I Am God!

Chapter 580: North Pole

[I am God! 】【】

Sue Hall.

Red Earth Province.

An alchemy ship returning from the distant sea arrived at the port, and the captain on the ship gave orders to all the crew members.

"Disband, rest for three days."

After the captain finished speaking, he took off his hat and left in a hurry.

The crew immediately cheered excitedly, and after completing the arrangement and docking work, they immediately rushed off the ship.

However, as the captain, his expression became extremely solemn and solemn after stepping off the ship.

This "snake man" came directly to the scarlet temple in the city, where someone had been waiting to welcome him, leading him into the innermost place little by little.

He climbed up the steps of the temple little by little, and as he walked, his tail turned into two feet little by little, turning into the shape of a god.

And his hair did not know when, and it slowly turned blood red.

He stepped into the hall, and saw that there were already seven or eight beings who had the shape of a **** like him standing in this hidden temple.

Everyone looked at him together and shouted at the same time.


Bremen is the name of the comer, and it is not surprising that many people on the mainland call this name.

But he is different, he is called Bremen in this life, and he was also called Breman in his previous life.

The previous life, or even the previous era.

Also called Bremen.

He used to be a painter in the age of the king of gods, and he painted "The Lost Country". He was also a poet, a craftsman, and even a general.

And this time, he was a captain.

During this reincarnation, his strength gradually increased.

Although every reincarnation has to take the road of promotion again, his divine blood is getting thicker and thicker.

Even in the Kingdom of Blood, he is one of the most powerful symbionts under the Crimson Goddess.

Then one of them came out and told him.

"There is an oracle."

He looked up and looked at the other symbiotes.

"What will God send down?"

When the symbionts were in the human world, they did not have the previous memories. Only when they returned to the kingdom of God, would they remember all the past.

Therefore, when they were in the human world, they called the Scarlet Goddess a god, not a sage.

The others stepped out of the way, revealing the statue of the Goddess behind.

"God let you go to see Him alone, there must be a very important mission for you."

So many symbiotes have come here, it seems that the oracle did not give him alone, but it seems that he should be the most important one.

To actually ask him to personally grant the oracle, and to summon him to the temple to announce it, this is definitely not an ordinary thing and mission.

Bremen didn't stop, and walked directly under the statue.


He knelt under the statue and kowtowed heavily to the Scarlet Goddess.

The movements are sharp and full of strength, just like an adventurer who is used to wandering on the sea.

Then, it began to call the goddess's divine name.

After three times.

The blood-colored flower of God began to bloom from the feet, and continued to spread to the distance.

When he raised his head, he was already in the kingdom of the goddess.

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[I am God! 】【】

He saw the lighthouse where the saints' chapters were placed, and also saw the two goddesses standing under the tower waiting for him.

One has red hair like flames, and the other has blue hair like ice and snow.

Back in the country of blood, Bremen's expression changed immediately.

It can be seen that he is no longer the symbiote captain Bremen in the human world, but the oldest one from the ancient times.

Bremen immediately stood up and walked towards the two gods.

"Master Sage, Lord Anli."

"I'm back."

The Scarlet Goddess also nodded familiarly, and then looked at the Blue Goddess beside her.

"It's An Li who is looking for you. There is a very important matter that needs to be entrusted to you."

Breman turned his head and bowed to the Blue Goddess.

The action is standard, but there is no word in the mouth.

This means that it is also very obvious that no matter the oracle delivered by the goddess, it is the same for him, and he will complete it firmly and without regret.

The Blue Goddess also trusted Bremen very much, so she stepped forward to ask him.

"It is said that."

"Briman this time, you are the first person to start from Haiti Wu Country and open up the Northern Sea Route."

"The Evils discovered the sea route to the New World, but you discovered the sea route from the North Sea directly to the Land of Light."

"From now on, people can directly reach the kingdom of the Winged Man without flying over the Desert of the Sun."

Bremen smiled and nodded.

