Interstellar Industrial Age

v4 Chapter 41: , The port of the universe

In the central area of ​​the Large Magellanic Cloud, in an empty void, accompanied by waves of space, spaceships and spaceships continuously fly out of space-time wormholes.

As soon as they arrived here, these spaceships and spaceships began to become extremely busy. Countless small spaceships took off from these large spaceships and spaceships, and the entire void was filled with these small spacecraft in the blink of an eye. Figure.

At the same time, with the bursts of machinery roaring, the doors above the spaceships and spaceships slowly opened, revealing huge warehouses with various things and equipment.

The mechanical arm slowly loads and unloads these things, the mechanical pens cooperate with each other, and the spaceships also cooperate with each other.

Soon, a huge space port appeared in the void, and it was rapidly expanding at a terrible speed.

Not only the space port, but also the space factories are slowly appearing in the void. All the space buildings are neatly planned, scattered, and huge in scale. Yan is to build this place into a huge industrial center.

In fact, this is also the case.

To build a door to time and space, the materials needed are too large. To collect materials, you need to process these materials into degenerate materials, then process them into the required parts, and finally combine these parts and the like. , Forming the door of time and space.

The door of time and space is too large, and the degenerate material is too heavy, so the best way is to process it on site and then consign it to the past.

There is simply no way to say that the processing is done in various places first, and then combined, which means that a huge industrial processing center must be built here.

The empty void, the huge number of spaceships and spaceships, and the extremely busy figure are only a few days. The original empty void is like a mushroom in spring, and it is like a magic. Space complex.

In a star field farther away, some spaceships are busy, collecting resources, slowly hollowing out galaxies, massive resources are continuously gathered, and then further processed here into zeros of degenerate materials component.

The area at the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud is the earliest formed area of ​​the Large Magellanic Cloud. Everything is very stable. Science has also produced a lot of life planets here, even on some life planets there is the birth of civilization.

But now, with a large number of spaceships and spaceships coming to these places, these life planets are undoubtedly occupied. As for the civilizations born in the homeland, willing to obey, the Xinghan side directly migrated to the Andromeda galaxy, unwilling Obedient, that would not be too polite.

In the future, the Large Magellanic Cloud will become a hub and center for the external communication of the Milky Way. As a hub and center for transportation, in general, this will become a port in the universe. Naturally, it needs to carry a lot of things. a lot of.

In the future, there will be time and space gates leading to various river systems, connecting each river system as the center of the transportation hub. It is not only a distribution center for logistics, but also a distribution center for people. This means that it must be There are a considerable number of life planets used for rest and transit.

Therefore, the native civilization here in the Large Magellanic Cloud, these native life planets are definitely to be migrated and requisitioned, of course, this is also for security needs.

In places like transportation hubs, it is natural to let Xinghan control it by himself. Any outsider can't believe it, and they cannot be allowed to stay within this range.

Time is slowly passing, and more and more spaceships are flying here from the center of the galaxy to join this huge construction team.

On top of life planets, cities rise above the earth. These cities are different from the traditional cities of Xinghan. The cities here will become places for travelers to rest and trade, so at a glance. It is a strong taste of a commercial city, lacking the taste of a "home" among traditional Xinghan cities.

Everywhere in the void, huge clusters of space buildings were also copied and pasted, and were built at a speed beyond imagination, either as a space port or a space industrial center.

Pieces of originally rich star fields are very busy here. Countless asteroids and rocky planets have been mined out. Except for the solitary stars, all the matter in the entire galaxy is disappearing at a terrible speed, and the mined is clean. net.

The entire Large Magellanic Cloud has become extremely busy, like a huge construction site, a cosmic age port is slowly forming.

In the central area of ​​a busy star field, the prototype of a time and space gate can already be seen between faintly.

With the passage of time, the population of Xinghan is constantly exploding, and the national power is also growing rapidly at a terrible rate. It took tens of thousands of years to build the first space-time gate to Andromeda Galaxy.

The construction of the second space-time gate to the constellation Yufu, the science estimates that only a few thousand years is enough.


