I Am God!

Chapter 579: The Stone Demon King who was reincarna

[I am God! 】【】

The dark realm unfolded by the greedy brass oil lamp really expanded too fast, spreading to the limit in an instant, and the darkness directly enveloped reality and the dream world.

At the same time, it also stuck Naproses between the two.


It can neither return to reality nor escape back to the dream world.

But this extraordinary power also makes it feel abnormal, which is obviously not something that Dark Moon can do.

"This power."

Naproses, who had turned into a death lord, turned his head around at this moment, the former ceramic villain, with surprise and disbelief in his voice.

In the infinitely extending darkness, familiar backgrounds and silhouettes appeared bit by bit.

It saw a star formed by the fusion of flesh and blood.

above the stars.

Endless skeletons and heads paved a road, and at the end of the road was a long white table.

A man sat at the end of the long table, quietly looking at the stars.


for a moment.

The scythes in Naproses' hands fell to the ground.

It stared dumbfounded at the existence above the flesh and blood star, and then said loudly.

"Master, you are finally back."

Impatiently, it hurriedly walked up the void, walked up to the flesh and blood star, and quickly passed through the road paved with bones.

In the end, he came before the God of Original Sin.

It's just that everything is different from before.

The long table that used to be tall only reached Naproseth's waist. It was no longer a ceramic figurine in the hands of evil gods, but a king who harvested memories and spirits with a sickle in his hand.

At least, on the surface.

It knelt under the long table and said to its master ecstatically.

"My great master, I have been waiting for your return."

"From the giant island of Ruhe, to the land of dragons, to the land of light."

"From the beginning to the end, I have been chasing your shadow."


It was expelled from the giant island of Ruhe by the gods, played by the black dragon Anu in the land of dragons, and rejected by Duma, the king of the sky in the land of light.

There is no room for it in the whole world, and no one is willing to accept it.

The evil **** of original sin has not returned, and it cannot even return to the abyss.


At least speaking from its mouth at this moment, it seems that it is an extremely devout believer.

It's just that when Xiao looked at the little ceramic figure, he seemed to see something else in its eyes.

Ambition, desire, pursuit.

This is no longer something that a small person in the palm of his hand can have.

It used to be just an inhuman existence, standing on Xiao's long table, aloft and wanton playing with mortals, so as to gain happiness and a sense of existence.

It doesn't know what it is, and it doesn't know what it wants. It's just a monster chasing its inner instinct.

And now, it seems that it is starting to have something of its own.

And the change of a person is born from desire, and the power of a person also emerges from the strongest desire.

Xiao looked at the monster quietly.

When such a guy has the name of a **** and desire, what kind of existence will it become?

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[I am God! 】【】

Xiao tapped on the table, and finally spoke the first sentence.

"You're doing a great job."

"Excellently fulfilled my plan."

Naproseth looked blank, not knowing what Xiao was talking about.


Because from beginning to end, Naproseth did not know his master's plan.

I don't even know when I completed Xiao's mission.

It only knows that at that time the gate of original sin collapsed, and Xiao threw him from the abyss into the world.

Vaguely, it heard the master talking.

"I've already arranged your mission."

"Everything is ready."

"The next time I wake up, I will start to attack the **** position of the master of the pantheon."

Xiao stopped what he was doing, clasped his hands together, and sat up slightly.

This simple action gave people an invisible strong pressure.

His eyes locked on Naproses, and he said slowly.

"Didn't you give my "Wisdom Crown Pledge and the Second Way of the True God" to others?"

"The black dragon Anu swore an oath and reached the root."

"It was also from that time that everyone began to know that vows are the second way to reach the root of wisdom."

"That is the second path to the true god."

"It's hilarious that so many people are starting to pursue this path."

for a moment.

Naproseth seemed to have fallen into the dark polar night again, fear and despair welling up in his heart.

Its body trembled like a sieve, and it was so frightened that it couldn't even speak.



It didn't know if Xiao was really praising him, or if he said something ironic out of anger.

Escape this way.

It not only lost "The Queen of Stars and Angel Polo" in Xiao's treasury, but also Xiao's secret book "The Wisdom Crown Vow and the Second Way of the True God" and several treasures.

The former is an immemorial stone carving that records the queen of Heinsay, the queen of planets, and the youngest son of the creator, Polo, while the latter is Xiao's exploration of the future and the path of the true god.

no matter which one.

It can be said that it is an unimaginable existence in the world, and it cannot be described by the word "treasure".

