I’m Extracting Movie Tech at Marvel

Chapter 127: ; alien beast

"Are you going to the Baffin Mountains with me?" Warren asked worriedly in the living room.

Bai Yang just proposed to follow him to the Baffin Mountains to experiment with weapons, where the venue will be much wider.

"Yes, you don't have to worry about my safety. If I encounter danger, I will turn on space magic to escape as soon as possible." Bai Yang quickly assured.

Bai Yang also thought about going by himself, but after thinking about it, he was not familiar with the situation in the mountains, especially many unknown insects, so it is best to go with an experienced old hunter.

"...Okay, wait for me to clean up, I just happened to hunt a game to entertain you at night." Warren thought about it and agreed.

Because the weapon was handed over to Bai Yang, he didn't go hunting for a week, so the first time he got the weapon, his hands were itchy.

Afterwards, Bai Yang waited for the other party to clean up, and then began to go towards the Baffin Mountains behind.

The Baffin Mountains is the closest mountain range in Asgard. There are countless rare and exotic beasts in it, and there is a continuous mountain range behind it, which feels like a hundred thousand mountains.

Moreover, the Baffin Mountains are also a good place to train troops. Basically, every year, there will be warriors of Asgard who go to the wilderness to survive in the mountains, tempering their will between life and death.

In fact, Asgard was just a small village in the beginning, and it was often invaded by strange beasts in the mountains.

However, with the development, until Odin created the realm of the gods, the alien beasts were completely nothing to be afraid of.

When passing some roads, some people still looked at Topolo and Warren with strange eyes.

After some rough mountain roads, the road finally ends in the Baffin Mountains.

When I looked at it from a distance just now, I could still see the snow-white mountains in the mountains. As I approached the foot of the mountain, lush forests came into view.

At this time in the afternoon, the sun in the sky shone recklessly on Asgard, turning the entire Asgard into a golden capital.

But the mountain range is transparent, and the natural aura tempts everyone to come.

"Let's try the weapon here now, and we'll move on after I'm probably familiar with the weapon." Warren listened to it in an open space and said to Poplar.

"Okay, just let me know if there is something I don't want to do." Bai Yang nodded, found a shorter stone and sat down.

But just as he sat down, he suddenly felt himself rising into the air.

The moment the feeling of weightlessness came, the breeding outfit was quickly covered.

After the poplar in the red cloak landed smoothly, he turned his head and looked to the right.

I saw four feet suddenly grow under a gray rock, dragging the rock-like body to run away. However, the legs are a bit longer than the rocks. When running, the four short legs are like small motors, which looks a bit funny.

"What is this?" Seemingly no longer in danger, Bai Yang asked Warren with his head open.

"It's Limestone, a vegetarian animal that's very timid and lazy, often lying motionless like a real rock," Warren explained with a smile.

"But this kind of creature is still rare, and you just sat on one."

"Then I'm really lucky!" Bai Yang said speechlessly.

"It's really lucky. Although that thing is well hidden, it doesn't take the initiative to attack, so when you get inside, you'd better wear your clothes all the time." He pointed to the red cloak on Topol's body.

Speaking of the jungle, his face became serious.

"Okay!" Bai Yang sat directly on the ground this time and waited.

Warren found a spot, then took the longbow in his hand from behind.

He first tried to pull the bowstring, and under his surprised eyes, a white energy arrow appeared in the longbow.

After the white energy arrow took shape, he aimed at a tree trunk not far away.

"Hey!" A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the energy arrow quickly sank into a tree trunk in a white line, and there was no energy left. After the hole was penetrated, it continued to shoot the next one.

It pierced through two trees and stopped at the third.

Warren ran over excitedly and stopped in front of the tree trunk with energy arrows.

Although each tree trunk here is not thick, the radius is only about ten centimeters, but it is very powerful to be able to penetrate two trees.

"Uncle Warren, build up your strength and see what the limit is." Bai Yang reminded sitting on the lawn.

After hearing the words, Warren returned to the same place again, and then slowly calmed down, raised the longbow in his hand to his chest, and looked sharply into the depths of the forest.

He slowly pulled the bowstring, but after the energy arrows condensed and formed this time, he did not rush to shoot them, but continued to increase the force, tightened the bowstring, and twisted it in a circle at the same time.

The white energy around the arrow became more and more, and the arrow became more and more solid, and gradually became like a real arrow.

As if feeling almost, he let go of the bowstring suddenly.

But this time, after the arrow was shot, it did not make a sharp air-breaking sound, but carried a spiral airflow and quickly disappeared in place.

