a small principality in the wild, and she is just a branch of the Matalie family." The line of Matafusi does not belong to the line of the current Duke. It has become a declining and unremarkable side branch.

Having said that, the children who bullied Matafus did not say anything more, and left after making faces.

Little Matafus stood where she was, very sad.

After a while, my father came over.

She didn't speak, but followed her father carefully and hid behind him.

It seems that she is afraid that others will see her and see those little wings.

At the top of the round tower, her father picked her up.

In the distance, the children who had bullied her before pointed at Matafus.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Being hugged by her father, she seemed to hear the ridicule of those older children again.

Generally, a child of her age can fly at least a short distance, at least tens of meters up and down without any problem, and some powerful ones can already fly hundreds of meters in one go.

There are no ladders in many places in Yiren's building, and little Matafus has no way to go down, so when going to many places, she has to be carried down by her parents.

Without her parents, it is very difficult for her to survive in Yiren's city. This is the situation that a Yiren who cannot fly will face.

in the sky.

In the past, she felt that her father's embrace was very warm and safe.

But now, she felt ashamed.

She whispered, "I want to fly by myself."

Father wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it, he just sighed.

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[I am God! 】【】

When she got home, she didn't say a word.

In the middle of the night, she quietly climbed up to her house and stood on the roof.

She looked at the flagstones on the street and took a few deep breaths.



Her small chest was bulging, and she looked a little nervous.

Then she jumped down, and she waved her two small wings vigorously, trying to fly like other people of her age.

It's a pity that her little wings couldn't fly at all, but fell heavily to the ground.

There was severe pain in the hand, and the feeling of dizziness came from the back of the head hitting the ground.


"my daughter."

After a while, father and mother rushed out and hugged her.

Father and mother sent Matafus to the medical fort, looking very nervous.

In the medical fort.

The injured part of little Matafus was wrapped by a doctor, not only on her head, but also on her hands.

Wrapped tightly, it looks cute and funny.

Little Matafus asked the doctor quietly, "Can you cure me?"

The doctor replied without hesitation: "Of course, the injury on the hand will heal soon. It's nothing to worry about. Update@"

Little Matafus lowered her head: "No."

Her voice trailed off. "I mean, my wings."

The doctor opened his mouth, as if he was considering his words, and in the end he didn't know what to say.

"When you grow up, maybe the wings will grow well?"

Little Matafus was a little disappointed, even if she was a child, she could hear the doctor comforting her.

After little Mataves came out, she sat on a chair outside beside her mother.

Tears kept flowing from her eyes, and she wanted to raise her hand to wipe the tears, but her hand was tied because of the injury.

She wanted to cry, but she was worried about attracting other people's eyes and ridicule, so she only dared to sob softly.

Mother hugged her,.

Chapter 509: The Preparatory Witch Doctor Going to the Kingdom of Heaven to Accept the Test

stroking her hair.

Little Matafus needed to stay in the medical fort for a period of time because of her injuries, because she had to keep applying ointment until the wounds on her hands and head healed completely.

She lives with several other sick children, and the parents take turns caring for her every day.

At night, they would secretly gather together to whisper, by moonlight.

"What disease did you come in, and how long have you lived here?" A short-haired boy asked the little fat man beside him. He looked a little pale, skinny, and had sunken eyes.

"They said that there were worms in my stomach, and they would feed me some strange things every day. I just came here the day before yesterday, but I have to come several times a month because my stomach hurts unbearably." Although the fat man is fat, he is of a very unhealthy kind, especially his stomach, which is swollen terribly.

The little fat man asked the short-haired boy, "What's wrong with you?"

The short-haired boy said: "They said my blood was poisonous, and they had to bleed me every few days, saying that only in this way could I live. I have lived here for a month."

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[I am God! 】【】

There was also a young boy with a bald head, and a girl with double ponytails and oversized clothes. @重量\/书阁*First release update~~

The bald boy took off the hood on his head, and saw a large piece of moss growing on his head and neck, which was very scary.


"very scary."

The bald boy startled everyone, but there was a smug expression on his face.


"I've lived here for half a year, and the useless doctors here can't do anything about my illness, it can't be cured at all.

