I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 215: Learning makes me happy-shit!

While listening to Kuafu’s brief introduction, while flipping through the catalog, Lei Tiantang sometimes thinks that if he has the same learning speed as Kuafu, it’s better to know that Kuafu may only take a few hours and at most a dozen You can complete the study in just a few hours, and you need to study for one or two months when it’s your turn. This is only possible when you are in a state of memorable and high IQ. If you are in the state of salted fish before, I guess you will learn I will never learn it for a lifetime.

"You should have seen the "Iron Man" series of movies? You said the device on the chest of the local tyrant is a nuclear fusion device?" Lei Tiantang asked Kuafu while reading the information.

"Boss, of course I have seen it. The device must be a nuclear fusion reaction device. I don’t know if it is thermonuclear fusion or the legendary cold nuclear fusion. If it is thermonuclear fusion, I want to make a nuclear fusion reactor. So small, I guess it will take a very long time for the R&D speed of your boss.

The most likely thing is cold nuclear fusion, otherwise it is difficult to explain its reaction, but the specific principle is temporarily unknown!

Is it too early for the boss to think about that problem? I think it's better for you to study it step by step. After all, we still use fission reactors. If it weren't for the boss, you found two underground rivers to cool down. I think we haven't even solved the electricity.

So first of all, we have to build a nuclear fusion reactor that can be used normally. It is not the kind that can be done in a few hundred seconds in the laboratory. I think it would be better to complete this step before considering the following things! "Quafu suggested with a smile.

"That's natural! I didn't think about eating to be fat with one bite! I just asked casually, saying, "Kuafu, why are you so preaching now? What have you been studying lately?" Lei Tiantang told Kuafu now that he is a good teacher. The state is very curious.

"Haha, boss, don’t you know? I’m on various forums, post, Zhihu, and other learning websites, as well as many foreign learning websites. They are all at the **** level, and I have to answer a lot every day. Questions, I am also happy to guide you to learn new content.

And because my ability to organize and summarize is very outstanding, so many students now like to study the articles I published, and some students will ask me for leave for their own papers, so I now teach people to be very professional!

My goal is to be able to answer any questions raised by anyone on the Internet. This is also very important for my growth, so I now have 5% of my computing power devoted to this aspect. Why do you say I love preaching? Probably that's how it came, right? got used to! Kuafu explained with a smile.

"Haha, demo! Then should I call you a "human mentor"? I have also taught a sense of accomplishment!" Lei Tiantang smiled and said.

"Of course I cannot reach the level of'human mentor' now! But boss, don't worry! I will continue to work hard with this title!" Kuafu replied with a smile, his current emotional program is already very advanced Up.

"Okay, let's not discuss this issue anymore. When will I learn so much information! There will be people who say "learning makes me happy" and so on. I don't know how to complain! Happy shit! I'm so busy now that I don't even have time to see my girlfriend. What if I become obsessed with learning and become a single dog?!" Lei Tiantang murmured depressedly.

"Hehe, boss, it's your girlfriend who loves to study and research, so I don't have time to pay attention to you? I know her love of history and archaeology!" Kuafu joked with a smile.

"Fuck off! What a nonsense! She is so busy because I don't have time to see her! Hurry up, turn the topic back to me, let's continue to discuss the issue of nuclear fusion!

Give me a brief introduction to the current difficulties encountered by various countries and companies, let me see if we can solve it by ourselves! "Lei Tian Tang said with a smile and changed the subject.

"Good boss! Let me briefly talk about this issue. The current mainstream research direction is to use magnetic confinement to design and manufacture nuclear fusion experimental devices. But there are still many difficulties.

The main problem is temperature. Because deuterons are charged, it is difficult to put them together due to the existence of Coulomb force, and fusion mainly relies on strong nuclear force, but the nuclear force will only take effect when the distance between nuclei is less than 10fm.

To get so close, extremely high temperature (particle kinetic energy) must be required to overcome the Coulomb force. The theoretical value of the required temperature is 560 million K, but it was later revised to about 100 million K, because the average kinetic energy was used to calculate before, but in fact the kinetic energy of many particles is greater than the average kinetic energy.

But 100 million K is not fun. What kind of container can withstand 100 million K? Moreover, the fusion material cannot be cooled down yet.

Therefore, we can only use various constraints to deal with this problem, and the experiment in this way still faces a difficult problem.

This problem is the improvement of Q value (ratio of output power to input power). Because the Q value is less than 1, it is actually a loss, and this fusion will have no economic benefits. If you want a large Q value, the easiest way is to add a single nuclear fusion material, but in this case, the requirements for energy absorption and control devices are high. At present, it is estimated that the major countries have achieved Q value above 1.5.

There are two more difficult problems ~lightnovelpub.net~ which have not yet been solved by all countries.

1. It is to continuously provide the energy required for high temperature without interruption. A Q value of 1.5 means: to produce 150 tons of TNT equivalent energy, 100 tons of TNT equivalent energy must be invested, and it will continue! Just like in the blockbuster: when a sci-fi device is activated, the lights in the entire city go out.

2. Even if it can continue to supply power. But what you put in is 1 electricity, and what it produces is 1.5 heat and radiation. And if it is converted into electricity, if the conversion rate is less than 66%, it is still a loss. Currently there is no breakthrough in this technology globally. "Quafu gave a brief introduction.

"Constraining such a high temperature requires a strong magnetic field, and a strong magnetic field requires an electromagnet with very good performance. So the key issue is the material.

If a better performance electromagnet is used, the generated magnetic field will be larger and better. If the magnetic field is stronger and more stable, a more stable energy output can be obtained. I am quite good at material problems. It seems that materials in this area Research will also be added to our research plan. The better the performance of other materials in the nuclear fusion device, the smaller and more compact the device can be! "Lei Tiantang scratched his head and frowned as he said.