Unlike the white line that I could still see just now, this time I could only see an afterimage, and the arrow disappeared.

"Pfft! Pfft!..." The sound of countless tree trunks being penetrated resounded in the forest.

Warren quickly disappeared and ran into the forest.

A sparse voice came out. He soon returned with an arrow that was about to dissipate.

"How is it?" Bai Yang raised his eyebrows proudly.

"It's amazing! I don't think any beast can stop this arrow." Thinking of the scene he just checked, he was full of admiration and shock.

"That's good, you'll get acquainted soon."

"As soon as possible!" Warren's face was full of excitement at this time. After experimenting with bows and arrows again, he took out his spear and stabbed the trees again.


About an hour later, he finally became familiar with the weapon in his hand. The two packed up and entered the mountain forest.


On the other side, after Bai Yang left, all the students in the entire Magic Temple came out angrily and began to look for it in the heat of Asgard.

They learned from Ivy's mouth that the thing in Bai Yang's hand when he left was a camera, an ancient thing. Photos can be saved.

In other words, all their faces were clearly recorded.

Good guy, this time the students in the entire Magic Temple started to look for them in Asgard like crazy.

If the other party's pranks are at a bad point and the photos are posted, then their magic palace is really famous in Asgard.


And Poplar himself, at this time, followed Warren in the Baffin Mountains.

No one thought he would go there.

Therefore, they are now in vain.

"...Hey, sample, catch me!" At the corner of the mountain, a man in red leather armor was holding a rabbit with a green gem on his forehead. It has red eyes, snow-white fur, and a round face, which is very cute.

This thing is called Bligh Rabbit. Bligh is a family. It is rumored that tens of thousands of years ago, a rabbit named Bligh was born on this planet, and with the characteristics of fast reproduction, it quickly formed a huge family. .

The origin of Bligh is the emeralds inherited from their heads. Their attack method is to control the explosion of the emeralds and escape at the same time.

Looking at the emerald that was about to explode, Bai Yang released the red magic energy from his hand, which gradually calmed the rabbit down.

"This magic?" Warren next to him asked while looking at this somewhat familiar magic energy.

"I changed it according to the witch's magic, for appeasement and immobilization." Bai Yang said with a smile.

"How about this rabbit meat? Can you make it?" Bai Yang continued to ask.

"No, it's better to sell this thing to others than to eat it." Warren shook his head.

"It looks like it's sold as a pet?"

"Yes, many ladies are like raising one, but because of the characteristics of the explosion of gems, it is basically difficult to capture."

"Alright then, let's catch a little more." Bai Yang's eyes lit up when he heard that.

"Well, but you must pay attention to safety and don't run too far without authorization." Warren urged him.

"OK, but we haven't encountered a powerful alien beast yet!" Bai Yang said with some regret.

"Better keep it that way." Warren smiled and continued to probe the ground for footprints ahead.

The middle poplar caught many precious little rabbits or birds and the like.

It felt a bit too much in the back, and he simply made a cage suspended in the air.

Seeing this, Warren just shook his head helplessly and continued to walk forward.

At this time, he had discovered a rhino-horned bull beast, and he could go back after killing the bull.

After walking with the footprints for a while, the two walked to a bush.

Peeling off the bushes, a horn was blazing, and a cow with an unusual body appeared in front of the two of them.

To be honest, this thing is not badly called a beast. Not only is the horn on its head like a rhinoceros horn blazing, but its body is almost comparable to some elephants on earth.

Seeing this, Warren held his breath, drew the bowstring, aimed at its eyes, and prepared to charge for one-hit kills.

"Wait." Bai Yang suddenly whispered next to him.

Warren withdrew the bow and arrow and looked at Poplar suspiciously.

"Look at the top right." Topol pointed to the top right of the tree crown.

Warren took a closer look in the direction he pointed.

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes.

I saw that on the canopy not far away, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was wrapped around a gray python, hovering above the thick branches, the color is almost the same, if you don't pay attention, you really can't find it.

At this time, it, like Bai Yang, also stared at the rhino horns who were grazing with their heads down.

Warren put down the bow and arrow in his hand gently, ready to give up.

But Bai Yang said again at this time: "I will deal with the big snake above, and you will deal with this big bull whose horns are on fire."

After speaking, before he could react, he disappeared in place.

Warren stretched out his hand, looking a little anxious.

It was a snake capable of illusions. As long as you looked at it, you would fall into a beautiful illusion and be swallowed in the gentle village.

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