I Am God!

Chapter 622: The death star has arrived

[I am God! 】Novels are free to read, please collect Yiqi novels【】

Starting from the west of Ruhe Giant Island, you can reach the Montenegro Peninsula in a straight line through the Storm Sea.

This place was originally the place of exile for Aiweier and Suinhor. At the beginning, some evil mages and fallen people lived here, or heinous powerful criminals. but.

With the advent of the ocean and the age of adventure, with the demon family's airship across the sky, with the door fairy's portal opened everywhere.

The Montenegro peninsula has gradually become lively, and even established many large and small countries.

But one thing remains unchanged, this place is still a place of chaos, a paradise for evil mages and fallen people.

In an ancient castle of an evil mage.

Several powerful people in the castle are letting a group of slaves swallow the potion they just refined, observing the effect of the potion.

None succeeded, and all the slaves died.

It's just that before they had time to deal with the corpses of these slaves, they found that these guys all stood up.

The eyes of these guys turned red, and their bodies were also mutating, becoming extraordinarily strong, and they rushed towards the surrounding living creatures without fear of life and death, making them flustered.

After working for a long time, they killed these guys and dug out their bodies.

"The breath of corpse-eating insects?" "Ghouls?"

"It's so fast, it's not right!" All the powerful people present were stunned.

It's not that they haven't seen a ghoul, but they haven't seen a ghoul that has transformed so quickly.

Even if the corpse is soaked by the power of the Silver Worm, it will take time to condense the Corpse Worm and the Plague Blood Curse.

And at this time, there was chaos outside.

"Crawled out, something crawled out from the ground!" A servant rushed in and shouted.

"Ghouls, all of them are ghouls, everywhere!" When the powerful people rushed out, they could see a large number of dead things crawling out of the wilderness outside the castle.

There are snake people and animals.

At this moment, all the powerful people felt that something was wrong. "There is something."

"There must be something around that intensifies the power of these corpses."

They looked around, and they saw the source of all these changes.

They saw the field of force field in the distance that distorted reality and changed the laws of the world with spiritual power, and they also saw the shadow standing in the center of the field of force field.

"Fourth order!" For an instant, the face of the leading evil mage turned pale.

"It's unbelievable, it's a spiritual force field." The others were better, because they didn't know it was the fourth level until they heard the leading evil mage say it. This was the first time they witnessed this kind of power.

"Apostle's Realm!" These people seemed to be dreaming, watching the force field covering the earth in the distance, watching the dead things crawling out and crawling towards the terrifying existence. It was unimaginable to them that people could be so powerful degree.

And as they stared at the past, the person emitting the spiritual force field seemed to feel something.

He turned to look at them.

With just one glance, they were alienated on the spot.

Corpse worms were born from their bodies, drilled out of their eyeballs, devoured their flesh and blood, gnawed at their brains, and finally completely controlled the body.

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