The bald boy talked about his illness as if he was very proud.

The girl with twin ponytails on the side pulled up her loose clothes at this time: "Look at me, it's much scarier than you."

The girl's belly was rotting away, with sores and black spots, and it was foul-smelling.

It turned out that wearing such loose clothes was because I was afraid of touching my own wound.

Little Matafus was terrified when she heard several children compete with each other about her illness.


The Medical Fort was such a scary place, she really wanted to go home.

Especially when those children talked about the terrible treatment methods of those doctors, little Matafus's face directly turned into snow white.

The witch doctors in Medical Castle can basically only treat external injuries, those injuries that hurt internal organs, or some strange diseases. Infiltrate.

But little Matafus suddenly felt that they were so brave, they were much braver than herself in the face of such a terrible thing.

At this time, the other children looked at little Matafus together.

"And you?"

The bald boy pointed directly at little Matafuss and said, "Looking at her like this, her hands and head fell off."

The little girl with twin ponytails squeezed in front of little Matafus, looked at her with a smile, and seemed to see her cowardice: "Don't be afraid, you'll be able to get out soon like this."

Matafus nodded, not daring to speak.

Several children got together again and talked about another matter.

The bald boy who had stayed here the longest waved to the others, motioning them to approach him, and then said in a low voice, "Do you know that there are strange things in this medical castle."

The children immediately asked curiously, "What's so strange?"

The bald boy said mysteriously: "Someone saw that the sky in this medical castle brought the doll back to life. It is said that the evil spirit body occupied the doll's body."

"In the middle of the night, evil spirits take over the skies and make dolls fly around the castle and take someone's life."

"I heard that people who are killed by evil spirits will never be able to go to the kingdom of God, and will be trapped in the realm of evil spirits."

Little Matafus was very surprised: "Baby, come back to life?" The bald boy didn't seem too surprised to see little Matafus: "Have you heard of it?"

The little girl thought of the book that flew away from her hand. She looked at it as if it had come to life.

Chapter 509: The Preparatory Witch Doctor Going to the Kingdom of Heaven to Accept the Test

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[I am God! 】【】

Others want to say something.

But little Matafus was a little timid and inferior. Seeing everyone staring at her, she didn't dare to speak out.

The bald boy saw that the little girl was silent, so he continued

"I heard that people who are killed by evil spirits will never be able to go to the kingdom of God, and will be trapped in the realm of evil spirits."

The other children didn't believe it at all, thinking that the bald boy was trying to scare them.

"It must be fake."

"That is, you said someone saw it, who is that person?"

At this moment, the bald boy stretched out his finger and pointed at himself.

"That person is me."

"And I also know where the doll possessed by the evil spirit is and when it will come out at night."

"I can take you there together, and now you can see the living sky angel doll."

In the corridors of the medical castle.

The five children sneaked out and walked gently against the wall, for fear of disturbing other people in the medical fort.

"Are we really going?" The little fat man was a little scared.

"Are you scared?" The bald boy who was walking in front looked back at the others.

"I'm not afraid, you must be lying." The child never admits defeat, even if he is afraid in his heart, he will not admit it.

Little Matafus was the last one in the crowd, with her hands raised on the other girl's back.

When others couldn't see her, she seemed a little more courageous and said what she wanted to say before.

"Actually, I have seen things that have no life come alive before."

The others turned their heads neatly and said in unison. "Have you seen it?"

Little Matafus nodded: "My great-grandfather, Grandpa Us left me a book, and when I was taking it on the airship, it suddenly flew away.

"Grandpa Us is a very powerful person. He has done many amazing things."

"I think that book must have magical powers, it seems to be alive."

The other children were suddenly unwilling: "You have seen it all, and I want to see it too."

Now, the children didn't hesitate any more, and followed the bald boy to an empty attic in the medical castle.

They got in through a small hole in the wood, for the real passage was locked.

Several children huddled together, looking at the scene in the attic.

There is a gap in the high window, and the moonlight can faintly see the scene in the attic.

"Nothing?" The children looked around.