Naproseth was terrified, but Xiao said the following words little by little.

"I deduced this path, but I couldn't verify and go through it."

"Only by sending it to other people, letting everyone know, and trying this path, will it be possible to make this path truly come true."

"There are some things I can't do, so I can use everyone's strength."

"But sending it out like this will only make people suspicious."

Xiao's eyes are so calm, but the words he speaks make people feel extremely cold.

"Only by letting others get it for themselves will they fully believe in the contents."

The climax of the world's pursuit of wisdom and the true god.

It started from the **** of witch doctor, and it started from the successive vows of the crown of wisdom being issued.

It also began when the black dragon Anu made a vow closely following the **** of witch doctor, and through the vow, he discovered the way to conclude the fruit of wisdom.

Whether it is the **** of witch doctor or the black dragon Anu, they all know the possibility of this path indirectly and directly from "The Crown of Wisdom and the Second Way of the True God", and the whole world is the same.

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[I am God! 】【】

It's just that knowing the path and knowing how to walk it are two different things.

Only the **** of witch doctor asked the supreme god.


In the Creator, the complete way is known.

Xiao looked at Naproces, the villain he made with his own hands.


"In the end, you were able to escape from everyone's siege and interception, and became the monarch of death, and also inherited the name and personality of the villain in the bottle."

"This is beyond my expectations."

Xiao knew from the very beginning that everyone would try every means to catch the villain.

Grab his so-called backhand and turn his treasure house upside down.

This is normal.

And how can a small pottery villain escape the endless search of the gods in the world, and there are countless strong men who are chasing the treasure house of the evil **** of original sin.

But what Xiao didn't expect was that the ceramic villain was so strong.

This guy actually resisted the search of the earth witch and the siege of the gods on earth, and escaped from the giant island of Ruhe.

Being yelled and killed by the whole world, but still alive and well in the end.

After hearing Xiao's plan and knowing that he was a bait thrown out from the beginning, Naproseth didn't feel unwilling or angry.

In its view, the evil **** of original sin is like this.

Without emotion, everyone is just a prop and **** that can be used.

including itself.

It only feels that the existence in front of it, its own master, is really terrifying.

It instantly thought of what Xiao said when he threw it into the world.

"The next time I wake up, I will start to attack the **** position of the master of the pantheon."

And when it really wakes up, this path has really been proven to be possible and perfected.

It felt trembling all over, not from fear, but from excitement.

That's right, this is the God of Original Sin in its eyes.

Its master, the most terrifying evil god.

It knelt forward and yelled loudly.


"Since then, do you know the current situation?"

"When you were asleep, even if you counted that when you wake up, will the second path of the true **** be verified?"

Xiao shook his head, denying the subtlety of the plan.

"in this world."

"There are no subtle plans and calculations, only inevitable things."

"When you take everything I have to the world, and bring "The Second Road to the True God and the Fruit of Wisdom" into the sight of the gods."

"The end result will inevitably be born."

"This is the direction of people's hearts, and it is also the direction of desire."

Xiao leaned on the back of the chair and said lightly.

"It's just earlier and later."

After speaking, he stared at his servant.

"Fury has a very interesting plan. He wants to use the power of the new **** to raise the abyss into the star realm."

"I think it's very interesting."

For the first time, he called out the name that the ceramic figurine gave himself.


"The competition between the gods and the true gods has already begun, and the second era will gradually come to an end."

"And this time, I am no longer a person who sneaked onto the boat that crossed the era."

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[I am God! 】【】

"I will become the most shining existence in this era."

"I'm going to really go on stage and compete with everyone for the eternal position."

"The weak will be abandoned."

"The strong will become eternal."

For the first time, Xiao's eyes, which were always cold and calm, burst into a blazing light.

During the first era.

He betrayed his teacher Lan En, he once told his teacher.

I am not reconciled, I want to step onto the final stage.

"You choose to be the underdog."

"I still want to sit by my side and become a myth of the abyss."

When the ceramic figurine heard its master calling its name, tears filled its eyes for a moment. It waved its hands excitedly to show its loyalty.

"My master."

"I am your most loyal servant and believer, please tell me."

"How should I do it."

Xiao tilted his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Become a god."

"Become the Abyss—God's Vice-Prince."

It raised its head suddenly, and looked at the evil **** at the end of the long table with unbelievable eyes.

Finally, with a strong desire to deviate to.

The position to the left of the seat of God.

