I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1120: The technical strength behind the live s

The other is the signal delay problem she mentioned. Many people may not understand how terrifying and ordinary it is that Infinite Gravity Group can maintain a live broadcast connection with the earth from a place as far as Mars. People don't care about this.

But those who have a little bit of scientific common sense and those experts who are watching the live broadcast are greedy for such a technology, because it is very difficult for them to do it!

Mars is less than 55 million kilometers when it is closest to the earth, and it is close to 400 million kilometers when it is farthest. Even if the communication signal propagates at the speed of light of 300,000 kilometers per second, it takes a long time.

In the last sentence on Mars, it takes 183.3 seconds for radio transmission to reach the earth. In other words, it takes more than three minutes for people on Earth to hear a word just said by people on Mars.

And if at the farthest distance, the radio signal will need to propagate for 1333.3 seconds to arrive, which means that it will take 22.2 minutes to hear the words from people on Mars, which is obviously very inconvenient.

This is still a single communication time. The communication time between the two parties will be doubled. Because of the distance, packet loss is prone to occur during the transmission of data packets. These problems restrict the communication between the Earth and Mars. An important reason for speed.

Moreover, the transmission of such data packets is difficult to achieve high-speed mutual transmission of large amounts of data, and every problem in it is not a simple problem to be solved.

Although various countries are studying this problem and have put forward some solutions, the theory is the theory, and the distance from theory to reality has never been so simple. This is why the success rate of the probes of various countries into orbiting Mars is not high. The important reason is that they have no way to perform near-real-time remote control operations like in earth orbit.

Why is the Infinite Gravity Group able to conduct live events at such a distance? These experts can only analyze that they have used more than 1,000 relay satellites deployed in the solar system to achieve this, but even if they use a large number of relay satellites. To realize the high-speed transmission of the signal by the relay satellite, there is also some delay.

Then why can the communication between the space station and the earth appear in almost real time from the pictures in the live broadcast room? You know, they used the method of sending messages to make calculations. From pressing the enter key on the earth to seeing their speech on the live screen, the whole process takes about 3 seconds, which is a bit weird. .

But for this question, it is obvious that both Jiang Tzuyu and the other astronauts have directly ignored it. It is enough to show you our live broadcast to give you face. Actually, I want to inquire about the company's core technology and want to eat!

Of course, netizens are not willing to watch these boring technical issues, so sharp-eyed netizens start to gossip. One netizen curiously asked: "I don't know if my eyes have problems, how do I feel Jiang Ziyu, you seem to be a little fatter?

The figure is not obvious, but the face seems to be a little rounder. Is it because the food on the space station is so good? I have been eating for more than 3 months, so I can't control my weight? "

As soon as his question came out, he received a lot of likes and recognition, and many netizens who like to do things responded in succession: "I feel so too! Solve it!"

Jiang Tzuyu blushed instantly after seeing such questions and discussions. She shouted in shame, "What are you talking about! Where can I tell that I am fat? Where am I getting fat? It's not a girl to say that. Is it polite?

Just look at my perfect figure and you know you are thinking about it! Why does my face look rounded? Is this called swelling? It is a sequelae of long-term low gravity environment! "

For her explanation, it is obvious that not everyone can be fooled by her. Some netizens directly said: "Please sister, we have also watched your company's outer space live broadcast many times, OK?

Why haven't we found that others have had your so-called "sequelae of low gravity environment" before? Could this happen only if your sister has a special physique? "

After seeing this speech, Jiang Tzuyu nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes! It's like this. It doesn't mean that I won't have this situation if others don't have this situation!"

I have never stopped exercising, otherwise we will not be able to keep working in the next mission to Mars, and I have not found any abnormality in my weight monitoring data, so don’t think about it. I am not fat at all! "

Many people laughed at her sophistry, but the netizen who asked this question before smiled and said: "Yes, right! What you said is correct, it may be that your fat is transferred from other parts of your body to your face. Now, I think this situation is worth studying!

I strongly recommend that your company launch a research project on your situation. If you have achieved results, remember to add my net name to the paper. After all, I raised this question first, and there is some credit for it! "

"Damn! Are you driving a car? "Fat is transferred from other parts of the body to the face." I just want to know where you can see that it was transferred from?" Someone laughed and said.

"Yes~lightnovelpub.net~Tongqiu explain, the old driver will take us to learn!"

"Children under the age of 18 can get off the bus, and it will soon be time for adults to learn!"

"A group of old dirty turtles, but as a woman, I also want to know the answer to this question, but the focus of my attention is whether the fat on the face can be transferred to certain two parts of the body, or whether the body can be transferred Fat from other places is also transferred to these two specific parts!

Therefore, I also support the Infinite Gravity Group to carry out research in this area. This is a research project that has contributed to the future. Jiang Ziyu, you are our hope! "A female netizen also left a message with a smile.

Seeing her reply, everyone laughed heartily. For a while, the whole network was so happy. It is obvious that the sand sculpture netizens' enthusiasm for discussing this issue has never diminished.

Jiang Tzuyu was so angry with this group of people, what are you talking about, I, a beautiful astronaut like me, will study this for you? But the live broadcast is like this, who made her the ambassador of Infinite Gravity Group? The existence of such a high popularity will certainly cause netizens to pay close attention to her.

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