Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 59: Expectant mother, Kris, Elena

(Seeking collection, flowers.)

Ditan University——

"The cherry blossoms here are really gorgeous." Sharon gently touched the hair that was blown by the wind to her forehead with her little finger, and said happily.

It has been eight months since she was pregnant. From the abdomen, her high, swollen belly forced her to wear a maternity dress with a black long-sleeved t-shirt and a pink dress outside. The skirt covers approximately the knee and is paired with the same black stockings.

A beauty is a beauty, and everything you wear can be beautiful. In particular, this charming costume was recorded by Jingyu by various means, and once Sharon gritted his teeth. I want to have a child in the future, so I must find out the records and destroy them completely.

Something like Sharon is in her arms, half holding and holding her Jingyu, with the pride and satisfaction of being a man.

"The last time I passed here on the way to Kendo, I thought I would definitely bring you over to see it." He said, "I have been observing recently to determine which day they will drive the best."

"You said that to get some rewards from me." Sharon gave him a white look and gave him more body weight, his head resting on his shoulder.

To be honest, the enlargement of her stomach will make her feel so fragile and powerless that she didn't even think of it at first. Now, even a slightly violent turn, the child in her stomach kicked a few feet in protest.

Sharon can say it responsibly, it really hurts, of course, only if she can really speak up.

As soon as the thoughts in her heart flew here, she stopped. The slightly wrinkled, beautiful and slender eyebrow jumped from time to time. The smile on her face disappeared, like she was enduring something, biting the root of her tooth.

‘This woman! 'Jingyu hugged her tightly.

Knowing her character well, she understood that when the pain was enough to reflect on her face, it was almost unbearable. Otherwise, even if she was shot, Jingyu could imagine how she smiled.

He bent down, pressed his face against Sharon’s stomach, and rubbed it gently. “Don’t be too naughty, your mother is very hard.” He whispered, like he was fetusing inside Sharon’s abdomen. Speak generally.

It's incredible! Although Sharon felt this way, he had to admit that his words were effective every time. However, when the little guy in her belly stopped quietly, there was already a delicate fragrance on her forehead.

The warm gestures of the two people let passers-by soften their expressions and slow down their footsteps and voices when they passed by them. Whether male or female, my heart is full of envy. It's just that the two of them' worlds obviously can't hold anything else.

Jingyu wiped Sharon with her sleeves, holding her pale, and walked towards the usual bench. The two faced the direction of the artificial lake and snuggled together to sit down. She leaned weakly in his arms, and he gently stroked her arm unconsciously.

After a while, seeing her face recovered, he let go of his heart.

"Chrissy, I hope you can stay with her all the time. Otherwise, you won't toss me so often and give you comfort." Sharon looked up and smiled reluctantly at him. Seeing him stunned, she reviewed the sentence just now and couldn't help her face, "You, don't get me wrong, I didn't think so." She twisted her eyes and twisted her head, "It's really not me."

She strongly denied it, but Jingyu apparently already had her own judgment. His hand stroking Sharon's arm lightly patted her as a comfort.

"In the remaining two months, I will be with you more."

In fact, he decided in his heart to be "always with her". This is unwilling to cause her embarrassment, but did not say it intentionally. It was only later that Sharon realized this two months after she gave birth to Kris. Jingyu never left her more than ten meters. And it was at that time that she really fell in love with Jingyu.

Now, "Well, it's up to you." Her coyness came quickly and quickly, but it was not so easy to compromise with him.

Not far from where they were sitting, there was a crossroads. Straight roads extending in four directions are lined with cherry trees. A tall foreign woman with long brown hair walked quietly without expression. She didn't twist her neck back and forth like other passers-by to watch the pink flowers on the tree. Because she knew that there was one of the most beautiful places in her, and now she was going there.

On the bluestone path in the middle of the lawn, she soon stood still. Not to the destination, but something unexpected, where it was occupied by others. It should be a couple. Men with short black hair and women with big golden wavy curls and long hair snuggling together are really happy.

Her expression softened and looked at them quietly. I thought, after a while, maybe they will leave.

Suddenly, the man's head lifted up with the woman in the arms. Just inadvertently, she crossed the distance and stared at her. She stayed for a while, always feeling that those black eyes were familiar. Like, like the man who helped himself once that day.

He obviously saw her too, and seemed to say something to the woman in his arms. Then the woman turned her head and looked at her to get here. She knew that it was him. And, if you don't say hello in the past, it is too rude for a gentleman who has helped himself.

She walked over, with an inexplicable reluctance in her heart.

"Did you not get lost today?" Jingyu quipped when she saw her standing five steps away in front of her.

I couldn't think he would say that, and the gesture of approval was as if she was a lust.

So, "I didn't get lost that day." She decided to make it clear to him, using her mother tongue, "I have said that this is the first time I came to this school that day."

"Oh?" He was obviously surprised. He looked at her up and down with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "You, your skin looks a lot healthier than when we first met. And, you will be so active today. , It really surprised me."

Being so watched by him always gives her a strange feeling of trying to dodge something. And her words made her stunned. I quickly adjusted my emotions and tried to calm myself down.

"That's because you are too rude, and last time you were obviously a gentleman." She said, quite indifferently.

"Regarding this, do you still refuse to tell me your name?" Jingyu ignored what she said as "disrespectful."

She was silent, but Sharon, who had been silent, laughed. "Hum darling, as you said, the emotions revealed by her eyes are really rich and interesting."

"You, you guys!" She was a little emotional, staring at Jingyu, "I still have things, goodbye."

Without waiting for Jingyu to answer, he walked towards the road when he came.

"Hey, we occasionally come to sit, if you are interested, you can come to chat with us." Jingyu shouted behind her.

She didn't stop, a feeling continued to appear in her eyes, ‘I’m not called hello, my name is Elena! ’
