I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1121: Curious about the Mars landing module

Of course, they said this to make fun of it, and there is nothing malicious about it. After all, Jiang Tzuyu and their space meal left a deep impression on these netizens a few months ago. The space can be described by the word luxury. After eating for a few months, everyone suspected that she had gained weight and there was nothing wrong with it.

After everyone laughed for a while, they followed Jiang Ziyu's introduction and began to look at Mars enthusiastically through the observation methods that came with the space station.

Although they have seen the whole picture of Mars through the video of the probe landing on the official website of Infinite Gravity Group before, the understanding of Mars is not only the low-pixel pictures and videos found on the Internet.

But this is the first time everyone has seen Mars from the perspective of the space station's rapid approach to Mars. This is a live broadcast. After the image was taken with the previous probe and then sent back to them after editing, it is not a feeling at all.

At this time, the distance between the space station and Mars is about 420,000 kilometers, which is a little bit larger than the distance between the earth and the moon, but because the diameter of Mars is nearly double that of the moon, so at this moment Mars still looks a bit clearer in the unmagnified lens than the moon from Earth.

Although the flight speed of the space station is still very fast even though it has already decelerated, it is one thing to put such a speed on the scale of the universe, so it seems that Mars through the lens does not seem to be moving at high speed. Look like.

But netizens don’t care, because through the ultra-clear wide-angle lens on the space station, they can see not only the main target of Mars, but also a brighter starry sky without the influence of atmospheric refraction and reflection. From this perspective In the starry sky, these stars are particularly bright.

Jiang Tzuyu saw this scene and couldn’t help but sigh with netizens: “Each star is a star, and even the light spots farther away that look like stars are actually a huge galaxy. , Many of these galaxies are much larger than our Milky Way!

Each star may have more than one planet, so there are countless planets in this universe, and the vast universe may exhaust the entire life of our human civilization and it is difficult to explore their secrets.

It's just that we can't give up exploring the universe because we are small. Our boss always says that if humans want to have a future, they must become an interstellar civilization. There is absolutely no future when trapped on the earth!

Even if the path of exploring the colonized universe is full of crises and challenges, we must not stand still. Our pre-colonization research mission to Mars is the most solid step we have taken!

In the future, we will use Mars as a springboard to start exploring planets in the outer solar system, and even start colonizing and exploring the outer solar system. I think I’m here today to say that this should not be described as delusional by some people. ? "

Netizens immediately replied to her question: "Of course not! The space technology currently owned by Infinite Gravity Group is something that everyone can see. We also have the technology to track the current location of your space station, so of course there is no doubt. Your company is determined to explore the universe.

We used to suspect that the US government’s moon landing plan in the last century was a photo shoot. The main reason was that the technology it had in that era was far worse than it is now. If the US government really had the technology to land on the moon , Then it is impossible for them to make a lunar landing plan and delay it! "

There are many people who responded like this. Indeed, they believed in whatever the media used to promote, but now that the technology is so advanced, there are simply not too many ways to identify the authenticity of space missions.

Even the tens of thousands of pieces of household telescopes, as long as there is no problem with the angle adjustment, it is still possible to find the huge solar sail at the tail of the'Enchanting Guardian' space station, and its reflective brightness even exceeds the brightness of a second-magnitude star. According to the real-time position announced by Infinite Gravity Group, it is easy to find this high-speed moving target.

After discussing the topic of interstellar colonization with netizens for a while, I left a shot for netizens who like to watch the starry sky. The rest of the netizens started to follow Jiang Ziyu and others to the landing section to see the strangeness.

This cabin was kept secret when the space station assembly departed. They did not introduce this place at that time, so everyone is now curious about what is going on in this cabin.

Ordinary netizens are also curious, and those experts from China National Space Administration and space companies want to spy on some technology, so with their encouragement, even those netizens who like to watch the stars temporarily let go. I want to find out through the live footage of my hobby.

"Is this cabin full of black technology? Otherwise, why does your company do such a good security measure?" Someone asked curiously in the live broadcast barrage.

Regarding this question, Jiang Tzuyu smiled and shook his head and said: "Actually, there is no! We didn't introduce you to this cabin because we had to protect any secrets.

The main thing is that this cabin is after all the most important mission cabin for our trip to Mars~lightnovelpub.net~ In order to ensure that it can have the best condition before reaching Mars, so after undergoing strict inspections, the company This section was closed.

In this way, we ensure that we won’t run into disturbances due to boredom during the entire voyage, which will affect our next Mars landing mission. To put it bluntly, another reason for the company to do this is to prevent us from being killed. Do you understand that? "

Her explanation made many netizens laugh out loud, because they really didn’t think there was anything weird about the latter reason. If they were on the space station, it would probably last for more than three months. I want to expand my living space during my voyage.

Although the size of the Space Station of the Infinite Gravity Group’s "Wandering Guards" space station is large enough, and the space for astronauts to live and work is not small at all, but instead of ordinary people, let them stay in this one at most one. In a space that will be bored every week, it is difficult for them not to do things.

Even the psychological quality of these astronauts is many times stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is impossible to have the emotions that humans should have. Therefore, blocking this temporarily unnecessary compartment for the safety of the mission cannot be said to be a wrong choice. .

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