I Am God!

Chapter 623: Gift of the Death Star

[I am God! 】Novels are free to read, please collect Yiqi novels【】

The North Pole, the mirror of the sky.

Sally and Sheila have already come out from below, standing on the surface of the sea like water and mirror, waiting for the arrival of the Death Star.

Before the death star and the earth interfered with each other and various visions appeared.

The eyes of the two have already penetrated the sky and the atmosphere, and saw the dazzling light in the distance.

They saw that the Death Star with its huge tail dragging an unknown number of kilometers was catching up to the earth at an extremely fast speed, extending its power coverage to the interior of the planet that it had left in the past, and also saw the densely packed sons of the Death Star following behind it.

When viewed from a distance, the picture is beautiful and moving.

But if you look closely, you will find that these things are alive.

They cross the starry sky without dying, travel hundreds of millions of miles without dying, and they can eat stars and destroy planets together with giant gods.

This makes people feel terrible.

It's just that for Sally, she doesn't think about these things. At this moment, all she thinks about is that her servant has brought her a gift back, and there is only can't wait in her eyes.

She watched him approach, her mouth slowly opened, revealing her white teeth, and her eyes curved into a smile.

Her happiness and unhappiness are always so obvious and strong.


"The Big Meteor is back."

Sally pointed to the sky, overjoyed.

Sheila also looked at the sky and nodded.

Until now, Sheila didn't know what the gift was, and Sally kept it a secret, which made Sheila look forward to it.

"What is the gift?"


"How did it send things down to you, did it send down its children?"

Sally thought for a moment, then chuckled.

"How to send it down?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, let me ask it!"

Sally regained consciousness, and communicated with the Death Star chasing the earth around the sun.

After a while, the Death Star Giant God seemed to have said something, and she listened attentively. That dialogue is only between the master and his servants, and only they can hear it.


"I see, that's all."

Sally replied like this.

Sheila asked curiously, "What did it say?"

Sally said solemnly, "It said the thing was behind it, and it had brought it back."

She made a gesture that everything was arranged: "I let it drop, I can catch it, anyway, the gift is not big."

Sheila nodded, "That's right!"

It seems that the problem is not too big.

She then raised her head, admiring the meteor shower brought by the Death Star, and immersed herself in the beautiful scenery.

"Really, it's so beautiful!"

She hasn't reacted yet, or she has forgotten for a while, what kind of concept does Sally mean when she says something is not big.

But soon, she saw what the so-called gift was.

Because, that "gift" can be faintly observed even standing on the ground.

In the depths of the starry sky.

The Death Star, with its long tail, suddenly turned slightly away from its figure, giving way to an angle.

It was as if he was making way for something.

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