Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 213: Gain Karen Trust


The flames were burning, surrounded by the fifth-generation knightmare of Brittania that exploded or was abandoned.

It was the two people who created this scene that Karen looked back and forth through the external sensor of the one-armed red mech. She knew she hadn't become stronger, but when he was alone, the fight would become so easy, and the results achieved were so amazing that she was incredible.

"Karen, are you tired?" He asked with concern from the communicator.


Karen's response seemed reluctant. She is indeed not tired, but her mind is a bit complicated. It is expected that he will be able to fight alongside her as he did just now. Also know that he could not stay to be her companion.

She may have some regrets.

"Replace the battery for me." Holding the knight's gun in the right and the blue mech in the left hand, he turned his back towards her.

Kalian took out the battery from a body that was not badly damaged and replaced it for him.

"How is it?" she asked.

"Well, it's good to have 75% of energy, enough for a while."

He followed suit. Insert the knight's gun on the ground, take the battery, and prepare to replace her.

"You are strong." Kalian said.

‘Stronger than me’, she couldn’t say better.

"It's nothing, if you train well, it will be easy to do just that level," he encouraged her.

"Yeah, I think so too." The single-celled Karen was excited again.

Being recognized by him made her very happy.

After changing the battery, Karen asked him what he would do next. She began to trust him unconsciously.

"If what I expected is good, the force just now was a force that surrounded the periphery. Now, the formation of the Britanian army has collapsed. If you want to prevent the civilians and resistance groups inside from escaping, the other party should take the battleship The surrounding garrison team was transferred and the other party did not expect that we could break this unit."

Jingyu analyzed her, and started the body to run in one direction. Karen followed the body.

"Karen, did you have the guts to hit the battleship where Clovis is?"

"Although Kalian is a carnal school, her acting power is faster than her thinking ability." She is also very intelligent in the end, able to understand Jingyu's danger. But she still asked: "Will that leave everyone safely?"

"If Clovis doesn't want to die, he can only concentrate his soldiers and horses from all over to his battleship to protect himself, what do you say?"

"Okay, then go there right, this direction is not."

Karen made up her mind, but she found that the direction of the blue body's lead was different from the position of Clovis' warship.

"I think, your body is approaching its limit? The performance of the fourth-generation body also limits your performance. I will take you to replace a machine similar to mine. In addition, it is to attract some troops to come. It’s gone. You can’t cover the retreat of others, but let you die here."

"It's worthwhile to trade my own life for everyone." Karen showed her demeanor to keep her eyebrows away.

"But I want you to live." Jingyu said sincerely.

Karen in the cockpit blushed on her cheeks. She squeezed the joystick and the volume increased a lot, blaming:

"Still in battle, you don't have to worry about excess heart, hum!"

Although she seemed unhappy, an inexplicable warmth surged in her chest, which only she knew.

The two then remained silent for a while, breaking into the enemy planes in sight, allowing their tacit understanding to re-play all the way to a place that seemed to provide knightmare supplies on the battlefield.

After several defensive airframes were destroyed here, Karen opened the cockpit of the red airframe, jumped happily, and ran towards a blue airframe without an owner.

Brittania's fifth-generation body, she already wanted to try it out.


Ten minutes ago, the Krishna team was wiped out, causing Clovis to be completely shocked and overwhelmed.

Bartley, who also saw this result, remembered something and suggested to Clovis:

"Your Highness, do you remember the troop transferred from the fifth zone not long ago?"

Clovis blinked his eyes, thoughtfully, "You mean that special honorary foreigner force?"

"Yes, I heard that the combat strength of that unit is very strong, not as good as"

"Well, then order it to attack!" Clovis said: "I hope it can achieve results, otherwise, I have to owe the brother's favor and send the brother's army."

He seemed to be reminded by Bartley, and he remembered that one of the troops had repeatedly vetoed the fact that he wanted to fight.

Bartlett immediately obeyed, and the order was transmitted to the special honorary alien force. The standby Alice started the body of a white, improved body of the fourth-generation glasgow and flew out of the trailer.

When Kallen just sat on the body, the white body had come near the two.

In order to give Karen time to start the body, Jingyu drove the aircraft alone to welcome him.

Alice clearly knows that the driver in the blue body is a master with a round table knight rank. Therefore, she started her gear early—thespeed!


The acceleration of the brain.

To be more precise, it is to speed up the operation of the brain, so that Alice feels that the surrounding time has changed. The surroundings have not slowed down, and Alice feels that they are slow.

When the red gear icon appeared on her forehead, the blue body she saw through the sensor was in slow motion. Where is the trajectory it will run, she quickly captures, controls her own body, and matches the speed of the other body, launching a flying swallow claw to attack there.

The battle is very normal in Jingyu's eyes. He just noticed that the body's forward path was blocked, and he also fired Feiyan's claws to knock off the other party. At the same time, the machine gun in the left hand of the body fired, forcing the opponent to change the direction of travel.

The white body flexibly shuttled between bullets, and no one even wiped the outer shell of the body, which finally aroused Jingyu's interest.

‘It’s the airframe last night, interesting. ’