In the back garden of the Yellow Palace of the Solar System Earth, Qin Yi is thinking about the jade constellation.

The construction of the Gate of Time and Space will take only a few thousand years to complete, and now Qin Yi has to think about how to annex the constellation of Yufu.

The Milky Way galaxy is about 11 million light-years away from the Milky Way. It is the third farthest away from the Milky Way. The second farthest is the Triangulum galaxy, which is only less than 5 million light-years away.

However, the Triangulum galaxy is very small, only half the size of the Milky Way, and has only about 10 billion stars.

However, the galaxy gauze is different. According to speculation and calculations by cosmic astronomy scientists, the number of stars in the galaxy is about 50 trillion. The diameter is more than one million light years.

This is an extremely large river system, very rich.

You should know that the number of stars in the Milky Way is only about 400 billion, and the Andromeda Galaxy is not bad. It is only about 1 trillion stars. The number of stars in the Andromeda Galaxy is fifty times that of the Andromeda Galaxy. It can be seen how huge and rich the galaxy is.

But a rich river system often means that the strength of the local civilization here will be more powerful.

If the Milky Way is not counted as the Xinghan civilization, it is only a five-level universe civilization Bopoli empire, or the kind of the primary five-level universe civilization. As for the number of the fourth-level universe civilization, there are only 106.

But the Andromeda galaxy is different. There are twelve fifth-level cosmic civilizations, and each fifth-level cosmic civilization has already embarked on its own path. The Bonava Empire has even embarked on two paths, as far as four There are tens of thousands of cosmic civilizations.

The strength of these civilizations in the Andromeda Galaxy can easily crush and explode the Milky Way. If it is not because the vast void between the rivers is really dangerous, the civilization of the Andromeda Galaxy has long invaded the Milky Way and annexed the Milky Way.

Of course, the Andromeda galaxy might have been annexed by the civilization of the Yufu galaxy.

The number of stars is fifty times that of the Andromeda galaxy. Even if the civilization of the Yufu galaxy is estimated according to the development of the Andromeda galaxy.

The number of five-level cosmic civilizations in the Yufu Galaxy is at least 600. As for the number of four-level cosmic civilizations, there must be hundreds of thousands. It can be said that five levels are everywhere, and four levels are not as good as dogs. This is the case with the galaxies.

This is at least the most conservative rule. In fact, the development of civilization is often driven. Simply put, a strong and advanced civilization can drive the development of other backward and weak civilizations around it.

For example, in the era of HNA on the earth, although Europeans are aggressors and colonists, the belt has indeed led to the development and progress of civilization in other parts of the world. Although this kind of driving and promotion is accompanied by countless blood and tears, it is also undeniable fact.

In the interstellar universe, competition between civilizations and between civilizations and civilizations learn from each other. Naturally, in such an environment, a strong civilization can drive the development of weak and backward civilizations.

Although the number of stars in the Andromeda Galaxy is five times that of the Milky Way, but the overall strength of civilizations, the strength of these civilizations in the Andromeda Galaxy may be tens, hundreds, and thousands of times that of all civilizations in the Milky Way.

Pushing this truth to the Uranus galaxy, UU readers scientists of the Xinghan civilization also estimated that the overall civilization of the Uranus galaxy may be ten thousand times stronger than the overall strength of the Andromeda galaxy, which is a geometric multiple. The general explosion sound grows.

Scientists estimate that there should be no 6th-level cosmic civilization born in the constellation Yufu. If there is a 6th-level cosmic civilization, it would have invaded the galaxy long ago.

However, the number of fifth-order universe civilizations in the galaxy will be very large, and the strength of fifth-order universe civilizations in the galaxy will be very powerful and terrible.

Among them, there may be some five-level cosmic civilizations that have walked a long way on a road, and there may also be civilizations that have walked a long way on multiple roads. They are powerful and have a variety of powerful and incredible technologies.

It is definitely not an easy task to annex the galaxies of the Uranus constellation. Under the command of these galaxy-level civilizations, they ca n’t help at all. They can only rely on themselves. Naturally, they need good plans and plans.

PS: I owed you a chapter yesterday ~~

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