At this moment, Xiao successfully ignited Naproseth's desire.

And the ceramic villain still worships his master Xiao, thinking that he is the strongest existence in the world.

But this time, it didn't give and tell its owner everything unreservedly like before.

It didn't tell Shaw.

It wants to obtain the status of the evil **** in the bottle, and it is the price of becoming a god.

What exactly is it.


The magic net city suspended in the sky.

The entire mythical city is surrounded by an enchantment mask divided into countless faces, and a large number of objects in the magic net city are weightless and floating in mid-air, densely packed with magical spirits walking and shuttling in this fantastic mythical world Among the kingdoms.

These spirit bodies floating in the Kingdom of God are still whispering among each other.

"The magic obelisk is functioning normally."

"The transmission of magic power is stable."

"The authority certification of the magician has passed."

A huge amount of magic power poured into the fire protection city below, continuously maintaining the operation of the promoted magic net system.

And the center of everything, the bottom floor of the tower behind the main hall.

Blue Goddess was facing a wall of the Kingdom of God, kneeling on the ground piously.

The portrait depicts a sugar puppet wearing a noodle hat, and a three-leaf man standing in front of the puppet.

It is the portrait of Lan En, the second-generation sage of truth.

An Li raised her head, she looked at the portrait and said softly.


"Please protect me with your will and spirit that belong to the Kingdom of the Creator God and the land bestowed by the gods in legends."

"Please guide me."

"Find what you left us!"

The **** looked at this ancient portrait, as if on a pilgrimage, put his hands together, and prayed to the spirit of the sage from the ancient times.

The entire ceremony and process was meticulous and lasted for a long time before it ended.

After everything is over.

An Li stood up, slowly removed the portrait on the wall, and finally turned the portrait upside down.

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[I am God! 】【】

It can be seen that on the reverse side of the portrait is a pair of contract documents.

An Li took off the contract document little by little, then held it in her hand and walked towards the height.

Little by little, she circled the stairs and climbed to the top of the tower.

Here, she overlooks the whole world from the high place of the Kingdom of God floating above the sea of ​​clouds and sky, and the vast land and the kingdom of the world are all in sight.

This is the world.

200 million years ago, it was the Hiinsay Kingdom of the Sanye people, and 200 million years later, it was the giant island of Ruhe.

And the existence she was looking for once inhabited this land, but now she no longer knows where it has gone.


The style at the top was extremely harsh, and the blow made An Li's hair dance wildly.

An Ligao held up the contract documents rolled together in her hand, and through the power of the dream world ritual, finally activated the contract.

"The kingdom of the gods, the land of all spirits."

"A dream world above the human world."

"Please respond and witness the contract in my hand, and fulfill the previous agreement."

The voice fell.

I saw a force coming from the depths of the dream world, communicating with the contract document in An Li's hand.

At this moment, An Li actually felt a little uneasy.

If the Stone Demon King had already died, then this contract document would have no effect.

Although he guessed that the stone demon king might have survived until now relying on Lan En's reincarnation formula, but before it was confirmed, no one knew what the situation was.

After all, with such a long time span, no one knows what kind of changes will happen.

The power of the dream world continued to gather, entangled around An Li.

An Li looked at the power surrounding the text, as if checking something.

But in the end, the power of that ceremony poured into the contract document.


The huge ritual enchantment revolved around An Li's body, and strands of light rushed directly to the heights, leading to the distance along the dream world.

An Li's face showed ecstasy for a moment, and she knew that the contract had come into effect.


"really have."

"It really exists, the inheritance and gift that the teacher left us."

In the frantic wind, in the center of the bright enchantment.

An Li closed her eyes, and her consciousness drifted slowly into the distance along with the ceremony and contract.

That ray of light swept across the vast land, across the entire Suinhor Kingdom, across the entire Ruhe central plain, and finally passed through the northern wilderness and the thousands of miles of frozen white snow ridges.

Arrived here, it shows no signs of stopping.

It passes through the entire Ruhe Giant Island all the way, and keeps heading north.

There is the sea where the storm gathers, and it is the dead zone where the terrible deep sea creatures are scattered.

The rays of light swept across the terrifying sea area, heading towards the depths.

It's like there's no end to it.

I don't know how long it took before the light fell from the sky.

"found it!"

An Li sensed this change, and knew more about the reason for this change, so she cheered excitedly.

The light fell like a meteor, and finally fell to a terrifying existence hiding here.

The existence moved from the depths of the sea and let out a low roar.

