Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 212: Act separately, be careful of the maid

In fact, seeing that her important sister, Nana Li, would be here, Lulu was surprised and speechless. Nana Li's side was still like her, that is, her hair and eyes were slightly different. Girl.

What is going on here?

Even if Lulu's brain is extremely intelligent, it is inexplicable in the absence of information.

As soon as Nimo opened his mouth, Lulu found a doorway and calmed down.

In short, considering the existence of the ‘Fight Rangers’ and definitely not allowing Nana Li to be in danger, even if she just acquired the ability and wants to use Lulu, she still intends to retreat.

She looked at c.c.

"Just separate here, is there no problem?"

c.c.'s eyes were fixed on Nemo. She can feel the connection between the latter and herself, and that is the ‘that thing’ with her code power. However, it was the first time she knew that ‘that thing’ could actually be a person.

In this way, c.c. suddenly thought that if she died, the ‘that thing’ would also disappear, which would be cruel to her who had just gained her autonomy.

c.c. couldn’t help but look at Lulu, thinking that if she could inherit her code, maybe this new individual would not disappear. Originally it was just a whim, she now feels that it is a good choice to contract with Lulu.

Hearing Lulu’s words, “Ah,” she responded vaguely. Out of her disgusting character, she didn’t show the slightest meaning of letting go of Nemo. “I also need to sort out the information. Judging when things are going, maybe I will go find you."

The last sentence was obviously speaking to Nemo.

Nemo heard it, her heart tightened.

Lulu didn't hear it, she frowned.

Nana Li is here, she can't complain to c.c. He snorted softly and pulled Nana Li to leave.

"Ah, wait, wait a minute." Nana Li opened her hands, and under Lulu's surprised eyes, trot to the Purple Palace and bowed slightly: "Thank you for your help, this grace, I don't Will forget."

"It's nothing," unlike Nana Li and Nemo who took off the mask and still covered the face with it, the Purple Palace said lightly: "I brought you out from there, according to the truth, there are Responsibility will send you back. But" she glanced at Lulu, "since the guardian has already appeared, I will stop here with pleasure. I hope you can leave safely."

Her last sentence refers to Nemo. Measured by her combat effectiveness against Nemo, she believes it will be so.

After Nanali thanked her again, she returned to her sister's side, waved her hand to the Purple Palace, and left with Lulu and Nemo.

The two daughters, c.c. and Zihuangyuan, returned to the previous question.

"Hum" c.c. made a nice nasal sound, "It's a coincidence, I was just with him."

"He's here?" Zi Huang Yuan was a little surprised, but she couldn't guess the reason why he came here, so she frowned: "Tell me everything you know."

Just waiting for her c.c. smiled slightly, "So, what exchange do you use?"

"What do you want to know?" Zihuangyuan knew that c.c. wouldn't be so kind, but she thought it was better, so she didn't owe c.c.

"I want to know how the blonde girl appeared." When c.c. asked, he noticed that the Purple Palace had the intention of not going to talk. I thought to myself that she and Altolia are really like that, they are so rigid, but quickly said: "Don't get me wrong, I know her body. It is better to say that it is separated from my strength. "

She showed the pattern on her forehead to the Purple Palace.

When the Purple Palace contacted Nemo when he first saw c.c., I believe what c.c. said was true.

But, "If you promise not to hurt those two girls, I will tell you." She still insisted.

"Even if the information about him is important to you, you are not willing to say it?" c.c. forced her with a smile.

The Purple Palace turned around and walked out in the direction when c.c. came, "I will find it myself, and he is not so vulnerable." c.c. stroked his forehead weakly, ‘Knight is really annoying! ’She called the Purple Palace.

"That guy is now in the resistance organization of this district as the Kyoto dispatcher of "Camio", don't you spoil his pleasure."

She didn't ask the Purple Emperor's Court to say that she said it out of out of kindness because she saw Altolia, and for Altolia, she couldn't help it.

The Purple Emperor's Court stopped and nodded sideways to c.c., leaving without saying anything.

c.c. Knowing that she wrote down this grace, she will be rewarded in some other way.

‘Well, it’s probably the most appropriate to put such a fool in his hands. ’

c.c. Looking at the direction of the Purple Emperor's Palace leaving, there was a slightly gentle smile.


The underground search trio of'Ranger Rangers' really encountered a series of extraordinary things today.

First, when approaching the platform, I saw the speed of a black maid flying down, which was not much more than Alice in the state of gease. The three immediately judged that it was unsuitable to fight against them, and went into hiding.

Although the maid paused, she glanced in the direction of their hiding. I don't know if I found them, they didn't do anything after all, and they continued to run away at the previous speed.

After waiting for a while, the three discussed and decided to go out from the platform once. Whether it is reporting to the Chief Executive, getting instructions, or knowing the current situation of the enemy and the enemy, this should be done.

As a result, they found fresh bloodstains in the ticket office, so they can judge that the direction of tracking is correct. Then they saw the wounds of the guards who died outside the subway station from the body, they thought it was the man who did it.

In other words, he is very likely to leave from here.

In any case, the three collected the blood stains in the ticket office and prepared to record them. In the future, they might be able to find out who was injured by comparison.

The three contacted the chief. The instruction received was ‘Continue Search’ because no suspicious target was found on the ground.

The three of them went back underground and entered another passage, the passage through which the maid went.

Halfway through, they heard footsteps coming and going. But here, there is no place to hide.

Can't you run away without seeing who the other person is?

Moreover, because of their fighting power, it is often the other party who should escape.

So the three stopped.

The footsteps gradually approached, and he was alone. After the figure appeared, the three were really surprised.

Lairen is dressed like a maid. However, a knight's two-handed sword hung from her waist, with a mask covering her face. Even if I saw three people, there was no slightest panic and guard. Still walking tall and standing tall, no one was around.

Of the three, the older black-haired woman pulled the other two back.

The maid in the red robe politely thanked them when she passed them.

The two groups of people are thus separated.


"Okay, it seems to be very strong," said the 16- and 7-year-old girl with twist braids.

"And it's cool!" The 11- and 2-year-old girl with short hair flashed stars in her eyes.

"In short," said the woman with straight black hair, covering her forehead. "Be careful when dealing with the maid in the future."
