Interstellar Industrial Age

v4 Chapter 40: , Large Magellanic Cloud

In the center of the galaxy, a huge team is flying toward the outer edge of the galaxy in the sky.

This team is very large. There are millions of spaceships and spaceships in the sky. They are vast and endless, like a torrent of steel.

This team's speed is very fast. Every time they fly in the sky, they can fly thousands of light years away from the center of the galaxy to the outer periphery of the galaxy. It has already reached the edge of the Milky Way.

But they did not stop, but continued to fly outside. Their destination was the Large Magellanic Cloud, 160,000 light-years away from the Milky Way.

Speaking of the Large Magellanic Cloud, one must mention the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way.

The earth has its own moon, and for the giant galaxy, it also has its own younger brother and its own satellite galaxy.

And the Milky Way has a lot of satellite coefficients, there are more than a dozen, such as the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Small Magellanic Cloud, the Canis Major, the Sagittarius Galaxy, the Aquila Galaxy, the Ursa Galaxy, the Deck Galaxy, and the Lagoon Galaxy. and many more.

All large and small satellite galaxies are satellite galaxies that revolve around the Milky Way, and the Large Magellanic Cloud is the largest of these satellite galaxies.

The Large Magellanic Cloud is only one-fifth the diameter of the Milky Way, about 20,000 light-years away, and has about 20 billion stars, 20 times the number of stars in the Milky Way, and the mass of the central black hole is about the sun. About 2 million times the quality.

Compared with the massive galaxies such as the Milky Way, Andromeda, Triangulum, and Yufu, there is no comparability in terms of mass, size, number of stars, mass of core black holes, and so on.

Therefore, the Large Magellanic Cloud rotates around the Milky Way and becomes the Milky Way's satellite galaxy.

This huge team continues to fly toward the Large Magellanic Cloud. The distance of 160,000 light years is not too far for a spaceship that has reached 4 digits in the speed engine technology. It does not need to be too far. It will take a long time to arrive.

Such a huge team going to the Large Magellanic Cloud is definitely not for sightseeing or conquering the civilization in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

This is a huge construction team dedicated to the construction of the Gate of Time and Space.

At present, there is only one stargate in the space-time gate. That is the space-time gate leading to the Andromeda galaxy from the expeditionary galaxy. This space-time gate bears the important task of communicating the Andromeda galaxy, and there is no way to stop it.

Therefore, if you want to continue to expand in the universe and continue to conquer other river systems, you must build more time and space gates.

The construction of the door of time and space not only requires strong space technology, but more importantly, the place where it is built has many strict requirements. It is not possible to build a door of time and space by simply finding a place.

First of all, the space around where the space-time gate is built must be sufficiently stable, because once the space-time gate is activated, it will inevitably have a dramatic impact on the surrounding space. If the space is not stable enough, it cannot bear it. The tremendous vibration generated by the work of the door of time and space.

Only areas with sufficient space stability can be used to construct the gate of time and space.

Secondly, it takes a lot of material to construct the gate of space-time. The gates of space-time are all degenerate materials. Degenerate states are materials created from the perspective of atoms. They require extremely large materials to complete.

To build a gate of time and space, it is often necessary to dig a large amount of void around to obtain enough material. If the selected area is too scarce, the construction time will become very long and long.

Because all the materials need to be mined from other areas, the amount of engineering will be very large, and a rich area must be selected to build the door of time and space.

In addition to the above two factors, the problem of transportation also needs to be considered. The door of time and space is another core tool for communicating beyond a long distance.

This means that it is a bridge connecting the two river systems. Once the two river systems are included in the Xinghan territory, the interaction between the river system and the river system will become very busy in the future.

This requires that the vast void around the Gate of Time and Space must be empty enough so that it can be used to meet this demand.

The space-time gate here in the expeditionary galaxy is very stable in the void space, which is enough to carry this space-time gate, because it is in the center of the galaxy, and the surrounding material is very rich, enough to meet the needs of building the space-time gate.

However, the construction of the space-time gate of the expeditionary galaxy was not fully considered. Of course, it was also the first time that the space-time gate was constructed at that time, which was considered experimental.