"I'm a three-leaf person."

"Whether as a painter, a craftsman, a poet, or a navigator."

"None of us will lose to anyone."

"Even in this era, we can still show our demeanor and let our civilization and glory be seen by others."

The Blue Goddess laughed too, for Bremen.

Then, he said to Bremen.

"I have a mission for you. I hope you will take the route you have traveled once again."

Bremen raised his head, knowing that this should not be as simple as taking the Northern Sea Route again.

"Master An Li."

"Where do you want me to go?"

Blue Goddess's expression became serious, and she told Bremen.

"I want to drive your ship and take your crew to the northernmost point of the world."

"The North Pole."

"One of the ends of the world that no one has ever reached."

An Li already knew where the King of Stone Demons was, but even the gods didn't want to go anywhere, so they could go anywhere.

Or go there for yourself.

Or, just build an anchor there and descend in a god-like way.

As a god, countless people are watching his every move. As long as he moves, everyone will cast their eyes, and finally his purpose is exposed to nothing.

In contrast, the latter is simpler.

But for the gods.

The anchor point is one's favored person, one's servant of God.

Bremen's eyes changed.

This is an extraordinary world, and the degree of danger in some places can be said to be unimaginable.

Terrifying storms, appalling monsters, and death-defying Jedi.

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[I am God! 】【】

Not uncommon in this world.

And the North Pole is such a place.

He did go through the Northern Sea Route.

But the North Sea and the North Pole are completely two concepts.

He raised his head, and originally wanted to ask why he went, but seeing the dignified looks of the two goddesses, he couldn't ask any more.

He shouldn't ask a question that can make a **** so cautious, and no one else should know about it.

He saluted respectfully, indicating that he had accepted the mission.

In the end, he only asked one question.

"When do I need to arrive?"

Blue Goddess didn't say the time, but just told him.

"The sooner the better."

Breman nodded: "I see."

After speaking, he turned and left.


The first line of skylight gate in the Moonlight Forest opened again.

A ray of ghosts rushed to the sky amidst the rays of light, and finally returned to the kingdom of knowledge under the guidance of a ray of light.

In the gate of truth, God Asai is standing with a cane on top of the flowing ocean of information.

Polik didn't need to say anything, he just stood quietly behind the other party.


Everything he knows and feels, the **** in front of him can know and feel everything.

Asai God looked at the river of light flowing quietly, fragments of memory and history kept flashing before his eyes, and said to himself.

"The stone goblin contract document left by the sage Rann?"

"what is that?"

"Why, Lan En wants to leave such a contract?"

"What's the difference in this contract, allowing the second generation of sages to remain as their cards and inheritance?"

Polik mentioned several possibilities on the spot.

"It may be that Lan En wanted to leave his contract stone demon to the younger generation, but he didn't expect to stay for so long before he was finally discovered."

"It's also possible that it's just an ordinary thing left in the entire inheritance."

"After all, some treasures from the ancient times are no longer treasures in this era."

Asai shook his head, he didn't think so.

"No, it won't be that simple."

"Knowledge can be left as a legacy, because that thing still works no matter how old it is."

"A stone demon, a living creature that is constantly changing, and such an uncontrollable factor left as an inheritance must have its special reason."

"This stone demon must be a very special existence."

"The sage Lan En hid it so secretly in the most glorious place of his youth, behind the portrait left behind, which means that even in the eyes of this sage, it is also a very important thing."

The God of Truth and Knowledge suddenly remembered something, and remembered a piece of information related to the Stone Demon.

"I remember."

"In the ancient times, An Li once obtained a mythical organ of the Stone Demon King, and it is said that it finally fell into the hands of the sage Lan En."

"This contract that fell into An Li's hands, could it be the contract of the former Stone Demon King?"

"But, what's the use of this contract now?"

In Asai's eyes, there seemed to be another long river of information flowing.

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[I am God! 】【】

Suddenly, he spoke of another possibility.

"you say."