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[I am God! 】【】


That voice was actually transmitted to An Li's ears from the other side of the world.

That doesn't sound like a living body can make, it's like the sea and the earth are roaring.

Like a tsunami, like an earthquake.


An Li didn't see the whole picture of the other party at all, but only saw a huge and terrifying palm stretched out.

Thousand layers of huge waves exploded.

That giant hand pierced the sea, pierced the clouds.

Crushed the light of the contract into pieces.

How could a contract that was only used to bind ordinary apostles bind a stone demon king who had been reincarnated for 200 million years.

In the city of the magic net, An Li also completely disconnected from the other party.

But at the moment just now, An Li also locked on the opponent's position.

She looked to the far north, breaking through the boundary of the frozen plateau.

"North Sea."


Moonlight Forest.

The entrance connecting the Moonlight Temple and the Forbidden Area.

A very special envoy of the gods, also a kind of gods from the ancient times, came here.

Under the shroud of moonlight, the ghost of the three-leaf man with a transparent body entered the open-air temple with a pleasant view.

Polik saw the **** statue that was completely different from other places at first glance. The mysterious moon fern was attached to a tall god-like existence.

Like An Li before, Polik's first words were.

"Clover people?"

As a former Sanye people, it is an instinct to recognize the characteristics of one's own ethnic group, even if this statue is particularly vague and general.

But not for long.

The information in the brain circulated for a while, and after synchronizing the gate of truth, Polik immediately knew what the idol was.

"No, it's King Jesser."

I can recognize it because the Moon Fern used to be Luhe of the Samo family, a royal blood descendant, but the original Ruhe that he took over from the God of Wisdom Laidlich was not the Moon Fern, but a desert worm. .

No one can understand better than the existence of the Samo family, who was the original owner of the Moon Demon Fern.

Polik immediately knelt on the ground after realizing what had happened.

Salute to the second-generation King of Wisdom.

"The great King Jesser, the three-leaf man Polik pays tribute to you, may you..."

Asai, the **** of truth and knowledge, gave Polik a lot of tasks. These tasks are different, and they can even be said to have nothing to do with each other.

Even he didn't know where the mission was going to end up.

And the first task assigned to him by the God of Knowledge.

Just came here to see what the blue goddess Anli did when she entered Anjo City and the Ice Temple.

After praying to King Jesser.

Polik also officially launched the ceremony, setting up the magic circle, communicating with the dream world, and writing the name of the moon god.

Finally, in the center, offered his sacrifice.

The ceremony is over.

The entire Moonlight Forest changed accordingly.

"Wow, boom!"

The entire moonlight forest was swaying, and the fluorescent barrier behind the statue was pulled apart little by little, revealing a gap.

Polik didn't stop at all, and quickly passed through the ray of skylight door that opened above the earth.

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[I am God! 】【】

Under the guidance of fluorescence, he walked through huge fluorescent plants.

Passing through the underground cave covered with glowing vines, he saw the surging underground river and heard the mighty sound of flowing water.

Under the light of the fluorescent plant roots on the dome, he stepped forward step by step.

Watching the ancient and familiar city gradually appear in front of you.

Polik was also stunned for a moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com After a long while, he slowly said: "The city of the dark river."

Then, another voice came out of his mouth: "The capital of the Samo Kingdom."

Polik stepped down impatiently.

He caressed the tricycle trailer parked at the corner of the street, looked at the familiar shop, and sat beside the fountain in front of the temple.

Polik turned around several times, and finally entered the Ice Temple.

it's here.

He communicated with the Gate of Truth and performed a mythical magic.

"Information backtracking."

In an instant, all the traces of being touched and moved that have appeared here recently appeared.

In Polik's eyes, he could even see what a vague shadow was doing here, but even with mythical magic, he couldn't see the opponent's face clearly.

But even that is enough.

Polik followed the shadow all the way, and finally came to a shrine.

He raised his head, and saw that one of the hanging paintings was missing from the shrine.

It's so obvious.

Polik faintly understood that this was the place where the blue goddess Anli arrived last, and it was also the purpose of coming here.

"Information backtracking."

New shadows appeared in Polik's eyes, constantly calculating and deducing new things.

Even, through the imprint left on the back of the painting hanging on the wall, he could see what was written on it.

No matter how weak it is, the secrets in it can be found in the eyes of myths.

"It's a contract document."

"Lan... and... the Stone Demon."

"Sage Lann's stone goblin?"