Many things are not fully taken into consideration, and some were found to be impossible after construction.

The simplest two, one is that the expeditionary galaxy is in the center of the Milky Way, hollowing out the surrounding star field, the loss is also great, and even the life planet has been destroyed.

In addition, the expeditionary galaxy is at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. In the future, it will definitely become the center of the stars. Once the population increases, it will become extremely busy. A variety of spaceships, space warships, etc. will continue to fly around. The piece of void has an impact.

And if the surrounding void is controlled, it may cause trouble such as inconvenience to traffic.

So scientists summed up the experience of the construction of the first door of time and space, of course, also saw the trend and trend of the future development of Xinghan.

Therefore, it is also suggested to the high side of Xinghan that the gates of space and time that will be built on the Milky Way in the future should all be placed here in the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way.

Setting up in a satellite galaxy has many advantages. There is enough material in the satellite galaxy to build the door of space and time, and there is enough space to operate. More importantly, it can be diverted. In the future, the development of the star civilization, the galaxy must be the center It will be very busy.

Properly shunting, the benefits of setting the traffic in the satellite galaxy can be reflected.

This is like the era of the earth. Airports are basically placed in the suburbs, because the suburbs have enough space and areas for you to build the airport, and the planes in the suburbs are also safer to take off and land.

The essence is the same. The gate of space and time is like an airport in the universe. It is best to place it in a place like a satellite galaxy to reduce the impact on the prosperous area. It is safer and more convenient.

In a void of the Large Magellanic Cloud, accompanied by waves of space, space-time wormholes continue to emerge, and huge space ships and space warships emerge from it.

As soon as these spaceships and spaceships arrived in the Large Magellanic Cloud, they immediately released countless small spaceships from the spaceships and spaceships.

These small spaceships spread towards the entire Large Magellanic Cloud, and soon covered the entire Large Magellanic Cloud. Each space wave detector was set up. The entire Large Magellanic Cloud was included in the monitoring of the Sky Eye system, and everything was monitored. Clearly.

"Didi ~ Didi ~"

With the opening of the space wave detector, massive amounts of information are continuously gathered into the sky-eye system.

With the development of science and technology, human understanding of the world is constantly improving. With the help of various advanced scientific detection instruments, the speed and scope of understanding the world are also rapidly increasing.

The Large Magellanic Cloud with a diameter of 20,000 light-years does n’t take long for the current Scientologist to detect. It only needs to distribute an unmanned spaceship to all parts of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The spacecraft all carry space wave detectors.

As soon as the space wave probe opened, everything in the entire Large Magellanic Cloud was clearly displayed, and how many stars could be known was clear. There is no need to say anything at all, because the most accurate number can be known.

"The mass of the core black hole is 2.17 million times that of the sun, and the number of stars it owns is 27,263,415,145 stars. Ninety percent of the stars are newly born stars, and their lifetimes generally do not exceed 2 billion years."

"Only in the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud there are some older stars. It can be speculated that the civilization in the Large Magellanic Cloud will be very rare. Even if there is a civilization, it should be born in the central area of ​​the Large Magellanic Cloud, and The level of civilization will not be too high. "

Through the sky-eye system, scientists quickly analyzed the situation in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Although there are many stars here, the stars here are very young and not stable enough, so it is impossible to have life everywhere like the Milky Way.

Life is very common and common in the galaxy ~ ~ Even in the case of civilization, it is very diverse, but the birth of civilization and life is not just casual.

It must have a stable environment, and the most critical and core among them are stars. The stars must be stable enough, and all stars are extremely unstable in the early and late stages, which is not conducive to the birth of life. The development and evolution of civilization.

"There are many places suitable for the construction of the Gate of Time and Space, but it is best to set it in the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The cosmic matter here is denser and the space is stable enough. If there can be some life planets here It's more perfect. "

Through the sky-eye system, scientists can easily find a place suitable for the construction of the gate of space and time in the vast Large Magellanic Cloud, and do not need to go through a spaceship to investigate the entire Large Magellanic Cloud. This is space technology. The strength of the.

Not only can it allow you to go further and have a powerful force, but more importantly, it also allows you to have a more powerful detection ability, which can quickly detect a huge range.

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