I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1096: Really. The idea of ​​building a sup

After the documents to be signed were processed quickly, Lei Tiantang finally had time to talk to Kuafu about his thoughts. After leaning on the chair and drinking a sip of ice water, he began to talk enthusiastically.

"Look at Kuafu, now even the company's electromagnetic railgun research work has begun to enter space, and the size and power of the electromagnetic railgun they designed on the spaceport must catch up with us in the small black hole body. The big experimenter over there.

We must know that when we tested the power of the large-scale electromagnetic railgun on the small black hole body, we felt that such a weapon is also a very good weapon when used in space, so we also carried out installation experiments on the "Moon" spacecraft.

But now they plan to install electromagnetic railguns on the spaceport to defend against counterattacks after the spaceport is attacked, as well as to defend against the impact of extraterrestrial asteroids on the spaceport and the earth. I think this is very good!

If we increase the track length of the electromagnetic railgun to more than ten kilometers or even dozens of kilometers long, and use multiple sets of nuclear fusion reactors to charge it, can we increase the exit velocity of the projectile to thousands of kilometers per second? Speed?

If the energy level and orbit length are further increased, is it possible for us to increase the speed of the shells to tens of thousands of kilometers per second? Even reaching a high speed of one-tenth the speed of light!

And if our electromagnetic orbital gun really has such a rate of exit, doesn't it mean that we have really mastered a strategic space weapon!

Because if you launch such a high-speed shell in space, it means that we are really capable of launching an attack on an alien spacecraft that might find the earth!

After all, we can understand from our previous calculations that it is very difficult for a spacecraft to reach one-tenth of the speed of light in an instant when flying at a regular speed. So if alien spacecraft actually invade the solar system, they are in After entering the solar system, the speed will drop below one hundredth of the speed of light.

And at this speed, if we use the super electromagnetic railgun to attack them by surprise, I think the possibility of them being able to evade is still very small, even if their spacecraft has energy shields and powerful armor, but in tenths It is difficult to say that it can be resisted even under a high-density shell attack with a speed above the speed of light!

And if there are alien spacecraft that can withstand such an attack, I believe that with their technical level and civilization level, it would be difficult to look at our remote place like this.

So if we deploy this powerful electromagnetic railgun in the solar system, obviously we can truly establish a defensive position for the solar system!

With such a defensive weapon, in the future, when I have to leave the solar system and go to the small black hole body, I will be able to rest assured in the past. I will not worry about waiting for my return to find that my hometown has been stolen!

So you give me a calculation to see if my idea is reliable and whether there is any possibility and necessity for this plan to be implemented! "

This is what he thought after hearing about the electromagnetic orbital gun mounted on the spaceport designed by the company’s laboratory. If he is still on Earth and aliens invade the solar system with his abilities, even if he can’t launch a counterattack, The security of the defense of the earth is not too big a problem.

After all, his abilities have been constantly growing with the growth of the small black hole body. The aliens are not coming over right away. Maybe when the aliens come, their absolute domain control range can be achieved. It's half the size of the solar system, so you won't be afraid of any aliens coming.

Or after it merges with the body of the small black hole, they will be happy if they don't bother with aliens. If they dare to come over to the solar system, then they will be looking for death, but that's all for the future.

If he did not grow to the point where he was almost invincible in the universe before he was able to go to the body of the small black hole, then he really needs to do more preparations before leaving. At least his family and friends are there. On Earth, it is obviously irresponsible to leave without knowing that they can be protected.

So although he had already started preparing for the solar system defense plan, he has only slowly started to deploy it since his last trip to Mars. After all, they did not have a spacecraft fast enough to allow him to calm down in the solar system. For deployment.

The planned deployment of a large number of hidden bases on the major planets in the solar system, and the backup of a large number of spaceships in the bases, can only be carried out after the development of their next-generation spacecraft is completed, the "Lunar" universe. Obviously, the bird-like appearance of the spaceship cannot deter the alien civilization that can sail across galaxies.

Since people can sail across galaxies, it's not that they can use the "Moon" spacecraft on the earth to fool people who think it is very powerful.

But now his idea of ​​deploying a powerful electromagnetic railgun is a supplement to the spacecraft defense base. If a fixed fort is used to launch an attack, the weapon he envisioned for tens of kilometers is obviously there. With enough offensive power, it might be able to take away paralyzed aliens in one wave!

Kuafu paused for less than a second and nodded: "Boss, your idea is very practical. It is possible to work hard with our technical strength!

I just calculated it~lightnovelpub.net~ As long as we solve the related material problems and the technical problems of the second-generation nuclear fusion reactor, the super electromagnetic railgun you envision can really be built.

But obviously this kind of weapon can only be built in fixed positions on some planets or satellites. After all, we still have a long way to go before making spacecraft tens of kilometers long. There is no way to put such weapons on spacecraft. Up.

In this case, if you want to achieve the effect you want, then we must build enough such forts on the planets and satellites of the entire solar system, otherwise it is difficult to achieve a dead-angle defense of the entire solar system.

Moreover, the speed of this electromagnetic railgun can reach one-tenth of the speed of light, but for the size of the entire solar system, this speed is just that way. In order to attack the spaceship.

But we all know that it’s impossible for someone’s spacecraft to stop there and wait for you to hit it. It only needs to maneuver a little to avoid our attack. After all, the electromagnetic railgun using solid shells can only attack in a straight line, so If you want to ensure that the spacecraft that can actually attack the aliens, you must have enough electromagnetic railguns to launch the attack! "

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