I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1095: The progress of the lunar mineral mining

Which country can withstand such an attack? Even a 100-kilometer-sized asteroid can't be attacked by such high-speed solid shells. Therefore, after such a big killer is installed on the spaceport, they certainly no longer worry about the safety of the spaceport.

It can even be said that the installation of such an electromagnetic railgun on the spaceport is a bit frantic. This weapon may not be used for a lifetime.

Because it is not until the company or the earth’s life and death is critical, such a powerful weapon is impossible to use, it is really too powerful!

If you use this thing to attack countries on the earth, it is easy to cause everyone's same hatred and hatred. So everyone can rest assured after knowing that such a weapon exists, and there is no need to discuss whether it is used or when it is used.

Even the space energy plant can obviously be used as a weapon, but they have just given up this option. It can be seen that everyone still prefers peaceful development.

"Yes! Now that you have considered the security issues more comprehensively, I won't ask more about other details, but after your spaceport-related design is completed, you will have to go through detailed demonstrations. This It is very important that you have to make sure that there are no problems with the overall design before you can officially start construction!

After all, such a big thing is floating on top of our heads. If the big guy with at least 100,000 or 200,000 tons falls, it is estimated that the earth will be destroyed by half! Lei Tiantang smiled and exclaimed.

"Don't worry, boss, how could we ignore the issues related to the safety of the entire planet, and ensure that we will start the construction of the spaceport under the condition of ensuring 100% safety!" This is not just Ren Junsheng, the company The executives of other laboratories also nodded their heads and said they knew the seriousness of this matter.

"Okay, let's stop here about the spaceport issue, and discuss it after you finish the design! But you have to prepare for the preliminary preparations. Don't delay the preparation after the design is completed. It will waste time.

Next question, how is the preparation for the second flight test mission of the [Chuxin] spacecraft? "Lei Tiantang asked.

"The final inspection is already underway. The materials to be sent to the moon this time have been prepared long ago. They are all large-scale base construction equipment. Now they have been fixed in the spacecraft’s cargo warehouse. Just complete the final check.

It's just that after the first flight test of the spacecraft, we wasted a little time to conduct a comprehensive inspection of it, otherwise the second flight test mission would have been possible long ago! "He Chengxin replied quickly.

"Then the next transportation mission will be the experimental equipment of the electromagnetic orbital catapult? How is your demonstration work on the moon doing?" Lei Tiantang even started to pay attention to the next mission.

Chen Litong smiled and shook his head: "The next transportation mission is not on our side, because our experiment is not a particularly urgent task. We designed this experiment to use electromagnetic catapults to launch materials from the moon into space in the future. We use materials such as titanium, aluminum, magnesium, and iron on the moon.

And we have not even completed the task of building the moon advance base, and the mineral mining experiment has just begun, so this task is not urgent. We have to wait until we have completed the overall experiment of mineral mining to start large-scale mining of related resources. There will be demand for material transportation in the future.

And compared to the loss-making and time-wasting business of transporting these materials to the earth to sell money, what we value more is the role of these materials in our space construction. After all, as our space construction plans are increasing, It is also unrealistic to rely on us to use spacecraft to transport materials from the earth to space.

However, our initial space construction mission can barely be maintained by transporting materials from the earth, so we don’t need to greet ourselves for the relevant experimental work, and just follow the plan step by step.

As for the preliminary research and demonstration of the electromagnetic orbital catapult, we have already done it, that is, the high and low temperature difference on the moon and space radiation, etc., the interference of the cosmic environment on the normal operation of the electromagnetic orbital catapult, we still need a long time to study through experiments. .

There is no problem with the basic technology, that is, some detailed problems are not completely solved, and we will not start to build this kind of electromagnetic orbital catapult that can send a large amount of material from the moon to space. After all, on the moon The difficulty of construction and maintenance is completely different from that on earth! "

This experiment has been prepared a long time ago. The reason why Lei Tiantang wants to ask today is because they plan to build an electromagnetic railgun of this size on the spaceport. There is no reason why there is no experiment with a lower difficulty than this. Finished.

But now that he heard Chen Litong’s explanation, he nodded in understanding. It is true that the company’s demand for mining minerals from the moon is not particularly large. Although the construction of the forward base requires a lot of materials, the amount of this material is not large enough. They were transported from the earth to an unacceptable point.

After all, the construction area of ​​their forward base on the surface of the moon is still small, and the materials used for the construction of the base in the underground lava channel are much lower than those on the surface of the moon~lightnovelpub.net~ Therefore, there is no urgent demand for mining.

At the same time, because it is much more difficult to mine various ores on the moon than on the earth, the related mining, sorting, smelting and other processes have also increased exponentially due to different environments, without detailed experimental verification. If problems arise after the completion of the construction of the minerals and processing plants, it will be a trouble!

As for the nuclear fusion material, helium 3 that is more important to everyone, the source of helium 3 used in the company’s current experiments is also collected from the reactor, but it is enough for experiments. There is not much demand for nuclear fusion materials.

You must know that in the nuclear fusion reactor standards set by Lei Tiantang, the reactors that can use helium 3 as fuel are already third-generation nuclear fusion reactors, and they are still using first-generation nuclear fusion reactors. Wait for research I don’t know how long it will take until the third generation!

After the meeting discussed some company affairs, the meeting soon adjourned. Everyone was very busy, but there was no time to waste. Lei Tiantang also went back to work on his own affairs. The electromagnetic railgun that everyone just discussed brought it. For some inspiration, he would go back and discuss it with Kuafu.

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