"Hush!" The bald boy raised a finger and knelt cross-legged on the ground.

"Wait a while, don't let it find us."

The children stared and became drowsy after a while, and some people even started snoring.

After a while.

Suddenly a light flickered in the attic.

The bald boy who had been waiting with all his attention immediately pushed the other people around him, waking up the drowsy friends.

He stretched out his hand excitedly, pointing to the place where the light was shining in the attic.

The other children followed their fingers and saw a glowing shadow passing through the wall and flying into the attic.

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[I am God! 】【】

It was a very delicate rag doll, and the wings on its back were sewn from feathers and dyed white.

If it wasn't for the shrunken size, it would really look like the legendary sky angel. It was very delicately made, exactly like the statue of the sky angel in the temple.

It flew several times and finally came under the moonlight.

Not only does it move, it can talk, and it sings a song that all the children of the Wingman have heard. First update@

"O Messenger of the Sky, where do you come from?"

"I come from the shrines and sanctuaries that shine."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the direction of dawn, looking for the eternal sun."

It sang a beautiful melody with a child's voice, because it once belonged to a choir apprentice in the temple, but died of a disease in the medical castle, leaving only this doll. It inherits the master.

Chapter 509: The Preparatory Witch Doctor Going to the Kingdom of Heaven to Accept the Test

The emotions and memories were left here. The children were stunned and couldn't help whispering.


"Baby, you really came back to life."

"What a beautiful doll."

Although the sound was so small that it was almost inaudible, this small movement seemed to have caught the doll's attention.

It suddenly stopped moving and stopped singing. It turned its head and looked around.

The children clearly saw that the doll's eyeballs moved, glowing with a strange light.

In this silent night, in the empty attic, it was really a bit creepy.

Fortunately, the children were hidden behind the debris and were not seen.

But this time, the children were so frightened that they held their breath, for fear that the weird doll that came back to life would find them.

The doll sang the ballad a few more times, and it seemed to recall something in the ballad over and over again.

"That's right, it's time to go."

"It's time to leave."

At this time, the sky made the doll fly to the moonlight again.

The dust shone brightly in the moonlight, and the sky made the doll look divine and eerie.

It turned around and chanted a long name in a strange tone.

"The lord of gods and forms above the astral world, the **** of creation who is the spirit of old things, and the ancient mythical witch doctor who was born from the power of creation."

"The door to the country of witch doctors, please open it for me."

As the name was chanted, a strange force and channel opened up.

The other children didn't know what the doll was doing, they just thought the scene was too exciting, enough to brag about for a long time.

Matafus, who was born in the Sky Angel family, suddenly remembered what her father had said.

"Is it chanting the name of God?"

"It's communicating with the gods, it's dangerous."

Matafus saw the danger and immediately spoke out.

No matter what kind of existence the other party is communicating with, it is an extremely dangerous move, and Matafus has heard from her father.

Once the real name of a certain existence is called out, it also means that the will of God has come here and seen everything here.

And the gods are not necessarily righteous, even if they are so-called upright gods, they are not necessarily inclined to Yiren; at the same time, the power of the gods is too dangerous for mortals to touch.

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[I am God! 】【】

The baby also found them completely now, and yelled at them.

"who is it?"

"Who's peeping?"

The children who were discovered stood up all of a sudden, and ran towards the hole in a swarm, trying to get out.


"It found us."

But the name of the **** has been chanted, and the ceremony has started.

God's will has descended here, and he saw that among them, especially the children present, there are suitable candidates for preparing witch doctors.

A ray of light enveloped the children as the entrance to the dream world opened.

Several children fell asleep one after another, but their consciousness went to a distant world together with the light, a kingdom located in the astral world. @重量\/书阁无证发布~~

The kingdom of witch doctors in the astral world.

Above the plant jungle and mini-country covered by glass, the door on the big tree suddenly opened, and small figures fell from the wooden door emitting colorful light.



"We're going to fall to our death."

The small figures that fell down screamed sharply one by one.


And the wooden door behind them opened and then closed with a snap.

Little Matafus fell from a high place, feeling that she was falling continuously, no matter how much she waved her hands and wings, it was useless.

