I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: One thousand three hundred and ninety-fo

Chapter 0394 It's over, I'm running out of wood

At the same time, more Sytorak's crimson girdle flew out of the space vortex, tying Ebony Throat's throat, forcing Ebony Throat to let go of Tony's control.

Tony, who had recovered his freedom, was in a good mood. He was about to shoot a beam to end Ebony Maw's life when the mutation reappeared.

Seeing this scene, the black dwarf immediately changed the shape of the battle axe, and then popped the battle axe towards Tony and tried to catch it, just like the plot in the movie.

But the plot has changed. Tony, who was once caught like this, can't respond to hunting.

So it was flying towards Tony's battle axe, and under the shocking gaze of Black Dwarf, he turned his head abruptly, and without turning his head, stuck into the ground along the frisbee.

Joe again suggested that Simon should strengthen the defense, but Simon did not listen, when Harrison came.


Zhou Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Tony walking out of the box with ten children and ended the matter. With a flash of his mind in Yuanjie, he immediately appeared in Yuanyu.

After removing the previous log records, there is still a large section of records.

"I saved you because you created a small response that can benefit mankind."

He tells Joe that Barry has quit and that Barry's failure is because of Joe's doubts about Barry, which makes him unconfident.

Hearing the doctor's words, Tony's originally high heart suddenly disappeared. He was silent at first, then his face became ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely make the Ten Rings Gang pay the price."

Drop, the Astral Temple” and the Star Card Foundry” have been repaired, and the connection procedure is now enabled.

Joe was lost in thought, and with his encouragement, Barry was relieved.

Seeing this report on the reasons for the failure to wake up from sleep, Zhou Wenwen gasped, turned around, and wanted to run away on the spot.

Zhou Wenwen looked at the strong man and the stone monkey, and was a little confused, so he retreated pretty and let the strong man and the stone monkey look at each other.

The cutting-edge laboratory made a replica of Dandong and researched the principle of Dandong's super power.

Since its birth in the era of sailing, battleships have been one of the main ships of the major sea power countries, and are used as the main ships of the navies of various countries.

Is it really as I thought?

Zhou Wenwen, who was standing next to the press conference hall, listened and felt Tony's speech while watching the rich and varied expressions on Obadiah's face. Zhou Wenwen found it very interesting.

With the help of his colleagues, Barry faced Dandong's super-strong copy army alone, and finally Dandong committed suicide by jumping off the building.

When Pepper Potts heard the words, he judged that this guy was a reporter, and he wanted to dig up some of Tony's personal news from his own side.

Pepper Potts, who was determined to refuse, said, "I don't need me for the press conference for the time being, but it's about to start."

Battleships are also called battleships and battleships.

It is a symbol of "giant ship cannonism".

After this incident, Tony and the rest of the Avengers returned to action.

During the operation, in the base of the commander of the Hydra Corps, Steckel, Tony was affected by the ability of the Scarlet Witch, and he saw the scene of the complete destruction of the Avengers.

Barry sincerely apologized to Joe, and Joe burst into tears for his impulsive words.

Coulson said, "Can I have a word with you?"

After returning from Siberia, although Tony received an apology letter from the captain and a contact number, he did not make a call.

So Zhou Wenwen quickly calmed down. He came back to his senses, withdrew his hand, pushed his glasses to cover up his mistake, and countered, "Then what about the person who connected you to the car battery?"

What no one thought was that Harrison came to Simon's office, and Simon said he wanted to catch Barry and control him.

"And with all due respect, in my eyes, none of these three are as great as scientists, so the identities, money, and achievements of these three are not worth mentioning at all to me."

So the two used Loki's scepter to create an artificial intelligence machine "Ultron".

Among them, "Yamato", "Musashi", "Bismarck", "Tirpitz", "Prince of Wales", "California" and other famous battleships are also included.

At this point Harrison stood up and killed Simon.

Only then did the reaper realize that he might have become a cripple, he could not help whining angrily, and rushed towards Zhou Wenwen to attack.

With the help of Yin Sen, Tony used the rough equipment and raw materials provided by the Ten Rings Gang to build steel armor and the prototype palladium element arc reactor of the Ark Reactor for himself in the dark underground base.

Since Tony came back from the cave, because of the toxicity of the target element reactor.

As the name implies, there are wizards who can call the wind and rain in this world, and they rule the world.

On this day, Barry was watching a movie with Iris, and Iris once again talked about the deeds of the Flash.

Hearing the voice, Virginia Pepper Potts couldn't help turning her head to look at Coulson, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Tis, the star beast, the guardian of the astral temple, the lord of the gods, what about you~lightnovelpub.net~ What's your name?"

So Tony came up with the idea of ​​making defensive machinery to protect the earth.

Since then, the battleship lost its status as a capital ship.

So the first time Tony came back, he read the medical papers on the prevention and treatment of radiation to understand the principles of drugs.

The trouble points to Gu Yi owning the Time Stone, and Medivh, Aegwynn, and Yin Lidan can't kill or hurt Gu Yi at all.

According to the feedback from Medivh, Aegwynn, and Yin Lidan, Zhou Wenwen had the courage to come over after visiting, asking for advice, and receiving advice from dozens of archmages and the Blue Dragon Dragon King in Azeroth. Challenge the darkened ancient one.

The blackened Gu Yi naturally accepted the challenge, but Zhou Wenwen launched a sneak attack without speaking of martial arts.

At this time, Barry received a call that someone ran away with a gun. Barry solved the matter at lightning speed again, and returned to Iris before Iris found out.

As for Yin Sen, Zhou Wenwen sent him to the strongest country in Asia. Zhou Wenwen believed that with Yin Sen's ability, he would find a job here.

So just in case, and in order not to anger Tis, Zhou Wenwen asked carefully, "Is it an immortal or a god? An ancient **** or a new god?"

Zhou Wenwen, who received the notice from a stranger, was taken aback, but what big event has he not seen?

Before Zhou Wenwen could finish his words, a man in auto overalls ran out of the cave with an anxious face and rushed to Zhou Wenwen's eyes.

Drop, the Yuanyu Temple has been restarted, the energy is full, and the energy available for repair has been detected. Is it enabled to repair the Third Army Star Field "Combat Unit Astral Temple", Star Card Foundry"?


Chapter 0395 Announcement to invite Brother Sun to the bridge