Infinite Replacement

v2 Chapter 60: daily

The third time I met Elena, it was a week apart, and it was another coincidence.

At the crossroads, Jingyu helped Sharon to walk from one side, and on the other road ninety degrees apart, Elena almost squinted. Until they all reached the intersection, when they saw each other, Elena turned away and still stood still.

Jingyu and Sharon glanced at each other, and they could both see the smile in each other's eyes. About the last time they were stimulated by the two, Elena even had a pair of brown glasses on her face. That slightly blocked the exposure of her talking eyes, hiding her feelings more.

"Hello, how are you." After a minute of silence, Elena finally spoke first, "Are you still going to sit there today?"

Although she didn't look at it deliberately, she was not a fool. This is different from the last time, naturally I still know. Presumably, the two people were staring at her as soon as possible. Rather than being spit out by the other party, she quickly grasped the topic and she just thought so, before taking the initiative.

"Well." Jingyu and Sharon and other red lights turned into green lights, slowly walked across the intersection together, "Go together."

In the process, Elena silently followed behind them. She was a little surprised that neither Jingyu seemed to intend to speak about her pair of glasses. It's really very different from the last time the performance was obviously disgusting.

She didn't know that Jingyu and Sharon both classified her as a straightforward and serious girl. Jingyu must have liked her performance a little bit; and Sharon, with her mother's thoughts, consider that it will be a little different if her child is laughed at, can it be accepted by a mother? She is going to have a child and a mother. She feels that she cannot accept it.

The three walked across the path to the bench. This time, Jingyu helped Sharon sit down and motioned to Elena to sit beside her. He crouched in front of Sharon and held her hands.

Elena was a little surprised, thinking that maybe this is indeed the best for three people.

She is of British origin, and she will never be as polite as an Oriental. Jingyu gave in, she said thank you, and she sat down and kept a foot away from Sharon, so that she could not be too close to Jingyu.

Sharon gently reached out and touched Jingyu's earrings, "You don't have to be by my side all the time, just let Flora (maid) accompany me out."

"It's okay, I'm free today." Jingyu smiled.

Sharon Bai glanced at him, "Don't care about the consortium's affairs? I heard what you said on the phone."

"You should understand when you hear it. Just tell them what to do and let them do it by themselves. How can I say, I am also a person in charge, how can I not enjoy the right I deserve." Jingyu grabbed her hand and asked The direction of the hand is slightly off the head, as if leaning on it.

"I can't tell you." At this moment, Sharon's motherhood, which has been brewing more and more recently, all showed. She looked like Jingyu in front of her like a mother who spoiled her children. Perhaps that was her first child with older problems to cope with. Thinking about it, she laughed.

Although Elena sat beside them, she didn't know how to join their conversation. Over time, she felt a little embarrassed. It's as if you are sitting here eavesdropping on the intimate conversation between the husband and wife. I was just thinking of saying goodbye, looking for an excuse that ‘I think I have something to do’, Jingyu and Sharon looked at it almost simultaneously.

"This time, are you still unwilling to tell us the name?" Jingyu asked.

For a while, Elena shook her head and introduced herself: "Elena, I mean Elena Wilson."

She originally said only the name because Wilson is not very nice to call girls. In the UK, everyone likes to use surnames to call people. It seems that Japan also has this habit.

"Elena?" Sharon repeated, "It's a nice name. You can call me Sharon if you like." She introduced herself and didn't mention the surname to avoid being recognized at once. A famous movie star.

She was a little strange, Jingyu didn't say anything. When I looked at him, I found that he was looking at Elena. The look in his eyes was like looking for something familiar. ‘Is it someone he’s seen before? 'Sharon would have such an idea unexpectedly, and then she denied it herself,'still a little different'. She found that his eyes were very similar to the first time he saw himself. She guessed that Jingyu should have heard Elena's name, but never seen a real person. The only thing that made her slightly happy was that Jingyu didn't say her real name.

Jingyu did, as Sharon thought, he finally understood why he felt a little familiar when he first saw her, because it was too much like Miyano Shiho. To really tell the difference, it is about hair color and hairstyle.

For Jingyu, there is no self-introduction, Elena's feeling is different from Sharon's. In other words, she did not think much about her pure mind, because in this school, Jingyu is very famous. For example, on the first day, she won the rank of Kendo 5 and won the supervision of the Kendo Department. 6 of those. His handsomeness and demeanor, even having a charming wife, are all school topics.

"Elena, I'm a little curious." Jingyu thought to her and said to her: "There should be a good university in the UK? Why did you come to Japan? Did you choose to study abroad?"

Emperor Dan School is a system that can take everything from primary school to university. Teachers and the like should be good. However, compared to the internationally renowned schools such as the University of Tokyo, it is still a little worse.

"I have an older sister who is married to a Japanese scientist, Miyano Atsuji." Elena said, "He has great research in chemistry. My sister recommended me to come here, and the choice of studying with him is not important. And besides my sister, I have no other relatives in the UK."

Jingyu raised his eyebrows, "Hino Miyano, a mad scientist? I heard that he is not bad."

"It's just some research." Elena stopped in time, feeling that she shouldn't tell her brother-in-law that it would be rude.

Jingyu never thought about talking about Miyano Atsuji. Jingyu still has some knowledge of his information, knowing that he is now doing research work for the black organization, but he has not realized it yet.

"It has been two weeks since I came to this school. How is it? Have you adjusted to the life here?" Jingyu changed the subject and quipped: "I won't ask for directions like I did for the first time. Can't you speak?"

'Again! ‘Elena’s face appeared a bit unnatural, ‘this person is clearly a gentleman, but has a bad personality. "Thinking about it, she doesn't want to admit defeat.

"I have also made friends, not everyone will be like you."

Her rebuttal is very sharp! Jingyu actually found that this woman did not open her mouth at all as she remembered, she just didn't take the initiative to speak on her own. Therefore, the necessary ‘teasing’ is still indispensable.

"You can make friends, don't you only have one?" Jingyu smiled, squinting at her from bottom to top.

It was possible to see through her brown glasses that the beads of her eyes shifted away from him. Having said that, she didn't need to answer, and Jingyu could know.

"So, what about that?" she said bravely. "It's only two weeks, isn't it?"

"Oh, then I look forward to the next time you meet, the number of your friends will increase." Jingyu said.

'hate! "Elena stood up angrily, "I have something to do, I'm going back, goodbye."

It was like repeating the end of the last time, she said so, while thinking about ‘be sure to give him a good look next time’ while walking quickly. At about ten steps, she stopped suddenly. Turning back to look at Jingyu and Sharon, he was still waving at her. She pursed her lips and resisted the urge to release her anger.

"We exchanged names and agreed to meet again, it should be friends, right?" she asked.

When Jingyu stayed, Sharon couldn't help laughing.

"So, I won." Elena's face smiled for the first time, very cunning and very happy. "There are three of my friends."