At this height, she felt like she was about to fall into a ball of meat sauce.

She fell to the ground, and she fell so dizzy that she almost fainted.

However, it was different from what she had imagined. Her body seemed to be unusually strong and sturdy, and it was not a big deal to fall from such a high height.

After a while, she heard other people calling her in a daze.

Chapter 509: The Preparatory Witch Doctor Going to the Kingdom of Heaven to Accept the Test



"Wake up!"

"Matafus, wake up quickly."

Little Matafus woke up in a trance, and she saw one after another little skeleton people around her.

The proportions of these skeletal figures are a bit exaggerated and shrunk, looking a little funny and a little scary.

She let out a scream, pushed the little skeleton men away, and ran into the distance.

But as she ran, she saw that her body had also turned into a skeleton frame, and when she turned her head, she also saw a pair of obviously smaller bone wings behind her.

This time, she found that she had also turned into a little skeleton man, but she was still wearing the little skirt she wore before.

She stopped and looked at her body in disbelief, "I~"

"How did it become like this?"

Little Matafus remembered something, and turned her head to look at the other little bone men behind her.

Looking carefully at the appearance of those little bone figures, it seems that they are my little friends, and the clothes they wear have not changed.

But everyone has something special about them, such as the skinny boy with short hair, the direction of the heart glowing in his chest.

The little fat man's stomach was glowing, the bald boy had a mark on his head that was glowing, and the belly of the girl with two ponytails was also glowing, but the position was different from the little fat man's.

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[I am God! 】【】

"Is it you?"

The little bone men shouted at Matafus together: "It's us, the other children have already discovered the changes in their bodies, and woke up before little Matafus.

Little Matafus looked around in fear: "Where are we?"

The children who had turned into little skeletons raised their heads, and saw that they were in a strange city, the sky was dimly lit, and it looked eerie.

When he raised his head, he saw the giant tree and the crown above his head.

It was an unimaginably large tree, like a pillar supporting the sky.

At least from their size and perspective, that's how it is.

"Clah la la la ~"

The sound of water can be heard in the distance, as if there is a big river rushing.


In the gloomy city, terrifying sights looked at them.


"There is something!"

"Is it an evil spirit?"

They suddenly remembered the words of the bald boy: "Every night, evil spirits will control the sky to make dolls fly around in this castle, and then take someone's life.

"I heard that people who are killed by evil spirits will never be able to go to the kingdom of God, and will be trapped in the realm of evil spirits."

They feel that they may be trapped in the realm of evil spirits.

The country of witch doctors.

Six mythical shadows of uneven height stood under the tree beside the stream, looking down at the scene in the city of ghosts and spirits from a commanding posture

Torso witch doctor: "It seems that many people have come?"

The right-hand witch doctor: "Why did you summon so many people for the first time?"

Left-handed witch doctor: "The target person brought them here, but they are all seriously ill children from the same place."

Head witch doctor: "In this case, let them take part in the test together!"

The witch doctors said it was a test, UU reading www.uukanshu. com In fact, it is not a test to study it seriously.

It can only be said that those suitable target people who have passed the threshold set by the Ks have entered the city of ghosts and spirits consciously, and let these ghosts and spirits take a look.

Let's see if they can see each other. As for whether to test future partners or not, that is the arrangement and choice of the ghosts themselves.

In the end, whether to choose to conclude a contract with the other party is also up to the ghosts to decide.

These summoned people did not come directly from the body, but were summoned from their own consciousness.

The carrier that their consciousness temporarily attaches to is also created by the power of witch doctors.

Although it looks weird, the running glowing little bone man fits well in this weird city full of ghosts and spirits.

. First update@

Chapter 509: The Preparatory Witch Doctor Going to the Kingdom of Heaven to Accept the Test

"How many do you think will be selected?"


"It's too conservative."

"I think it's all."

"This is too exaggerated."

The lucky ones who have been summoned are bewilderedly exploring this eerie city of old spirits, while the gods on high are watching their adventures.

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[I am God! 】【】

Chapter 509: The Preparatory Witch Doctor Going to the Kingdom of Heaven to Accept the Test