"Is the stone demon king still alive?"

Polik looked up, feeling impossible.

"For 250 million years, how could it be possible to be alive except for those who have embarked on the path of mythology?"

"If you don't embark on the path of mythology, it is destined to disappear in the years."

"If he has not embarked on the path of mythology, he is one of the gods of this era, and it is impossible to be so unknown."

"The most important thing is that Lan En, the sage, didn't get the complete "Path of Wisdom" at that time. It was perfected by Xiao later. Where did the King of Stone Demons get the path to walk on the path of mythology?"

But Polik's words made Asai more sure of his thoughts.

"The sage Lan En does not have the secret technique of four points of wisdom, nor does he have the path of complete wisdom later."

Asai turned his head, looked at Polik and said.


"It's the reincarnation experiment he proposed."

"Xiao really completed this experiment after him."

When talking about this, A Saishen paused, as if he didn't want to bring up this matter, and immediately jumped to the front.

"But before that, the sage Lane must have conducted this experiment."

"And what is the material of the experiment?"

"Only the fourth level can be used as a material."

A Saishen deduced step by step, and seemed to have glimpsed the truth of the past.


"The mythical organ of the stone demon should be the material for the reincarnated experiment."

"In other words, it is the first reincarnation in this world, just an incomplete reincarnation."

"It doesn't have the secret technique of four points of divine grace, and can only be reborn continuously through the flow of divine blood."

"It is chained and can never possess true wisdom, nor can it pass on memory, personality, and ultimately

Fa ascended to the throne. "

God Asay raised his head, looked at Polik and said.

"This is an existence that has accumulated enough mythical blood, but will never be able to reach the mythical person because there is no "Path of Wisdom."

Polik was also a little silent when he heard this.

"Sage Lann, did you leave such a thing for the temple?"

God Asay told Polik to let him pay attention to the movements of the Blue Goddess and the Temple of Truth.

Polik: "God, do you want to join this fight?"

Asai God: "It's not me, but Xiao."

"Xiao followed the sage Lan En to carry out the reincarnation experiment. If the sage Lan En really left such a thing, Xiao would not be ignorant."

"It's just that I'm not sure which one, or which ones he is targeting."

"I want you to follow the line, all you have to do is watch what Shaw does."

"Finally determined, his real purpose and layout."

Polik nodded: "God, I see."

Afterwards, he turned and left the Gate of Truth, and went to the next place.

God Asai turned around inside the gate of truth, looking at the sea of ​​information flowing in front of him.

He stretched out his hand, and saw countless figures emerging from the sea of ​​information.

Each of these figures is more or less causally related to Xiao.

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[I am God! 】【】


On top of all the causally implicated characters, there are three figures.

God Asai looked at the three figures.

You can see that one of them is a sky angel with nine wings, and the other is a simple ceramic doll undulating in the light.

The last one is a man holding an ancient leather book of notes.

"King of the sky, Douma."

"Porcelain villain Naproses."

"Lord of Purgatory."

These three existences are all people who have a direct connection with Xiao, and they are also the existence with the most causal connection with Xiao.

At this moment, God Asai stretched out his hand.

All I could see was that another shadow floated up on the huge network of causality.

In addition to these three people, God A Sai added another existence.

"The King of Stone Demons."

However, after thinking for a while, he pushed the Stone Demon King aside.

Then He dived into this ocean of information.

In the depths, he saw another figure.

A person was holding a quill pen and writing something on a long table, and finally she happily raised the book in her hand.

I only saw two names that were shining with light on the top of the book.

"Perfection of the Wisdom Seed", and "The Eternal Kingdom".

In the abyss.

The evil **** of original sin, Xiao, was sitting on the long table, his eyes always fixed on the world.

And Naproses sat excitedly on the left side of the long table, straightened his waist, and looked like I was too proud.

Suddenly, Xiao seemed to sense something.

"here we go."

Xiao looked at Naproces and asked it.

"Want to become a god?"

