I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 216: Military exercises

"Material issues account for about 50% of nuclear fusion devices, but design issues are also very important. As you know, although I can search and sort out various materials on the Internet, I can only find design drawings of nuclear fusion devices. Some simple conceptual drawings and specific designs are not available. These things are confidential information in countries and companies.

Therefore, the boss should also consider the design. You must know that the stability of the magnetic field channel is closely related to the design, and the specific parameters must be verified in detail! Kuafu explained.

"Well, wait until I have completed all the materials to consider this question! It is too early to think about this, I will try my best to study the materials of nanorobots and nuclear fusion in 3 months. When the time comes, you will cooperate with me to design!" Lei Tiantang said to Kuafu while looking at the information. It is also unrealistic to consider the design of nuclear fusion based on his current nuclear fission knowledge.

Let’s not mention anything about him. The 30 robots sent to the military for testing are now finally going to be tested on the battlefield. During this time, they have undergone multiple rounds of military testing and their performance in various extreme environments. They are all very good, so looking at their performance in actual combat is the last level.

At a certain military exercise battlefield, the contact war between the red and blue sides has begun. This is a small-scale actual combat exercise. The main investigation is the use of various new weapons of the military on the battlefield, so Lei Tian Tang Their military robots have also caught up with a good opportunity. They can also perform in this exercise. Otherwise, I don’t know how long they will have to wait for this last test!

At this time, there was a busy scene in the command room of the red side. The commanders continuously conveyed new orders based on the real-time data on the battlefield, and the real-time situation on the battlefield was also displayed on the big screen.

"Professor Liu, do you really want these robots to participate? Is it reliable?" Red Commander Colonel Tian asked Liu Leshan, who was standing next to him.

"Don't worry! We have tested them many times. Except for some minor flaws, the overall performance is very good. The design functions are also very suitable for use on the battlefield, and the intelligence is also very good. This actual test It's the last level.

If it is passed, we will send all the test data and modification requirements back to Universe Technology. They will test again after the modification is completed. It is estimated that the upper part will place a small batch of orders. This is not the point that Captain Wu has already told you I said it! "Liu Leshan smiled.

"That's what I said, but a new company just made three military robots without much accumulation. I just think it's a bit unreliable!" Colonel Tian nodded and said.

"Haha, let alone you, we were also very confused at the time. We didn’t believe it when we saw the simulation video that their company first showed us, but after the robot was pulled back for testing, the actual effect was really good, otherwise Wu The captain will not always accompany us to test!" Liu Leshan said with emotion.

"Yes, the superiors also attach great importance to this matter. If these robots can really pass the actual test, we will definitely arrange the procurement. They will let us lead our foreign counterparts in this regard by 5 to 10 years. , And they can participate in battles in a variety of scenarios, which is also very important to national security!" Captain Wu of the Equipment Development Department also said with a smile.

"Well then! Let's see how they perform! It is really the first time for us to let them cooperate with a small team to attack the important base of the blue side. The robots tested before are really incomparable with them, and I I'm very curious about what they can do!" Colonel Tian said with a smile and looked at the real-time image from the robot camera on the big screen.

At this time, the raid team and the robots are close to the blue base, and the blue base can be clearly seen from the spider robot’s camera. At this time, the big screen also shows that the robots are facing the blue base while they are connected to each other. Scanned data and pictures.

The hand-held computer in the hands of the captain of the on-site squad also showed in real time the attack plan made by the robots after scanning various data. The sequence and direction of the attack were explained in detail above, and the time was accurate to the second.

"Captain, can you do it? It is estimated that these robots can execute such a plan? They are all detailed to the second, and the attack route and sequence are also planned, and our team's position in this plan is actually the last to attack. Yes! At that time, it is estimated that the game was clearing up the mess, which seems not to be right!" The deputy captain standing next to him looked at the offensive plan on the computer screen and asked suspiciously.

"Don't complain, you are not unaware of our mission this time. The main purpose is to test the performance of these robots in actual combat. It would be nice to have a chance to clean the battlefield!" The team leader said with a smile.

"If these robots are really assembled in the army, then we will kill the battlefield when we go to the battlefield? Reconnaissance and attack can be done by ourselves, and even if there are a large number, it is estimated that cleaning the battlefield is unnecessary. Here we are! So what can we do at that time?" A team member expressed his worry.

This is also the concern of everyone in the team~lightnovelpub.net~ If everything is solved by robots, what should they do for soldiers?

"This is also an inevitable path. With the development of science and technology, this step must be taken. Robots are now being researched on the battlefield by every country. If our troops are at the forefront, strategically Many advantages can be achieved.

As robots enter the battlefield on a large scale, the future war will be about resources, and the outcome of the war may depend on the background of a country.

However, robots cannot completely replace the status of our soldiers. At most, we don't need so many ordinary soldiers. However, technical soldiers and special forces will be more in need at that time!

So guys, we still won't be eliminated! We still need to do many things, such as capturing prisoners, interrogating, and fighting alone are not our strengths! "

After listening to the team leader’s words, everyone feels that this is the reason. When elite soldiers like them are indispensable, everyone agrees that robots will become the main force on the battlefield in the future. Compared with ordinary soldiers, robots The advantages are too much.