Naproses was taken aback for a moment, is there even a need to ask, of course it wants to, it is thinking about it in its dreams.

And Xiao looked at it with his eyes and said something.

"This road is full of enemies."

It seemed to Naproses that the master was

See if it has the capacity to become a god.

If it was before, it must have felt that it was safer to hide in the dream world, and if it could not show itself, it must not show it.

But now it's different, its thighs are back.

With the backing of the evil **** of original sin, Xiao, it has become that little ceramic villain who can do whatever he wants.

It yelled loudly, with a swearing look.

"I am Naproses."

"Fear no one."

"No one, no one can stop me from being a myth."

After finishing speaking, it looked at its master with a straight face.

"Nothing can stop my determination to become your most loyal arm."

Xiao didn't show any expression, just waved his hand.

"Boom buzz~"

The door of original sin opened suddenly, turning into a passage leading to the world.

"Then let's go to the world!"

Ocean sailing has always been a dangerous business.

But this time, what Bremen wants to reach is the legendary North Pole, the two ends of the world.

Ever since Lei, the ancient puppet demon spirit, put forward "Theory of Earth Members", the two poles of the world have always existed only in books, and no one has ever really reached them.

Among them, the southern pole is too far away from the pioneering zone of the current civilization.

On the contrary, the North Pole is closer. Many adventurers and fleets who have traveled through the Northern Sea Route have made the feat of heading to the North Pole.

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[I am God! 】【】

It's just that you either have to retreat when the road is difficult.

Or, none survived.

After Breman left the Scarlet Temple, he returned to the ship.

In his own captain's cabin, he took out a sphere and unfolded a map to check.

It can be seen that the earth circle instrument, which used to be full of blanks, is now covered with various color blocks and marked text.

"Giant Ruhe Island, Sea of ​​Storms, Evil Peninsula, Montenegro Peninsula."

This is the place of civilization that snake people are most familiar with at present.

In their view, the giant island of Ruhe is the center of civilization, and the Aiweier Peninsula and the Montenegro Peninsula are remote areas.

Other than that, other places seemed to them to be a primitive land and a desert.

"Sunfall North, Sunfall Desert, Sunfall South, Land of Light, Land of Dragons."

"The Pole of the South, the Pole of the North."

Bremen turned the globe and observed each color block on it.

The entire New World is extremely huge, far surpassing the giant island of Ruhe, but most of it is desert.

Among them, the snake people occupy the eastern region, the wing people occupy the most northwest region, and the south is said to have been occupied by the lizard people. This is the news from the adventurers of the demon family.

With a large number of demon adventurers, countless caravans, and exploration fleets, the whole world has become more and more clear.

The unknown is constantly shrinking.

Even in the eyes of the gods, there are not many unknowns in this world.

Only the starry sky overhead, only the boundless sea of ​​stars, is the true unknown land and future.

He took out a tube pen and carefully traced it on the map.

After a whole night, a route was finally planned.

He pushed open the door and immediately had all the crew members recalled.

Breman looked at everyone and said solemnly: "A new mission has been received."

The others glanced at each other. Although the vacation was abruptly ended, no one said anything.

See Breman's prestige on this ship.

"Where to?" the crew simply asked.

Instead of directly saying the final destination, Briman said.

"Let's go one more time, the sea route we once traveled."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Bremen uttered the line that made everyone proud.

Route name.

"Northern Sea Route."

Driven by the extraordinary sail, Breman's alchemy ship swept the wind and set off.

They traveled from Hongshi City in Suinhall to the coast of the Ten Thousand Snakes Kingdom along the sea route. This was the route they were most familiar with, and everything seemed extremely easy.

They replenished supplies in a coastal city in the wasteland Wu Kingdom, and bought a large number of magical scrolls of Wuling.

to this end.

They also haggled with the arrogant high-ranking witch spirits who were also master scroll-makers.

Although the first half of the journey was very easy, everyone was still full of a sense of crisis for the second half of the journey. Things like magical scrolls can save lives at critical moments.

Crew: "Can't it be cheaper?"

Wu Ling: "Cheap?"

"Do you know that the supply is in short supply? If it weren't for the face of acquaintances, I wouldn't even sell it to you."

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[I am God! 】【】

"If I sell it to others, I can earn at least 20% more."

Crew: "Dignified master, how can you value money so much?"

Wu Ling retorted loudly: "How can you study magic if you don't have money?"

"If you don't have money, what will you use to make new scrolls? If you don't have money, what will you use to build temples for gods?"

"Do you think we are a family of demon spirits who can print magic gold coins by themselves?"

These days, whether it is witch spirits, alchemists or demon spirits, they have all fallen into Qian's eye.

These guys are all extraordinarily rich and super profitable, but for some reason, the more they can make money, the more they are short of money.

Scroll manufacturing, magic equipment refining and alchemy seem to be a bottomless pit that can never be filled.

Finally, they arrived at the city of Evil in Haiti.

Here at the Temple of Miracles, they overhauled the alchemy ship, and finally set foot on the Evil route on a sunny morning.

They crossed the Sea of ​​Storms and followed the Evil Route to the Evil Peninsula.

This route is already very mature, and generally there are few accidents, but this time they seem to be a little unlucky.

Along the way, they not only encountered a few special sea vortexes, but were even attacked by a few winged demons. However, this situation can only cause troubles for ordinary fleets, and it is not a crisis for Breman .

Sailing for many days.

Without any risk, it stopped at the Green Forest Wu Country on the Evier Peninsula.

During the half month of rest in Lvsenpingguo, they skillfully prepared all kinds of things they might need on the road.

Next, they set out along the Northern Sea Route.

This way, it will be much more thrilling.

On this road, they not only ran into overwhelming winged demons, but also encountered swarms of fire demons sneak attacking at night. These fire demons usually look like transparent gas, but when they suddenly expand, they will turn into overwhelming flames.

Fortunately, this is an alchemy ship, and the crew also has a large number of extraordinary people, so they survived this wave of crisis.

Under the power of the magic scroll prepared in advance, the alchemy ship was also safe and sound.

This morning.

The burning alchemy ship sailed across the sea, and a snake man circled the mast, looking into the distance from a high place.

After looking for a long time, I finally found something.

He lowered his head and exclaimed.


"It's Iceberg Island."

All the crew ran out, shouting with ecstasy.

"There is clean water, food can be collected here."

"We buried wine on the island before, this time we can dig it up and taste it."

"Finally, I can go down and have a good rest."

"It's good to have a warm fire."

This is the place they have arrived at, and it is also an important stop on the Northern Sea Route. They once stopped at this familiar uninhabited iceberg island to collect water on the island.

but at the boat stop

Next, everyone lit a bonfire on the island ~lightnovelpub.net~ After a full meal.

However, Breman announced the real plan this time to everyone and told them the real destination of the trip.

"This time, our destination is the North Pole."

In an instant, the entire fleet was in an uproar.

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[I am God! 】【】

"The Pole of the North?"

"Aren't you going to the Land of Light?"

"There are a large number of sons of giant gods there, as well as the most terrifying ice storm and the most terrifying sea vortex."

"The black sand fleet last time all sank on the way to the North Pole."

Everyone was a little scared when they heard that they were going to the North Pole.

But Breman stepped forward one step at a time, and his form could be seen changing.

For the first time, he showed his **** form in front of all the crew members.

"We once conquered the North Sea together, established the Northern Sea Route, and left our names in the records of history."

"This time, we will also be able to conquer the North Pole and be the first to set foot there and come back alive."


"God will protect us."

Bremen stared at everyone present in the form of a god.

"We go with a mission from God, and when we return."

"Glory and blessings will come upon us."

It can be seen that one after another people present straightened up, opened their mouths, and stared at the ancient **** in front of them in a daze.

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